
Description:The ultimate five-line stack replacement program. Much faster than the built-in stack, and can display algebraics with "pretty-print". This also has fast replacements for many built-in functions, such as the library menu, the OFF key (to speed up power-on), the review key, the softkey menus, and far too much else to list here. All I can say is get it! Requires UFL.
Current version:3.6a
Authors:Richard Steventon
André Schoorl
Will Laughlin
Downloaded file size:236,768 bytes
Size on calculator:12-35 KB
Recommended:Get it!
User rating:9.4/10 with 7 votes (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Utils/Stack
File date:1998-12-12 20:35:18
Source code:Not included
Download count:14,285
Version history:1998-12-12: Updated to version 3.6a
1998-12-03: Updated to version 3.6
1998-07-18: Updated to version 3.4a
1998-07-01: Updated to version 3.4
1997-10-29: Updated to version 3.2a
1997-10-26: Updated to version 3.2
1997-08-21: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
        0  12-12-98 19:36   java36a/
     4357  12-12-98 20:00   java36a/CHANGES
     3791  12-12-98 20:00   java36a/README
     2640  12-03-98 03:00   java36a/README.PATCH
        0  12-12-98 20:00   java36a/html/
      774  12-12-98 20:00   java36a/html/java-1.html
     5733  12-12-98 20:00   java36a/html/java-10.html
     2130  12-12-98 20:00   java36a/html/java-11.html
      963  12-12-98 20:00   java36a/html/java-12.html
     1575  12-12-98 20:00   java36a/html/java-2.html
     5507  12-12-98 20:00   java36a/html/java-3.html
     2340  12-12-98 20:00   java36a/html/java-4.html
     5783  12-12-98 20:00   java36a/html/java-5.html
    14574  12-12-98 20:00   java36a/html/java-6.html
    11890  12-12-98 20:00   java36a/html/java-7.html
     1478  12-12-98 20:00   java36a/html/java-8.html
     1904  12-12-98 20:00   java36a/html/java-9.html
     3544  12-12-98 20:00   java36a/html/java.html
    48563  12-12-98 20:00   java36a/java36a.doc
     1680  12-12-98 20:00   java36a/java36a.inf
    14093  12-12-98 20:00   java36a/java36a.png
   193072  12-12-98 20:00   java36a/
    23437  12-12-98 20:00   java36a/java36c.lib
    11414  12-12-98 20:00   java36a/java36d.lib
    32081  12-12-98 20:00   java36a/java36e.lib
    34780  12-12-98 20:00   java36a/java36f.lib
    22766  12-12-98 20:00   java36a/java36m.lib
      941  12-03-98 03:00   java36a/patch.bin
     2696  09-08-96 15:00   java36a/samples.dir
 --------                   -------
   454506                   29 files
Library contents:java36a/java36c.lib: Library 908, Java :3.6 Rich,André,Will © Dec. 1998
java36a/java36d.lib: Library 908, Java :3.6 Rich,André,Will © Dec. 1998
java36a/java36e.lib: Library 908, Java :3.6 Rich,André,Will © Dec. 1998
java36a/java36f.lib: Library 908, Java :3.6 Rich,André,Will © Dec. 1998
java36a/java36m.lib: Library 908, Java :3.6 Rich,André,Will © Dec. 1998
User comments:Aaron Wallace
2001-06-16 19:03:45
I've used the Java stack replacement forever. I've found it to be perfectly stable. This is quite possibly the most important program I have on my calculator.
Jaime H. Duarte
2001-07-06 03:48:27
Sin lugar a dudas, una librería que debe tenerse instalada en la calculadora; la convierte prácticamente en una calculadora distinta. Recomiendo Frappuccino; un tanto grande sin embargo.
Dave Mackey
2001-10-29 14:37:09
Java is a fantastic program, a 'must have' for any HP48G+/GX. The wealth of features really make using the calc much faster and easier.

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.