AS-Apps |
Description: | Archive of HP 48 applications. |
Filename: | |
ID: | 220 |
Author: | André Schoorl |
Downloaded file size: | 721,198 bytes |
Platforms: | 48 |
User rating: | Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote) |
Primary category: | Compilations/AS |
Languages: | ENG |
File date: | 1998-07-31 15:54:00 |
Source code: | Not included |
Download count: | 8,244 |
Version history: | 1998-07-31: Updated (no version number specified)
1997-09-19: Updated (no version number specified)
1997-08-21: Added to site
Archive contents: | Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
0 1998-04-18 01:40 apps/
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/appt2/
2853 1996-01-09 05:37 apps/appt2/appt2.doc
7342 1996-01-14 09:03 apps/appt2/appt2.lib
0 1998-04-18 01:40 apps/bank10/
25483 1998-04-12 07:07 apps/bank10/bank10.doc
835 1998-04-09 23:43 apps/bank10/bank10.inf
9761 1998-04-12 12:08 apps/bank10/bank10.lib
0 1998-04-18 01:40 apps/bank10/bankac10/
458752 1998-04-11 14:24 apps/bank10/bankac10/bank.mdb
1768 1998-04-09 22:48 apps/bank10/bankac10/bankac10.doc
90112 1998-04-11 21:24 apps/bank10/bankac10/bdata.mdb
620 1998-04-11 20:25 apps/bank10/example.bnk
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/bean30/
13163 1994-11-02 23:21 apps/bean30/bean30.inf
13888 1994-11-02 23:20 apps/bean30/bean30.lib
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/calend21/
3145 1995-10-10 12:06 apps/calend21/calend21.doc
439 1995-10-10 12:06 apps/calend21/calend21.inf
2431 1993-10-05 19:16 apps/calend21/calendar.lib
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/dbase31/
9081 1995-02-18 20:49 apps/dbase31/dbase31.lib
13966 1995-02-18 20:48 apps/dbase31/dbase31.txt
5163 1995-02-18 20:50 apps/dbase31/install.bin
0 1998-05-29 23:48 apps/editors/
0 1997-12-24 01:03 apps/editors/eden/
19072 1997-11-24 22:24 apps/editors/eden/eden.lib
0 1997-12-24 01:51 apps/editors/hpw141/
6385 1996-12-04 03:27 apps/editors/hpw141/hpw.doc
9600 1996-12-04 03:27 apps/editors/hpw141/hpw.lib
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/editors/miniwrt10/
4352 1997-06-17 16:50 apps/editors/miniwrt10/miniwrt.lib
1619 1997-05-30 14:33 apps/editors/miniwrt10/strwadp.lib
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/editors/qed/
17912 1995-10-23 14:26 apps/editors/qed/qed.dir
35527 1995-10-23 14:26 apps/editors/qed/qed.doc
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/editors/strwrt44/
1029 1997-06-04 00:43 apps/editors/strwrt44/backkey.gif
2066 1994-11-21 21:33 apps/editors/strwrt44/fnt2.6
2094 1994-11-21 21:33 apps/editors/strwrt44/fntwrt.12
906 1997-06-04 00:43 apps/editors/strwrt44/keyup.gif
2176 1994-09-14 15:57 apps/editors/strwrt44/smlfont.grb
55121 1997-06-04 00:43 apps/editors/strwrt44/strwrt.htm
21262 1995-01-30 18:27 apps/editors/strwrt44/strwrt44.doc
24064 1995-01-30 18:27 apps/editors/strwrt44/strwrt44.lib
24394 1997-06-04 00:45 apps/editors/strwrt44/stwrt431.lib
0 1998-05-25 14:34 apps/editors/ted32/
1249 1996-05-24 00:27 apps/editors/ted32/decomp.s
131520 1998-05-25 14:34 apps/editors/ted32/ed.s
1911 1998-05-25 14:34 apps/editors/ted32/mass
7470 1998-05-25 14:34 apps/editors/ted32/ted.doc
11476 1998-05-25 14:34 apps/editors/ted32/ted.lib
3402 1996-08-25 23:08 apps/editors/ted32/ted.s
156 1996-08-25 15:43 apps/editors/ted32/ufl.h
349 1996-08-25 23:19 apps/editors/ted32/ufl.s
17228 1996-08-25 23:08 apps/editors/ted32/view.s
0 1998-05-16 01:30 apps/ee/
0 1998-05-16 01:30 apps/ee/bodepack/
198400 1995-06-07 09:58 apps/ee/bodepack/bodee.doc
13202 1995-06-07 09:58 apps/ee/bodepack/bodegxe.lib
2325 1995-06-07 09:58 apps/ee/bodepack/lister.lib
0 1998-05-16 01:30 apps/ee/bodeR6x3/
18395 1998-05-02 22:10 apps/ee/bodeR6x3/bodeR6x1.doc
11169 1998-05-02 15:11 apps/ee/bodeR6x3/bodeR6x1.lib
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/ee/circuit/
6335 1994-06-24 13:25 apps/ee/circuit/circuit.doc
3857 1994-06-24 13:25 apps/ee/circuit/circuit.rep
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/ee/csim261/
27481 1994-03-17 13:47 apps/ee/csim261/csim261.doc
10356 1994-03-17 13:47 apps/ee/csim261/csim261.rep
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/ee/dsp/
2417 1995-09-27 19:08 apps/ee/dsp/dsp.bin
3136 1995-09-24 15:03 apps/ee/dsp/dsp.doc
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/ee/eestuff/
14208 1994-12-17 23:33 apps/ee/eestuff/eestuff.dir
5421 1994-08-09 11:19 apps/ee/eestuff/eestuff.doc
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/ee/quine/
6479 1995-10-31 14:47 apps/ee/quine/bool.dir
2417 1995-11-11 00:52 apps/ee/quine/quine.doc
3718 1995-10-31 14:47 apps/ee/quine/quine.lib
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/ee/resistor/
1918 1993-10-27 11:36 apps/ee/resistor/resistor.bin
3108 1993-10-27 11:36 apps/ee/resistor/resistor.doc
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/ee/sfa/
6900 1995-08-31 13:43 apps/ee/sfa/sfa.dir
431 1995-08-31 13:53 apps/ee/sfa/sfa.doc
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/ee/spice/
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/ee/spice/shrspice/
15475 1994-03-17 13:42 apps/ee/spice/shrspice/spice.doc
3430 1994-03-17 13:42 apps/ee/spice/shrspice/spice.lib
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/ee/spice/spice/
5888 1994-11-28 20:11 apps/ee/spice/spice/hpspice.dir
4964 1994-11-30 17:47 apps/ee/spice/spice/hpspice.doc
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/ee/spice/ston/
303 1993-10-27 10:39 apps/ee/spice/ston/ston.bin
4276 1993-10-27 10:39 apps/ee/spice/ston/ston.doc
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/ee/tfa/
12006 1995-08-27 12:51 apps/ee/tfa/tfa.bin
18157 1994-09-01 11:18 apps/ee/tfa/tfa.doc
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/gxtool51/
28252 1995-09-25 23:11 apps/gxtool51/gxt51.doc
4479 1995-09-25 21:49 apps/gxtool51/gxt51.lib
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/hp16c/
16428 1996-05-25 13:59 apps/hp16c/hp16c.doc
11288 1996-03-13 16:13 apps/hp16c/hp16c.lib
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/ical/
872 1995-12-20 23:43 apps/ical/ical.bin
1795 1995-12-21 01:34 apps/ical/ical.doc
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/misc/
1564 1995-06-21 13:28 apps/misc/calendar.bin
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/organizer/
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/organizer/orgnzr11/
40816 1997-01-08 23:26 apps/organizer/orgnzr11/org11.doc
2207 1997-01-08 23:26 apps/organizer/orgnzr11/org11.inf
12666 1997-01-08 23:26 apps/organizer/orgnzr11/org11.lib
517 1997-01-08 23:26 apps/organizer/orgnzr11/org11cnv.bin
224 1997-01-08 23:26 apps/organizer/orgnzr11/org11sw.hol
624 1997-01-08 23:26 apps/organizer/orgnzr11/org11us.hol
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/organizer/today51/
6318 1997-01-31 20:02 apps/organizer/today51/today51.doc
7283 1997-01-31 19:20 apps/organizer/today51/today51.lib
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/pim48/
11637 1993-02-10 00:09 apps/pim48/pim48.dir
26009 1993-02-06 18:24 apps/pim48/pim48.doc
505 1993-03-03 19:08 apps/pim48/pim48.inf
0 1998-04-18 01:39 apps/prtable/
0 1998-04-18 01:37 apps/prtable/chemlb26/
16327 1998-04-12 16:47 apps/prtable/chemlb26/chemlb26.doc
1524 1998-04-11 12:09 apps/prtable/chemlb26/chemlb26.inf
18346 1998-04-12 23:46 apps/prtable/chemlb26/chemlb26.lib
9433 1998-04-12 23:44 apps/prtable/chemlb26/chemlt26.lib
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/prtable/misc/
8704 1994-05-11 18:09 apps/prtable/misc/chitab.lib
4174 1994-05-07 23:35 apps/prtable/misc/tablochi.lib
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/prtable/ptlib/
28082 1993-10-04 12:27 apps/prtable/ptlib/ptlib.bin
31647 1993-10-05 11:18 apps/prtable/ptlib/ptlib.doc
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/prtable/ptoe20/
1451 1996-11-16 00:26 apps/prtable/ptoe20/ptoe20.doc
389 1996-11-05 04:55 apps/prtable/ptoe20/ptoe20.inf
11640 1996-11-16 00:30 apps/prtable/ptoe20/ptoe20.lib
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/qplot/
806 1995-04-01 21:20 apps/qplot/qplot.doc
4123 1995-04-01 21:32 apps/qplot/qplot10a.lib
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/rldx65/
29467 1995-11-10 12:24 apps/rldx65/rldx65.doc
9715 1995-11-10 12:26 apps/rldx65/rldx65.lib
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/scr101/
9944 1996-09-08 17:37 apps/scr101/
218 1996-09-08 17:37 apps/scr101/convgen
221 1996-09-08 17:37 apps/scr101/convrldx
2460 1996-09-08 17:37 apps/scr101/memstat.inf
44118 1996-09-08 17:37 apps/scr101/scrib101.doc
3175 1996-09-08 17:37 apps/scr101/scrib101.inf
14544 1996-09-08 17:37 apps/scr101/scrib101.lib
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/spreadsheet/
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/spreadsheet/exal61/
871 1997-08-23 10:08 apps/spreadsheet/exal61/changes.doc
13277 1997-08-23 10:35 apps/spreadsheet/exal61/exal61.doc
15232 1997-08-23 10:44 apps/spreadsheet/exal61/exal61.lib
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/spreadsheet/spsheet/
12800 1994-10-21 00:23 apps/spreadsheet/spsheet/spsheet.dir
8525 1994-10-26 01:05 apps/spreadsheet/spsheet/spsheet.doc
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/spreadsheet/xcell13/
13571 1997-06-20 21:14 apps/spreadsheet/xcell13/xcell13.doc
12544 1997-06-20 21:23 apps/spreadsheet/xcell13/xcell13.lib
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/todo23/
3703 1995-10-12 14:52 apps/todo23/todo.lib
6723 1995-10-12 14:57 apps/todo23/todo23.doc
460 1995-10-12 14:54 apps/todo23/todo23.inf
564 1993-10-07 15:13 apps/todo23/upgrade.bin
345 1993-10-07 15:13 apps/todo23/upgrade2.bin
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/trtbl11/
3223 1997-07-24 15:02 apps/trtbl11/trtbl.bin
5214 1997-07-24 15:10 apps/trtbl11/trtbl.txt
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/xmrg42/
15370 1995-05-28 10:26 apps/xmrg42/xmrg42.doc
5986 1995-05-28 09:46 apps/xmrg42/xmrg42.lib
208 1995-05-13 13:09 apps/xmrg42/xv42.prg
0 1997-10-11 04:33 apps/yon/
6322 1993-10-19 14:48 apps/yon/yonpy.dir
2068 1993-10-19 14:48 apps/yon/yonpy.doc
--------- -------
2018312 182 files |
Library contents: | apps/appt2/appt2.lib: Library 1582, APPT2 v1.01
apps/bank10/bank10.lib: Library 1075, BANK :1.0 AMoy Apr.98
apps/bean30/bean30.lib: Library 1760, Bean Counter
apps/calend21/calendar.lib: Library 1500, CALENDAR, (C) LK 1995
apps/dbase31/dbase31.lib: Library 962, DBASE :G\S Series Database, 3.1
apps/editors/hpw141/hpw.lib: Library 1048, HP-Writer 1.41 by HPC,Dec'97
apps/editors/miniwrt10/miniwrt.lib: Library 1313, MinWrt: 1.1 © Avenard
apps/editors/miniwrt10/strwadp.lib: Library 1303, StrWrt: For MiniWriter
apps/editors/strwrt44/fntwrt.12: Library 1307, FntWrt:Font-Writer 1.2
apps/editors/strwrt44/strwrt44.lib: Library 1303, StrWrt:4.4 © Avenard
apps/editors/strwrt44/stwrt431.lib: Library 1303, StrWrt:4.31 © Avenard
apps/editors/ted32/ted.lib: Library 994, TED :3.2 Fin
apps/ee/bodepack/bodegxe.lib: Library 1228, BODE :v2.31,Th.R.'95
apps/ee/bodepack/lister.lib: Library 1230, LISTR :v4.2, Th.R.'95
apps/ee/bodeR6x3/bodeR6x1.lib: Library 1495, BODE-ROUTH !Plus! v6.3 (c)APO
apps/ee/quine/quine.lib: Library 999, QuineMcCluskey 1.0
apps/ee/spice/shrspice/spice.lib: Library 777, SPICE
apps/gxtool51/gxt51.lib: Library 1081, GxT [GxTools v5.1]
apps/hp16c/hp16c.lib: Library 1558, HP16C
apps/organizer/orgnzr11/org11.lib: Library 1144, Organizer v1.1 by Jack Levy
apps/organizer/today51/today51.lib: Library 1145, TODAY :v5.1 ©97 N8
apps/prtable/chemlb26/chemlb26.lib: Library 1014, ChemLab 2.6 AMoy Apr.98
apps/prtable/chemlb26/chemlt26.lib: Library 1014, ChemLab 2.6L AMoy Apr.98
apps/prtable/misc/chitab.lib: Library 1229, Tableaux de Chimie
apps/prtable/misc/tablochi.lib: Library 1616, Table de chimie
apps/prtable/ptlib/ptlib.bin: Library 703, PRTBL :Periodic Table
apps/prtable/ptoe20/ptoe20.lib: Library 956, PTOE v2.0 by HpNan 11/1996
apps/qplot/qplot10a.lib: Library 743, QuickPlot V1.0A
apps/rldx65/rldx65.lib: Library 1765, ROLDX :v6.5,©JsW'95
apps/scr101/scrib101.lib: Library 1155, Scribe v1.01 by Jack Levy
apps/spreadsheet/exal61/exal61.lib: Library 1220, exAL V6.1 by Al Arduengo 8/21/97
apps/spreadsheet/xcell13/xcell13.lib: Library 1220, XCELL48 v1.3 by RONALDO'97
apps/todo23/todo.lib: Library 1501, TODO , (C) LK 1995
apps/xmrg42/xmrg42.lib: Library 1115, xMRGLIB V4.2 by: xMRG
User comments: | No comments at this time. |
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