Hebert Poma Vidal

First Name:Hebert
Last Name:Poma Vidal
Web Address:https://www.facebook.com/HP-PRIME-programar-HWLabs-1702068820036255/
Last Change:2017-02-10
Number of Files:5 (345th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:37,173 (301st most downloaded)

Armaduras Isostaticas 1.5   (details) Prime ESP   1,439 KB / 100 KB
ScreenshotCalculates structural analysis of trusses by the matrix method.
By Hebert Poma Vidal. 2016-08-02

Circulo de Mohr 2D 1.1   (details) Prime ESP   9 KB / 10 KB
ScreenshotIn two dimensions, determines the maximum and minimum tension, from two measurements of the normal and tangential tension on two right angles.
By Hebert Poma Vidal. 2017-02-10

Colebrook-White Fricción 1.1   (details) Prime ESP   33 KB / 90 KB
ScreenshotCalculates friction using the Colebrook-White equation using the Newton Raphson method essential for fluid course I and II, showing the table of iterations.
By Hebert Poma Vidal. 2016-08-02

Métodos Numéricos H&WLabs 1.1   (details) Prime ESP   8 KB / 50 KB
ScreenshotSolves numeric methods. Uses the Newton-Raphson method, the fixed point method, the Newton bisection method, the secant method, and the false position method. Shows the intermediate steps and the final result.
By Hebert Poma Vidal. 2016-09-11

Units Convert H&WLabs 1.1   (details) Prime ESP   18 KB / 52 KB
ScreenshotConverts units between SI and the US systems.
By Hebert Poma Vidal. 2016-09-11

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