Steve VanDevender

First Name:Steve
Last Name:VanDevender
Last Change:2008-08-24
Number of Files:13 (106th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:71,996 (136th most downloaded)

INPUT Function Info   (details) 48 ENG   2 KB
Some general information about how to use the User RPL INPUT command.
By Steve VanDevender. 1998-04-06

IR Sample (Remote4)   (details) 48 ENG   7 KB / 1 KB
Turns your GX into a learning remote control by sampling the infrared emissions of another remote control.
By Steve VanDevender. 2008-08-24

Machine Language Tips   (details) 48 ENG   10 KB
Some tips for programming the HP 48 in machine language (assembly language).
By Steve VanDevender. 1997-08-21

MD5 EncryptionGet It   (details) 48 ENG   5 KB / 5 KB
MD5 Encryption program. Fast: in System RPL and assembly language.
By Steve VanDevender. 2000-03-03

MD5 EncryptionGet It   (details) 49/50 ENG   6 KB / 6 KB
MD5 encryption program. Fast: in System RPL and assembly.
By Steve VanDevender and Thomas Désir (TotoHP). 2000-04-29

RAND   (details) 48 ENG   3 KB
Identifies the algorithm used by the random number generator.
By Detlef Müller and Steve VanDevender. 2008-08-17

Random Numbers   (details) 48 ENG   9 KB
Lots of information on random numbers with the 48, including chances of getting a repeated number.
By Klaus Wolferts, John H Meyers, and Steve VanDevender. 1999-01-06

REPLACE   (details) 48 ENG   2 KB
All about the System RPL word 'REPLACE'.
By Joseph K. Horn and Steve VanDevender. 2008-08-17

S/KEY   (details) 48 ENG   40 KB / 16 KB
Generates a passphrase using MD4 or MD5.
By Steve VanDevender. 1998-11-04

SXWatch   (details) 48 ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotAnother (and supposedly the best) analog clock.
By Steve VanDevender. 1997-08-21

Too Many 1-Bits   (details) 48 ENG   5 KB
Humorous newsgroup post about how having too many 1-bits causes the batteries to drain more quickly.
By Steve VanDevender. 2008-08-12

Visual Clock   (details) 48 ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotAnalog clock program.
By Steve VanDevender. 2008-08-22

WHILE-REPEAT-END Clause   (details) 48 ENG   2 KB
Some information about the structure of the WHILE-REPEAT-END clause.
By Steve VanDevender. 2008-08-17

Part of the HP Calculator Archive,
Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.