Roger Gustavo Saravia Aramayo

First Name:Roger Gustavo
Last Name:Saravia Aramayo
Last Change:2004-07-24
Number of Files:4 (443rd most prolific)
Number of Downloads:25,421 (470th most downloaded)

Kardestuncer (Advanced Structural Analysis) 1.0 R30   (details) 48 ENG ESP   513 KB / 6 KB
ScreenshotStructural analysis software with powerful features. Includes static analysis of plane structures including grid structures (it can solve any plane structure with any load condition), load cases (it supports infinite load cases), complete and accurate results (it reports all data analysis), practical data input (it has a simple way for codifying the structure), customizable (it has adjustable options), solution by matrix method (it uses the matrix stiffness method), and small code size.
By Roger Gustavo Saravia Aramayo. 2004-02-03

Telefones   (details) 48 ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
Telephone number manager. Very primitive interface.
By Roger Gustavo Saravia Aramayo. 1997-08-21

Telefones   (details) 49/50 ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotTelephone number manager.
By Roger Gustavo Saravia Aramayo. 1999-08-13

Winter (Concrete reinforced design) 2.0   (details) 48 ESP   290 KB / 6 KB
ScreenshotAconcrete reinforced beam designer for the G series. Easy way of input data and practical way of get results. Beams with rectangular and T sections can be designed according to the ACI code. Detailed shear design according to the ACI code is also included. Complete reports. Complete documentation.
By Roger Gustavo Saravia Aramayo. 2004-07-24

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