Indices Practice

Description:This aplet provides simple drill practice for students learning the laws of indices, with the option of including negative powers. It presents students with practice problems in correct mathematical layout and then allows them to enter the simplified answer. There are a wide variety of styles of problems. It will then tell them if they are right or wrong, offering a second chance if needed.
Author:Colin Croft:
Downloaded file size:14,839 bytes
Size on calculator:1+ KB
User rating:Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Math
File date:2003-05-20 11:03:08
Source code:Not included
Download count:4,548
Version history:2003-05-20: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
      561  03-24-02 16:38   COEFPREP.prg
    38912  03-24-02 16:35   INDICESP.doc
      383  03-24-02 16:38   GETSOLN.prg
      127  03-24-02 16:38   hcfinder.prg
      279  03-24-02 16:38   HP39DIR.000
       31  03-24-02 16:38   HP39DIR.CUR
       94  03-24-02 16:38   INCLNEGS.prg
     1276  03-24-02 16:38   INDICES.apt
      940  03-24-02 16:38   LEVEL1.prg
      979  03-24-02 16:38   LEVEL2.prg
      996  03-24-02 16:38   LEVEL3.prg
       42  03-24-02 16:38   randint.prg
       68  03-24-02 16:38   SEESOLN.prg
      183  03-24-02 16:38   start.prg
 --------                   -------
    44871                   14 files
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