Analisis Curva Vertical

Description:Solves vertical curve lengths (concave and convex), synthetic vertical curves (both concave and convex, by the direct and order methods), and asymmetric vertical curves (both concave and convex, by the direct method). All the parameters and elements of vertical curve are solved with their formulas and procedures step by step.
Description (2):Resuelve longitudes de curvas verticals (curva vertical cóncava y convexa), curvas verticales simétricas concavas y convexas (método directo y método de orden), y curvas verticals asimétricas concavas y convexas (método directo). Se resuelve todos los parámetros y elementos de curva vertical con sus fórmulas y procedimientos paso a paso, y su respectivo replanteo.
Current version:1.0
Author:Gregorio Alexander Gutierrez Quispe
Downloaded file size:5,848,712 bytes
Size on calculator:71 KB
User rating:3/10 with 1 vote (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Science/Civil
File date:2018-01-05 17:10:52
Creation date:2018-01-05
Source code:Not included
Download count:1,340
Version history:2018-01-07: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
        0  2017-12-23 11:59   ANALISIS CURVA VERTICAL/
    72623  2003-01-09 21:29   ANALISIS CURVA VERTICAL/L1323
---------                     -------
  5946633                     6 files
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