This program contents a data base of 235 countries/territories and has a nice search interface. For the 49G and 49g+. The database is in Spanish; Spanish and English documentation is available.
This 688-byte program allows you to backup all the data of your HP 49g+ into the SD card in just a few seconds. You can select to save Home and/or any port(s) in any path of port 3. Tested with ROM 1.23.
A tool for using the new header of the HP 49g+ or to integrate it into the display for various environments (Stack, EQW etc). Its viewer uses the entire screen and scrolls nicer than the standard VIEW. In minifont 12 stack levels are visible. Intended for use with ROM version prior to 2.00, which didn't already have built-in support for the full screen.
This program is a contribution to the on-line help files that already exist. It describes what flags do when they are set or clear. Tested in 1.18, 1.19-5 and 1.19-6 versions. (100% User RPL).
This set of small programs (~30 bytes each) performs STACK operations in the RPN mode of the HP 49G. The objectives of these programs are to make your programs shorter and easier to write (NOT faster), for use in User RPL in RPN mode. Included in zip file: Spanish and English description of each of the 10 programs, source code, library and directory.
Allows you to view any objects using all 131 by 80 pixels of your 49G+ (not 49G, it may crash). You can choose among 4 presentations. Lists have special behavior, you can join grobs, equations matrix, etc in there.