Raymond Del Tondo

First Name:Raymond
Last Name:Del Tondo
Last Change:2020-12-30
Number of Files:36 (28th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:222,132 (28th most downloaded)

3D Tic Tac Toe 3.1   (details) 48 ENG   6 KB / 5 KB
ScreenshotReal 4*4*4 TicTacToe. Lets you play against the HP! Fully System RPL, autosave/restore game, auto replay, keeps track of your moves, and built-in help screen.
By Raymond Del Tondo. 2002-04-28

3D Tic-Tac-Toe 3.0   (details) 49/50 ENG   6 KB / 4 KB
ScreenshotReal 4*4*4 TicTacToe. Fully System RPL, autosave/restore game, auto replay, keeps track of your moves, and built-in help screen.
By Raymond Del Tondo. 1999-09-03

Animation Browser   (details) 48 ENG   319 KB / 4 KB
Animation cataloging program including 23 animations.
By Raymond Del Tondo. 1998-06-29

apndvarlst Replacement   (details) 48 ENG   3 KB
Faster assembly language version of apndvarlst.
By Raymond Del Tondo. 1998-12-09

B0.LIB 2.0   (details) 48 ENG   7 KB / 10 KB
This is the *real* Input Form Engine replacement lib for the 48 G(X). Now you can store it in any port, even in hidden ports. Nevertheless port 0 or 1 are recommended for speed reasons. You need the CF.LIB (included) in port 0 to enable B0.LIB.
By Raymond Del Tondo. 2001-12-20

BigDisp   (details) 48 ENG   10 KB / 12-18 KB
ScreenshotBigger stack display loop inspired by Blind from Mika Heiskanen. In contrast to BLIND, this uses external fonts, with five possible sizes (11, 12, 13, 14, or 15 pixels tall).
By Raymond Del Tondo. 2020-12-30

CC 2.0   (details) 48 ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotSimple, fast, and small character set catalog for the S series.
By Raymond Del Tondo. 2017-06-25

CC - CharBrowser 5.0a   (details) 48 ENG   6 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotThe fast(est) character set browser for the HP-48. Shows 128 chars at a time. Useful additional information. Now key help has been added. Completely new display engine which bangs all char info like key help, TransIO, 5x7, and 5x9 representation into display in real-time.
By Raymond Del Tondo. 2001-08-05

CF.LIB 2.0   (details) 48 ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
CF.LIB is the general configurator for all my replacement libs, like SpeedBrowser, Input Form Engine, Stk6, the key libs, and many others. It must reside in port 0 of the 48 G(X). You can enable or disable the replacement libs with a menu key, w/o warmstart. Sets VARS menu on startup.
By Raymond Del Tondo. 2001-12-20

CHU and MBOX   (details) 48 ENG   7 KB / 5 KB
Replacement CHOOSE and message box routines that one can use in both the S and G series.
By Raymond Del Tondo. 1998-06-29

Compose   (details) 48 ENG   11 KB / 6 KB
ScreenshotPlays single-voice songs and other pieces of music, along with a tool to create your own songs. Includes some sample songs.
By Wolfgang Rautenberg and Raymond Del Tondo. 2000-04-09

D3D   (details) 48 ENG   6 KB / 4 KB
ScreenshotDraws a 3D representation of a matrix of real numbers. Ported to the HP 48 from the HP 49.
By Raymond Del Tondo and Cyrille de Brébisson (HpMad). 2003-07-19

DB2   (details) 48 ENG   5 KB / 5 KB
ScreenshotAnother database program, written entirely in System RPL.
By Todd Eckrich and Raymond Del Tondo. 1998-06-29

DODIS   (details) 48 ENG   4 KB / 3 KB
Machine language disassembler extracted from <-RPL48->.
By Raymond Del Tondo and Detlef Müller. 1998-07-15

Fast Six Level Stack 6.0a   (details) 48 ENG   9 KB / 5 KB
ScreenshotFastest six level stack display with useful status information, such as free memory and extensive port status info. All status display (standard info & extended) is done in ML. Now features a built-in fast six level interactive stack environment, which keeps the extended status. S6 has its own built-in 6x7 font.
By Raymond Del Tondo. 2001-08-19

Flag Catalog 4.1   (details) 48 ENG   13 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotFast flag browser.
By Raymond Del Tondo. 1998-07-03

FormMaster   (details) 48 ENG   55 KB / 12 KB
Replaces the form engine and the full-screen browser with faster versions. This is a work in progress, and needs your help to be completed. Includes source code.
By Raymond Del Tondo. 1998-09-10

HapamanGet It   (details) 48 ENG   10 KB / 5-6 KB
ScreenshotGood PacMan clone.
By Davor Jadrijevic, Detlef Müller, and Raymond Del Tondo. 1997-08-21

Input Form Builder   (details) 48 ENG   6 KB / 7 KB
ScreenshotGraphical input form maker. Inspired by but unrelated to Steen Schmidt's HP 49 program.
By Raymond Del Tondo. 2000-09-18

LB   (details) 49/50 ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
List browser similar to the one by James Donnelly, but faster, shorter, and uses less memory.
By Raymond Del Tondo. 1999-10-02

Memory Scanner 2.0   (details) 48 ENG   5 KB / 3 KB
The internal memory editing utility of the S/SX has been removed in the GX so this tool will fill the gap.
By Raymond Del Tondo. 1997-08-21

Menu Label Maker 12.06   (details) 48 ENG   4 KB / 3 KB
Program inspired by the label builder from Donnelly, and has a similar user interface, but was written new from scratch, is very fast and has many nice features like invert, import, export, mark. See MM.txt for details.
By Raymond Del Tondo. 2013-12-28

Message Browser   (details) 48 ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
Allows one to, using the browser, view all of the built-in messages.
By Raymond Del Tondo. 1998-06-29

PT   (details) 48 ENG   17 KB / 20 KB
ScreenshotMuch faster and smaller, completely rewritten version of HP's periodic table library.
By Raymond Del Tondo. 2000-05-13

Raymond's FONT7   (details) 49/50 ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
New 7 pixel system font that is easier to read.
By Raymond Del Tondo. 1999-09-27

RPL48 3.0   (details) 48 ENG   247 KB / 28 KB
System RPL and assembly language development toolkit for the HP 48.
By Detlef Müller and Raymond Del Tondo. 1999-01-11

SDK48 2.1   (details) 48 ENG   11 KB / 4 KB
ScreenshotVery fast and easy to use SUDOKU solver.
By Raymond Del Tondo. 2008-05-11

SpeedBrowser 5.3   (details) 48 ENG   13 KB / 7 KB
ScreenshotThe SpeedBrowser is the fastest fully compatible replacement for the G model built-in full screen browser. Runs on all HP 48 revisions (A-R). It adds many features, like switching between small or medium fonts, a slider or the direction arrows, a User RPL and System RPL interfaces. So you can build your own browser interfaces very easily. CF.LIB (included) in port 0 required for usage on the G(X). Some sample apps included.
By Raymond Del Tondo. 2001-12-20

SpeedBrowser 48S/SX 12.05   (details) 48 ENG   9 KB / 7 KB
The SpeedBrowser is the fastest fully compatible replacement for the full screen browser shipped with the Equation Library card for the SX. Runs on all HP 48 S/SX revisions (A-J). It adds many features, like switching between small or medium fonts, a slider or the direction arrows, a User RPL and System RPL interfaces. So you can build your own browser interfaces very easily. For the 48S Series only. This library is NOT compatible with the SpeedBrowser for the G Series. For the G Series, please use the SpeedBrowser shipped with SpeedUI.
By Raymond Del Tondo. 2013-09-14

SpeedMiner 1.4   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   6 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotThe smallest and fastest MineHunt game for the HP 48 series (S/G), and ported to the 49G per Wolfgang's request. Engine completely written in assembly language, so no garbage collection during gameplay. Many features. See SpeedM.txt for details. No compressor used!
By Raymond Del Tondo. 2005-12-17

SpeedPT 9.05Get It   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   42 KB / 22-23 KB
ScreenshotClone of HP's periodic table of elements library, which was originally written for the 48 and ported to the 49 series. SpeedPT was rewritten from scratch to be faster than HP's library while taking less memory and maintaining all the same functionality. Works on both the 48 series (where it can be made even faster with the addition of SpeedUI) and the 49 series (for which it includes the missing 10-pixel font, which had been dropped from the 49 series). Version 9.05 adds SpeedUI QuickStartMenu support.
By Raymond Del Tondo. 2009-06-27

SpeedUI 20.05Get It   (details) 48 ENG   326 KB / 28-142 KB
ScreenshotReplaces ALL HP 48G series built-in browsers, the input form engine, the MatrixWriter, and the stack user interface with highly accelerated replacements, like the super fast cmdline/fullscreen editor with interactive Command catalog and parameter help, and more. In version 11.0x, the user can choose between four stack display and editing font sizes. The QuickStartMenu has been enhanced. Support for five (instead of four) input form item lines has been added. But there's much more, like the graphical InputFormBuilder, and Master-Detail capabilities added to the CHOOSE engine, and global access to the MultiClipboard and cmd catalog. For the 48G series only. Please take a look at the SpeedUI walkthrough PDF first.
By Raymond Del Tondo, Hewlett-Packard, and Will Laughlin. 2020-07-05

Tetris 2.7   (details) 49/50 48 39/40 38 ENG   29 KB / 7 KB
ScreenshotThis is Tetris2, a very nice Tetris game for all HP graphing calculators (38G, 39G, 40G, 48, 49G). Some features: small size (<6.5kb though a very good size/performance ratio), very close to the original TETRIS gameplay, configuration of the gameplay + three game modes, 2-Player games via serial I/O (IR or wire), runs well on Emu48 (sp 8+).
By Detlef Müller and Raymond Del Tondo. 2002-02-07

UISTUFF 1.0   (details) 48 ENG   34 KB / 2-32 KB
ScreenshotUser interface extensions and speed-ups. Very modular. Mostly for the G series, some for the S series, too. Includes a six-level stack, new character browser, and more. See description.txt for more details.
By Raymond Del Tondo. 2001-02-26

Unshifted Keys Library Replacement 2.0   (details) 48 ENG   7 KB / 2 KB
This lib replaces the G model built-in unshifted keys library. Now you can easily do direct arithmetic with bints right on the stack! It's a real system extension, so no slow user mode required. Some of the new keywords even support automatic list processing.
By Raymond Del Tondo. 2001-12-20

Yes/No Confirmation   (details) 48 ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
The shortest Yes/No confirmation routine, at 15 bytes.
By Raymond Del Tondo. 1998-06-28

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.