Alain Müller

First Name:Alain
Last Name:Müller
Web Address:
Last Change:2001-03-25
Number of Files:6 (282nd most prolific)
Number of Downloads:39,654 (278th most downloaded)

AM Tools   (details) 48 FRA   5 KB / 6 KB
Tools Includes several math programs, including a 3x3 matrix determinant program which solves systems of three equations with three variables, solves quadratic equations, and more.
By Alain Müller. 1998-10-22

Babal Extra Levels   (details) 49/50 ENG FRA   2 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotFive extra levels for Babal and a level manager for even more fun.
By Alain Müller and Laurent Mas (hpsam). 2000-11-20

Babal Levels   (details) 48 ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
Five extra levels for Babal and a level manager.
By Alain Müller. 1998-10-22

Pions 2   (details) 48 FRA   3 KB / 4 KB
ScreenshotThere are pawns on a table and you can take one to three pawns. Try not to take the last pawn. You can even play on two calculators!
By Alain Müller. 1998-10-22

Pions 48   (details) 48 ENG   5 KB / 5 KB
ScreenshotThere are pawns on a table and you can take one to three pawns. Try not to take the last pawn. You can even play on two calculators (48 or 49)!
By Alain Müller and Laurent Mas (hpsam). 2001-03-25

Pions 49   (details) 49/50 FRA   5 KB / 5 KB
ScreenshotThere are pawns on a table and you can take one to three pawns. Try not to take the last pawn. You can even play on two calculators (48 or 49)!
By Alain Müller and Laurent Mas (hpsam). 2001-03-25

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