Fractal Plots

Description:Plots a fractal to simulate a Julia Set. The program will ask for a sample graphing space with a border B. It will also ask for the number of points (G), which will determine the number of points plotted in the graph. The higher G is, the more detailed the fractal is; however, the plot will take longer to complete.
Author:Eddie W. Shore:
Downloaded file size:46,685 bytes
Size on calculator:3 KB
User rating:Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Graphics
File date:2019-05-27 18:36:26
Creation date:2019-05-27
Source code:Included
Download count:839
Version history:2019-05-27: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
    16696  2019-05-27 18:36   chaos.html
      293  2019-05-19 22:03   CHAOS1.8xp
     2688  2019-05-27 06:02   CHAOS1.hpprgm
     6443  2019-05-27 18:25   pic2-84.png
     9479  2019-05-27 18:25   pic4-84.png
    11717  2019-05-27 18:25   pic5-prime.png
    14236  2019-05-27 18:25   pic6-prime.png
---------                     -------
    61552                     7 files
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