hpcalc.org - HP 28 Archive

HP 28 Math Applications

The first size listed is the downloaded file size and the second size listed is the size on the calculator.

There are 42 files totaling 2,378 KB in this category.

All Roots   (details) 28 ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Finds all of the roots of any real or complex number and puts them on the stack in order, as they are arranged around the origin.
By Robert W Yoder. 2017-07-10

Basic Probability   (details) 28 ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Short programs for some basic probability applications. Solves binomial problems, computes the cumulative value of a binomial distribution, solves geometric, hypergeometric, and negative binomial distributions, computers the inverse probability of an event, and more.
By Mark A. Lindsay. 1998-07-31

Bernoulli Numbers   (details) 49/50 48 28 ENG   10 KB / 1-2 KB
Calculates Bernoulli numbers. Both integer and real versions for returning the nth Bernoulli number or the list of Bernoulli numbers from 0 through n. On the 49, is substantially faster than the built-in IBERNOULLI command. On the 48/28, is limited to smaller numbers for integers.
By John Keith and Gerald Hillier. 2023-09-24

Bessel   (details) 28 ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Computes the Bessel function for FM signal modulation.
By Wayne H. Scott. 1998-07-31

Bisect   (details) 28 ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
Bisection algorithm for functions of X.
By John Lehett. 1998-07-31

Bode Plotter   (details) 28 ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Bode diagram plotter.
By Jean-Charles. 1998-07-31

Complete Elliptic Integrals   (details) 49/50 48 28 ENG   6 KB / 1 KB
Computes the complete elliptic integrals of the first kind K(k), second kind E(k) and third kind Π(n, k). Also the exact perimeter of the ellipse with semi-major axis a and semi-minor axis b, and the elliptic nome.
By John Keith. 2024-06-06

Curve Fitting   (details) 28 ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
Curve fitting program for the 28S.
By Eric J. Zmyslowski. 1998-07-31

DFT Programs   (details) 28 ENG   4 KB / 1 KB
A convenient set of DFT programs which operate on column vectors.
By Michael C. Grant. 2017-07-31

Eigenvalues   (details) 28 ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
Tiny program to calculate Eigenvalues.
By Wayne H. Scott. 1998-07-31

Electrical Engineering Programs   (details) 28 ENG   3 KB / 1 KB
Several simple programs for Network Analysis II or Circuits II.
By Rod Nibbe. 1998-07-31

Engineering Economy Programs   (details) 28 ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Eight simple programs written for an engineering economy class.
Author unknown. 1998-07-31

Fast Fourier   (details) 28 ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
Performs Fast Fourier and Inverse Fast Fourier transforms.
By Wayne H. Scott. 1998-07-31

FBode   (details) 28 ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Draws Bode plots.
By Alan Ford. 1998-07-31

Fermat's Algorithm   (details) 28 ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
Finds factors of a number near the square root of a number.
By John Lehett. 1998-07-31

Fixed Point Algorithm   (details) 28 ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Gives approximations of the roots of an equation using the fixed point algorithm.
By John Lehett. 1998-07-31

Fraction Calculations   (details) 28 ENG   4 KB / 1 KB
Performs fraction calculations on the 28C.
By Jurjen N.E. Bos. 1998-07-31

Fraction Calculator   (details) 28 ENG   2 KB / 3 KB
Allows you to add, subtract, divide, and multiply fractions, and convert fractions to and from decimal numbers.
By Ian Matthew Smith. 1998-07-31

Fractional Arithmetic   (details) 28 ENG   3 KB / 1 KB
Fractional arithmetic routines for the HP 28S.
By Sturle Hausvik. 1998-07-31

Graphit   (details) 28 ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
Reads the scatter data in the 'sDAT' (SigmaDAT) variable and performs a connect the dots output. The user can scale and translate the graphical output exactly like any normal graphical operation.
By John Adams. 1998-07-31

IEEE 754 Conversions   (details) 28 ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
Converts IEEE 754 std. binary format to and from decimal format numbers.
By Russell Williams. 1998-07-31

Integration on Non-Bounded Intervals   (details) 28 ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Allows one to integrate, numerically, many kinds of functions that the default integrator of the calculator can't solve.
By Nicola Catacchio. 2017-08-01

Linear Algebra   (details) 28 ENG   5 KB / 1 KB
Presents a few simple linear algebra techniques for the HP 28S.
By John Paul Morrison. 1998-07-31

Method of Weighted Residual   (details) 28 ENG   579 KB / 1 KB
Prior to development of the Finite Element Method, there existed an approximation technique for solving differential equations called the Method of Weighted Residuals (MWR). For Galerkin's method, the test function w comes from the chosen trial function, i.e. w = du/da and the weighted average of the residual over the problem domain is set to zero. This program returns the trial function. It is shown plotted with the exact solution for 0<x<1.
By M. Brethen. 2017-04-15

MOP   (details) 28 ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
MOP (Matrix OPeration) is a function, which executes any algebraic operation or program on every element of an 1 or 2 dimensional array.
By Ulli Horlacher. 2017-08-13

Muller's Method   (details) 28 ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
Finds a solution to g(x) = 0 given 3 initial approximation p0, using the Muller's method. Finds complex roots.
By John Lehett. 2017-07-11

Pi Generator   (details) 28 ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
Generates digits of pi.
By Matthew T. Day. 1998-07-31

Plotter Replacement   (details) 28 ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
Plots multiple displays for any given expression, program, or equation that is stored in EQ.
By Rick Grevelle. 1998-07-31

Polar Plot   (details) 28 ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Approximates polar graphs of simple polar functions.
By Steve Haehnichen. 1998-07-31

Polynomial Arithmetic   (details) 28 ENG   4 KB / 4 KB
Polynomial arithmetic routines, including addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication.
By Wayne H. Scott. 1998-07-31

Polynomial Division Program   (details) 28 ENG   3 KB / 1 KB
Simple program to divide polynomials.
By Eliel Louzoun and Mikael Sundstrom. 1998-07-31

PRIMEFAC 1.0   (details) 48 28 ENG POR   5 KB / 1 KB
Yet another program do determine the prime factors of integers.
By Gerson Washiski Barbosa. 2001-01-29

PRIMEQ   (details) 28 ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
Primality testing program.
By Steve March. 1998-07-31

QR and SVD   (details) 28 ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
Two programs for linear algebra, one to decompose a real matrix A into a real orthogonal matrix Q and a real upper triangular matrix R such that A=Q*R, and the other to do singular value decomposition.
By Philip Peleties. 2017-08-01

Row Reduction   (details) 28 ENG   3 KB / 1 KB
Reduces a matrix to echelon form using Gaussian-Jordan Elimination.
By Steve March. 1998-07-31

State Space Averaging   (details) 28 ENG   1,694 KB
Analyzes switching mode power supplies using the state space averaging technique.
By Robert R. Boyd. 2024-06-06

State-Space System Manipulation   (details) 28 ENG   5 KB / 2 KB
A set of programs which accomplish a lot in the way of state-space system manipulation, as well as a few programs which could be separated from this list to handle polynomials and the like. The functions that they perform include transfer function calculation (which means calculation of det(sI-A) and adj(sI-A)), state feedback gain calculations, observability matrix and controllability matrix determination, manual root finding, and so forth.
By Michael C. Grant. 2017-07-05

Stats   (details) 28 ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
Collection of some programs on statistics, which computes functions and derivations of x/y-data and draws them.
By Ulli Horlacher. 1998-07-31

STEFF   (details) 28 ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
Finds a solution to g(x) = x given an initial approximation p0, using the Steffensen's method.
By John Lehett. 2017-07-12

Symbolic Matrices   (details) 28 ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
Set of programs which handle symbolic matrices for the HP 28S.
By Eliel Louzoun. 1998-07-31

Symbolic Matrices 2   (details) 28 ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Handles lists of lists to simulate symbolic matrices.
Author unknown. 1998-07-31

Tiny Multiple Equation System Solver 1.0   (details) 49/50 48 28 ENG   3 KB / 1 KB
Tiny MSLV (multiple equation solver) for all RPL calculators. Program is 333.5 bytes on the 48GX. On the HP-28C it can find a simultaneous root of five nonlinear real-valued expressions. Uses successive approximation and the calculator's built-in matrix functions.
By Mike Ingle. 2007-04-03

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.