Federico Marziali

First Name:Federico
Last Name:Marziali
Last Change:2008-11-09
Number of Files:7 (237th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:51,721 (205th most downloaded)

Atmos 1.2   (details) 49/50 ENG   68 KB / 7 KB
ScreenshotLibrary for atmospheric/air speed computations, intended for aeronautical engineers and students. It can be used to compute atmospheric properties (temperature, pressure, density, and kinematic viscosity) and acceleration of gravity from altitude and, vice versa, to obtain the altitude corresponding to the value of one of these quantities. Using the altitude and an air speed related quantity, the library can compute (for both subsonic and supersonic regimes) True, Equivalent and Calibrated Air Speed, Mach number, Dynamic Pressure and Reynolds number per unit of length. Finally, the library can be used to compute "kink altitudes", i.e. altitudes corresponding to intersections on an aircraft airspeed diagram between constant Mach number lines and constant True/Equivalent/Calibrated Air Speed lines or constant Dynamic Pressure lines. Through the use of a reserved variable content, it implements a method for Non Standard Day Temperature correction. The library supports both SI units and Imperial units. Two versions of the library are provided (one for the 49G and one for the 49g+/50g) as well as a text documentation file to be loaded on a SD card and used in conjunction with the SDIAG library (see the Emacs package). Completely written in System RPL.
By Federico Marziali (Kickaha). 2008-11-09

GasdynamicsTables 1.7   (details) 49/50 ENG   49 KB / 15 KB
ScreenshotThis library is a collection of tables (as found in gasdynamics books) useful to solve simple gasdynamics related problems, from flows in ducts or over bodies to simple thermodynamics propulsion applications, and more. It has an RPN approach, which allows the user to compute all the values of a table starting from any of its parameter. It includes the following tables: Isentropic flow, Isothermal flow, Fanno-Line, Rayleigh-Line, Normal shock waves, Prandtl-Meyer Angle and Oblique shock waves. The package includes a readme, two versions of the library (one for the 49G and one for the 49g+/50g) and a text documentation file to be loaded on a SD card and used in conjunction with the SDIAG library (see the Emacs package). Completely written in System RPL.
By Federico Marziali (Kickaha). 2008-11-09

GMEFont 1.0   (details) 49/50 ENG   32 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotGMEFont stands for Greek and Math Enhanced Font. It is designed to supply the HP 49G(+) users with ALL the ancient Greek letters and with some glyphs useful in engineering, physics and mathematics. More, it comes along with two smart tools: a compact Font toggler and an handy Key assigner.
By Federico Marziali (Kickaha). 2004-06-08

HP 49G ROM 1.19-6 Message Tables PDF   (details) 49/50 ENG   165 KB
All messages (1504 total) extracted from HP 49G ROM 1.19-6. Pocket Guide sized PDF format. Includes both decimal and hex message numbers. Non-ASCII and control characters in a font similar to 49G. Leading and trailing spaces use a distinctive character. Very long messages have been word-wrapped.
By James M. Prange and Federico Marziali (Kickaha). 2002-09-22

HP 49G(+) Flags 1.4   (details) 49/50 ENG   215 KB
Complete document describing all the System flags (CAS ones included) for both the HP 49G and 49g+ calculators. In PDF format.
By Federico Marziali (Kickaha). 2005-06-04

HP 49G(+) Reserved Names 1.5   (details) 49/50 ENG   168 KB
Complete document describing all Reserved Names (variables and not) for both the HP 49G and 49g+ calculators. It specifies location, type, meaning and structure of each one. The document contains also the Escape Sequences, used when transferring files with Kermit in ASCII mode. In PDF format.
By Federico Marziali (Kickaha). 2005-06-04

MathFont 0.8   (details) 49/50 ENG   10 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotMathFont is designed for mathematics and engineering. It replaces the multi-language support of the built-in font by a sample of glyphs used in formal and informal mathematical languages. Font and Minifont objects are provided encapsulated in a toggler.
By Federico Marziali (Kickaha) and Wolfgang Rautenberg. 2004-03-02

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