
Description:This library is a collection of tables (as found in gasdynamics books) useful to solve simple gasdynamics related problems, from flows in ducts or over bodies to simple thermodynamics propulsion applications, and more. It has an RPN approach, which allows the user to compute all the values of a table starting from any of its parameter. It includes the following tables: Isentropic flow, Isothermal flow, Fanno-Line, Rayleigh-Line, Normal shock waves, Prandtl-Meyer Angle and Oblique shock waves. The package includes a readme, two versions of the library (one for the 49G and one for the 49g+/50g) and a text documentation file to be loaded on a SD card and used in conjunction with the SDIAG library (see the Emacs package). Completely written in System RPL.
Current version:1.7
Author:Federico Marziali (Kickaha)
Downloaded file size:49,308 bytes
Size on calculator:15 KB
User rating:10/10 with 1 vote (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Science/Misc
File date:2008-11-09 15:52:53
Source code:Included
Download count:8,491
Version history:2008-11-09: Updated to version 1.7
2008-08-24: Updated to version 1.6
2008-08-09: Updated to version 1.5
2007-08-19: Updated to version 1.4
2007-08-04: Updated to version 1.4
2004-02-03: Updated to version 1.3
2003-12-27: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
    14503  09-10-08 10:55   gasdynamicstables17/GasTables17.49
    14513  09-10-08 10:53   gasdynamicstables17/GasTables17.49p
     2396  07-20-07 15:42   gasdynamicstables17/GasTables17-SS.gif
    15547  10-27-08 16:24   gasdynamicstables17/LDOC1297
    16141  10-27-08 16:31   gasdynamicstables17/Readme.txt
        0  09-10-08 10:56   gasdynamicstables17/Source/
     7920  09-10-08 10:55   gasdynamicstables17/Source/Facilities.s
    10061  09-09-08 14:20   gasdynamicstables17/Source/Fanno.s
     4214  09-10-08 10:56   gasdynamicstables17/Source/GasTables.h
      923  10-28-08 10:34   gasdynamicstables17/Source/GasTables.HPP
    11367  09-09-08 14:20   gasdynamicstables17/Source/Isentropic.s
    12338  09-10-08 10:53   gasdynamicstables17/Source/Isothermal.s
    14524  09-09-08 14:20   gasdynamicstables17/Source/ObliqueShock.s
     3718  09-09-08 14:20   gasdynamicstables17/Source/Prandtl-Meyer_Angle.s
    10855  09-10-08 09:59   gasdynamicstables17/Source/Rayleigh.s
     9440  09-09-08 14:20   gasdynamicstables17/Source/Shock.s
 --------                   -------
   148460                   16 files
Library contents:gasdynamicstables17/GasTables17.49: Library 1297, GasdynamicsTables1.7
gasdynamicstables17/GasTables17.49p: Library 1297, GasdynamicsTables1.7
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