Eliana Martinelli de Andrade

First Name:Eliana
Last Name:Martinelli de Andrade
Last Change:2024-12-29
Number of Files:3 (561st most prolific)
Number of Downloads:146 (2,648th most downloaded)

Flow in Parallel Pipe Networks 20.0   (details) Prime ENG POR   179 KB / 39 KB
ScreenshotTwo programs to calculate flow in parallel pipe networks, which operate solely under the assumption of turbulent flow. The first program calculates manometric height (ft), total volumetric flow rate (ft³/s), head loss (ft), Reynolds number in each pipe, friction factor in each pipe, average flow velocity in each pipe (ft/s), and volumetric flow rate in each pipe (ft³/s). The second program calculates pressure difference between the junctions (psig), head loss (ft), Reynolds number in each pipe, friction factor in each pipe, average flow velocity in each pipe (ft/s), and volumetric flow rate in each pipe (ft³/s).
By Antonio Ricardo Bozolla and Eliana Martinelli de Andrade. 2024-12-29

Pressure Loss, Diameter and Flow, by Swamee & Jain 1.0   (details) Prime POR   15 KB / 9 KB
ScreenshotCalculates loss of load, volumetric flow, and diameter.
By Antonio Ricardo Bozolla and Eliana Martinelli de Andrade. 2024-07-29

Series Piping Network 2.0   (details) Prime ENG POR   118 KB / 17 KB
ScreenshotCalculates the flow rate and exit velocity of the fluid at the initial moments. A reservoir with a free surface exposed to the atmosphere, using a horizontal tube of length L, diameter D, and an outlet also exposed to the atmosphere. The user can choose up to 10 types of fluids for the calculation. For example: freshwater, saltwater, motor oil, gasoline, ethanol, and kerosene.
By Antonio Ricardo Bozolla and Eliana Martinelli de Andrade. 2024-12-29

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