
First Name:
Last Name:Gamal
Last Change:1998-06-06
Number of Files:4 (443rd most prolific)
Number of Downloads:30,860 (381st most downloaded)

Dinamica 2.0   (details) 48 ESP   28 KB / 30 KB
ScreenshotLibrary with theory and solved problems in dynamics. Requires TED and BZ.
By Cesar Asencio and Gamal. 1998-06-06

Inferencia Estadistica   (details) 48 ESP   33 KB / 45 KB
ScreenshotHundreds of formulas and other information useful to civil engineering students. Requires TED and BZ.
By Gamal. 1998-05-13

Investigacion Operativa   (details) 48 ESP   36 KB / 40 KB
Screenshot"Operation research" notes, probably for cheating on tests. Requires TED and BZ.
By Gamal. 1998-05-13

Termodinamica   (details) 48 ESP   28 KB / 30 KB
A large amount of notes on thermodynamics. Requires TED and BZ.
By Gamal. 1998-05-13

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.