
What's New on hpcalc.org in 2002

See Newer Updates

December 30th, 2002 Updated Sequences, Series and Limits Marathon to 5.0 on Docs/Misc 49/50
Updated Trigonometry Marathon to 1.2 on Docs/Misc 49/50 48
Updated RotShape to 1.0 on Graphics 39/40 38
Updated DDE48 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38 28
Updated Estática 1 JCM to 1.0 B on Science/Civil 49/50
Updated SurveyWorks to 3.95 on Science/Civil 48
Updated ERLANG-B/ERLANG-C to 2.0 on Science/Misc 49/50
Updated Navigator to 0.04 on Utils/Comms 49/50
Added MRR Diagramas Cortante Momento y Normal to Apps/Database 49/50 48
Added VANTIR to Apps/Misc 48
Added Introduction to SysRPL - Queensland Surveyor to Docs/Programming 49/50 48
Added SERIES por Gabriel to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Estática 2 JCM to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Micro Planejamento to Science/Civil 48
Added Atenuadores/Adaptadores to Science/Electricity 49/50
Added Microstrip to Science/Electricity 49/50
December 29th, 2002 Updated Armando's ViSOR de Texto to 1.01 on Apps/Editors 49/50
Updated Grados.FNI to 2.5 on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated DERIV.FNI to 5.1 on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated LongFloat to 2.6 on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated Quadro to 1.2 on Math/Numeric 49/50 48
Updated Emu48 Executables to 32 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated Emu48 DLL Patch for HP49 SDK to 1.32 on PC/Programming 49/50
Updated HP Tools for Linux to 3.0.8 on PC/Programming 49/50 48 39/40 38 28
Updated HP Tools for Win32 to 3.0.8 on PC/Programming 49/50 48 39/40 38 28
Updated HP Tools Source Code to 3.0.8 on PC/Programming 49/50 48 39/40 38 28
Updated Emu28 to 1.00/Source on Programming 28
Updated Armaduras on Science/Civil 49/50
Updated Armaduras on Science/Civil 48
Updated Jason's Low-Budget Survey Programs to 6.12 on Science/Civil 48
Updated Routh to 2.0 on Science/Misc 49/50
Updated Matrices de Rigidez to 2.0 on Science/Physics 48
Updated Keyman to 3.2003 on Utils/Interface 49/50
Updated Memoria 49G to 1.1 on Utils/Memory 49/50
Updated ACCeuro to 1.2003 on Utils/Time 49/50
Added TIR to Apps/Misc 49/50 48
Added Windjammers to Games/Arcade 49/50
Added Ecuaciones Difsimb to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Pi48 to Math/Misc 48
Added DDE48 to PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38 28
Added Power48 for PalmOS 4.1 to PC/Emulators 49/50 48
Added Power48 Manual to PC/Emulators 49/50 48
Added Power48 Source Code for PalmOS 4.1 to PC/Emulators 49/50 48
Added Conn4x (Source) to PC/Link 49/50 48
Added Conn4x HP Xmodem Connectivity Kit to PC/Link 49/50 48
Added XSrvr48 HP-48 Xmodem Server Library to PC/Link 48
Added Compiler&Installer UserRPL Programs (ROM 1.19-6) to Programming/Libs 49/50
Added Clamshell ROM Checksum to Programming 28
Added Emu28 to Programming 28
Added Emu28 HP-28C Skin to Programming 28
Added HP 28C ROM Entry Points to Programming 28
Added ROM Dump Guide to Programming 28
Added Elementos finitos 49 to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Flujos de cortante 49 to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Secciones de pared delgada 49 to Science/Civil 49/50
Added CvPres49g to Science/Misc 49/50
Added Flexion Compuesta 49 to Science/Physics 49/50
Added TNT Tool 49 to Utils/Compress 49/50
Added Chords to Utils/Sound 48
December 28th, 2002 Updated LongFloat to 2.5 on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated Circuitos Electricos NW to 5.0 on Science/Electricity 49/50
Updated Keyman to 1.2003 on Utils/Interface 49/50
Updated Topkeys to 1.2003 on Utils/Interface 49/50
Updated Filers to 3.2003 on Utils/Memory 49/50
Added IDClock to Docs/Programming 48
Added Gerador e Testador de CPF Válido to Math/Misc 49/50
Added AreaCurva to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added Solvent Extraction to Science/Chemistry 48
Added ERLANG-B/ERLANG-C to Science/Misc 49/50
December 26th, 2002 Updated MMC48 to 1.2.0 on Apps/Misc 48
Updated MMS49 to 1.2.0 on Apps/Misc 49/50
Updated Doku49de to 11.2002 on Docs/Misc 49/50
Updated TETRI to 1.2003 on Games/Arcade 49/50
Updated Filer48 to 2.01 on Utils/Memory 48
Updated UTILES to 2.0 on Utils/Misc 49/50
Added HP48 Club MI Disk 10 to Compilations/Misc 48
Added HP48 Club MI Disk 11 to Compilations/Misc 48
Added HP48 Club MI Disk 12 to Compilations/Misc 48
Added HP48 Club MI Disk 13 to Compilations/Misc 48
Added HP48 Club MI Disk 14 to Compilations/Misc 48
Added HP48 Club MI Disk 3 to Compilations/Misc 48
Added HP48 Club MI Disk 4 to Compilations/Misc 48
Added HP48 Club MI Disk 5 to Compilations/Misc 48
Added HP48 Club MI Disk 6 to Compilations/Misc 48
Added HP48 Club MI Disk 7 to Compilations/Misc 48
Added HP48 Club MI Disk 8 to Compilations/Misc 48
Added HP48 Club MI Disk 9 to Compilations/Misc 48
Added Capacidad de Carga to Science/Civil 48
Added Distribucion de Esfuerzos to Science/Civil 48
Added Muros en Voladizo to Science/Civil 48
Added Vertex48 to Science/Civil 48
Added Arboles to Science/Physics 48
Added Calculos Hidraulicos to Science/Physics 48
November 17th, 2002 Updated Links to Manuals to 1.1 on Docs/Misc 49/50 48
Updated Sequences, Series and Limits Marathon to 4.0 on Docs/Misc 49/50
Updated Anova48 Pro to 2.0 on Math/Statistic 48
Updated Caminos to 1.2 on Science/Civil 49/50
Updated Fenix to 1.2 on Utils/Memory 49/50 48
Added Armando's ViSOR de Texto to Apps/Editors 49/50
Added Tabulador4849 to Apps/Editors 49/50 48
Added Ingeniería Económica to Apps/Misc 48
Added HP48 Club MI Compilation Index to Compilations/Misc 48
Added HP48 Club MI Disk 0 to Compilations/Misc 48
Added HP48 Club MI Disk 1 to Compilations/Misc 48
Added HP48 Club MI Disk 2 to Compilations/Misc 48
Added Barricade to Games/Arcade 48
Added Caballos to Games/Arcade 49/50
Added Vibora to Games/Arcade 49/50
Added CtosDosPuertos to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Integral to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Numerico to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Shank's Square Form Factorisation to Math/Misc 48
Added LongFloat to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added Anova48 Pro to Math/Statistic 48
Added HP 48GX with Black Display to PC/Pictures 48
Added LIBCRACK to Programming/Libs 49/50
Added Caidad de presión (Pressure Drop) to Science/Chemistry 49/50
Added Lineas y Figuras to Science/Civil 49/50 48
Added DESsimulations to Science/Electricity 49/50
Added Forces & Accelerat. for 3 Types of Pumping Motion to Science/Misc 48
Added Forces an Accelerat. for 3 Types of Pumping Motion to Science/Misc 49/50
Added Topkeys to Utils/Interface 48
Added VLIB to Utils/Interface 49/50
Added Midis to Utils/Sound 49/50
November 14th, 2002 Updated Aviation Computer and Flight Planner to 1.1 on Apps/Misc 49/50 48
Updated Finanzmathematik to 2.41 on Apps/Misc 49/50
Updated Note Filer to 0.3 on Apps 39/40
Updated Sequences, Series and Limits Marathon to 3.0 on Docs/Misc 49/50
Updated Game Launcher Aplet to 1.1 on Games 39/40
Updated Minehunt for the HP 39/40G to 3.1 on Games 39/40
Updated ANI48 on Graphics/Animations 48
Updated div_pro to 1.01 on Math/Misc 49/50 48
Updated Tabla Simplex to 2.1 on Math/Misc 49/50 48
Updated ECDIF.FNI to 5.1 on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated INTEGRA.FNI to 5.1 on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated EMU - WinCE/PPC HP48/49 KML to 1.10 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48
Updated Emu48 Executables to 31 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated Emu48 DLL Patch for HP49 SDK to 1.31 on PC/Programming 49/50
Updated Tabla Periodica to 2.1 on Science/Chemistry 49/50
Updated Thermo to 2.5.4 on Science/Chemistry 49/50
Updated Elementos Finitos to 3.0 on Science/Civil 48
Updated AntEq to 3.2 on Science/Misc 49/50
Updated Appsman to 1.2003 on Utils/Interface 49/50
Updated OT49 to 3.2003 on Utils/Interface 49/50
Updated Hide to 9.2002 on Utils/Memory 49/50
Updated Hide to 1.03 on Utils/Memory 48
Updated Code49 to 4.0 on Utils/Security 49/50
Updated Dia49 to 2.31 on Utils/Time 49/50
Added Word 49 to Apps/Editors 49/50
Added NewOS to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Complete index to Goodies Disks 1-11 to Compilations/Horn 48
Added Newton's Method to Docs/Misc 49/50 48
Added ANI49 to Graphics/Animations 49/50
Added All Triangle to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Calculo III to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Ecuanciones Diferenciales to Math/Misc 49/50
Added EMat to Math/Misc 49/50 48
Added ExpA to Math/Misc 49/50 48
Added STATT Z,T,X^2,F to Math/Statistic 49/50
Added HP Emulator to PC/Emulators 48
Added hp48gx_outline to PC/Pictures 48
Added Properties of Air as Ideal Gas to Science/Chemistry 49/50
Added Armaduras to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Entibaciones to Science/Civil 49/50
Added HICA49 to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Memoria 49G to Utils/Memory 49/50
Added OT48 to Utils/Misc 48
Added Time Calculator Package to Utils/Time 48
November 12th, 2002 Added Links to Manuals to Docs/Misc 49/50 48
October 11th, 2002 Updated CUT33 to 1.0 on Apps/Editors 48
Updated Vudú & Alquimia para Finanzas y Economia to 2.5 on Apps/Misc 48
Updated Manual de Foto to 1.1 on Docs/Misc 49/50
Updated Sequences, Series and Limits Marathon to 2.0 on Docs/Misc 49/50
Updated Programación en System RPL to 2.0 on Docs/Programming 49/50
Updated Minehunt for the HP 38G to 2.0 on Games 38
Updated Minehunt for the HP 39/40G to 3.0 on Games 39/40
Updated Métodos Numericos_1 to 1.6 on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated Métodos Numericos_2 to 1.6 on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated Interpolación to 2.0 on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated Excalibur to 1.06 on PC Other
Updated ChemDat49 to 1.02 on Science/Chemistry 49/50
Updated MEZCLAS (Fraccion Masica) to 2.0 on Science/Chemistry 49/50
Updated Elementos Finitos to 2.0 on Science/Civil 48
Updated FUMO - DSP Toolbox to 0.025f on Science/Electricity 49/50 48
Updated Fenix to 1.1 on Utils/Memory 49/50 48
Updated hpcs to 2.0 on Utils/Security 49/50
Updated Mariposa Tecknicolor to 3.0 on Utils/Sound 49/50
Added Agenda Telefonica to Apps/Database 49/50
Added AnaDec to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Note Filer to Apps 38
Added Note Filer to Apps 39/40
Added Professional Blackjack to Games/Card 48
Added Solitario to Games/Card 49/50
Added Bang to Games 39/40
Added Game Launcher Aplet to Games 39/40
Added Boxster Demo to Graphics/Animations 48
Added Mouse by Web to Graphics/Animations 48
Added RK4 to Math/Numeric 48
Added Simplex.S to Math/Numeric 48
Added Labcalc to Math/Statistic 48
Added Golden HP49 to PC/Pictures 49/50
Added HP-48GX RAM Entries to Programming/Entries 48
Added Compiler and Installer User RPL Programs to Programming/Misc 49/50
Added Caminos to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Metodo de Hardy Cross para Vigas to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Parametros de Linea de Transmision (sin perdidas) to Science/Electricity 49/50
Added EuroCalendar to Utils/Time 48
October 8th, 2002 Updated DCalc to 2.02 on PC Other
Added Porsche to Graphics/Grayscale 48
Added BuMoF to Graphics/Misc 49/50
Added FuNoF to Graphics/Misc 49/50
Added PrOdE to Programming/Misc 49/50
Added Fourier to Science/Chemistry 48
September 23rd, 2002 Updated Circuitos Electricos NW to 5.0 on Science/Electricity 49/50
Added TOPORAD to Science/Civil 48
September 22nd, 2002 Updated TVG to 1.5 on Apps/Editors 48
Updated XCELL to 2.1 on Apps/Matrix 49/50
Updated SuperAgenda86 NW to 5.0 on Apps/PIMs 49/50
Updated Trigonometry Marathon to 1.0 on Docs/Misc 49/50 48
Updated Band to 2.0 on Games/Arcade 48
Updated Conv to 2.0 on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated Emu48 Docs in Spanish to 3.1 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated EmuCalchp4x to 0.8 on PC/Emulators 49/50
Updated LibEx to 4.2 on Programming/Libs 49/50
Updated Library to 2.1 on Programming/Libs 49/50
Updated ChemDat49 to 1.01 on Science/Chemistry 49/50
Updated Flujos to 2.0 on Science/Chemistry 49/50
Updated Flujos to 2.2 on Science/Chemistry 49/50
Updated Mendel to 1.6 on Science/Chemistry 49/50
Updated Flexion Compuesta to 4.5 on Science/Civil 48
Updated Jason's Low-Budget Survey Programs to 6.10 on Science/Civil 48
Updated Secciones de Pared Delgada to 7.0 on Science/Civil 48
Updated Resistor to 5.0 on Science/Electricity 49/50
Updated MuyRapido to 5.0 on Utils/Comms 49/50
Updated TI89/TI92+ Font to 0.8 on Utils/Fonts 49/50
Updated configsyshp4x to 0.8a/0.2 on Utils/Memory 49/50 48
Updated Filers to 12.2002 on Utils/Memory 49/50
Updated Seguridad to 5.0 on Utils/Memory 49/50
Updated IconMenu4x to 0.32 on Utils/Misc 49/50 48
Updated Code Plus to 2.0 on Utils/Security 49/50
Added Demo49 to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Calculator Command Comparison Sheet to Docs/Misc 49/50 48 28
Added HP 49G ROM 1.19-6 Message Tables PDF to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added Sequences, Series and Limits Marathon to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added Programación en System RPL to Docs/Programming 49/50
Added Minehunt for the HP 39/40G to Games 39/40
Added Simpsons to Graphics/Grayscale 49/50
Added Bases - Cyborg to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Binomial - Cyborg to Math/Misc 49/50
Added div_pro to Math/Misc 49/50 48
Added LINGR - Cyborg to Math/Misc 49/50
Added M2LIST to Math/Misc 48
Added Gauss-Seidel Jacobi to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added Interpolación to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added Método de Muller to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added Anova Unifactorial 49 to Math/Statistic 49/50
Added Diana to Math/Statistic 48
Added Geq-Linear Differential System Function Transfer to Math/Symbolic 49/50
Added EMU - WinCE/PPC HP48/49 KML to PC/Emulators 49/50 48
Added Nelson Script to PC/Emulators 49/50
Added Shawn's Real GX - 800x600 to PC/Emulators 48
Added Easylib NW to Programming/Libs 49/50
Added AST48 to Science/Astronomy 48
Added MEZCLAS (Fraccion Masica) to Science/Chemistry 49/50
Added Armaduras to Science/Civil 48
Added Avaluo del peso de una estructura de concreto to Science/Civil 48
Added Diagrama de Masas para el movimiento de tierras to Science/Civil 49/50 48
Added Empate porlina de energia en regimensupercritico to Science/Civil 48
Added Estática 1 JCM to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Geodesia to Science/Civil 48
Added Suelos to Science/Civil 48
Added Terraplen to Science/Civil 48
Added Fisica II to Science/Electricity 49/50
Added Transformacion Delta Estrella to Science/Electricity 49/50
Added Calculus for Rankine Cycle in Steam Turbines to Science/Misc 48
Added Calculus for Rankine Cycle in Steam Turbines to Science/Misc 49/50
Added Hidraulica to Science/Misc 49/50
Added Refrigeration Cycles for Natural Gas (En./Sp.) to Science/Misc 48
Added Refrigeration Cycles for Natural Gas (En./Sp.) to Science/Misc 49/50
Added Resolution to Science/Misc 48
Added Routh to Science/Misc 49/50
Added Intercambiador de Calor to Science/Physics 48
Added Fenix to Utils/Memory 49/50 48
Added Sysmem49 to Utils/Memory 48
Added StackPlus to Utils/Stack 49/50
September 16th, 2002 Updated Finanzmathematik to 2.4 on Apps/Misc 49/50
Updated Como pasar una Foto a Escala de Grises on Docs/Misc 49/50
Updated Analisis de tuberias simples to 2.0 on Science/Civil 48
Added 10 Interviews from hp-network.com to Docs/Misc 48
Added Speaker Circuit Modifications for Key 'Click' to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added Plane to Math/Misc 48
Added Ruffini Method to Math/Misc 48
Added ChemDat49 to Science/Chemistry 49/50
Added Linea de conduccion to Science/Civil 48
September 15th, 2002 Updated Keyman to 5.2002 on Utils/Interface 49/50
Added L1542 to Apps 39/40
Added SR49 to PC/Link 49/50
Added Compression Aid to Programming/Libs 49/50
July 21st, 2002 Updated Repere to 1.2 on Apps/PIMs 49/50
Updated Ayudas Matematicas to 2.0 on Math/Numeric 48
Updated Navigator to 0.03 on Utils/Comms 49/50
Updated Keyman to 4.2002 on Utils/Interface 49/50
Added Babal to Games 39/40
Added Diseño Factorial 2^k to Math/Statistic 48
Added Implicit Differentiation to Math/Symbolic 48
Added Acueductos, analisis de poblacion to Science/Civil 48
Added Hidraulica de canales to Science/Civil 48
Added Tanques to Science/Civil 48
Added Instalaciones 4XG to Science/Electricity 49/50 48
Added Chen's Equation for Friction Factors (Calculus) to Science/Misc 48
Added Queue Theory to Science/Misc 49/50
July 14th, 2002 Updated Vudú & Alquimia para Finanzas y Economia to 2.5 on Apps/Misc 48
Updated HP49 Game Pack (Xennon, Arkanoiid, Skweek) to 1.1 on Games/Arcade 49/50
Added Visor Rapido to Apps/Editors 49/50
Added Hunter Project to Games/Arcade 49/50 39/40
Added Racer to Games/Arcade 49/50 39/40
Added Tunnel 3 to Games/Arcade 49/50 39/40
Added Puissance 4 to Games/Board 49/50 39/40
Added Arkalite to Games 39/40
Added Firestarter to Games 39/40
Added Frogger to Games 39/40
Added Hunt to Games/Misc 49/50 39/40
Added Inition to Games 39/40
Added Mario Land to Games 39/40
Added Meganoid Gold to Games 39/40
Added MG to Games 39/40
Added Pong to Games 39/40
Added Puzznic to Games 39/40
Added S-Chip to Games 39/40
Added Serpent to Games 39/40
Added Solitaire to Games 39/40
Added Space Hulk to Games 39/40
Added Stunt Rider to Games 39/40
Added Super Mario to Games 39/40
Added Tennis to Games 39/40
Added Tron to Games 39/40
Added Tron to Games 39/40
Added Tunnel to Games 39/40
Added Tunnel 2 to Games 39/40
Added Fourier Series English Version to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Diseño Bifactorial con una Replica to Math/Statistic 48
Added Aplet Development Kit to PC 39/40
Added Curvas Espirales to Science/Civil 49/50
Added DIM1 to Science/Civil 48
Added FNC1 to Science/Civil 48
Added RO1 to Science/Civil 48
Added W1 to Science/Civil 48
Added Instel to Science/Electricity 49/50
July 11th, 2002 Updated Spanglish49 on Apps/Misc 49/50
July 7th, 2002 Updated MineSweeper on Games/Misc 49/50 48 39/40
Updated XCRUNCH to 1.11 on Math/Misc 49/50 48
Updated FatCal to 2.01 on Utils/Time 49/50 48
Added RotShape to Graphics 39/40 38
July 5th, 2002 Added Codigo to Utils/Security 49/50
July 1st, 2002 Updated TGV Plus to 2.1 on Apps/Editors 49/50
Updated HP49G Commands and Menu Paths to 1.19-6 on Docs/Misc 49/50
Updated Mines to 6.2002 on Games/Adventure 49/50
Updated Alarm to 2.2002 on Utils/Time 49/50
Added Recovering Lost Memory to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added HP39/40 User's Guide Unofficial Update to PC 39/40
Added Estado de memoria to Utils/Misc 48
June 30th, 2002 Updated AlphaCur to 2.1 on Apps/MK 48
Updated Complex Numbers Marathon on Docs/Misc 49/50 48
Updated Trigonometry Marathon to 1.0 on Docs/Misc 49/50 48
Updated Bconv to 1.1 on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated M.Optimizacion to 1.2 on Math/Misc 48
Updated UTool to 2.8 on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated Descomposición LU por el método de DOOLITTLE to 2.0 on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated HPUserEdit to 2.3 on PC/Programming 49/50 48
Updated Libman to 7.2002 on Programming/Libs 49/50
Updated Cinetica to 2.0 on Science/Chemistry 49/50
Updated Jason's Low-Budget Survey Programs to 6.06 on Science/Civil 48
Updated ElecUt to 0.5 on Science/Electricity 49/50
Updated CHEN's Equation for Friction Factor (Calculus) to 1.01 on Science/Misc 49/50
Updated ICQ HP to 1.1 on Utils/Comms 49/50
Updated Homeless Library to 1.1 on Utils/Interface 48
Updated Keyman to 3.2002 on Utils/Interface 49/50
Updated Filers to 7.2002 on Utils/Memory 49/50
Updated Dia49 to 1.01 on Utils/Time 49/50
Added Morse Beeper to Apps/Misc 48
Added Spanglish48 to Apps/Misc 48
Added Spanglish49 to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added MiniAgenda Telefonica to Apps/PIMs 49/50
Added Manual de Foto to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added HP49 Game Pack (Xennon, Arkanoiid, Skweek) to Games/Arcade 49/50
Added Small Taquin to Games/Board 48
Added Toff Puzzle to Games/Board 48
Added Tetris Launcher to Games 39/40
Added Caida Libre y Movimineto Parabolico to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Grados.FNI to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Casio FX-82TL to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added Descomposición LU por el método de CROUT to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added Power Test to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added Variable Precision Arithmetic to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added Series de Fourier to Math/Symbolic 49/50
Added Emu48 KML to PC/Emulators 49/50
Added HPMusic to PC/Misc 48
Added HP48, HP49 Viruses to Programming/Misc 49/50 48
Added Message Finder to Programming/Misc 49/50
Added Voltage Divider to Science/Electricity 49/50
Added Chen Equation for Friction Factors (Spanish) to Science/Misc 48
Added Ecuación de Chen para Cálculos del Factor Fricción to Science/Misc 49/50
Added Mecanismos to Science/Misc 49/50
Added ScanCompress to Utils/Compress 49/50
May 28th, 2002 Updated Programming in System RPL (Programs) on Docs/Programming 49/50
Updated Programming in System RPL (PS) on Docs/Programming 49/50
Updated BACO to 2.2002 on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated Integracion Numerica to 2.0 on Math/Numeric 48
Updated Sim48 to 2.1 on PC/Emulators 48
Updated OT49 to 8.2002 on Utils/Interface 49/50
Updated Filers to 6.2002 on Utils/Memory 49/50
Added Carrera to Games/Misc 49/50
Added DrugWars to Games/Misc 49/50 48
Added Star Wars Episode II Trailer to Graphics/Animations 49/50
Added Fórmulas Matemáticas to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Solventator to Math/Misc 48
Added Estandar to Science/Electricity 49/50
Added CHEN's Equation for Friction Factor (Calculus) to Science/Misc 49/50
Added Constantes to Science/Misc 49/50
Added Filers to Utils/Memory 49/50
Added LibAyuda to Utils/Memory 49/50
Added Eurocalculator to Utils 38
May 23rd, 2002 Updated Finanzas to 1.2 on Apps/Misc 49/50
Updated Complex Numbers Marathon on Docs/Misc 49/50 48
Added iPaq 49G KML to PC/Emulators 49/50
May 22nd, 2002 Updated V41 to 7.0 on PC Other
Updated V41 Source Code to 7.0 on PC Other
Updated Helmert Transformation to 1.1 on Science/Civil 49/50 48
Updated Rheology and Hydraulics for Drilling Fluids to 1.01 on Science/Misc 48
Updated Code Plus to 1.0 on Utils/Security 49/50
Added eV41 to PC Other
Added MC Squared - Professional RPN Calculator to PC Other
Added HP 48 Matrix Add-In to PC/Misc 48
May 21st, 2002 Updated Emacs to 1.10a on Apps/Editors 49/50
Updated TGV Plus to 2.1 (modified) on Apps/Editors 49/50
Updated Métodos Numericos_1 to 1.5 on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated Métodos Numericos_2 to 1.5 on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated SolvEQ to 1.201 on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated UTool to 2.7 on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated BasesNum to 1.2 on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated M1105.FNI to 2.5 on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated PolRect to 1.1 on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated onlyLCD to 1.1 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48
Updated Library to 1.1 on Programming/Libs 49/50
Updated Tabla Periodica to 2.0 on Science/Chemistry 49/50
Updated Jason's Low-Budget Survey Programs to 6.04 on Science/Civil 48
Updated Stiffness to 1.05 on Science/Civil 48
Updated TI89/TI92+ Font to 0.6 on Utils/Fonts 49/50
Updated Filer48 to 1.94 on Utils/Memory 48
Added Ingenieria Economica to Apps/Misc 48
Added Fake Virus to Games/Misc 48
Added Anna L. Grayscale Image to Graphics/Grayscale 49/50
Added Plot to Graphics/Plotting 49/50
Added Bconv to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Armaduras isostáticas to Science/Civil 49/50 48
Added Survey Pack to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Rheology & Hydraulics for Drilling Fluids to Science/Misc 49/50
Added Rheology and Hydraulics for Drilling Fluids to Science/Misc 48
Added SEARiCHer to Utils/Memory 49/50
Added Code Plus to Utils/Security 49/50
Added Calendario Com Feriados Portugueses to Utils/Time 49/50
May 20th, 2002 Updated Texto Rapido to 0.01 on Apps/Editors 49/50
Updated HPlanétarium to 2.0 on Science/Astronomy 49/50 48 39/40
Updated Jason's Low-Budget Survey Programs to 6.02 on Science/Civil 48
Updated Secciones de Pared Delgada to 5.5 on Science/Civil 48
Updated Flujos de cortante to 4.5 on Science/Physics 48
Updated Deutsche Meldungen to 0.97 Beta on Utils/Interface 49/50
Updated OT49 to 7.2002 on Utils/Interface 49/50
Updated Archiv to 1.01 on Utils/Memory 49/50
Added 20/19 to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Prim to Math/Misc 49/50
Added INT48pro Online Manual to Math/Symbolic 48
Added Homeless Library to Utils/Interface 48
Added One Line Status to Utils/Stack 49/50
April 30th, 2002 Updated Usinagaz to 0.2 on Utils/Comms 49/50 48 39/40 38
Added Finanzas to Apps/Misc 49/50
April 29th, 2002 Updated Emacs to 1.10 on Apps/Editors 49/50
Updated HP-DOC to 3.0 on Apps/Editors 49/50
Updated SuperAgenda86 NW to 3.0 on Apps/PIMs 49/50
Updated SolvEQ to 1.2 on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated BasesNum to 1.1 on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated Emu48 Docs in Spanish to 3.0 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated HPUserEdit to 2.25 on PC/Programming 49/50 48
Updated SurveyWorks to 3.91 on Science/Civil 48
Updated Resistor on Science/Electricity 49/50
Updated Resistor Value Program on Science/Electricity 49/50
Updated MuyRapido to 3.0 on Utils/Comms 49/50
Updated FontsHP4x to 0.5 on Utils/Fonts 49/50 48
Updated Filer48 to 1.92 on Utils/Memory 48
Updated Seguridad to 3.0 on Utils/Memory 49/50
Added Programming in System RPL (PDF) to Docs/Programming 49/50
Added Programming in System RPL (Programs) to Docs/Programming 49/50
Added Programming in System RPL (PS) to Docs/Programming 49/50
Added PolRect to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added Anova Bloques Completos to Math/Statistic 49/50
Added Estadistica Descriptiva to Math/Statistic 49/50
Added HP 48/49/38/39/40 Entry Database to Programming/Entries 49/50 48
April 28th, 2002 Updated Complex Numbers Marathon to 2.0 on Docs/Misc 49/50 48
Updated 3D Tic Tac Toe to 3.1 on Games/Misc 48
Updated Long Float 49 to 0.91 Beta on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated Thermo to 2.5.2 on Science/Chemistry 49/50
Added Library to Programming/Libs 49/50
April 16th, 2002 Updated Thermo to 2.4 on Science/Chemistry 49/50
Updated Flexion Compuesta to 4.0 on Science/Civil 48
Updated Jason's Low-Budget Survey Programs to 6.01 on Science/Civil 48
Added Hacker to Games/Misc 48
Added Anova Bloques Completos to Math/Statistic 48
Added Extable Tools to Programming/Entries 49/50
Added Get Key Object 49 to Programming/Misc 49/50
April 10th, 2002 Updated MMS49 to 1.1.1 on Apps/Misc 49/50
Updated M1105.FNI to 2.3 on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated Thermo to 2.2 on Science/Chemistry 49/50
Updated Secciones de Pared Delgada to 5.0 on Science/Civil 48
Updated Flujos de cortante to 4.0 on Science/Physics 48
Updated Tablas de Vapor to 2.1 on Science/Physics 48
Updated CONFIG.FNI to 2.3 on Utils/Misc 49/50
Updated UTILES to 1.01 on Utils/Misc 49/50
Added Adding Machine to Apps/Misc 48
Added Visor de Matrices to Math/Misc 48
Added Tabla Anova I to Math/Numeric 48
Added FIT to Math/Statistic 48
Added TimeHack to PC/Link 49/50 48
Added Vapor Table to Science/Chemistry 49/50
Added Elementos Finitos to Science/Civil 48
Added Stiffness to Science/Civil 48
Added Twin Spindle Screw Pumps (Calculus) to Science/Misc 49/50
Added Autoapagado to Utils/Misc 49/50
Added Backup to Utils/Misc 49/50
Added Idioma to Utils/Misc 49/50
Added Opciones 2002 to Utils/Misc 49/50
Added Mig Composer to Utils/Sound 49/50
April 2nd, 2002 Updated Pacmania on Games/Arcade 49/50 48 39/40
Updated Filer48 to 1.91 on Utils/Memory 48
Updated Test49 to 1.7 on Utils/Misc 49/50
Added Twin Spindle Screw Pumps (Calculus) to Science/Misc 48
March 31st, 2002 Updated SATlt to 1.3 on Science/Astronomy 48
Added Yoda to Apps/Editors 49/50
Added Complex Numbers Marathon to Docs/Misc 49/50 48
Added BasesNum to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added SATlt to Science/Astronomy 49/50
Added TruHPoint to Science/Astronomy 49/50
Added TruHPoint to Science/Astronomy 48
March 24th, 2002 Updated Emu48 to 1.30 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated Emu48 Executables to 30 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated Emu48 DLL Patch for HP49 SDK to 1.30 on PC/Programming 49/50
March 23rd, 2002 Updated Jason's Low-Budget Survey Programs to 6.0 on Science/Civil 48
Updated UTILES to 1.0 on Utils/Misc 49/50
Added Calc1 to Math/Misc 49/50 48
Added Consolidacion to Science/Civil 48
Added PRGUTILS to Utils/Misc 48
March 18th, 2002 Updated Snake to 1.05 on Games 39/40
Updated Filer48 to 1.9 on Utils/Memory 48
Added UTILES to Utils/Misc 49/50
March 17th, 2002 Updated Precisao48 to 2.0 on Math/Numeric 48
Added Texto User RPL to Docs/Programming 49/50
March 16th, 2002 Updated HP 49G(+) Reserved Names to 1.3 on Docs/Misc 49/50
Updated Matrix to 0.9 on Math 39/40
Updated Estadistica to 1.2 on Math/Statistic 48
Updated SurveyWorks to 3.7 on Science/Civil 48
Updated FontsHP49 to 2.0 on Utils/Fonts 49/50
Added FestivosColombianos to Apps/PIMs 49/50 48
Added Trigonometry Marathon to Docs/Misc 49/50 48
Added PVal to Math/Misc 49/50
Added RomMat to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Fibo49 to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added Estadistica to Math/Statistic 49/50
Added Analisis Funcion to Math/Symbolic 49/50
Added Feedback to Science/Electricity 48
March 9th, 2002 Updated Expresso to on Apps/Matrix 49/50
Updated Agenda to 5.3 on Apps/PIMs 49/50
Updated Horario Escolar to 5.0 on Apps/PIMs 49/50
Updated Guess to 3.0 on Games 39/40
Updated Stock Master to 2.0 on Games 39/40
Updated Test49 to 1.6 on Utils/Misc 49/50
Added HP 49G ROM 1.19-6 Message tables to Docs/Programming 49/50
Added Band to Games/Arcade 48
Added Rap_Mastermind to Games/Board 49/50 48
Added HaHa to Games 39/40
Added Snake to Games 39/40
Added AnimePack49 to Graphics/Grayscale 49/50
Added Humor2 to Graphics/Grayscale 49/50
Added Sherilyn Fenn grayscale library to Graphics/Grayscale 48
Added Calculo Numerico I to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Distance to Math 39/40
Added Midpoint to Math 39/40
Added Quadratic Formula to Math 39/40
Added Slope to Math 39/40
Added Obtimización to Math/Numeric 48
Added Precisao48 to Math/Numeric 48
Added Remotest to Utils/Comms 48
Added FontsHP49 to Utils/Fonts 49/50
March 8th, 2002 Updated Astro to 3.0 on Science/Civil 48
Updated Comp to 1.0 on Science/Civil 48
Updated Geo to 2.1 on Science/Civil 48
Updated Photo to 2.1 on Science/Civil 48
Updated TopoGX to 9.31 on Science/Civil 49/50 48
February 26th, 2002 Updated Interpolacion Doble to 1.2 on Math/Misc 49/50 48
February 24th, 2002 Updated GraphWriter to 2.1 on Apps/Editors 49/50
Updated Euro-Convert to 1.4 on Apps/Misc 49/50
Updated O&X to 1.2 on Games/Board 49/50
Updated O&X to 1.2 on Games/Board 49/50
Updated Outer to 1.2 on Games/Board 49/50
Updated Complejos to 1.2 on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated EmuCalchp4x to 0.7 on PC/Emulators 49/50
Updated Empotramiento HYCB to 2002 on Science/Civil 49/50
Updated SDP (Sistema de Protección) to 2.0 on Utils/Security 49/50
Updated Star Wars Pack to 1.2 on Utils/Sound 49/50 48
Added Interpolacion Doble to Math/Misc 49/50 48
Added Julia Set Explorer to Math/Numeric 48
Added Newton - Rapson to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added Rufini to Math/Numeric 48
Added Math XLIB for HP48 to Math/Symbolic 48
Added Calculo de Aviones y Transporte Aereo to Science/Civil 49/50 48
Added Diseño de Concreto Presforzado to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Mom. Empotramiento en Vigas de sección variable to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Weibull to Science/Civil 49/50 48
Added X Men HYCB to Utils/Comms 49/50
Added Java stack mode toggle in CST module to Utils/Stack 48
February 17th, 2002 Updated GraphWriter to 2.0 on Apps/Editors 49/50
Updated V41 to 6.0 on PC Other
Updated V41 Source Code to 6.0 on PC Other
Added HPhreacker Biblioteca de utilidades to Programming/Hacker 48
February 16th, 2002 Updated Gnote to 1.0 on Apps/Editors 49/50
Updated GraphWriter to 1.2 on Apps/Editors 49/50
Updated Curso Virtual HP49G to 1.3 on Apps/Misc 49/50
Updated O&X to 1.1 on Games/Board 49/50
Updated Outer to 1.1 on Games/Board 49/50
Updated Estructura HYCB Part 1 to 2002 on Science/Civil 49/50
Updated Estructura HYCB Part 2 to 2002 on Science/Civil 49/50
Updated OT49 to 5.2002 on Utils/Interface 49/50
Added BIB.D to Apps/Misc 48
Added Jornal do HP Club do Brasil 25 to Docs/Misc 49/50 48
Added Overclocking to Docs/Misc 48
Added The Chemical Brothers to Graphics/Grayscale 48
Added Distribucion to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Resolutor de triángulos to Math/Misc 49/50
Added DERIV.FNI to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added ECDIF.FNI to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added INTEGRA.FNI to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added Sismos HYCB to Science/Civil 49/50
Added FUENTES.FNI to Utils/Fonts 49/50
Added CONFIG.FNI to Utils/Misc 49/50
Added World Time to Utils/Time 48
February 10th, 2002 Updated GraphWriter to 1.1 on Apps/Editors 49/50
Updated Finanzmathematik to 2.32 on Apps/Misc 49/50
Updated AC/DC Adapter to 1.0 on Docs/Misc 48
Updated TETRI to 2.2002 on Games/Arcade 49/50
Updated Formo to 9.2 on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated WinampSkin HP 49G to 2.1 on PC/Misc 49/50
Updated AntEq to 2.2 on Science/Misc 49/50
Added Linalg (Linear Algebra) to Math/Misc 49/50 48
Added Idioma to Utils/Misc 49/50
February 7th, 2002 Updated VerTxt to 1.1 on Apps/Editors 48
Updated Finanzmathematik to 2.31 on Apps/Misc 49/50
Updated Tetris to 2.7 on Games/Arcade 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated Video Ferrari F456 to 1.1 on Graphics/Animations 49/50
Updated BACO to 2.2002 on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated Formo to 9.2 on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated CAS49 to 0.8 on Math/Symbolic 49/50
Updated Sim48 to 2.00 on PC/Emulators 48
Updated HPUserEdit to 2.0 on PC/Programming 49/50 48
Updated SurveyWorks to 3.01 on Science/Civil 48
Updated Usinagaz to 0.2 on Utils/Comms 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated Keyman to 2.2002 on Utils/Interface 49/50
Updated FindText to 1.01 on Utils/Misc 48
Updated Star Wars Pack to 1.1 on Utils/Sound 49/50 48
Updated Noon to 1.2002 on Utils/Time 49/50
Added GraphWriter to Apps/Editors 49/50
Added HP-DOC to Apps/Editors 49/50
Added Word 48 to Apps/Editors 48
Added ChordBuilder to Apps/Misc 48
Added Curso Virtual HP49G to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Euro-Convert to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Como pasar una Foto a Escala de Grises to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added Doku49de to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added Zelda Logo to Graphics/Animations 49/50 48
Added Complejos to Math/Misc 49/50
Added M1105.FNI to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added Triangle to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added AreaTopog to Science/Civil 48
Added AreaTopog to Science/Civil 49/50
Added SurveyWorks to Science/Civil 49/50
Added AntEq to Science/Misc 49/50
Added Inercia to Science/Physics 48
Added Cheyenne to Utils/Comms 49/50 48 39/40
Added Telnetd to Utils/Comms 49/50 48 39/40
Added Archiv to Utils/Memory 49/50
Added CheckPort to Utils/Memory 48
Added Doc Jekyll & Mr Hyde to Utils/Misc 48
Added Fotografia to Utils/Misc 49/50 48
February 4th, 2002 Updated TETRI to 2.2002 on Games/Arcade 49/50
January 31st, 2002 Updated TETRI to 2.2002 on Games/Arcade 49/50
Updated TETRI to 2.2002 on Games/Arcade 49/50
January 27th, 2002 Updated TETRI to 2.2002 on Games/Arcade 49/50
Added FindText to Utils/Misc 48
January 26th, 2002 Updated TETRI to 2.2002 on Games/Arcade 49/50
Added Video Ferrari F456 to Graphics/Animations 49/50
Added Video Ferrari F50 to Graphics/Animations 49/50
Added Vstat to Math/Statistic 48
Added Cinetica to Science/Chemistry 49/50
Added Peralte to Science/Civil 48
Added Red1 and Net1 to Science/Civil 48
January 22nd, 2002 Updated CAS49 to 0.7 on Math/Symbolic 49/50
Added Using HP 48 Backups With Emu48 to Docs/Misc 48
Added Flujos to Science/Chemistry 49/50
Added Resalto Hidraulico to Science/Civil 48
January 21st, 2002 Updated Connect HP48 via IR on Docs/Misc 48
Updated Paranoid49 to 1.1 on Utils/Sound 49/50
Updated Star Wars Pack to 1.1 on Utils/Sound 49/50 48
Added RPL/2 to PC Other
Added Horm to Science/Civil 48
Added Mother49 to Utils/Sound 49/50
Added NeverSayDie49 to Utils/Sound 49/50
Added VoiceOfTheSoul49 to Utils/Sound 49/50
January 20th, 2002 Updated SuperAgenda86 NW to 2.0 on Apps/PIMs 49/50
Updated Drugwar to 3.0 on Games 39/40
Updated Formo to 5.0 on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated EmuCalchp4x to 0.5 on PC/Emulators 49/50
Updated Circuitos Electricos NW to 2.0 on Science/Electricity 49/50
Updated Unitman to 1.2002 on Utils/Interface 49/50
Updated AdjustCk to 4.2002 on Utils/Time 49/50
Added Connect HP48 via IR to Docs/Misc 48
Added Grayscale Girls to Graphics/Grayscale 49/50
Added EC2 to Science/Civil 48
January 17th, 2002 Updated UTool to 2.6 on Math/Misc 49/50
Added FIN49A to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Laberinto to Games/Misc 49/50
Added DAT48 to Utils/Time 48
Added DAT49 to Utils/Time 49/50
Added NOW48 to Utils/Time 48
Added NOW49 to Utils/Time 49/50
January 15th, 2002 Added HP 49 Assembly Language Examples to Docs/Programming 49/50
Added Geommasas to Science/Civil 49/50 48
Added Hardy-Cross to Science/Civil 48
January 14th, 2002 Updated TVG to 1.3 on Apps/Editors 48
Updated UTool to 2.5 on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated X48 for MacOS to 1.2/0.4.1 on PC/Emulators 48
Added MKSHARED Emu48 RAM card creator to PC/Emulators 48
January 11th, 2002 Updated F355 to 3.0 on Graphics/Grayscale 49/50
Updated EmuCalchp4x to 0.4 on PC/Emulators 49/50
Updated Secciones de Pared Delgada to 4.0 on Science/Civil 48
Updated Sectn48/49 to 2.0 SR1 on Science/Civil 49/50 48
Updated SED48/49 to 1.2 SR1 on Science/Civil 49/50 48
Updated Psychrometric Programs: Single or Dual Airstreams to 1.1 on Science/Physics 48
Updated Navigator to 0.02 on Utils/Comms 49/50
Updated Find 49 to 1.4 on Utils/Memory 49/50
Updated Test49 to 1.5 on Utils/Misc 49/50
Updated AdjustCk to 3.2002 on Utils/Time 49/50
Added Flexion Compuesta to Science/Civil 48
Added MCAP to Science/Civil 48
Added Star Wars Pack to Utils/Sound 49/50 48
January 10th, 2002 Updated TETRI to 1.2002 on Games/Arcade 49/50
January 9th, 2002 Updated TETRI to 1.2002 on Games/Arcade 49/50
Updated gcalcrpn to 0.0.4 on PC Other
Updated MAWK to 28.12.01 on Utils/Misc 49/50
Updated MPlay on Utils/Sound 49/50
Added F355 to Graphics/Grayscale 49/50
Added RPLPadFB to PC/Programming 49/50 48
January 7th, 2002 Updated Repere to 1.1 on Apps/PIMs 49/50
Updated SpeedMiner on Games/Board 49/50 48
Updated SpeedMiner on Games/Board 49/50 48
Updated EmuCalchp4x to 0.3 on PC/Emulators 49/50
Updated FUMO - DSP Toolbox to 0.025e on Science/Electricity 49/50 48
Updated Mariposa Tecknicolor to 2.0 on Utils/Sound 49/50
Added Computer Algebra and Math with the HP40G to Docs/Misc 49/50 39/40
Added SpeedMiner to Games/Board 49/50 48
Added Hessian-Jacobian to Math/Misc 49/50
Added RKT4 to Math/Numeric 48
Added Compositor to Utils/Sound 49/50
Added AdjustCk to Utils/Time 49/50
January 3rd, 2002 Updated Newton-Regulaxpartes to 1.1 on Math/Numeric 48
Updated ACC to 1.2002 on Utils/Time 49/50
Updated ACCeuro to 2.2002 on Utils/Time 49/50
Added Rudimentary Machine Translator to Programming/Misc 48

See Older Updates

Part of the HP Calculator Archive,
Copyright 1997-2024 Eric Rechlin.