Edwin Córdoba

First Name:Edwin
Last Name:Córdoba
Web Address:https://web.archive.org/web/20050516215146/http://www.geocities.com/ecordoba74/
Last Change:2005-11-25
Number of Files:5 (345th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:179,788 (39th most downloaded)

Seccion 1.0   (details) 48 ESP   32 KB / 12 KB
ScreenshotCalculates the area, center of gravity, moments of inertia and main angle of any shape.
By Edwin Córdoba. 2000-01-21

Seccion 1.0   (details) 49/50 ESP   32 KB / 12 KB
ScreenshotCalculates the area, center of gravity, moments of inertia and main angle of any shape.
By Edwin Córdoba. 2000-05-13

VaporHp 0.9   (details) 49/50 ENG ESP   260 KB / 38 KB
ScreenshotSteam tables with thermodynamic properties of water and steam calculated from the industrial standard IAPWS-IF97. Only works in port 0.
By Edwin Córdoba. 2005-11-25

VigaG 4.1Get It   (details) 48 ENG ESP   207 KB / 24 KB
ScreenshotStructural analysis program for all types of beams, by introducing the conditions of support and load, resulting in reactions in the supports, the diagram of flectors, etc. For the G series only.
By Edwin Córdoba. 2001-04-05

VigaG 4.1bGet It   (details) 49/50 ENG ESP   171 KB / 24 KB
ScreenshotStructural analysis program for all types of beams.
By Edwin Córdoba. 2001-05-18

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.