David Hayden

First Name:David
Last Name:Hayden
Last Change:2014-10-18
Number of Files:4 (443rd most prolific)
Number of Downloads:7,783 (1,253rd most downloaded)

Gauge Block Solver 1.0   (details) 49/50 ENG   27 KB / 24 KB
Given a set of gauge blocks of various sizes, this figures out how to stack them to a height that you input. Contains standard "inch" sets of 36 and 81 blocks, and a 112 block millimeter set. You can also add your own. The program also lets you delete a block if you find that it's missing. Written in C and userRPL for the 50g.
By David Hayden and Omar Deen. 2014-10-18

How tall will you be? 1.1   (details) 49/50 ENG   34 KB / 27 KB
ScreenshotHow tall will you be? This program uses growth charts from the CDC or World Health Organization to predict how tall a child will be when they grow to adulthood. Other growth chart data can be added. Written in User RPL. Full HPUserEdit source code is included.
By David Hayden. 2011-07-24

HPObjects library for HPGCC 1.0   (details) 49/50 ENG   361 KB
HPGCC 2.0 library for accessing and creating all types of calculator objects. Includes full source code. This version includes bug fixes, HTML documentation, and more examples.
By David Hayden. 2010-06-06

Sudoku Solver 1.1   (details) 49/50 ENG   45 KB / 32 KB
Sudoku solver written in User RPL, C, and C++. Solves any sudoku with 1 solution in less than 3 seconds on a 50g. Requires a 49g+ or 50g (or other ARM-based model). Includes full source code. Many thanks to Tony Hutchins and his "SUDOKU for the 49g+" for inspiring this program.
By David Hayden. 2010-01-31

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