Steve Mauser

First Name:Steve
Last Name:Mauser
Last Change:2008-08-22
Number of Files:3 (561st most prolific)
Number of Downloads:13,108 (848th most downloaded)

Countdown Timer   (details) 48 ENG   5 KB / 5 KB
ScreenshotCountdown timer with large numbers.
By Steve Mauser. 1997-08-21

Countdown Timer 2   (details) 48 ENG   4 KB / 4 KB
ScreenshotAnother countdown timer.
By Steve Mauser. 1997-08-21

Flight Planning and Tracking Library   (details) 48 ENG   28 KB / 29 KB
ScreenshotProvides a menu-driven library which facilitates flight planning calculations, for weight/balance, winds aloft, route planning, flight plan times and headings, and fuel requirements. Also performs flight tracking and in-flight calculations, with audible alarms for expected checkpoint crossings, TAS/IAS conversions, pressure and density altitudes, groundspeed determination, and winds aloft. Also provides an interconnection to the TIMER LIB, a large-digit timer function for holds and approaches.
By Steve Mauser. 2008-08-22

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.