Machinist Helper

Description:Calculates thread data for Unified, Metric, Acme, British Standard Withworth and NPT threads. It uses Buckingham Involute Helicoid formulas for calculating Measurements over wire for all threads except NPT. The Triangle Solver can solve right or oblique triangles. The Circular Segment Solver and Polygon Solver are integrated. The Bolt Circle Solver can also solve equally space holes on an arc. The Feeds and Speeds Solver also calculates chip thinning for ball or flat end mills. The unique Taper Solver will solve any taper problem and can measure taper diameters using a ball diameter. It has a Keyway Solver for shafts and hubs. The True Position Solver calculates using RFS MMC a or LMC and can tell you if your holes locations are accepted or rejected. A companion to this is the gage block stack solver written by David Hayden.
Current version:1.8
Author:Omar Deen
Downloaded file size:1,180,568 bytes
Size on calculator:63 KB
User rating:9.3/10 with 3 votes (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Science/Misc
File date:2015-07-26 20:47:00
Source code:Not included
Download count:591
Version history:2015-07-26: Updated to version 1.8
2014-10-22: Updated to version 1.7
2014-10-18: Updated to version 1.6
2014-02-01: Updated to version 1.4
2013-01-01: Updated to version 1.3
2012-09-15: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
  1377422  05-11-15 23:27   Machnist Helper v1.8.pdf
    64980  05-12-15 11:09   MACHINIST.hp
    75264  03-11-14 21:59   GaugeBlock.doc
    23499  03-11-14 21:59   gage.hp
 --------                   -------
  1541165                   4 files
Library contents:MACHINIST.hp: Library 811, MH1.8
User comments:Omar Deen
2013-01-08 23:49:25
I got tired of hearing machinist talk about how great the Machinst calculator Calc-Pro is. As a machnist, and a log time HP calculator user that didn't rub well with me. Machinist helper 1.3 in my opinon is a much better program than Calc-Pro. Calc-pro is a scientic calculator while HP50 is a graphing calculator, no comparison.
karl jansson
2013-11-24 16:04:43
There is a problem. In the triangle solutions, there is sss, ssa, sas, saa, but there is no solver for asa. You forgot one.
Omar Deen
2014-06-01 19:01:48
Hi Karl version1.5 now have ASA and my correct E-mail address is
Sean Nickol
2014-06-16 20:32:38
Can this be used for the hp prime in any way or will there be conflicts in doing so.....thanks
Omar Deen
2014-06-29 21:14:31
Sorry,It only works on a HP50 calculator. It sure would be niece to have Machinist Helper ported to the HPPRIME.

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