André Schoorl

First Name:André
Last Name:Schoorl
Last Change:2017-08-06
Number of Files:35 (30th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:275,419 (21st most downloaded)

AS-Apps   (details) 48 ENG   705 KB
Archive of HP 48 applications.
By André Schoorl. 1998-07-31

AS-Comm   (details) 48 ENG   174 KB
Archive of HP 48 communications programs.
By André Schoorl. 1998-07-31

AS-Docs   (details) 48 ENG   904 KB
Archive of HP 48 documentation files.
By André Schoorl. 1998-07-31

AS-Games   (details) 48 ENG   1,471 KB
Archive of HP 48 games.
By André Schoorl. 1998-07-31

AS-Hack   (details) 48 ENG   412 KB
Archive of HP 48 hacking (programming) utilities.
By André Schoorl. 1998-07-31

AS-Hack 8.4   (details) 48 ENG   19 KB
This is an update to André Schoorl's personal hacking library.
By André Schoorl. 1998-07-31

AS-Math   (details) 48 ENG   1,398 KB
Archive of HP 48 mathematics applications.
By André Schoorl. 1998-07-31

AS-Pict   (details) 48 ENG   949 KB
Archive of HP 48 graphics and animation examples and utilities.
By André Schoorl. 1998-07-31

AS-Prog   (details) 48 ENG   536 KB
Archive of HP 48 programming applications.
By André Schoorl. 1998-07-31

AS-Secure   (details) 48 ENG   46 KB
Archive of HP 48 security/encryption utilities.
By André Schoorl. 1998-07-31

AS-Sound   (details) 48 ENG   320 KB
Archive of HP 48 sounds and sound utilities.
By André Schoorl. 1998-07-31

AS-Utils   (details) 48 ENG   855 KB
Archive of HP 48 utilities.
By André Schoorl. 1998-07-31

GNU HP Tools for Linux 2.1.9   (details) 48 ENG   113 KB
Linux ELF binaries for the free System RPL and assembly language development kit covered by the GNU Public License.
By Hewlett-Packard, Mario Mikocevic (Mozgy), and André Schoorl. 1998-06-14

GNU HP Tools for Win32 2.1.9   (details) 48 ENG   488 KB
Win32 binaries for the free System RPL and assembly language development kit covered by the GNU Public License. Includes the required Cygnus Runtime Library.
By Hewlett-Packard, Mario Mikocevic (Mozgy), and André Schoorl. 1998-06-14

Grey 2.5   (details) 48   2 KB / 3 KB
A simple viewer of grayscale images.
By Jeff Sketchley (Sketch) and André Schoorl. 2017-08-06

Hack Library 9.4   (details) 48 ENG   91 KB / 18 KB
This library is a collection of various utilities Mika Heiskanen has programmed himself or saved from various sources over the years.
By Mika Heiskanen and André Schoorl. 1999-04-07

HP 48 FAQ 4.46 em Português (Aug. 7, 1997)   (details) 48 POR   118 KB
Portuguese translation of the HP 48 FAQ. Before asking a question about the HP 48, read the FAQ first. It is the number two source of information about the HP 48 (after the user's manual, of course), and everyone should get a copy of this Frequently Asked Questions list. Text version.
By André Schoorl and Carlos Marangon. 1998-07-01

HP 48 FAQ en Español 4.47 (Sept. 8, 1997)   (details) 48 ESP   126 KB
Spanish translation of the HP 48 FAQ. Before asking a question about the HP 48, read the FAQ first. It is the number two source of information about the HP 48 (after the user's manual, of course), and everyone should get a copy of this Frequently Asked Questions list. HTML version.
By André Schoorl and Alejandro Arrieta (HPMaster). 1998-04-15

HP 48 FAQ HTML Edition 4.62 (April 14, 2000)   (details) 48 ENG   145 KB
Before asking a question about the HP 48, read this first. It is the number two source of information about the HP 48 (after the user's manual, of course), and everyone should get a copy of this Frequently Asked Questions list. HTML version. If you'd prefer to read the FAQ online, click here.
By André Schoorl. 2000-05-13

HP 48 FAQ PDF Edition 4.62 (April 14, 2000)   (details) 48 ENG   419 KB
Before asking a question about the HP 48, read this first. It is the number two source of information about the HP 48 (after the user's manual, of course), and everyone should get a copy of this Frequently Asked Questions list. Adobe PDF version.
By André Schoorl. 2000-05-13

HP 48 FAQ PostScript Edition 4.62 (April 14, 2000)   (details) 48 ENG   255 KB
Before asking a question about the HP 48, read this first. It is the number two source of information about the HP 48 (after the user's manual, of course), and everyone should get a copy of this Frequently Asked Questions list. PostScript version.
By André Schoorl. 2000-05-13

HP 48 FAQ SGML Source 4.62 (April 14, 2000)   (details) 48 ENG   118 KB
Before asking a question about the HP 48, read this first. It is the number two source of information about the HP 48 (after the user's manual, of course), and everyone should get a copy of this Frequently Asked Questions list. SGML source, for easy conversion into many different formats.
By André Schoorl. 2000-05-13

HP 48 FAQ Text Edition 4.62 (April 14, 2000)   (details) 48 ENG   121 KB
Before asking a question about the HP 48, read this first. It is the number two source of information about the HP 48 (after the user's manual, of course), and everyone should get a copy of this Frequently Asked Questions list. ASCII text version.
By André Schoorl. 2000-05-13

HPSauce 1.0   (details) 48 ENG   21 KB / 1-10 KB
ScreenshotAn excellent alternate 5-line stack environment based on Java. This old version of HPSauce is included because of its compact size and its ability to run on a covered port.
By André Schoorl. 1997-08-21

HPSauce 2.2Get It   (details) 48 ENG   32 KB / 4-16 KB
ScreenshotAn excellent alternate 5-line stack environment based on Java. Requires UFL.
By André Schoorl. 1997-08-21

Java 3.6aGet It   (details) 48 ENG   232 KB / 12-35 KB
ScreenshotThe ultimate five-line stack replacement program. Much faster than the built-in stack, and can display algebraics with "pretty-print". This also has fast replacements for many built-in functions, such as the library menu, the OFF key (to speed up power-on), the review key, the softkey menus, and far too much else to list here. All I can say is get it! Requires UFL.
By Richard Steventon, André Schoorl, and Will Laughlin. 1998-12-12

Java 3.7 Beta 4   (details) 48 ENG   401 KB / 12-38 KB
ScreenshotBeta 4 of Java 3.7. Includes binaries, source code, and other Java-related beta software. This version is not recommended for the typical user, but rather for those who are willing to play with the latest features in potentially buggy software.
By Richard Steventon, André Schoorl, and Will Laughlin. 1999-01-05

Java (Optimized) 3.7 Beta 4   (details) 48 ENG   83 KB / 19-34 KB
Modified version of Java that strips out a lot of unnecessary functionality to make it fit better in a G+ or unexpanded GX.
By André Schoorl, Richard Steventon, Paulo Pinheiro and others. 2017-06-11

Java Source Code 3.6a   (details) 48 ENG   205 KB
ScreenshotSource code for Java 3.6a, suitable for compiling with GNU-Tools.
By Richard Steventon, André Schoorl, and Will Laughlin. 1998-12-12

Jazz Light 6.7   (details) 48 ENG   125 KB / 30-46 KB
System RPL and Machine Language Development Library with some features removed.
By André Schoorl, Mika Heiskanen, and Jan Brittenson. 1999-01-08

QPI 4.3Get It   (details) 48 ENG   6 KB / 2 KB
QPI approximates any floating point numbers by a rational number, square root, multiple of PI, exponential or a logarithm depending on which approximation seems best.
By Mika Heiskanen and André Schoorl. 1998-11-29

RF 1.3/G   (details) 48 ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
Another modified version of the Redundancy Fighter compressor.
By Lutz Vieweg and André Schoorl. 2017-08-05

Stac5k 3.7   (details) 48 ENG   31 KB / 21 KB
ScreenshotModified version of HPSauce, with faster algebraic visualization of objects and DISPLAY modes. Requires UFL.
By André Schoorl and Jaime Fernando Meza Meza (CompSystems). 2000-09-22

UFL 1.0.2Get It   (details) 48 ENG   174 KB / 1-3 KB
This is the latest version of the Universal Font Library, used by many programs for fonts.
By André Schoorl. 1997-08-21

UFL3   (details) 49/50   3 KB / 3 KB
HP 49 port of the UFL3 universal font library originally designed for the HP 48.
By André Schoorl and Dinko Korunic. 2001-05-18

Part of the HP Calculator Archive,
Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.