Davide Di Gennaro

First Name:Davide
Last Name:Di Gennaro
Last Change:2000-05-13
Number of Files:13 (106th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:77,625 (121st most downloaded)

Algebra Library 3.01   (details) 48 ENG   8 KB / 4 KB
Algebra library, with commands for factoring, GCD, Fibonacci and Bernoulli numbers, permutations, and more. Includes source code.
By Davide Di Gennaro (HPPF). 2000-05-13

ASCII 48   (details) 48 ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
Graphic manipulation library, for turning grobs into strings, enlarging grobs, and more. Includes source code.
By Davide Di Gennaro (HPPF). 2000-05-13

Black Box   (details) 48 ENG   8 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotGame with a 10 by 10 board where you must find the hidden atoms by shooting light into the box. Includes source code.
By Davide Di Gennaro (HPPF). 2000-05-13

CPU 48   (details) 48 ENG   28 KB / 13 KB
ScreenshotContains dozens of useful programs, for math, memory management, programming routines, and more. Includes source code.
By Davide Di Gennaro (HPPF). 2000-05-13

Hour 3.1   (details) 48 ENG   5 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotHOUR displays a world map, with a single hour-zone highlighted and a "real time" clock. Includes source code.
By Davide Di Gennaro (HPPF). 2000-05-13

Knapsack   (details) 48 ENG   6 KB / 2 KB
Solves knapsack-style problems, such as fitting songs on each side of a tape or files on a set of floppy disks. Includes source code.
By Davide Di Gennaro (HPPF). 2000-05-13

Magic   (details) 48 ENG   8 KB / 4 KB
ScreenshotTop-view adventure game, where you must get to the lower right corner with the aid of spells and other weapons. Includes source code.
By Davide Di Gennaro (HPPF). 2000-05-13

Mini Calendar   (details) 48 ENG   8 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotSmall, multi-language calendar with Easter calculator. Includes source code.
By Davide Di Gennaro (HPPF). 2000-05-13

Mysic   (details) 48 ENG   8 KB / 19 KB
Collection of small music players and crunchers in part inspired by Brian Maguire's TUNE. Includes source code.
By Davide Di Gennaro (HPPF). 2000-05-13

Platinum   (details) 48 ENG   30 KB / 4 KB
Catalog and string and graphic viewer. Also includes lots of add-on tools. Includes source code.
By Davide Di Gennaro (HPPF). 2000-05-13

Scan 4.1b   (details) 48 ENG   10 KB / 5 KB
Virus checking utility, which checks the integrity of all contents of memory. Includes source code.
By Davide Di Gennaro (HPPF). 2000-05-13

TimeTable Display Utility   (details) 48 ENG   6 KB / 2 KB
Generic timetable generator for generating train schedules and stuff like that. Includes source code.
By Davide Di Gennaro (HPPF). 2000-05-13

X2X   (details) 48 ENG   14 KB / 4 KB
Extremely fast assembly language routines for working with symbolic matrices. Includes source code.
By Davide Di Gennaro (HPPF). 2000-05-13

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