Antonio Ricardo Bozolla

First Name:Antonio Ricardo
Last Name:Bozolla
Last Change:2024-12-29
Number of Files:21 (57th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:5,199 (1,953rd most downloaded)

Any Friction Factor 8.0   (details) Prime ENG POR   2 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotProgram for the piping area, designed to calculate the friction factor in any flow regime (laminar, turbulent, transition). For laminar flow with Re<#00 the program uses the friction factor equation for laminar regime(fd/Re). For flow with Re> 2300 the program uses the Colebrook-White equation (1939) which covers the entire transitional and turbulent regime.
By Antonio Ricardo Bozolla. 2024-07-29

Design Pressure Pipeline   (details) Prime ENG   9 KB / 9 KB
Calculates the maximum pressure allowed for a gas pipeline and interpolates the reduction factor for intermediate temperatures, as well as the maximum pressure allowed for a liquid pipeline.
By Antonio Ricardo Bozolla. 2024-06-02

Diameter of a Gas Pipeline 10.0   (details) Prime ENG POR   27 KB / 44 KB
ScreenshotCalculates the inner diameter of a pipeline using 9 calculation models (Theoretic, Weimouth, Panhandle-A, Panhandle-B, IGT, Mueller, Fritzsche, AGA-A, AGA-B). The listed calculation models are specific for flowing real gases in long ducts under approximately constant temperature (Real Fluid Isothermal Flow). Models include the gravitational energy term, allowing better results for ducts through mountain regions.
By Antonio Ricardo Bozolla. 2024-07-29

Flow Control (with valve) in Parallel Lines Oil 11.0   (details) Prime ENG POR   95 KB / 34 KB
ScreenshotDesigned to monitor the pressure (at the junction) and the flow rates in the parallel ducts, when the flow control valve is closed. Calculates API oil density (lb/ft^3), viscosity [dynamic (cP) and kinematic (cS)] of oil by Beggs & Robinson, variations in flow rates (ft^3/s), velocity (ft/s), friction factors and Reynolds numbers in the ducts, when the valve is closed, the pressure variation (psig) at the junction points when the valve is closed, and the archive comes with an image of the arrangement of the pipes with the valve.
By Antonio Ricardo Bozolla. 2021-07-30

Flow in Parallel Pipe Networks 20.0   (details) Prime ENG POR   179 KB / 39 KB
ScreenshotTwo programs to calculate flow in parallel pipe networks, which operate solely under the assumption of turbulent flow. The first program calculates manometric height (ft), total volumetric flow rate (ft³/s), head loss (ft), Reynolds number in each pipe, friction factor in each pipe, average flow velocity in each pipe (ft/s), and volumetric flow rate in each pipe (ft³/s). The second program calculates pressure difference between the junctions (psig), head loss (ft), Reynolds number in each pipe, friction factor in each pipe, average flow velocity in each pipe (ft/s), and volumetric flow rate in each pipe (ft³/s).
By Antonio Ricardo Bozolla and Eliana Martinelli de Andrade. 2024-12-29

Free Spans for Piping 10.0   (details) Prime ENG POR   5 KB / 19 KB
ScreenshotProgram designed to calculate the maximum unsupported length for pipelines in operation (distributed or concentrated load). Calculates the length between the supports as a function of the suggested vertical deflection. Only for tubes with SMYS from 35 ksi. Output information in English units.
By Antonio Ricardo Bozolla. 2024-07-29

Hydrostatic Test for Pipes 3.0   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 11 KB
ScreenshotPerforms piping engineering (long ducts) calculations for the hydrostatic testing phase: the volume of water required to fill the test section (gal_US), the volume of water required for the pressure test (gal_US), and the amount of pressure change for a change in test water temperature (psig/ºF).
By Antonio Ricardo Bozolla. 2021-07-30

Increase in the Vol. Flow Rate of a Long Duct 5.0   (details) Prime ENG   8 KB / 8 KB
ScreenshotCalculates the increase in the volumetric flow rate of a long duct using parallel piping (only for incompressible flow).
By Antonio Ricardo Bozolla. 2021-09-12

Natural Bending for Pipes   (details) Prime ENG POR   3 KB / 12 KB
ScreenshotProgram for the area of piping engineering, construction and assembly of pipelines. Calculates the smallest natural bending radius that can be used without excessive stress. Calculates the radius (ft); the angle in decimal degrees; and the angle in degrees, minutes and seconds.
By Antonio Ricardo Bozolla. 2024-06-02

Negative Buoyancy for Pipelines 8.0   (details) Prime ENG POR   15 KB / 7 KB
ScreenshotProgram for carbon steel pipelines in a range of nominal diameters from 4 in to 32 in. Designed to calculate the thickness of the concrete coating to negative buoyancy in pipelines.
By Antonio Ricardo Bozolla. 2024-07-29

Obstruction Flowmeters 2.0   (details) Prime ENG POR   38 KB / 41 KB
ScreenshotProgram for piping or hydraulic engineering, designed to calculate the volumetric flow through up to 3 types of flow meters by obstruction (orifice plate, nozzle and Venturi). The program calculates the Reynolds number and the flow velocity in the tube, the pressure drop, the discharge coefficient (with the exception of the Venturi meter) and the volumetric flow through the discharge orifice. Available in 3 versions: Brazilian Portuguese with SI units, English version with SI units, and English version with English units.
By Antonio Ricardo Bozolla. 2021-07-30

Orifice Plate Flange Taps R6   (details) Prime ENG   32 KB / 16 KB
ScreenshotProgram for the area of piping engineering, made to calculate the hole diameter of an orifice plate. Works for liquids, gas and steam.
By Antonio Ricardo Bozolla. 2024-06-02

Pipe Weight Calculation   (details) Prime ENG POR   2 KB / 4 KB
ScreenshotCalculates the weight of the piping in the international system (kgf/m) and english units (lbf/ft).
By Antonio Ricardo Bozolla. 2024-06-02

Pipeline Leakage Time 5.0   (details) Prime ENG POR   9 KB / 18-22 KB
ScreenshotProgram for the piping area, designed to calculate the volume leaked and the leak time through a crack, due to the depressurization of the pipeline. Only for incompressible flow in long carbon steel ducts with nominal diameters between 4 and 32 in. It has the option to choose up to 7 types of fluid (water, salt water, oil, ethanol, gasoline, kerosene and crude oil). In the raw oil option, it has the choice of an API degree from 10 to 44, and a temperature from 41ºF to 149ºF.
By Antonio Ricardo Bozolla. 2021-06-16

Pressure Loss, Diameter and Flow, by Swamee & Jain 1.0   (details) Prime POR   15 KB / 9 KB
ScreenshotCalculates loss of load, volumetric flow, and diameter.
By Antonio Ricardo Bozolla and Eliana Martinelli de Andrade. 2024-07-29

Series Piping Network 2.0   (details) Prime ENG POR   118 KB / 17 KB
ScreenshotCalculates the flow rate and exit velocity of the fluid at the initial moments. A reservoir with a free surface exposed to the atmosphere, using a horizontal tube of length L, diameter D, and an outlet also exposed to the atmosphere. The user can choose up to 10 types of fluids for the calculation. For example: freshwater, saltwater, motor oil, gasoline, ethanol, and kerosene.
By Antonio Ricardo Bozolla and Eliana Martinelli de Andrade. 2024-12-29

Standard Flow Rate of a Gas Pipeline 5.0   (details) Prime ENG   5 KB / 27 KB
ScreenshotCalculates the standard flow rate of a pipeline using 9 calculation models (Theoretic, Weimouth, Panhandle-A, Panhandle-B, IGT, Mueller, Fritzsche, AGA-A, AGA-B). The listed calculation models are specific for flowing real gases in long ducts under approximately constant temperature (Real Fluid Isothermal Flow). Models include the gravitational energy term, allowing better results for ducts through mountain regions.
By Antonio Ricardo Bozolla. 2021-09-12

Stress in the Transition from a Buried Duct 7.0   (details) Prime ENG POR   155 KB / 13 KB
ScreenshotProgram in the area of piping engineering, designed to calculate the force that an anchor block must withstand in the buried/air transition or the requirements for the transition to take place without an anchor block (transition length).
By Antonio Ricardo Bozolla. 2021-09-12

Subsonic Fanno Flow 3.0   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 13 KB
ScreenshotProgram for the piping area, designed to calculate Fanno's flow properties (adiabatic duct flow with friction): stagnant properties; critical properties; input and output properties; and reduced mass flow rate when flow is blocked at outlet. Units of measurement in the International System. Note: Only for subsonic match number at the entrance.
By Antonio Ricardo Bozolla. 2021-06-16

Supersonic Fanno Flow 4.0   (details) Prime ENG POR   5 KB / 21 KB
ScreenshotCalculates the following properties for adiabatic duct flow with friction (Fannow flow): stagnation, critical, inlet and outlet duct with mass flow, update of incoming Match number for blocked duct at the entrance, reduced mass flow rate for the blocked duct at the inlet. Also calculates flow into a duct under permanent, adiabatic, and unidimensional flow, perfect gas with constant area, axle work and potential energy negligible, and wall friction related to Darcy-Weisbach's equation.
By Antonio Ricardo Bozolla. 2021-05-23

Tank Emptying Time 1.0   (details) Prime ENG POR   169 KB / 29 KB
ScreenshotProgram designed to calculate the emptying time of a reservoir (constant section, inverted cone or spherical) with a free surface exposed to the atmosphere, using an orifice or horizontal tube of length L, diameter D and an outlet also exposed to the atmosphere. Conditions are non-stationary flow (discharge velocity varies with height of liquid in reservoir) and incompressible (liquids only) with loss of head in discharge piping. The user can choose up to 10 types of fluids for calculation. Ex: fresh water, salt water, motor oil, gasoline, ethanol and kerosene.
By Antonio Ricardo Bozolla. 2021-07-30

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