Warren Severin

First Name:Warren
Last Name:Severin
Last Change:2008-01-12
Number of Files:3 (561st most prolific)
Number of Downloads:16,739 (698th most downloaded)

Dodad 1.1   (details) 48 ENG   4 KB / 1 KB
Some miscellaneous System RPL utilities for user keys, comma-delimited numbers, and alarms in a 668 byte library.
By Warren Severin. 1998-01-15

DODAD49 1.0   (details) 49/50 ENG   4 KB / 1 KB
This is a recompile for the 49G/48gII/49g+/50g of the original DODAD utilities I posted ten years ago for HP 48G(X). (Just got a new 50g!) These are a few utilities I created because I wanted them and couldn't find them anywhere else. Probably the most useful routine in this set is 'CD', for displaying long numbers with comma thousand delimiter.
By Warren Severin. 2008-01-12

SASM Docs in PDF Format   (details) 48 ENG   119 KB
Information on assembly language programming of the HP 48 from Goodies Disk 4. In Adobe Acrobat PDF format.
By Hewlett-Packard and Warren Severin. 1998-01-15

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.