
Description:A game of patience. Select level 1 or 2, wait for count and then play as follows: There are 7 columns with 5 cards each, and the goal is to put all the cards in the hole. You can only place the card below each column and if it is still of value above or below the card that is in the hole.
Description (2):É um jogo do estilo paciência. Selecione nível 1 ou 2, aguarde contagem e em seguida jogue da seguinte maneira: São 7 colunas com 5 cartas cada, o objetivo é colocar todas as cartas no HOLE (buraco). Só é permitida a colocação da carta mais em baixo de cada coluna e se ela for ainda de valor acima ou abaixo da carta que esta no HOLE.
Author:Sidney Pacheco
Downloaded file size:4,529 bytes
Size on calculator:6 KB
User rating:Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Games/Card
File date:1998-06-02 16:24:06
Source code:Not included
Download count:249
Version history:2017-07-29: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
     5550  1998-06-02 16:24   GOLFE.LIB
     1404  1998-06-02 16:24   golfe.txt
     1533  1998-06-02 16:24   RECORDES
---------                     -------
     8487                     3 files
Library contents:GOLFE.LIB: Library 873, GOLFE Sidney Pacheco 1996
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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.