Arno Kizina

First Name:Arno
Last Name:Kizina
Last Change:2018-04-09
Number of Files:5 (345th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:4,241 (2,048th most downloaded)

Jacobian   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotCAS program that calculates the Jacobian of a matrix. Also can evaluate it at a certain point.
By Salvo Micciché (salvomic) and Arno Kizina. 2018-04-09

Locus Curve 1.1   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
Calculates from given set of functions the curve (s) through max and min points or through turning points.
By Arno Kizina. 2018-02-27

Numeric Integration   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 6 KB
Uses a hybrid of CAS and Home-program to compute the integral of an input entered function, the borders and intervals to compute diverse numeric integrals. It can easily be extended to other formulas; the included ones are those the author sometimes needs to check hand-calculations made by his pupils.
By Arno Kizina. 2017-12-28

Surface and Flux Integrals   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 3 KB
Implementation of surface and flux integrals, returning the surface of the paraboloid.
By Arno Kizina. 2017-11-05

Taylorani   (details) Prime ENG   20 KB / 8 KB
Displays a (hopefully) animated Taylor approximation of a function that can be entered via View: Input Data. There is sine without using input and cosine preselected in input.
By Arno Kizina. 2017-11-12

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