Special Functions: HP 49g+/48gII/49G

Description:Numerous functions including Fibonacci Numbers, Bernoulli Numbers, Digital Root of Integers, Base Conversions, Sine, Cosine, and Exponential Integrals, Cube, Cube Root, Rect and Polar Conversions, and Double Factorial. Also included is enhanced Apply function where you can apply functions, named and unnamed programs to a list of arguments. LISTPLOT will take two lists, x list and y list and plot them on the PICTURE environment including axes and labels. Most programs are compatible with the HP 48S/G series. All programs are coded in User RPL using a HP 49g+.
Current version:2008
Author:Eddie W. Shore: http://edspi31415.blogspot.com/
Downloaded file size:17,569 bytes
Size on calculator:21 KB
Platforms:49/50 48  
User rating:10/10 with 1 vote (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Math/Misc
File date:2004-12-18 12:13:29
Source code:Not included
Download count:9,019
Version history:2008-01-12: Updated to version 2008
2004-12-18: Updated to version 1.5
2004-10-02: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
       23  11-21-04 15:42   CBRT.hp
    79872  11-21-04 16:05   SPECIAL.doc
      102  11-21-04 15:44   DAYWK.hp
       23  11-21-04 15:43   CUBE.hp
      366  11-21-04 15:44   DblFact.hp
      401  11-21-04 15:43   CLRAZ.hp
       36  11-21-04 15:44   DERXn.hp
       99  11-21-04 15:44   DROOT.hp
      118  11-21-04 15:42   Ci.hp
       23  11-21-04 15:45   MAKELIST.hp
       33  11-21-04 15:45   GOLDEN.hp
      121  11-21-04 15:44   Ei.hp
       76  11-21-04 15:46   Si.hp
      152  11-21-04 15:47   ZETA.hp
       61  11-21-04 15:47   UPCOUNT.hp
       99  11-21-04 15:46   STKSWAP.hp
      223  11-21-04 15:47   ZETAR.hp
      415  11-21-04 15:45   nBASE.hp
      248  11-21-04 15:46   TOGLE.hp
      149  11-21-04 15:45   FIB.hp
       81  11-21-04 15:46   PRCHG.hp
       89  11-21-04 15:45   LISTPLOT.hp
       29  11-21-04 15:52   GMACST.hp
       26  11-21-04 15:53   GETDM.hp
       26  11-21-04 15:53   GETNM.hp
       33  11-21-04 15:53   TOxy.hp
       43  11-21-04 15:53   TOro.hp
      252  11-21-04 15:41   APPLYHP.hp
       28  11-21-04 15:32   ADD%.hp
      270  11-21-04 15:42   BERN.hp
      220  11-21-04 15:41   B29T10.hp
       99  11-21-04 15:45   HPTIME.hp
       79  11-21-04 15:42   BETA.hp
 --------                   -------
    83915                   33 files
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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.