Linear Programming

Description:This aplet visually solves linear programming problems, finding the vertices of the feasible region and the max/min of an objective function. The final stage of finding the vertices is a bit slow but the result is very impressive. It's a wonderful tool for teachers marking test papers - it lets you easily check whether a student's feasible region is correct if they have their constraints wrong. That's why I originally wrote it: sheer frustration after the 20th paper that had to be reworked from scratch to assign part marks.
Author:Colin Croft:
Downloaded file size:21,907 bytes
Size on calculator:1 KB
User rating:Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Math
File date:2003-05-20 12:14:49
Source code:Not included
Download count:4,986
Version history:2003-05-20: Updated (no version number specified)
1998-05-25: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
     1079  08-06-99 09:20   linrprog.apt
      294  08-06-99 09:13   CONSTRNT.PRG
      205  01-02-98 15:07   HP38DIR.000
       34  08-24-97 17:39   HP38DIR.CUR
   107520  08-06-99 12:04   LineProg.doc
     1368  08-06-99 09:12   ANALYSE.PRG
      218  08-06-99 09:12   OBJECTVE.PRG
     1132  08-06-99 09:12   PLOT.PRG
      160  08-06-99 09:12   QUIT.PRG
      573  08-06-99 09:12   START.PRG
 --------                   -------
   112583                   10 files
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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.