HeadMan |
Description: | A tool for using the new header of the HP 49g+ or to integrate it into the display for various environments (Stack, EQW etc). Its viewer uses the entire screen and scrolls nicer than the standard VIEW. In minifont 12 stack levels are visible. Intended for use with ROM version prior to 2.00, which didn't already have built-in support for the full screen. |
Filename: | headman.zip |
ID: | 5940 |
Current version: | 9.2004 |
Authors: | Jorge Cevallos M.
Wolfgang Rautenberg: https://www.mi.fu-berlin.de/archive/raut/ |
Downloaded file size: | 36,540 bytes |
Size on calculator: | 2 KB |
Platforms: | 49/50 |
User rating: | 10/10 with 2 votes (you must be logged in to vote) |
Primary category: | Utils/Misc |
Other categories: | Utils/Stack |
Languages: | ENG |
File date: | 2006-05-27 17:48:12 |
Source code: | Not included |
Download count: | 8,349 |
Version history: | 2006-05-27: Updated to version 9.2004
2004-02-15: Updated to version 5.2004
2004-02-03: Added to site
Archive contents: | Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
116 12-21-03 11:14 AlgExample
5060 02-26-04 03:02 Headman.exp
14991 03-19-04 10:00 Headman.htm
0 02-26-04 09:48 Headman.pic/
846 07-04-03 16:55 Headman.pic/backsp0.gif
839 09-12-03 06:00 Headman.pic/cudown0.gif
840 07-01-03 12:33 Headman.pic/culeft0.gif
840 07-01-03 12:34 Headman.pic/curight0.gif
837 07-04-03 16:55 Headman.pic/cuup0.gif
1865 02-18-04 03:18 Headman.pic/df.gif
1376 12-21-03 08:55 Headman.pic/eqw.gif
1546 02-20-04 05:37 Headman.pic/lastpage.gif
2010 12-15-03 05:00 Headman.pic/lib1mess.gif
1327 02-20-04 05:44 Headman.pic/pageselect.gif
837 06-20-03 09:37 Headman.pic/pfeil-re.gif
1430 01-11-04 06:35 Headman.pic/title.gif
1897 02-26-04 05:09 Headman7
1837 03-19-04 09:42 Headman9
15653 02-26-04 02:55 HeadmanESP.htm
7096 08-27-04 03:24 LDOC337
-------- -------
61243 20 files |
Library contents: | Headman7: Library 337, Headman 7.2004 JC & WR
Headman9: Library 337, Headman 9.2004 JC & WR
Screenshot: |  |
User comments: | No comments at this time. |
| You must be logged in to add your own comment. |