Pipeline Leakage Time |
Description: | Program for the piping area, designed to calculate the volume leaked and the leak time through a crack, due to the depressurization of the pipeline. Only for incompressible flow in long carbon steel ducts with nominal diameters between 4 and 32 in. It has the option to choose up to 7 types of fluid (water, salt water, oil, ethanol, gasoline, kerosene and crude oil). In the raw oil option, it has the choice of an API degree from 10 to 44, and a temperature from 41ºF to 149ºF. |
Description (2): | Programa para a área de tubulação, feito para calcular o volume vazado e o tempo do vazamento através de uma trinca, devido à despressurização do duto. Apenas para escoamento incompressível em dutos longos de aço carbono com diâmetros nominais entre 4 e 32 in. Possui a opção de escolha para até 7 tipos de fluido (água, água salgada, óleo, etanol, gasolina, querosene e óleo crú); Na opção óleo crú, possui a escolha do grau API de 10 a 44, e da temperatura de 5°C a 65°C. |
Filename: | pipelineleaktime.zip |
ID: | 9295 |
Current version: | 5.0 |
Author: | Antonio Ricardo Bozolla |
Downloaded file size: | 8,761 bytes |
Size on calculator: | 18-22 KB |
Platforms: | Prime |
User rating: | Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote) |
Primary category: | Science |
Languages: | ENG POR |
File date: | 2021-06-04 13:33:04 |
Creation date: | 2021-06-04 |
Source code: | Not included |
Download count: | 267 |
Version history: | 2021-06-16: Added to site
Archive contents: | Length Date Time Name
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21126 2021-05-30 23:36 Pipeline_Leak_Time_En_r5.hpprgm
1432 2021-06-04 15:31 Pipeline_Leak_Time_En_r5_(INSTRUCTIONS).txt
17454 2021-05-30 23:36 Pipeline_Leak_Time_r5.hpprgm
1455 2021-06-04 15:29 Pipeline_Leak_Time_r5_(INSTRUÇÕES).txt
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41467 4 files |
Screenshot: |  |
User comments: | No comments at this time. |
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