Gregorio Alexander Gutierrez Quispe

First Name:Gregorio Alexander
Last Name:Gutierrez Quispe
Last Change:2018-01-07
Number of Files:5 (345th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:9,902 (1,065th most downloaded)

Analisis Curva Horizontal 1.0   (details) 49/50 ESP   5,498 KB / 87 KB
ScreenshotSolves simple horizontal curves by the deflection method and the coordinate method. Both methods have [Δº] right and left deflection angle and calculate all elements, parameters of the horizontal curve step by step showing formulas used, results and their respective stakeout. Also solves compound clotoides (spiral-spiral and spiral-circular-spiral) by the same methods.
By Gregorio Alexander Gutierrez Quispe. 2018-01-07

Analisis Curva Vertical 1.0   (details) 49/50 ESP   5,712 KB / 71 KB
ScreenshotSolves vertical curve lengths (concave and convex), synthetic vertical curves (both concave and convex, by the direct and order methods), and asymmetric vertical curves (both concave and convex, by the direct method). All the parameters and elements of vertical curve are solved with their formulas and procedures step by step.
By Gregorio Alexander Gutierrez Quispe. 2018-01-07

Analisis de Curvas Topografia II 1.0   (details) 49/50 ESP   1,426 KB / 41 KB
ScreenshotSolves simple horizontal curves and all of its elements and its respective stake out, convex vertical curves, and concave vertical curves and all vertical curve elements and their respective stake out.
By Gregorio Alexander Gutierrez Quispe. 2017-02-10

Analisis de Redes Cerradas (Gradiente Hidraulico) 2.0   (details) 49/50 ESP   2,973 KB / 12 KB
ScreenshotMatrix-driven application for the analysis and design of a drinking water supply network system. It requires the user to subdivide the supply system into a series of elements and identify its endpoints as nodes, using iterations to correct the flows that must pass in each pipe and the pressure generated by this effect, using a system of simultaneous and implicit equations in each node of the system, which can be solved with any mathematical method of compensation or iteration. It makes it possible to analyze open or closed networks or a combination thereof, making the correction or compensation of flows and at the same time the correction of piezometric dimensions and finding a very reasonable convergence with few iterations.
By Gregorio Alexander Gutierrez Quispe. 2017-02-10

Analisis Estructural - Matriz de Flexibilidades 1.0   (details) 49/50 ESP   2,697 KB / 33 KB
ScreenshotPerforms structural analysis with matrix flexibilities.
By Gregorio Alexander Gutierrez Quispe. 2014-11-08

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