CP is a simple User RPL program that attempts to find the critical points for any given function. It also gives the local Maximum and Minimum points, and F(x) at these points. It is handy for high school students to verify they have the right answer in exams. CP also complements the built in grapher, by giving exact answers for critical points.
A 3D renderer written using HPGCC3 with grayscale graphics and proper polygon sorting. Written with HPGCC3 for the 50g only, requiring a custom ROM to run.
Dynamic geometry software (like geogebra). You can create geometrical figures with
lines, circles, curves and move a point. Zoom in/out, scrolling, moving a point are made in real time (with 16 grey levels). Program and documentation are in English and in French. Written with HPGCC for the 49g+ and 50g only.
Adds some commands that recall the 49's graph windows and optionally binds them to user keys. Evidently this person did not realize you could hold down the shift key to access the graph windows in RPN mode.
HLDRAW does what WIREFRAME should have done: fast, true photographic, hidden line removed 3D plotting. It is possible to easily adjust the viewpoint so that you can rotate the graph.
Equivalent to WIREFRAME plot, but with hidden line removal and shading of "underside" of 3D graph. For the 49g+ and 50g (ROM 2.15) only. The previous version only worked on older ROM revisions (older 49G ROMs only?). Modified to work with most current ROM. Source code has been updated as well (for on-calc compiling only).
Fast plotter and numerical integrals and sums of algebraic expressions using hpgcc2. Speed is 50 to 100x faster than User RPL. Sums from 1 to 100,000 in about 1 second. For the 50g and 49g+ only. Runs in RPL with stack entry mode. SD card is required (takes 80KB on the card). Full C-source is included
This library makes log-scale graphs for the 49G/49g+/50g. Plot types "Function", "Scatter" and "Parametric" are implemented. In the type "Function", TRACE and (X,Y) in the 49G plot menu are available. Non-uniform logarithmic tick, zoom-in, zoom-out and recenter are implemented. Faster than previous versions.
Automatically draws a scatterplot with the data of SDAT. First draws the points and then you can choose the type of regression for the graphic. Also, you can simply join the points of the graphic.