
What's New on hpcalc.org in 2010

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December 16th, 2010 Updated System RPL with Debug4x to In Spanish on Docs/Programming 49/50
December 15th, 2010 Updated HLP49 to 5.1 on Apps/Misc 49/50
Updated IP Subnet Calculator to 1.0 on Apps/Misc 49/50 48
Updated Towers of Hanoi to 1.0 on Graphics/Misc 49/50
Updated geohp to 1.1 on Graphics/Plotting 49/50
Updated SDB (SysRPL Debugger) to 1.20 on Programming/Misc 49/50
Added Enigma to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added hpsat to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Programacion en System-RPL to Docs/Programming 49/50
Added System RPL with Debug4x to Docs/Programming 49/50
Added 99 Bottles of Beer to Games 39/40
Added Buffon's Needle to Games 39/40
Added Towers of Hanoi to Games 39/40
Added bair to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Inverse Chi square Function to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Inverse F Snedecor Function to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Inverse T Student Function to Math/Misc 49/50
Added ISPRIME? to Math/Misc 49/50
Added pNEWTON to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Metodos Numericos Modo Alg to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added Radio Espectral to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added Variable Aleatoria Discreta to Math/Statistic 49/50
Added F(x) to Math/Symbolic 49/50
Added HP50GHL to PC/Emulators 49/50
Added Graphic Display Screen to PC/Misc 48
Added Analisis estructural I-Pendiente Desviacion to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Calculating Convergence to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Porticos Planos to Science/Civil 49/50
Added TasacionesJ to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Compuertas Logicas to Science/Electricity 49/50
Added COMPREAC to Science/Misc 49/50
Added ICARO to Science/Misc 49/50
September 19th, 2010 Updated Emu48+ Service Pack to 48 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated Debug4x HP 48/49 SDK to 2.2 Build 153 on PC/Programming 49/50 48
Added ED por Runge-Kutta clasico 4º orden to Math/Numeric 49/50
September 12th, 2010 Updated Depreciacion Ingal to 2.0 on Apps/Misc 48
Updated Debug4x HP 48/49 SDK to 2.2 Build 149 on PC/Programming 49/50 48
Updated UCalc User-RPL Programmer to 1.0.0 on PC/Programming 49/50 48
Updated UEdit User-RPL Programming Development Tools to 2.0.0 on PC/Programming 49/50 48
Updated Jazz 50g to 1.20 on Programming/Misc 49/50
Updated Jazz 50g Documentation to 1.20 on Programming/Misc 49/50
Updated Jazz 50g Source Code to 1.20 on Programming/Misc 49/50
Updated BZ2 to 2010 on Utils/Compress 49/50 48
Added Karnaugh Diagram to Math/Misc 49/50
Added DOROMP2 to Programming/Misc 49/50
Added Hanzen to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Pothenot to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Topografía I (Poligonal Cerrada) to Science/Civil 49/50
August 22nd, 2010 Updated Statdes to 3.01 on Math/Statistic 49/50
Updated Horizontal 50g to 2.0 on PC/Emulators 49/50
Updated SECC+ to 1.21 on Science/Civil 49/50
Added Valores y Vectores Propios to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added Maquinaria y Equipo to Science/Civil 49/50
Added SpiSOLVE to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Suelos 1 Laboratorio to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Taquimetria to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Lohm to Science/Electricity 49/50
Added Unidades to Utils/Misc 49/50 48
July 31st, 2010 Updated HLP49 to 5.0 on Apps/Misc 49/50
Updated Sudoku Player to 4.0 on Games/Misc 49/50
Updated Emu48 to 1.50 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated Emu48 Executables to 50 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated Emu48 for Pocket PC and Windows Mobile to 1.19 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated Emu48 for Pocket PC and Windows Mobile (Installer) to 1.19 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated HP 48GX KML script and skin for Advanced/W-ZERO3 on PC/Emulators 48
Updated Debug4x HP 48/49 SDK to 2.2 Build 145 on PC/Programming 49/50 48
Updated Emu28 to 1.21 on Programming 28
Updated Emu28 HP-28C Skin on Programming 28
Updated Hidraulica II (Canales) to 2.0 on Science/Civil 49/50
Updated HP CONVER to 2.0 on Science/Misc 49/50
Added Grey Viewer 50g to Graphics/Grayscale 49/50
Added Interpol to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added MKE42 to PC 28 Other
Added Voyager 42S to PC Other
Added ENCODE48 to PC/Programming 48
Added UNRPL to PC/Programming 48
Added Emu28 Executables to Programming 28
Added Obras de Toma (Obras Hidraulicas I) to Science/Civil 49/50
Added SECC+ to Science/Civil 49/50
Added lists778 Library to Utils/Misc 49/50
July 14th, 2010 Updated MXeval to 2.4 on Apps/Matrix 49/50
Updated Simplex Method to 0.3 on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated Jazz 50g to 1.11 on Programming/Misc 49/50
Updated SDB (SysRPL Debugger) to 1.1 on Programming/Misc 49/50
Added TED 50g to Apps/Editors 49/50
Added Interpolacion Simple y Doble by LCVR to Math/Misc 49/50
Added NUMAQ to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Solve Triangle to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Jazz 50g Documentation to Programming/Misc 49/50
Added Jazz 50g Source Code to Programming/Misc 49/50
Added CPORTANTE to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Hidraulica II (Canales) to Science/Civil 49/50
June 17th, 2010 Updated Jazz 50g to 1.1 on Programming/Misc 49/50
Added Simplex Method to Math/Misc 49/50
Added SDB (SysRPL Debugger) to Programming/Misc 49/50
June 6th, 2010 Updated APNUM to 2.00 on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated Statdes to 3.00 on Math/Statistic 49/50
Updated HPObjects library for HPGCC to 1.0 on PC/Programming 49/50
Updated SpeedUI to 9.12 on Utils/Interface 48
Added Ingeco to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Salario Liquido to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Sudoku Player to Games/Misc 49/50
Added geohp to Graphics/Plotting 49/50
Added Complementos Binarios to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Interpolación Lineal to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Pollard's p-1 Factorization to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added Photorealistic 48GX Emulator Skin to PC/Emulators 48
Added Jazz 50g to Programming/Misc 49/50
Added Centro de Gravedad to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Courbe d'intéraction to Science/Civil 49/50 48
Added Mecanica de Suelos to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Poligonal to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Topografia (TOPO2) Manual to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Elec Menu to Science/Electricity 49/50
Added Power Line Modeling to Science/Electricity 49/50
Added RLC to Science/Electricity 49/50
Added Universal Biasing BJT to Science/Electricity 49/50
Added HP CONVER to Science/Misc 49/50
Added MFED to Utils/Fonts 49/50
March 21st, 2010 Updated RotC to 5 on Math/Misc 49/50
Added Programes de transports to Science/Misc 49/50
March 17th, 2010 Updated AWGNEMA to 2.0 on Science/Electricity 49/50
March 8th, 2010 Updated UCalc User-RPL Programmer to 1.0.0 on PC/Programming 49/50 48
Updated UEdit User-RPL Programming Development Tools to 2.0.0 on PC/Programming 49/50 48
Updated COGO-50 to 1.82 on Science/Civil 49/50
Added INT1D to Graphics/Plotting 49/50
March 1st, 2010 Updated Navigator to 1.00 on Utils/Comms 49/50
Added How tall will you be? to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Emu41 to PC Other
Added Concreto do CEFET MG to Science/Civil 49/50
January 31st, 2010 Updated Sudoku Solver to 1.1 on Games/Misc 49/50
Added Blocks Master Builder to Games/Adventure 49/50
Added HPObjects library for HPGCC to PC/Programming 49/50
Added EXES to Science/Chemistry 49/50
January 16th, 2010 Added IEEE754 to Math/Misc 48
January 9th, 2010 Added AWGNEMA to Science/Electricity 49/50

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Part of the HP Calculator Archive,
Copyright 1997-2024 Eric Rechlin.