Eddie W. Shore

First Name:Eddie W.
Last Name:Shore
Web Address:http://edspi31415.blogspot.com/
Last Change:2024-07-29
Number of Files:143 (3rd most prolific)
Number of Downloads:146,820 (47th most downloaded)

Advanced Boolean Functions   (details) Prime ENG   44 KB / 6 KB
A set of functions for doing advanced Boolean operations, beyond what the calculator has built-in: NAND, NOR, XNOR, and IMPL.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2020-04-12

Advanced Lease Payments   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotCalculates the monthly payment of lease several payments are paid simultaneously at the beginning of the lease. Requires firmware 13441 or higher.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-03-18

Angular Distance Between Stars   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotGiven the right ascension (α) and declination (δ) of two stars of the same epoch (J2000.0 is the most current), calculates the distance between the stars.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-06-12

Area by Quadratic Splines   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
Calculates the area under the curve described by the set of points (x_n, y_n). The points are connected, in groups of three, by quadratic splines. Thus, points (x1, y1), (x2, y2), and (x3, y3) are connected by a quadratic spline, (x3, y3), (x4, y4), (x5, y5) are connected by another quadratic spline, and so on.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-12-17

At The Races   (details) Prime ENG   32 KB / 5 KB
ScreenshotSimulates a race between seven racers. Betting is not included.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-06-03

Azimuth/Bearing Conversions   (details) Prime ENG   48 KB / 4 KB
Convert angles between two measuring systems that are commonly used by civil engineers and navigators -- Azimuth to Bearing and Bearing to Azimuth. Uses an unusual approach: the use of the arcsine, sine, and cosine functions. These functions are used because on scientific calculators, the trigonometric functions return answers in specific ranges.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-05-27

Base 10 - Base 12 Conversions   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 4 KB
Converts between Base 10 and Base 12.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-02-11

BASEDEC/DECBASE   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 6 KB
A pair of programs which convert numbers back and forth between decimal and any arbitrary base up to base 36.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-12-29

Basic Planetary Data   (details) Prime ENG   5 KB / 6 KB
ScreenshotRetrieves data about our solar system planets, including our dwarf planet, Pluto, presenting you with a choose menu which will present a screen of all the data for a planet. It also has a routine to pull out a specific data point for calculations. Data available are name, radius (km), mass (kg), gravity (m/s^2), density (g/cm^3), axial tilt (°), period (days), and number of moons.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-02-11

Bessell   (details) Prime ENG   7 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotCalculates the Bessel function of the first kind. Two different approaches are shown.
By Eddie W. Shore and others. 2016-08-06

Best Regression Fit   (details) Prime ENG   5 KB / 4-5 KB
Compares a set of regressions to determine a best fit, simulating a feature from the 48 and 49/50 series calculators. It compares the correlations of the linear, logarithmic, exponential, and power regression models. Includes a separate version that adds inverse, simple logistic, simple quadratic, and square root.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-11-05

Binary Conversions   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 2-5 KB
Two conversion programs, one which takes a real number, x, and decomposes it to the form of x = 2 * (1 + n)^p, and the other which converts any real number in base 10 to base 2, including non-integers and negative numbers, and the result is displayed as a string.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2020-09-30

Black Hole Characteristics – Hawking Radiation   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 3 KB
Given the mass (either in kg or solar masses), this program can estimate these black hole characteristics: Swartzchild radius, life time left as the black hole slowly radiates, average temperature of the black hole, surface area of the black hole, and surface gravity of the black hole.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-01-07

Blotch   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 4 KB
ScreenshotDraws square blotches with random colors.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2014-10-19

Bode Magnitude Plot   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
Plots a handmade Bode Plot for any of the following forms: (I) H(s) = K * (s/A + 1)/(s/B + 1), (II) H(s) = K * (s/A + 1), and (III) H(s) = K * 1/(s/B + 1).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-04-15

Bolt Pattern   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 1 KB
Calculates a bolt pattern given X (center, X coordinate), Y (center, Y coordinate), N (number of bolts), and D (diameter of the circle). No angle of rotation is assumed.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2015-08-20

Building a List of Templates   (details) Prime ENG   71 KB / 2 KB
Shows how, using a custom Templates user key, to quickly access functions that would take additional keystrokes and with the App specific functions, deal with dynamic menus. Also includes a modified version that works with later firmware versions and allows the selection to be cancelled with Esc.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-05-28

Calculations with 3-Dimensional Vectors   (details) Prime ENG   6 KB / 2-12 KB
A series of programs for working with three dimensional vectors, including RECT2SPH (rectangular to Spherical Coordinates), SPH2RECT (spherical Coordinates to Rectangular Coordinates), LIN3DIST (linear distance between coordinates), SPH3DIST (spherical distance between coordinates), VANGLE (angle between two coordinates), and ROT3X, ROT3Y, and ROT3Z (which rotate the three-dimensional vector [x, y, z] with respect to the x-axis (ax), respect to the y-axis (ay), and respect to the z-axis (az), respectively).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-02-11

Car Payment and Affordability 1.1   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 4 KB
ScreenshotTwo programs to tackle common financial questions of purchasing automobiles, or other equipment that might be financed. CARPMT calculates what would be the monthly payment, while CARAFFORD calculates the sticker price that the buyer can afford.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-03-14

Card Sharks Odds   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
The game show Card Sharks may have long been off-air except for reruns on GSN or BUZZR (or even finding videos on YouTube), the game show is still popular. It is a simple game involving a standard deck of 52 cards. The object is to predict whether the next card is higher in rank or lower in rank than the preceding card. In Card Sharks, aces always count as high. Along with aces, twos are very desirable, while eights are the worst cards in the deck. The program CSODDS tracks the odds of whether the next card is higher or lower. CSODDS assumes a 52 card deck (no jokers).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2016-08-04

Carmichael Numbers   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 1-2 KB
Tests whether an integer n qualifies as a Carmichael number based on the Korselt’s Criterion: 1. n is a positive, composite integer. That is, n can be factored into a multiplication of prime numbers. 2. n is square-free. 3. For each prime factor p dividing n (not 1 or n), the following is true: (p-1) divides (n-1) evenly (without fraction).
By Eddie W. Shore and others. 2020-05-03

CarPower   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 1 KB
Takes power in horsepower (hp), mass in pounds (lb), initial velocity (mph), and time to evaluate (seconds). Returns zip (numerical value only (ft/s^1.5)), acceleration in miles per hour per second, velocity in miles per hour, and position in feet.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2014-10-19

Center of Mass   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 1 KB
Calculates the center of mass of the matrix M, where M represents the body. The entries of M represents an array of molecules, each with assigned weights. It is possible that the center of mass is located outside of the body. If gravity affects the particles equally, then the center of mass & center of gravity are identical.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2015-08-20

Collection of Functions   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 5 KB
Contains 13 historical, archaic, and unusual functions. They are: Versine (VERS(X); 1 – cos x), Coversine (COVERS(X); 1 – sin x), Haversine (HAV(X); sin(x/2)^2), Normalized Sampling (NSINC(X); sin(π * x)/(π * x)), Exsecant (EXSEC(X); sec x - 1), Gundermannian (GD(X); atan(sinh x)), Inverse Gundermannian (INVGD(X); asinh(tan x)), Dilogarithm (DILN(X); ∫ (ln t / (t – 1) dt, 1, x)), Exponential Polynomial (EPOLY(N, X); Σ(x^j / j!, j, 0, n)), Hypotenuse of a Right Triangle (HYPER(A,B); √(a^2 + b^2)), Langevin Function (LANGEVIN(X); 1/tanh x – 1/x), General Mean Function (GENMEAN(N,A,B), N = 1, arithmetic mean, N = 2, root mean square, N = -1, harmonic mean, (a^n + b^n) / 2)^(1/n)), and Logarithmic Integral (Li(X); Ei(LN(x))).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-02-01

Color Demonstration   (details) Prime ENG   23 KB / 4 KB
Lets you cycle through colors by changing the red, green, and blue values.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-05-17

Colores   (details) Prime ENG ESP   26 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotLets the user scroll through various colors (black/blanco, gray/gris, white/blanco, etc.) using the plus and minus buttons, showing the names in both English and Spanish.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-05-28

Column Stability Factor of a Wood Column   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 4 KB
Calculates the slenderness and the column stability factor of a Douglas-Fir wood column.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2015-08-20

Combined Internal Rate of Return   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
An investor has several projects, each with their own initial investments and discount rate. The net present value is calculated (NPV) for each project. If the investor combines all the projects into one set of cash flows, this program calculates the effective internal rate of return.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-05-17

Combo Loan   (details) Prime ENG   5 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotCalculates the payments for both separate loans and combined loans. This particular loan covers of three types: 80:20, 80:15:5, and 80:10:10.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-04-09

Complex Number Arithmetic and Lambert Function   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3-6 KB
Two sample Python programs, one which performs the four arithmetic functions on two complex numbers, and the other which approximates the Lambert W function, estimating w given complex number z using Newtons Method.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2021-07-30

Complex Prime Number Test   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Tests whether a complex number is a prime number. Of course, every number on the HP Prime is prime!
By Eddie W. Shore. 2015-08-20

Condition Number of a Function   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
Returns the Condition number for a function f(x), defined as: Cond = abs( x * d/dx f(x) / f(x) ).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2020-04-12

Congruence Equations   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
Solves congruence equations.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2014-10-22

Constant Amount Applied to Principal   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotIn most loans and mortgages, the amount of payment applying to interest and principal depends on the running balance. This program assumes the customer wants an equal portion to apply to principal each payment. As a result, the payment itself, principal and interest, will vary.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2023-05-14

Coordinate Conversion   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
Performs coordinate conversions between rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2016-08-03

Cosine Regression   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 3 KB
Attempts to fit data to the curve Y = A*cos(C*(X-D))+B. The user will provide the x-data, y-data, and the period of the data. Radians mode will be used.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-07-28

Curvature   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 4 KB
Calculates the curvature of functions, y(x), polar functions, r(t) (t: Θ), and parametric functions, x(t), y(t).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2023-05-14

Custom Menu Using a User Key   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB
Shows how to create a custom menu using a user key.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2022-02-27

Day of Year   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Shows two ways of calculating the day of the year of a given date.
By Eddie W. Shore and Damien Unknown. 2014-10-22

Daylight   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Calculates the length of daylight for any day given the Earth's latitude of the observer (from -90° (South) to 90° (North)) and the number of days since the December solstice (around December 21-22). Note that is different from many approximate formulas which used the vernal equinox as a starting point.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2016-08-03

Decimal to Any Base   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 4 KB
Two programs that allow conversion of integers from decimal to any designated base. Integers used in base other than 10 are presented in list format. Each digit is separate and listed in order of descending place value.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-02-11

Dedekind Sums   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
Calculates Dedekind Sums, which are defined as S = Σ( ((I ÷ Q)) × ((P × I ÷ Q)), for I=1 to Q), where P and Q be relatively prime integers and the double parenthesis around the terms I ÷ Q and P × I ÷ Q signify a custom function.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2024-06-08

Degree of a Polynomial   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
A more complete version of the degree command. The degree command tests a single variable, defaulted to x if no variable is specified. This CAS program calculates the degree of a polynomial, considering four variables: x, y, z, and t. Combinations of these four variables, such as x*y, x*y*z, and t*z are also considered.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2016-08-06

Diameter of an American Wire Gauge   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
Given the wire number, this program returns the diameter of the wire in inches.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-12-27

Digamma Function   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
Calculates the digamma function for any positive integers and multiples of 1/2 (such as 3/2, 5/2, 7/2, etc) using the formulas: ψ(1/2) = -γ – ln 4 = -1.963510026, ψ(1) = -γ = -0.5772156649, ψ(n) = Σ(1/x, x, 1, n-1) - γ for n is an integer, and ψ(n) = Σ(2/(2*x+1), x, 0, n-3/2) - γ – ln 4 for n a multiple of 1/2 for the form p/2, p is odd, where γ = 0.577215664901533 (Euler-Mascheroni constant)
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-12-28

Direct Sum and Tensor Product   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
Calculates the direct sum and tensor product (outer product). The direct sum, of two tensors symbolized by ⊕, stacks column vectors on top of each other. The tensor product, also known as the outer product, multiplies the numbers from V1 to each element V2 in order.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2023-05-14

Distance from the Sun & Orbital Speed   (details) Prime ENG   5 KB / 3 KB
Calculates the distance a planet (and dwarf planet Pluto) is from the sun and the speed of the planet, given at any given the number of Earth days (and partial Earth days) from the perihelion. A planet is at its perihelion is when the planet is closest to the Sun in its elliptical orbit. Earth is at its perihelion approximately January 3 to January 5 annually.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2015-08-23

Double Integral by Monte Carlo Method   (details) Prime ENG   52 KB / 3 KB
Calculates the double integral ∫ ∫ f(x,y) dx dy over a circular area with center (X, Y) and radius R using the Monte Carlo method.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-12-21

DrawIcon   (details) Prime ENG   5 KB / 3 KB
Shows how to draw an icon, with both 4x4 and 6x6 examples.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2014-10-22

Drawing 3D Lines and Boxes   (details) Prime ENG   117 KB / 10 KB
ScreenshotExplains the 3D features of the LINE and TRIANGLE commands, with sample code to draw 3D lines and boxes.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-04-29

Drawing Cards and Video Poker   (details) Prime ENG   5 KB / 5 KB
ScreenshotA function that draws a set number of cards from a deck of 52 standard playing cards, along with a program that uses it to allow you to play poker.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2020-04-12

DrawMenu   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 3 KB
Shows how to use DRAWMENU to create CAS menus.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2014-10-22

EDM Slope Reduction   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
Calculates the curvature correction due to the Earth, the horizontal distance from observer to reflector at both elevation of the observer and at sea level, and the change of in elevation from observer to reflector, given the slope distance between observer to reflector, the height of both the observer and reflector’s instruments, the elevation the observer, and the zenith angle: angle from directly above to the slope distance line.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-07-28

EQT   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 1 KB
Equation of time approximation. The equation of time describes the difference in time (seconds, minutes, or hours) between the true solar time and time as we normally know it (a day takes 24 hours). If we used a sundial to measure time and compare it against a mechanical watch, the equation of time would demonstrate the approximate difference.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2015-08-20

Equation Library 1.0   (details) Prime ENG   227 KB / 21 KB
Offers 47 equations for HP Prime's Solver App. Just run the eqlib program, select the category that you are interested in, and select the equation within that category and you are off and running. Categories include: Geometry (areas, volumes, surface areas), Finance (monthly loans, sales tax, break-even), Temperature Conversion (Fahrenheit to and from Celsius), Physics: Problems of Motion (linear distance, circular motion, pendulums, terminal & escape velocity), Sound (speed of sound, Doppler effect, loudness), Optics (Lens and Snell equations, spherical refraction), Electronics (2 resistors series and parallel, thermal noise, Ohm's Law), Astronomy (parallax, luminosity, Kepler's 3rd Law, time dilation), Great Circle Calculations, Angle of Incidence Calculations, Gases (Ideal and Boyle's Gas Laws, heat capacity, air density, isothermal expansion), and Fluids (depth pressure, fluid flow, Bernoulli's Equation).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2015-08-19

Feet/Feet-Inch-Fraction Conversions   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 4 KB
Converts between feet/inches/fractions (in 16th of an inch) and decimals, for FF.IINN to Feet and Feet to FF.IINN. For example, FTFI(5.78125) returns 5.0906 (5.78125 ft is 5 ft 9-6/16 in, or 5 ft 9-3/8 in).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-12-21

Fiber Optics Equation Library   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
Using the half-increment solution by Robert M. Eisberg, solves the numerical differential equation d^2y/dt^2 = f(dy/dt, y, t) given the initial conditions y(t0) = y0 and dy/dt (t0) = dy0.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-02-11

Fibonacci Triangle Matrices   (details) Prime ENG   357 KB / 2-5 KB
ScreenshotHas the program FIBMAT to generate the Fibonacci Triangle in matrix form, and the program FIBTRI to visualize the Fibonacci Triangle.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-12-27

Fick Cardiac Output   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 3 KB
Uses the Fick cardiac output equations to calculate CO (Cardiac Output in L/min), SV (Stroke Volume in ml), CI (Cardiac Index in L/(min/m^2)), and SI (Stroke Index in ml/m^2) given the inputs Ca (Arterial blood oxygen (O2) content percentage), CvO2 (Venous blood oxygen (O2) content percentage), VO2 (Oxygen compulsion (in ml per pure oxygen gas per minute, STPD)), HR (Heart Rate in beats per minute), height in cm, and weight in kg.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-04-15

Five-Letter Scramble   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotThe object of the game is to unscramble five-letter words. You only get one chance, but there is no time limit. Try to get a high score! Written in Python.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2023-09-24

Forces on a Warren Truss   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
Calculates the upward forces of the truss's pin and roller. The program allows for any number of beams (minimum of 1), however, all the beams have the same mass. The lengths between the pin, the beams, and the roller can vary.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2015-08-23

Forward Intersection   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
Calculates the third point on a triangle where the coordinates of points A (xa, xb) and B (xb, yb) are known. Also, a line towards P point is aimed from point A at angle α° and from point B at angle β°.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-02-11

Fractal Plots   (details) Prime ENG   46 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotPlots a fractal to simulate a Julia Set. The program will ask for a sample graphing space with a border B. It will also ask for the number of points (G), which will determine the number of points plotted in the graph. The higher G is, the more detailed the fractal is; however, the plot will take longer to complete.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-05-27

Fun with Primes   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2-4 KB
Small programs to calculate the sum of the first n prime numbers, the sum of the first n prime reciprocals, and the product of the first n prime reciprocals.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-02-11

Gauss-Jordan   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
Uses the Gauss-Jordan Elimination Method in a step-by-step fashion to reduce a matrix.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2016-08-03

GeomCalc   (details) Prime ENG   383 KB / 6 KB
ScreenshotThis app is part of a tutorial of making custom user apps for the HP Prime. Notes of how the app is made, as well as an app itself, are included in the zip file. GeomCalc has ten geometric calculations: five areas and five volumes. Requires at least firmware 13333.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-02-18

Gompertz Model   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
Fits the data {y_1, y_2, y_3, … , y_m } to the curve y = a*b^c^x, where x = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, … , m-1}. The program works best if the dimension (size) of the data set is divisible by 3. GOMPERTZ sorts the values into ascending order before calculation. The results returned is a 3 x 1 matrix of the parameters: a, b, and c. GOMPERTZ estimates a, b, and c and runs through one iteration to retrieve a better estimate, and may be modified by include additional iterations should the user desire.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2016-08-06

Graduated Mortgage Payments   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 3 KB
Calculates the payment schedule of a graduated mortgage. A graduated payment mortgage (GPM) is a mortgage option that allows home buyers, particularly young, first-time home buyers, to purchase a home. The payments increase by a set percentage of at annual rate for several years until it reaches a plateau.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-02-18

H2OWAVES   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
Calculates wave speed, impedance, and wave flux for shallow ocean waves.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-04-27

Heat Properties of Water   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotCalculates three heat properties of liquid water based on its temperature: specific heat capacity of water (ratio of heat added or removed from an object to cause a temperature change), measured in J/(g*°C), latent heat of evaporation, measured in kJ/kg, and latent heat of fusion, measured in kJ/kg. The program accepts three measurements for liquid water, Fahrenheit (°F), Celsius (°C), or Kelvin (K).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-02-01

Hermite Interpolation   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
This performs Hermite Interpolation for the 2-known points case, when we have points (x0, y0, y’0) and (x1, y1, y’1) and we want to determine y for a given value of x. The approximation of y is determined by divided differences.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2016-08-04

HP 39G RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) 1.0   (details) 39/40 ENG   184 KB / 6 KB
ScreenshotRPN simulator for the HP 39g+ series. Function wise, it is an equivalent of between an HP 35 and 45. Programmed in basic, and can be run from any applet.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2007-04-03

HP 49g+ Cue Cards 2.0   (details) 49/50 ENG   12 KB
Commands used with the 49g+ and 48gII. This is a pocket guide featuring: syntax for program commands, calculus, lists, and matrices. Learn how to put text on the Picture screen, how to efficiently make the matrix for Statistical functions, how to make your HP play music, and the basics of making making a library. This is a revised edition.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2004-10-02

Hyperbolic CAS Transformations   (details) Prime ENG   6 KB / 14 KB
CAS transformations with expressions involving hyperbolic functions, mainly sinh (hyperbolic sine) and cosh (hyperbolic cosine).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-12-31

Impedance of an RLC Circuit   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 3-6 KB
Two functions to calculate the total impedance of the circuit, and its magnitude in ohms, the phase angle in a circuit in degrees, and the current of the series in amps, one for series circuits and the other for parallel circuits.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2015-08-23

Integer Ratios and Integer Density   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 4 KB
Calculates the ratio of integers to a range of integer that fit a criteria. The seven ratios that the program offers are the number of odd integers over the range of integers, the number of even integers over the range of integers, the number of integers equally divisible by N over the range of integers, the number of perfect squares over the range of integers, the number of integers that begin with digit N over the range of integers, the number of integers that are triangular numbers over the range of integers, and the number of integers that are relatively prime to N over the range of integers.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2023-05-14

Interval Arithmetic   (details) Prime ENG   5 KB / 8 KB
Performs interval arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) with two intervals.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2023-05-14

Jacobi Elliptic Functions   (details) Prime ENG   87 KB / 2 KB
Jacobian Elliptic Functions are a set of twelve functions denoted by XY(U, K) where X and Y stands of letters c, s, n, and d. This program works with three common Jacobi Elliptic Functions: Sine Amplitude: sn(u,k), Cosine Amplitude: cn(u,k), Delta Amplitude: dn(u,k).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2020-04-11

Julian Date Number/Gregorian Calendar Date Conversions   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 3 KB
Converts between Julian date numbers and Gregorian calendar dates, without using the built-in functions, to show how to do it manually.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-01-20

Keystroke Programming Simulator Beta   (details) Prime ENG   564 KB / 25 KB
Contains two programs: editmacro and runmacro. They bring the powerful keystroke RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) programming to the HP Prime. If you are familiar with the traditional HP programmable calculators (HP 65, 67, 12C, 15C, 35S, and a whole lot more), you will feel at home using this program package.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2015-08-15

Leap Year Test   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Tests whether a year is a leap year.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-10-22

Length of a Loan with a Certain Payment   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotCalculates how many payments are required to finish a loan, given a certain annual interest rate and payment. Payments are assumed to be monthly, and end of period. The program will also return the last payment. Due to the rounding in the financial algorithms, the last payment is an approximate (unless the interest rate is 0%).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-04-03

Linear Exponential Combination Fit   (details) Prime ENG   100 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotAttempts to fit bivariate data to the curve y = a + b * x + c * e^x. The LSQ (least square) function is used. The output is a list of three matrices.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2020-12-30

Magic Squares   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
Generates random 3 x 3 non-normal magic squares. The sum of each row, column, and diagonal are given. A magic square is a square of integers where each row, column, and diagonal have the same sum.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-10-22

Mathematical Pixel Art   (details) Prime ENG   31 KB / 2-13 KB
ScreenshotGenerates some images mathematically, including Blue Diamond, Lake, Tree Trunk, and Yin Yang on the Prime, as well as Cat, Dog, Pisces, and Question Block on the 42S.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-02-27

Matrices Built from Shifted Elements   (details) Prime ENG   64 KB / 4 KB
ScreenshotPrograms to create an n by n matrix based on the elements of a given list. Each row has each of the elements rotated one element, either left (LSM) or right (RSM).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-03-11

Maximum Probability - Incomplete Gamma Law   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotCalculates four calculation points and three parameters of A, γ, and β of the Incomplete Gamma Law: g(x) = 1 / (β^γ * gamma(γ)) * x^(γ - 1) * e^(x/β).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-08-29

Mercator Sailing: Course and Distance   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
Calculates the course direction and distance in miles given two pairs of latitude (north/south) and longitude (east/west). Conversion to arc minutes will be required during calculation.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-08-18

Moments of Inertia   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Program to calculate moments of inertia, and also demonstrates the use of CHOOSE and CASE.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2014-10-22

Money Machine Game   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 4 KB
ScreenshotA simple game where the machine randomizes between $250 to $50,000. Press [Enter] whenever you feel lucky.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-06-17

Moon Date   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotDetermines when the next start point of a desired phase of the Earth's moon will occur given a month and year.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-02-23

Moon Phase   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
Calculates the decimal percent of the phase of the moon for a given date.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-06-24

MOVEM   (details) Prime ENG   10 KB / 10 KB
ScreenshotSimple game where the objective is to collect dollar signs (coins) to unlock the boundary at the top of the screen to allow access to the goal. Trees block your progress. Avoid the purple foes at all times, one touch and it's over! One purple foe jumps around randomly while two fly horizontal.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2014-10-19

MPINVERT   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Also known as a pseudoinverse, calculates the Moore-Penrose inverse of a matrix, denoted by A^+ (capital A with a supersubscript of a plus sign), is an inverse of matrix. Different from the "true" matrix inverse, the Moore-Penrose inverse allows for non-square matrices. Primarily, the Moore-Penrose inverses are calculated is assist in solving linear least-square equations.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2015-08-20

Net Present Value   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Calculates Net Present Value.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2014-10-22

Noise Figure and Noise Voltage   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 3 KB
Given system temperature (in Kelvins), the first program calculates the noise figure (in Decibels), which describes the noise performance of an amplifier. The noise figure is described as the difference between the noise output of an actual receiver to an ideal, noiseless receiver. A noiseless receiver is said to have a resistor operating at room temperature, 290 K (about 16.85°C or 62.33°F). The lower the noise figure, the better. Given the noise bandwidth (in Hertz) and the resistance (in Ω), the second program calculates the open-circuit voltage (in RMS volts).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-01-20

Orbital Elements   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 3 KB
Given the radius vector, velocity vector, and canonical units, produces the angular momentum vector, the node vector, inclination angle of the satellite, and longitude angle.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2015-08-23

Orthogonal Matrix Test   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
Tests whether a square matrix is orthogonal, using the formula M * M^T = M^T * M = I.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-02-11

Parabolic Coordinates   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
Converts between parabolic coordinates (μ, v, ϕ) and rectangular coordinates (x, y, z).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-03-05

Parabolic Cylindrical Coordinates   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
Converts between parabolic cylindrical coordinates (μ, v, ϕ) and rectangular coordinates (x, y, z).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-03-05

Perigee and Apogee of a Conic Section   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotDetermines three characteristics of a conic section: the eccentricity, perigee, and apogee, given the lengths of the semi-major axis (A) and the semi-minor axis (P).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-12-17

Pitch vs Angle   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotCalculates the pitch and angle of various roof heights. The pitch of a roof is the number of inches of vertical rise per 12 inches. For example: a roof of 3/12 is pitch is a roof that rises 3 inches for every 12 horizontal inches. This program demonstrates the angle computer given different roof pitches. You control the rise, anywhere for 0.5 ft to 12 ft. Use the up and down arrow keys to control the rise.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-02-11

Pixel Plot   (details) Prime ENG   107 KB / 4 KB
Program for changing Cartesian coordinates to pixels. When running programs on the HP Prime, the screen has a pixel coordinate system of 320 x 220 (to allow room for soft menu keys). There are two ways to calculate to translate Cartesian coordinates to pixel coordinates on the HP Prime. The easy way is to use the C→PX command. However, if you are working in custom made apps, C→PX may not work because the command requires that app has the Plot variables Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, and Ymax. This will require a conversion formula, provided by this program.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-02-18

Platonic Solids   (details) Prime ENG   5 KB / 3 KB
A set of routines to calculate the volume and surface area of the following solids: tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-02-11

Plotting a Parametric Line of Motion   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
Draws a 2D motion plot from an initial starting point (x, y) given initial velocity and acceleration. The rate and direction of both velocity and acceleration are assumed to be constant.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2024-07-29

Polynomial Homogeneous Test   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
A polynomial is homogeneous if all of the nonzero terms has the same degree. This CAS program tests a polynomial of four variables x, y, z, and t and their combinations (x*y, x*z, x*y*z, etc). If the polynomial in question is homogeneous, the program returns a 1 (for true), otherwise 0 is returned (for false).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2016-08-06

Pythagorean Triangle Search   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotA Pythagorean triple is a trio of positive integers a, b, and c, that describe the lengths of a right triangle, where a and b are the lengths of the sides while c is the length of the hypotenuse. This program asks you for m and n and generates a Pythagorean triple. Make sure that m > n.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2020-09-30

Pythagorean Triples   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
Calculates a Pythagorean triple. A Pythagorean triple is a set of three positive integers A, B, and C that represent the lengths of a right triangle, with C being the hypotenuse. Hence, A^2 + B^2 = C^2.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-02-11

QTM   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Tools for working with quaternions in 2x2 matrix form.
By Eddie W. Shore and Salvo Micciché (salvomic). 2016-08-03

Rabbits vs Foxes   (details) Prime ENG   20 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotDetermines the population of rabbits and foxes over time as modeled by the differential equations dr/dt = 2 * r - α * r * f and df/dt = -f + α * r * f. Includes two versions, one which gives numerical results and one which plots the results.
By Eddie W. Shore and Mark Power. 2020-04-11

Rational Binomial Coefficients   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
Calculates the rational binomial coefficient.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-01-17

Reversing an Integer's Digits   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
Reverses the digits of an integer, up to 11 digits.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2023-05-14

Rounding to the Nearest Reciprocal   (details) Prime ENG   14 KB / 2 KB
Rounds a number to the nearest 1/n. This function can come in handy in several applications, for example, when working with construction or measuring, when have to round results to the nearest eighth (1/8), inch (1/12) or sixteenth (1/16).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-12-06

RPN Keystroke Simulator 1.0   (details) Prime ENG   602 KB / 28 KB
ScreenshotOffers 47 equations for HP Prime's Solver App. Just run the eqlib program, select the category that you are interested in, and select the equation within that category and you are off and running. Categories include: Geometry (areas, volumes, surface areas), Finance (monthly loans, sales tax, break-even), Temperature Conversion (Fahrenheit to and from Celsius), Physics: Problems of Motion (linear distance, circular motion, pendulums, terminal & escape velocity), Sound (speed of sound, Doppler effect, loudness), Optics (Lens and Snell equations, spherical refraction), Electronics (2 resistors series and parallel, thermal noise, Ohm's Law), Astronomy (parallax, luminosity, Kepler's 3rd Law, time dilation), Great Circle Calculations, Angle of Incidence Calculations, Gases (Ideal and Boyle's Gas Laws, heat capacity, air density, isothermal expansion), and Fluids (depth pressure, fluid flow, Bernoulli's Equation).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2015-10-24

Runge Kutta 4th Order Method   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 1 KB
Two functions for solving differential equations using the Runge Kutta 4th Order, one that takes all five arguments as parameters and the other that uses an input box.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2015-08-23

SAMPLE   (details) Prime ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
Generate a list of random integers from 1 to N using sample without replacement.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2013-10-05

Shewhart X-Bar Chart   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 3 KB
Given a matrix, XCHART generates five variables that describe the parameters of a Shewhart X-bar chart for quality control purposes. Two limits, upper and lower, are determined, set 3 deviations from the mean, set the boundaries in which a process can vary and still allow the process to be in control.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-08-26

Sieve of Eratosthenes   (details) Prime ENG   23 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotShows a miniature version of the famous Sieve of Eratosthenes. The Sieve of Eratosthenes is a Greek algorithm that determines prime numbers from 2 to N through eliminating multiplies.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-12-21

Simple Logistic Regression   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
Attempts to fit two lists of data (X, Y) to the equation y=1/(A+B*e^(-x)) by using the translation: X’ = e^-X and Y’ = 1/Y and performing linear regression analysis on X’ and Y’. This is good for all data except when y = 0.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-04-22

Simplified Modulo Expressions   (details) Prime ENG   47 KB / 2 KB
Finds equivalent congruence for A ≡ B mod M. The user inputs B and M, A and equivalent congruence will be calculated.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-12-29

SIMPRULE   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotUsing Simpson's Rule, approximates the integral of f(X): ∫f(X)dX=h/2*(f(a)+2*Σf(x_E)+4*∑f(x_O)+f(b)) where a is the lower limit, b is the upper limit, n is the number of intervals and is even, h is (b–a)/n, x_E is a+h*I where I is from 1 to n-1 and I is even, and x_O is a+h*I where I is from 1 to n-1 and I is odd.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2016-08-06

Slopefield   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
Graphs the slopefield of a differential equation in the form dy/dx = f(x,y). This program is adopted from Alan Ziv’s SLPFIELD program, which Ziv programmed for the Casio fx-9850G.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2016-08-03

Smith Chart Conversions   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
Calculates one of two sets of conversions: Return Loss (RL) to Standing Wave Ratio (SWR, in decibels): RL to ρ (reflection coefficient) to σ (voltage standing ratio) to SWR, and Standing Wave Ratio to Return Loss: SWR to σ to ρ to RL.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-12-28

Solar Irradiance   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 1 KB
Calculates two properties: the solar angle of incidence given the angular elevation and azimuth (from south going “counterclockwise”: east-north-west) of both the sun and panel, and the irradiance given by the solar panel.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2015-08-20

Solver: Length of a V Belt   (details) Prime ENG   46 KB / 3 KB
Given the large pulley diameter, the small pulley diameter, and the center-to-center distance, this program calculates the length of the V-belt needed to connect them.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-05-27

Solving Integral Equations   (details) Prime ENG   50 KB / 2 KB
Solves the equation ∫( f(t) dt, 0, x) = a and ∫( f(t) dt, 0, x) - a = 0.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-08-29

Special Functions: HP 49g+/48gII/49G 2008   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   18 KB / 21 KB
Numerous functions including Fibonacci Numbers, Bernoulli Numbers, Digital Root of Integers, Base Conversions, Sine, Cosine, and Exponential Integrals, Cube, Cube Root, Rect and Polar Conversions, and Double Factorial. Also included is enhanced Apply function where you can apply functions, named and unnamed programs to a list of arguments. LISTPLOT will take two lists, x list and y list and plot them on the PICTURE environment including axes and labels. Most programs are compatible with the HP 48S/G series. All programs are coded in User RPL using a HP 49g+.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2008-01-12

SPECIAL2 2.0   (details) 49/50 ENG   14 KB / 12 KB
ScreenshotSpecial Functions 2 expands on the Special Functions library, and contains new functions which include Set Theory (Union, Intersect, Relative Compliment), Complex Analysis (Derivative [Cauchy-Reimann Equation Test], Gradient), Stopwatch, more special functions (Si, Ci, Li, Ei, GD, Zeta, now with Roman Factorial, Pochhammer Function), Number Theory (Perfect Integer test, Arithmetic-Geometric Mean, Bernoulli Numbers [5 decimal place approx], and Fibonacci Numbers), a two week calendar, Finance (including net present value, internal rate of return, depreciation, net future value, PITI), and more.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2005-11-25

Square Root Linear Regression   (details) Prime   2 KB / 2 KB
Attempts to fit data to the curve Y = √(A + B*X) using the linear transformation y^2 = a + b*x.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-07-17

Sum of Two Squares   (details) Prime ENG   33 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotGiven a positive integer n, it can be possible to find two non-negative integers x and y such that n = x^2 + y^2. This program uses iterations to find all possible pairs which fit n = x^2 + y^2. Some integers do not have representations, others have more than one. The program will show all possible combinations.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-08-29

The Price Is Right Wheel Simulation   (details) Prime ENG   6 KB / 11 KB
ScreenshotSimulates the Showcase Showdown round of the game show The Price Is Right. The wheel consists of amounts from 5 cents to 1 dollar in increments of 5 cents. The goal is to get closest to $1.00 without going over. On the game show, the winner of the Showcase Showdown advances to the final Showcase round.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-06-17

The Two Train Problem   (details) Prime ENG   36 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotTwo trains are heading towards each other, on their own separate train track. Each train has going at their own speed (velocity). The trains start out a distance apart. This program calculates when and where the trains will cross over the same spot.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-03-01

Thermal Noise (Johnson-Nyquist Noise)   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 1 KB
Calculates the RMS (root-mean-square) voltage of a resistor at a certain temperature. Thermal noise, also known as Johnson-Nyquist Noise is generated when the resistor has a temperature above absolute zero. It also calculates the noise power in decibels.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2015-08-23

Throwing Dice   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotSimulates rolling two six-sided dice.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-06-17

Trapezoid Midsegment, Height, Area   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotCalculates the midsegment, height, and area of a trapezoid.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-06-24

Trapezoid Rule Using Distinct Points   (details) Prime ENG   33 KB / 2 KB
Uses the Trapezoid Rule to estimate the area of any surface, given a list of measurements and the increment between the measurements.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-06-17

TRAPRULE   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotUsing the Trapezoidal Rule, approximates the integral of f(X): ∫f(X)dX=h/2*(f(a)+2*Σf(x_I)+f(b)), where a is the lower limit, b is the upper limit, n is the number of intervals, h is (b–a)/n, and x_I is a+h*I where I is from 1 to n-1.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2016-08-06

Treasure Hunt   (details) Prime ENG   82 KB / 6 KB
ScreenshotModeled after the game board in the 1950s-1980s television show Treasure Hunt. Presents you with 12 boxes, one has $50,000. Select a box by just tapping the screen. You will then be presented with a sure thing. A choose box will be presented where you make your choice to take the sure thing or take a risk and open the box. Good luck!
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-06-03

Two Port Network Transistor Configuration Conversions   (details) Prime ENG   87 KB / 3 KB
Converts h-parameter matrices for the following configurations of two-port transistor networks: Common Base Transistor Configuration (CB), Common Emitter Transistor Configuration (CE), and Common Collector Transistor Configuration (CC).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-03-25

ULAM   (details) Prime ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
Uses Ulam's Conjecture to determine the number of steps it takes to reduce an integer N to 1.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2013-10-05

Waterfall Animation   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotBackground boxes with falling water. There is random mist coming from the water.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2014-02-01

Wheatstone   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotDoes calculations for a Wheatstone bridge circuit. Given the four resistances and the input voltage, calculates the voltages in the middle and each side of the bridge.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-04-27

Wilson Score   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotCalculates the Wilson Score interval, a good way for ranking things like popularity and skill of video game players, given the total number of trials and the number of "likes".
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-08-25

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.