Animation Browser |
Description: | Animation cataloging program including 23 animations. |
Filename: | |
ID: | 1030 |
Author: | Raymond Del Tondo |
Downloaded file size: | 326,087 bytes |
Size on calculator: | 4 KB |
Platforms: | 48 |
User rating: | Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote) |
Primary category: | Graphics/Animations |
Languages: | ENG |
File date: | 1998-06-29 19:54:26 |
Source code: | Not included |
Download count: | 5,990 |
Version history: | 1998-06-29: Added to site
Archive contents: | Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
538 06-29-98 19:54 ab.txt
3383 06-29-98 21:51 AB.LIB
61440 08-24-95 00:17 AIR.ARY
3968 03-10-96 14:49 BRAID.ARY
13568 08-24-95 01:17 BUCKY.ARY
13095 04-10-95 21:08 COOL.ARY
4992 04-28-98 01:09 CUBE3D.ARY
1792 04-27-98 22:14 DRUUNA.ARY
12416 08-25-95 00:40 EXTREME.ARY
3456 08-24-95 00:24 FACTORY.ARY
8448 04-12-95 00:53 GLBR.ARY
6912 10-08-95 21:47 GLBR2.ARY
11136 10-19-95 03:55 HULA.ARY
6696 04-09-95 20:57 KNOT.ARY
32128 08-24-95 00:23 LIS.ARY
101632 08-24-95 01:02 LISTERIN.ARY
19456 10-19-95 03:39 MORPH1.ARY
21376 06-11-98 01:16 MORPH2.ARY
8064 08-25-95 00:21 RIPS.ARY
7857 04-12-95 20:52 RIPS2.ARY
18816 06-19-95 12:37 SAPASS.ARY
19072 06-19-95 12:43 SATURN.ARY
6016 08-24-95 00:26 STAR.ARY
7168 08-25-95 00:05 STAR2.ARY
9216 06-19-95 12:51 VENUSYR.ARY
-------- -------
402641 25 files |
Library contents: | AB.LIB: Library 1200, AB :4.1ΒΈ'98RH
User comments: | No comments at this time. |
| You must be logged in to add your own comment. |