Calculations with 3-Dimensional Vectors

Description:A series of programs for working with three dimensional vectors, including RECT2SPH (rectangular to Spherical Coordinates), SPH2RECT (spherical Coordinates to Rectangular Coordinates), LIN3DIST (linear distance between coordinates), SPH3DIST (spherical distance between coordinates), VANGLE (angle between two coordinates), and ROT3X, ROT3Y, and ROT3Z (which rotate the three-dimensional vector [x, y, z] with respect to the x-axis (ax), respect to the y-axis (ay), and respect to the z-axis (az), respectively).
Author:Eddie W. Shore:
Downloaded file size:5,696 bytes
Size on calculator:2-12 KB
User rating:Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Math
File date:2017-02-11 10:58:28
Source code:Included
Download count:2,040
Version history:2017-02-11: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
     7367  2017-02-11 10:55   3dimvector.html
     1420  2017-02-11 10:53   LIN3DIST.hpprgm
     1480  2017-02-11 10:52   RECT2SPH.hpprgm
     1432  2017-02-11 10:53   ROT3X.hpprgm
     1432  2017-02-11 10:54   ROT3Y.hpprgm
     1432  2017-02-11 10:54   ROT3Z.hpprgm
     1492  2017-02-11 10:52   SPH2RECT.hpprgm
     1466  2017-02-11 10:53   SPH3DIST.hpprgm
     1412  2017-02-11 10:53   VANGLE.hpprgm
---------                     -------
    18933                     9 files
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