Omar Deen

First Name:Omar
Last Name:Deen
Last Change:2015-07-26
Number of Files:4 (443rd most prolific)
Number of Downloads:2,659 (2,136th most downloaded)

Gauge Block Solver 1.0   (details) 49/50 ENG   27 KB / 24 KB
Given a set of gauge blocks of various sizes, this figures out how to stack them to a height that you input. Contains standard "inch" sets of 36 and 81 blocks, and a 112 block millimeter set. You can also add your own. The program also lets you delete a block if you find that it's missing. Written in C and userRPL for the 50g.
By David Hayden and Omar Deen. 2014-10-18

Machinist Helper 1.8   (details) 49/50 ENG   1,153 KB / 63 KB
ScreenshotCalculates thread data for Unified, Metric, Acme, British Standard Withworth and NPT threads. It uses Buckingham Involute Helicoid formulas for calculating Measurements over wire for all threads except NPT. The Triangle Solver can solve right or oblique triangles. The Circular Segment Solver and Polygon Solver are integrated. The Bolt Circle Solver can also solve equally space holes on an arc. The Feeds and Speeds Solver also calculates chip thinning for ball or flat end mills. The unique Taper Solver will solve any taper problem and can measure taper diameters using a ball diameter. It has a Keyway Solver for shafts and hubs. The True Position Solver calculates using RFS MMC a or LMC and can tell you if your holes locations are accepted or rejected. A companion to this is the gage block stack solver written by David Hayden.
By Omar Deen. 2015-07-26

Q.C. Manager 1.1   (details) 49/50 ENG   134 KB / 16 KB
ScreenshotA statistical program control program, which plots variable control charts, bar plot, normal distribution plot, relative frequency plot, and cumulative plots. Analyze variation of a manufacturing process right on your calculator, turning it into a SPC calculator. This program is good if you are taking a SPC class or would like to monitor a process in real time if control limits are already established.
By Omar Deen. 2014-11-08

USOLVE 1.8   (details) 49/50 ENG   242 KB / 14 KB
ScreenshotUtility program that was designed to complement the built in Multiple Equations Solver (MSOLVR). USOLVE functions will allow the user to create their own unique equation libraries in a directory. Users can add comments or add units to equation variables. The Mpar titles browser can display titles for all subdirectories in the parent directory that contains Mpar; the user can then quickly launch the MSOLVR menu. Whenever a single equation or lists of equations are stored, USOLVE creates or updates Mpar automatically, which means less organizing variables for the user and faster execution of MSOLVR menu. It also maintains the order of variables and updates variable text as the user changes, deletes or renames equation variables.
By Omar Deen. 2015-07-26

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