Will Laughlin

First Name:Will
Last Name:Laughlin
Last Change:2020-07-05
Number of Files:6 (282nd most prolific)
Number of Downloads:50,960 (211th most downloaded)

Java 3.6aGet It   (details) 48 ENG   232 KB / 12-35 KB
ScreenshotThe ultimate five-line stack replacement program. Much faster than the built-in stack, and can display algebraics with "pretty-print". This also has fast replacements for many built-in functions, such as the library menu, the OFF key (to speed up power-on), the review key, the softkey menus, and far too much else to list here. All I can say is get it! Requires UFL.
By Richard Steventon, André Schoorl, and Will Laughlin. 1998-12-12

Java 3.7 Beta 4   (details) 48 ENG   401 KB / 12-38 KB
ScreenshotBeta 4 of Java 3.7. Includes binaries, source code, and other Java-related beta software. This version is not recommended for the typical user, but rather for those who are willing to play with the latest features in potentially buggy software.
By Richard Steventon, André Schoorl, and Will Laughlin. 1999-01-05

Java Source Code 3.6a   (details) 48 ENG   205 KB
ScreenshotSource code for Java 3.6a, suitable for compiling with GNU-Tools.
By Richard Steventon, André Schoorl, and Will Laughlin. 1998-12-12

Programming Examples   (details) 48 ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Examples of assembly language and System RPL for working with strings, bits, and more.
By Randy Elton Ding and Will Laughlin. 1999-01-06

SpeedUI 20.05Get It   (details) 48 ENG   326 KB / 28-142 KB
ScreenshotReplaces ALL HP 48G series built-in browsers, the input form engine, the MatrixWriter, and the stack user interface with highly accelerated replacements, like the super fast cmdline/fullscreen editor with interactive Command catalog and parameter help, and more. In version 11.0x, the user can choose between four stack display and editing font sizes. The QuickStartMenu has been enhanced. Support for five (instead of four) input form item lines has been added. But there's much more, like the graphical InputFormBuilder, and Master-Detail capabilities added to the CHOOSE engine, and global access to the MultiClipboard and cmd catalog. For the 48G series only. Please take a look at the SpeedUI walkthrough PDF first.
By Raymond Del Tondo, Hewlett-Packard, and Will Laughlin. 2020-07-05

XYModem 1.6   (details) 48 ENG   4 KB / 3 KB
Does file transfers by XModem and YModem on the GX.
By Will Laughlin. 2017-08-04

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