Colin Croft

First Name:Colin
Last Name:Croft
Web Address:
Last Change:2017-07-26
Number of Files:89 (6th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:404,886 (13th most downloaded)

Animation   (details) 38 ENG   24 KB / 12 KB
ScreenshotAnimation of two seals flipping a ball back and forth. A lot of fun for a gifted group - if you'd like to compose your own then documentation is included in the ZIP files on how to produce animations on the calculator, and on the PC using the ADK (38G only).
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Animation   (details) 39/40 ENG   24 KB / 12 KB
ScreenshotAnimation of two seals flipping a ball back and forth. A lot of fun for a gifted group - if you'd like to compose your own then documentation is included in the ZIP files on how to produce animations on the calculator, and on the PC using the ADK (38G only).
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Bivariate Oddities   (details) 38 ENG   14 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotThis aplet contains sets of bivariate data which have the same summary statistics but totally different 'shapes' when graphed. They illustrate the need to rely on more than just the stats when deciding on whether a linear model is appropriate!
By Colin Croft. 1998-05-24

Bivariate Oddities   (details) 39/40 ENG   12 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotThis aplet contains sets of bivariate data which have the same summary statistics but totally different 'shapes' when graphed. They illustrate the need to rely on more than just the stats when deciding on whether a linear model is appropriate!
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Central Limits Theorem   (details) 38 ENG   41 KB / 2 KB
One of the most fundamental theorems in the study of statistical inference is the Central Limits Theorem. This states basically that the means of successive random samples taken from a population will be normally distributed whatever the underlying parent distribution. This aplet illustrates this and that the standard deviations are related by ratio. Sampling can be done from different parent distributions and the resulting collection of means compared to the equivalent Normal distribution. It is fairly slow to execute because of the need for repeated sampling but would be quite useful to teachers.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Central Limits Theorem   (details) 39/40 ENG   41 KB / 2 KB
One of the most fundamental theorems in the study of statistical inference is the Central Limits Theorem. This states basically that the means of successive random samples taken from a population will be normally distributed whatever the underlying parent distribution. This aplet illustrates this and that the standard deviations are related by ratio. Sampling can be done from different parent distributions and the resulting collection of means compared to the equivalent Normal distribution. It is fairly slow to execute because of the need for repeated sampling but would be quite useful to teachers.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Chain Rule   (details) 39/40 ENG   28 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotSupplied along with a worksheet, this aplet encourages the student to deduce the Chain Rule for themselves via a series of pre-loaded examples.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-19

Chain Rule   (details) 38 ENG   23 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotSchool activity for deducing the Chain Rule.
By Colin Croft. 1998-05-24

Chords   (details) 39/40 ENG   16 KB / 4 KB
ScreenshotThis aplet uses chords of diminishing lengths to find the limiting gradient at a point. A worksheet leads the student into discovering differentiation. (Used to be called 'A Different Slant').
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-19

Chords   (details) 38 ENG   16 KB / 4 KB
ScreenshotThis aplet uses chords of diminishing lengths to find the limiting gradient at a point. A worksheet leads the student into discovering differentiation. (Used to be called 'A Different Slant').
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-19

Christmas Trees   (details) 38 ENG   10 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotSchool activity for investigating some interesting graphs which create Christmas tree style plots.
By Colin Croft. 1998-05-24

Christmas Trees   (details) 39/40 ENG   12 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotSchool activity for investigating some interesting graphs which create Christmas tree style plots.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-19

Coin Toss   (details) 39/40 ENG   30 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotThis aplet investigates the common charity game consisting of tossing of a coin onto a square grid. It requires only knowledge of quadratic functions and can be used at a number of levels: to illustrate the convergence of experimental values towards theoretical ones, to investigate fitting a quadratic curve to experimental data, and to introduce the idea of a probability function.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Coin Toss   (details) 38 ENG   51 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotThis aplet investigates the common charity game consisting of tossing of a coin onto a square grid. It requires only knowledge of quadratic functions and can be used at a number of levels: to illustrate the convergence of experimental values towards theoretical ones, to investigate fitting a quadratic curve to experimental data, and to introduce the idea of a probability function.
By Colin Croft. 1999-03-15

Collisions   (details) 38 ENG   10 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotThis aplet takes a vector problem involving two objects having an initial position and velocity and analyses it as 'closest approach' style problem. A test tool rather than a teaching tool.
By Colin Croft. 1999-03-15

Collisions   (details) 39/40 ENG   16 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotThis aplet takes a vector problem involving two objects having an initial position and velocity and analyzes it as 'closest approach' style problem. A test tool rather than a teaching tool.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Curve Area   (details) 39/40 ENG   37 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotUses upper and lower rectangles to find the areas under supplied curves. A worksheet then takes the student through the process of deducing the rules of integration.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Curve Area   (details) 38 ENG   37 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotIt uses upper and lower rectangles to find the areas under supplied curves. A worksheet then takes the student through the process of deducing the rules of integration.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Dandelions   (details) 38 ENG   119 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotThis aplet uses visual methods to illustrate and introduce the Poisson distribution, through the sowing of dandelion seeds into a large patch of ground, which is then broken up into unit squares.
By Colin Croft. 1999-03-15

Dandelions   (details) 39/40 ENG   14 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotThis aplet uses visual methods to illustrate and introduce the Poisson distribution, through the sowing of dandelion seeds into a large patch of ground, which is then broken up into unit squares.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Extra CAS Commands 1.0   (details) 39/40 ENG   15 KB
This explains how to access all the CAS commands available for the HP-40G.
By Michaël De Coninck and Colin Croft. 2003-06-22

Food Energy   (details) 38 ENG   77 KB / 11 KB
School activity for determining energy in food with an HP 38G.
By Colin Croft. 1998-05-24

Freezing Point of Water   (details) 38 ENG   162 KB / 11 KB
School activity for finding the freezing point of water with an HP 38G and the PLDL100 data link.
By Colin Croft. 1998-05-24

Function Plus   (details) 39/40 ENG   7 KB / 1 KB
This is a copy of the Function aplet with an extra entry on the VIEWS menu which produces 'nice' scales. You may have noticed that the default plot view scale of -6.5 to 6.5 produces 'nice' step sizes of 0.1 when using the trace facility. This aplet will allow you to set whatever scale you choose and then correct it to the closest approximation which will still offer similar 'nice' trace values such as 0.2, 0.25, 2, 0.04 etc. It includes the ability to produce scales which are 'nice' fractions of pi for use with trig functions.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Function Plus   (details) 38 ENG   7 KB / 1 KB
Adjusts axes to nice values so cross-hair 'jumps' are to useful points rather than horrible decimals. Trig gives \pi fractions.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Gas Laws 1   (details) 38 ENG   291 KB / 11 KB
School activity for gas laws with an HP 38G and the PLDL100 data link.
By Colin Croft. 1998-05-24

Gas Laws 2   (details) 38 ENG   266 KB / 11 KB
School activity for gas laws with an HP 38G and the PLDL100 data link.
By Colin Croft. 1998-05-24

GP Solver   (details) 39/40 ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
Simply a copy of the Solve aplet with the relevant equations for geometric progressions pre-loaded. You can set it up easily yourself if you want to.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

GP Solver   (details) 38 ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
Simply a copy of the Solve aplet with the relevant equations for geometric progressions pre-loaded. You can set it up easily yourself if you want to.
By Colin Croft. 1998-05-24

Gravity   (details) 38 ENG   4 KB / 4 KB
Explore the effect of gravity on the vertical position and velocity of a falling object.
By Colin Croft. 1998-10-31

Grouped Data   (details) 38 ENG   18 KB / 5 KB
This aplet calculates and displays measures of central tendency and spread for data which has been grouped into intervals. The user puts the interval mid-points into C1, the frequencies into C2 and the aplet will display the mean, proportional median, lower and upper quartiles and various other values. The user can also perform calculations such as finding the values which cut off the top 15% of data, the middle 30% etc.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Grouped Data   (details) 39/40 ENG   18 KB / 5 KB
This aplet calculates and displays measures of central tendency and spread for data which has been grouped into intervals. The user puts the interval mid-points into C1, the frequencies into C2 and the aplet will display the mean, proportional median, lower and upper quartiles and various other values. The user can also perform calculations such as finding the values which cut off the top 15% of data, the middle 30% etc.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

HP39/40 User's Guide Unofficial Update   (details) 39/40 ENG   1,585 KB
Unofficial update to the user's guide provided by HP, with known mistakes corrected and a couple additional appendices.
By Colin Croft. 2002-07-01

Indices Practice   (details) 39/40 ENG   15 KB / 1+ KB
ScreenshotThis aplet provides simple drill practice for students learning the laws of indices, with the option of including negative powers. It presents students with practice problems in correct mathematical layout and then allows them to enter the simplified answer. There are a wide variety of styles of problems. It will then tell them if they are right or wrong, offering a second chance if needed.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Indices Practice   (details) 38 ENG   15 KB / 1+ KB
ScreenshotThis aplet provides simple drill practice for students learning the laws of indices, with the option of including negative powers. It presents students with practice problems in correct mathematical layout and then allows them to enter the simplified answer. There are a wide variety of styles of problems. It will then tell them if they are right or wrong, offering a second chance if needed.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Inequations   (details) 39/40 ENG   11 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotThis is a copy of the function aplet with the additional ability to graph inequalities (linear/non-linear) for F1, F2 and F3(X). These can be overlaid to show intersections or unions.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Inequations   (details) 38 ENG   9 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotThis is a copy of the function aplet with the additional ability to graph inequalities (linear/non-linear) for F1, F2 and F3(X). These can be overlaid to show intersections or unions.
By Colin Croft. 1999-03-15

Inference   (details) 38 ENG   17 KB / 6 KB
This aplet gives inferential statistics access for the 38G similarly to that of the 39/40G. The interface is not as smooth as the 39G version and there is no graphical view to aid in your judgment but it does the trick pretty well. Documentation is included.
By Colin Croft and Detlef Müller. 2017-07-25

Key Finder   (details) 39/40 ENG   13 KB / 2 KB
This aplet uses a statistical model to simulate a person trying to find one particular key of six in their pocket. A investigation into the average run length when throwing dice.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Key Finder   (details) 38 ENG   14 KB / 2 KB
School activity for investigating the statistical modeling of a simple experiment.
By Colin Croft. 1999-03-15

Linear   (details) 38 ENG   30 KB / 3 KB
Identify the slope and the y-intercept given a linear equation, and will describe the various effects positive, negative and zero values have on the graph.
By Colin Croft. 1998-06-22

Linear Explorer   (details) 39/40 ENG   18 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotAn aplet similar to the Quadratic and Trig Explorers (but not as fast) which allows the student to explore linear graphs. The equation of the graph is displayed at the top left corner of the screen and the student can change the gradient and y-intercept using the arrow keys. Intercepts are shown on the screen.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Linear Explorer   (details) 38 ENG   18 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotAn aplet similar to the Quadratic and Trig Explorers (but not as fast) which allows the student to explore linear graphs. The equation of the graph is displayed at the top left corner of the screen and the student can change the gradient and y-intercept using the arrow keys. Intercepts are shown on the screen.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Linear Fit   (details) 38 ENG   21 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotThe student nominates what they think is the line of best fit for a set of bivariate data. They can then adjust the line interactively, seeing the effect on the sum of squares of residuals.
By Colin Croft. 1998-05-24

Linear Fit   (details) 39/40 ENG   23 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotThe student nominates what they think is the line of best fit for a set of bivariate data. They can then adjust the line interactively, seeing the effect on the sum of squares of residuals.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Linear Programming   (details) 38 ENG   22 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotThis aplet visually solves linear programming problems, finding the vertices of the feasible region and the max/min of an objective function. The final stage of finding the vertices is a bit slow but the result is very impressive. It's a wonderful tool for teachers marking test papers - it lets you easily check whether a student's feasible region is correct if they have their constraints wrong. That's why I originally wrote it: sheer frustration after the 20th paper that had to be reworked from scratch to assign part marks.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Linear Programming   (details) 39/40 ENG   51 KB / 6 KB
ScreenshotThis aplet visually solves linear programming problems, finding the vertices of the feasible region and the max/min of an objective function. The final stage of finding the vertices is a bit slow but the result is very impressive. It's a wonderful tool for teachers marking test papers - it lets you easily check whether a student's feasible region is correct if they have their constraints wrong. That's why I orginally wrote it: sheer frustration after the 20th paper that had to be reworked from scratch to assign part marks.
By Colin Croft. 2017-07-25

Loan Table   (details) 39/40 ENG   12 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotThis is one of those "must have" aplets for students who solve problems involving borrowing money and making regular repayments. Once you have it on your calculator all you have to do is store the amount borrowed into P, the interest rate in to R and the amount being repaid into A and the aplet will then show you the remaining principal and interest charged each year/month/quarter.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Music   (details) 38 ENG   5 KB / 1-9 KB
A collection of music files, two of which are written by Colin Croft and the others by unknown programmers. Songs are: Flintstones, Dumped Again, Blister in the Sun, Mary Had a Little Lamb, Nick's Song, Happy Birthday, Charge, Funeral March, Come As You Are, The First Nowell, Happy Birthday (II), Star Wars, Hymn 389.
By Colin Croft and others. 2003-05-20

Newton-Raphson Iteration   (details) 38 ENG   13 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotSchool activity designed to investigate the visual representation of the iterative process, and the effects on the iterative process of choosing "unstable" initial values.
By Colin Croft. 1998-05-24

Newton-Raphson Iteration   (details) 39/40 ENG   14 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotSchool activity designed to investigate the visual representation of the iterative process, and the effects on the iterative process of choosing "unstable" initial values.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Probability Distributions   (details) 38 ENG   23 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotAn essential tool for any student going into an exam which involves probability functions. This is two copies of the Solve aplet with equations pre-entered for Discrete and Continuous probability density functions respectively. Covers the Binomial distribution (individual and cumulative), the Poisson distribution (individual and cumulative), the Exponential function, the Normal distribution, plus more.
By Colin Croft. 2017-07-26

Probability Distributions   (details) 39/40 ENG   23 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotAn essential tool for any student going into an exam which involves probability functions. This is two copies of the Solve aplet with equations pre-entered for Discrete and Continuous probability density functions respectively. Covers the Binomial distribution (individual and cumulative), the Poisson distribution (individual and cumulative), the Exponential function, the Normal distribution, plus more.
By Colin Croft. 2017-07-26

Quadratic Explorer   (details) 38 ENG   50 KB / 7 KB
ScreenshotVery well written HP 38G Aplet. This allows students to investigate the behavior of the graph of y=a(x+h)2+v as the values of a, h and v change. This can be done both by manipulating the equation and seeing the change in the graph, and by manipulating the graph and seeing the change in the equation.
By Hewlett-Packard and Colin Croft. 1998-10-10

Quadratic Focus & Directrix   (details) 38 ENG   12 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotThis is an aplet which lets you explore the relationship between the focus and the directrix of a quadratic equation/graph.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Quadratic Focus & Directrix   (details) 39/40 ENG   12 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotThis is an aplet which lets you explore the relationship between the focus and the directrix of a quadratic equation/graph.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

RCIS   (details) 38 ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
Program to convert complex numbers from Cartesian to polar form.
By Colin Croft. 1999-03-15

Root Finder   (details) 39/40 ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
Given the coefficients of a polynomial of any degree, it will give you the roots to any desired number of significant figures. If one or more of the roots are complex then it will ignore those and give only the real ones.
By Colin Croft. 2017-07-24

Root Finder   (details) 38 ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
Given the coefficients of a polynomial of any degree, it will give you the roots to any desired number of significant figures. If one or more of the roots are complex then it will ignore those and give only the real ones.
By Colin Croft. 2017-07-24

Rounding Drill   (details) 39/40 ENG   15 KB / 2 KB
This aplet which gives the user drill in rounding to a number of decimal places or to a number of significant figures. This is purely a drill program not a teaching aplet.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Rounding Drill   (details) 38 ENG   15 KB / 2 KB
This aplet which gives the user drill in rounding to a number of decimal places or to a number of significant figures. This is purely a drill program not a teaching aplet.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Row Operations   (details) 38 ENG   12 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotSchool activity designed to investigate the use of elementary row operations in the reduction and/or solution of a 3 by 3 system of linear equations expressed as an augmented matrix.
By Colin Croft. 1998-05-24

Row Operations   (details) 39/40 ENG   15 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotSchool activity designed to investigate the use of elementary row operations in the reduction and/or solution of a 3 by 3 system of linear equations expressed as an augmented matrix.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Screen Saver   (details) 39/40 FRA   1 KB / 1 KB
A "screen saver" graphics demo.
By Colin Croft and Julian Duc. 2000-09-19

Screen Saver   (details) 38 ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
A "screen saver" graphics demo.
By Colin Croft. 1998-10-31

Simulations   (details) 39/40 ENG   15 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotSchool activity designed to simulate sets of observations on various discrete and continuous random variables. These can be used in test problems or exercises, or as aids in teaching the topic of random variables.
By Colin Croft. 2017-07-25

Simulations   (details) 38 ENG   25 KB / 9 KB
ScreenshotSchool activity designed to simulate sets of observations on various discrete and continuous random variables. These can be used in test problems or exercises, or as aids in teaching the topic of random variables.
By Colin Croft. 2017-07-25

Sine Define   (details) 38 ENG   28 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotSchool activity designed to investigate the definitions of sine, cosine and tangent on the Unit circle. These can be used in test problems or exercises, or as aids in teaching the topic of random variables.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Sine Define   (details) 39/40 ENG   30 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotSchool activity designed to investigate the definitions of sine, cosine and tangent on the Unit circle. These can be used in test problems or exercises, or as aids in teaching the topic of random variables.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Slope Fields   (details) 38 ENG   15 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotSchool activity designed to investigate the production of a field of slopes from a derivative function stored in F1(X), and the drawing of multiple possible integrals given starting points (x,y).
By Colin Croft. 1998-10-31

Slope Fields   (details) 39/40 ENG   10 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotSchool activity designed to investigate the production of a field of slopes from a derivative function stored in F1(X), and the drawing of multiple possible integrals given starting points (x,y).
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Sweets Box   (details) 38 ENG   11 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotSchool activity designed to investigate a problem in optimization where they are required to maximize the volume by manipulating a single variable.
By Colin Croft. 1998-05-24

Sweets Box   (details) 39/40 ENG   13 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotSchool activity designed to investigate a problem in optimization where they are required to maximize the volume or minimize the surface area by manipulating a single variable.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Tangent Lines   (details) 38 ENG   49 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotSchool activity designed to investigate the change in the gradient of a tangent line as the point of tangency moves along the function.
By Colin Croft. 1998-05-24

Tangent Lines   (details) 39/40 ENG   69 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotSchool activity designed to investigate the change in the gradient of a tangent line as the point of tangency moves along the function.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Template   (details) 38 ENG   8 KB
Microsoft Word template for creating documentation for HP 38G aplets.
By Colin Croft. 1998-10-31

The First 50   (details) 39/40 ENG   82 KB / 1-35 KB
ScreenshotThis is a collection of small programs you can type in yourself or download. They perform a multitude of small tasks, some that are so easy you'll wonder why I wrote a program for them, some that are really cool. Mostly math programs, for numeric, trigonometric, complex, linear, and cubic calculations, plus probability, matrix, finance, statistics, and more.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

The First 50   (details) 38 ENG   86 KB / 1+ KB
ScreenshotThis is a collection of small programs you can type in yourself or download. They perform a multitude of small tasks, some that are so easy you'll wonder why I wrote a program for them, some that are really cool. Separated into two parts, because there are too many programs to fit all in the 38's memory at once. Mostly math programs, for numeric, trigonometric, complex, linear, and cubic calculations, plus probability, matrix, finance, statistics, and more.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Time Series   (details) 39/40 ENG   22 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotSchool activity designed to easily and quickly analyze Time Series style data, by calculating moving averages (3, 4 and 5 point), seasonal residuals, trend lines and seasonally adjusted data. It more a working tool, rather than an investigative tool.
By Colin Croft. 2017-07-25

Time Series   (details) 38 ENG   22 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotSchool activity designed to easily and quickly analyze Time Series style data, by calculating moving averages (3, 4 & 5 point), seasonal residuals, trend lines and seasonally adjusted data. It more a working tool, rather than an investigative tool.
By Colin Croft. 2017-07-25

Transfer Aplet   (details) 39/40 ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotYou may be aware that one of the problems with the HP39G and HP40G is that whole rows or columns of keys will occasionally stop working. If you can still access the APLET view and the screen keys then this aplet will transfer you into the Program or Note views so that you can use SAVE/RECV to save them to a PC (assuming that you have a cable) before getting your calculator replaced.
By Colin Croft. 2017-07-24

Transformer   (details) 39/40 ENG   18 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotThis is an easy adaption of the Parametric aplet which allows the student to investigate geometric transformations using 2x2 matrices. It is a fantastic teaching tool - my class deduced all the basic 2x2 transformation matrices for themselves in less than an hour.
By Colin Croft. 2017-07-26

Transformer   (details) 38 ENG   18 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotThis is an easy adaption of the Parametric aplet which allows the student to investigate geometric transformations using 2x2 matrices. It is a fantastic teaching tool - my class deduced all the basic 2x2 transformation matrices for themselves in less than an hour.
By Colin Croft. 2017-07-26

Trap   (details) 38 ENG   1 KB / 3 KB
This is a very neat practical joke program written by Cathy Edward's brother (slightly modified by Colin Croft). It puts a false picture of the HOME view on the screen and then no matter what key the person hits, it just puts up a message saying "Go away I'm busy!". Press ON two or three times quickly to get out.
Unknown original author and Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Trig Explorer   (details) 38 ENG   23 KB / 7 KB
ScreenshotVery well written HP 38G Aplet. This allows students to investigate the behavior of the graph of y=a sin(bx+c)+d as the values of a, b, c and d change. This can be done both by manipulating the equation and seeing the change in the graph, and by manipulating the graph and seeing the change in the equation.
By Hewlett-Packard and Colin Croft. 1998-10-10

Vector Derivatives   (details) 39/40 ENG   16 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotSchool activity designed to investigate the relationship between the position, velocity and acceleration vectors for functions defined in the form (x(t),y(t)).
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Vector Derivatives   (details) 38 ENG   15 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotSchool activity designed to investigate the relationship between the position, velocity and acceleration vectors for functions defined in the form (x(t),y(t)).
By Colin Croft. 1999-03-15

WindFix   (details) 38 ENG   1 KB / 2 KB
Adjusts axes to nice values so cross-hair 'jumps' are to useful points rather than horrible decimals. Trig gives \pi fractions. Similar to Function Plus, but a program instead of an aplet, requiring less memory.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Window Fix   (details) 39/40 ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
Adjusts axes to nice values so cross-hair 'jumps' are to useful points rather than horrible decimals. Trig gives \pi fractions.
By Colin Croft. 2003-05-20

Part of the HP Calculator Archive,
Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.