Thomas R. Metcalf

First Name:Thomas R.
Last Name:Metcalf
Last Change:2024-08-31
Number of Files:6 (282nd most prolific)
Number of Downloads:27,765 (423rd most downloaded)

Almanac   (details) 48 ENG   9 KB / 6 KB
Program to do celestial navigation. It computes a position fix from observations of any number of celestial bodies using a least squares fit to the altitude of the bodies as a function of time. The routine does all the standard corrections for dip, refraction, parallax etc. as well as correcting for motion of the observer between sights.
By Thomas R. Metcalf. 2008-08-11

Celestial Navigation 4.3   (details) 48 ENG   25 KB / 21 KB
ScreenshotComputes a position fix from observations of any number of celestial bodies using a least squares fit to the altitude of the bodies as a function of time. The routine does all the standard corrections for dip, refraction, parallax etc. as well as correcting for motion of the observer between sights.
By Thomas R. Metcalf. 2017-08-12

NAV48 Tricks   (details) 48 ENG   17 KB
Shortcuts and tricks for Sparcom's Celestial Navigation Pack.
By Thomas R. Metcalf. 1998-01-09

NAV50 - Sparcom Celestial Navigation Pac 2.5.1   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   601 KB / 115-133 KB
ScreenshotThis is another modified version of the Sparcom Celestial Navigation Pac, patched to work on the 49/50 and virtual machines, and an alternative to Sparcom Celestial Navigation Pac (50g Patch). This reworks the display format of some program results, eliminates a risk of error in the ARTH program, updates the Messier data, moves the extended star list to a separate file, and adds PDF documentation.
By Thomas R. Metcalf, Eddie C. Dost, and Olivier M.P. Coignard. 2024-08-31

Sparcom Celestial Navigation Pac 2.5.1   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   6,101 KB / 128 KB
ScreenshotThis is the Sparcom Celestial Navigation Pac based on the celnav.lib by the original author. The package contains a dump of the original card for use in HP 48 emulators or on a memory card, the port of the software to the 49/50 as a library, and the scanned manual as a PDF. The dump is compatible with the 48SX/48GX; the library is compatible with the 49g+/50g. Redistributed with the permission of the family of Dr. Thomas Metcalf.
By Thomas R. Metcalf and Eddie C. Dost. 2012-12-25

Sparcom Celestial Navigation Pac (50g Patch)   (details) 49/50 ENG   81 KB / 128 KB
ScreenshotThis is a modified version of the Sparcom Celestial Navigation Pac, patched to work on the 49/50 and virtual machines. It includes these improvements: better display formatting, ADV program now reaches the expected result and it can run on real or virtual machines.
By Thomas R. Metcalf, Eddie C. Dost, and Andres Capdevila. 2023-05-13

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