hpcalc.org - HP 48 Archive

HP 48 Entry Points

The first size listed is the downloaded file size and the second size listed is the size on the calculator.

There are 20 files totaling 2,795 KB in this category.

.a Entry Points   (details) 48 ENG   26 KB
Complete supported ROM entry point list (supromentr.a) and User RPL entry point list (userentr.a) in .a files for use with HP Tools or GNU Tools.
Author unknown. 1998-08-09

48/28 Entries Table   (details) 48 ENG   7 KB
Entries table for System RPL and assembly language programmers which shows supported entry points that are common between the 28 and 48 series. Contains entr28.add.
By Jean-Francois Garnier. 1997-09-29

48GX Entries (Modified)   (details) 48 ENG   35 KB
Modified version of Mika's sorted System RPL entries list for the G series.
By Mika Heiskanen and Bob Apodaca. 2017-08-05

48GX Entry Points   (details) 48 ENG   76 KB
HP 48GX Entries table in ASCII text format for System RPL and assembly language programmers. Contains entries.srt.
By Mika Heiskanen. 1997-08-21

48GX Entry Points (Adobe PDF)   (details) 48 ENG   174 KB
HP 48GX Entries table in Adobe PDF format for System RPL and assembly language programmers.
By Mika Heiskanen. 1997-08-21

48SX Entry Points   (details) 48 ENG   260 KB
HP 48SX entries table in ASCII text format for System RPL and assembly language programmers. Contains entries.all, entries.srt, and uentries.a.
By Mika Heiskanen. 1998-02-26

CTAB   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   35 KB / 36 KB
Makes it easy to switch between two Jazz tables. Designed to simplify compiling programs for the HP 49 when using an HP 48.
By Wolfgang Rautenberg. 2000-05-23

Externals List   (details) 48 FRA   83 KB
List of entry points with comments about each one.
By Prophet. 1998-06-24

Getting RAM Addresses of Entry Points   (details) 48 ENG   4 KB
Lists how to get the RAM address of some supported entry points common to both the S series and G series.
By Hewlett-Packard. 1997-12-12

HP 48 entries, PDF extract from the Database 2.11   (details) 48 ENG   831 KB
All HP 48G entries in the Entry database, as a PDF file.
By Carsten Dominik, Thomas Rast, and Eduardo M. Kalinowski. 2005-05-30

HP 48/49/38/39/40 Entry Database 2.11   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   489 KB
ASCII database with more than 7500 entry points for the HP 48, 49G, 49g+, 48gII, 38G, 39, and 40, complete with stack diagrams and descriptions. Includes a program to extract PDF and ASCII listings of selected entries. The reference sections of the book "Programming in System RPL (PDF), 2nd edition" are based on an earlier version of this database. Extracts for individual calculators are available from this site, in PDF format.
By Carsten Dominik, Thomas Rast, and Eduardo M. Kalinowski. 2005-05-30

HP 48SX Internal Address List   (details) 48 ENG   129 KB
List of all the memory addresses and short descriptions of each in the 48SX as it was known back in 1991. Has versions of the list sorted by address and by object type and function.
By Jake Schwartz, Paul Dale, and Rick Grevelle. 2017-08-12

HP-48GX RAM Entries   (details) 48 ENG   58 KB
"Official" HP-48GX RAM entries compiled to a usable "symbol EQU #address" format and sorted by name and address. Also contains a new Jazz entry tables library which includes the new entries.
By Jonathan Busby. 2002-10-11

HPTabs 49   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   34 KB / 36 KB
Table of HP 49 entry points for use with Jazz on the HP 48. This is for people who want to compile HP 49 programs on their HP 48.
By Christian Meland. 1999-09-15

Latest supported entries list   (details) 48 ENG   22 KB
Latest supported entries list. Contains 48entry.txt.
By James Donnelly. 1997-08-21

ROM Differences   (details) 48 ENG   88 KB
Compares the five 48SX ROMs from version A through E and makes it easy to visualize what memory addresses changed between them.
Author unknown. 2017-06-16

ROM Entry Points   (details) 48 ENG   318 KB
Excel 95 and 97 spreadsheets containing an excellent ROM entry point list. Has columns for function, address, operation, stack, category, and notes. Also allows you to sort the list by function, address, or category.
By Simon C. Hughes. 1997-10-23

Strings in ROM   (details) 48 ENG   10 KB
Lists the entry points of many of the strings (other than messages) found in the S series ROM.
By Simone Rapisarda. 2017-07-01

The Complete Rev E-J Entry Point Difference Tables   (details) 48 ENG   4 KB
Lists the full set of entry point changes between revisions E and J of the 48S series.
By Joseph K. Horn. 2008-08-13

Very Big List   (details) 48 ENG   112 KB
A very big list of memory addresses, more-or-less showing what nearly every memory address in the 48GX Revision R ROM does. Also includes some DOS programs (including Pascal source code) for working with this list and working with objects from the calculator.
By AnarcHP. 2017-06-10

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.