Ron Dippold

First Name:Ron
Last Name:Dippold
Last Change:2000-11-22
Number of Files:2 (793rd most prolific)
Number of Downloads:17,080 (685th most downloaded)

Black Jack 49 1.0   (details) 49/50 ENG   16 KB / 11 KB
ScreenshotThis is a blackjack game. You play against the HP and you have to win money.
By Ron Dippold and Laurent Mas (hpsam). 2000-11-22

BlackJack   (details) 48 ENG   15 KB / 9 KB
ScreenshotBlackjack implementation where you can pick the amount of money to bet on each round.
By Ron Dippold. 1997-08-21

Part of the HP Calculator Archive,
Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.