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HP Prime Graphics Utilities

The first size listed is the downloaded file size and the second size listed is the size on the calculator.

There are 61 files totaling 21,391 KB in this category.

3D Drawing   (details) Prime   3 KB / 8 KB
ScreenshotLets you draw pixels in the desired colors, using the arrows and SYMB and HELP, and selecting the color with ESC, and then shows it in 3D.
By Bing Guo. 2018-05-17

3D Parametric Function Plotting 1.0   (details) Prime ENG   173 KB / 7 KB
ScreenshotPlots a colored 3-dimensional parametric equation on an HP Prime of the form z=(t,u) where t and u are angular parameters in degrees, generally varying from zero to 360 degrees. Your Prime must be set to Degrees mode in both CAS and Home. The program will also ask for the number of slices in t and u, I generally use 40 for both. The viewing angle for the sample plot is 5 degrees for the x-axis and 25 degrees for the z-axis. There are sample functions for a toroid (doughnut), sphere, orbital (modulated sphere) and spirals. The program is based on an old Byte magazine article discussing the mathematical principles behind 3D plotting.
By Gerardo V. Lozada. 2015-07-26

3D Parametric Plotter 1.0   (details) Prime ENG   25 KB / 12 KB
ScreenshotAllows you to plot 3D parametric functions and orbit your view around them. For controls, press the "Help" key.x
By Zachary Traul. 2020-12-29

3D XYZ Function Plotter 1.1   (details) Prime ENG   1 KB / 3 KB
Plots 3-dimensional functions of the form f(X,Y), such as f(X,Y):=(-(X^2+Y^2));.
By Gerardo V. Lozada. 2014-10-18

Backgrounds   (details) Prime ENG   3,114 KB / 1000+ KB
ScreenshotView high resolution background images, scrolling through the image with the touchscreen or the cursor keys.
Author unknown. 2014-02-01

Bézier Curves   (details) Prime ENG   6 KB / 11 KB
ScreenshotA program for generating and drawing Bézier curves
By Stephen Lewkowicz (G1CMZ). 2018-01-24

Biorhythm Using Function App 1.3.1   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 6 KB
ScreenshotProgram to calculate and display a plot for the three biorhythm sine curves using the built-in "Function" app.
By Peter Heberer. 2023-05-07

Blotch   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 4 KB
ScreenshotDraws square blotches with random colors.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2014-10-19

Bode Magnitude Plot   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
Plots a handmade Bode Plot for any of the following forms: (I) H(s) = K * (s/A + 1)/(s/B + 1), (II) H(s) = K * (s/A + 1), and (III) H(s) = K * 1/(s/B + 1).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-04-15

Bode Plot   (details) Prime ENG   66 KB / 93 KB
Does Bode plots for Bode magnitude, Bode phase, root locus, step response, ramp response, Nyquist plot, and delay response.
Author unknown. 2017-02-11

Bode/Nyquist   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 8 KB
Bode/Nyquist plotter.
By Mickaël Nicotera. 2017-04-27

Chaos   (details) Prime ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotPlots a chaos plot.
Author unknown. 2013-12-22

Color Wheel and Color Box   (details) Prime ENG   37 KB / 3-15 KB
ScreenshotContains 2 PPL programs and 2 Micropython programs with wrapper PPL which allow you to display a color palette on the screen, either as a box or a wheel.
By albud44. 2024-12-29

Colores 1.0   (details) Prime ESP   36 KB / 11 KB
ScreenshotShows all possible colors of the calculator (16-bit color) and returns the selected color.
By Carlos Campos Guerra. 2015-10-24

Colourful Polygon Explorer   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotUse the cursor to play with some polygons. Use left and right to change the number of sides and up and down to rotate it.
By matalog. 2021-05-23

Compl3d 1.4   (details) Prime ENG   65 KB / 109 KB
Screenshot3D complex function output surface for fixed real or imaginary input and 3D scatter plot of L1. Real or imaginary axis is used for real / imaginary output domain to display a 3D output for the fixed input. {x,y,z} values in L1 are displayed with a cross and numbered in the 3D plane. Input dialogs used for configuration and touch gestures as well as keys to rotate, move and zoom the graph.
By Frank P. 2021-09-12

Complex Plotting   (details) Prime ENG   13 KB / 1-25 KB
ScreenshotPair of programs that do complex number plotting.
By Daniel Mewes and Han Duong (HPSolo). 2017-03-18

ComplPlot 001   (details) Prime ENG   51 KB / 16 KB
ScreenshotMy 3D color view skills have problems interpreting complex function characteristics from the domain coloring scheme. Therefore, I played around with one imaginary and one real color intensity mapped directly linear to a given value range.
By Frank Plate. 2019-12-29

Contour Map 1.0   (details) Prime ENG ESP   2 KB / 4 KB
ScreenshotSmall program for plotting the contour map of any two-variable function.
By Sebastian Roca. 2020-06-06

Contour Plots   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 1 KB
Creates 2D contours using the Advanced Graphing app. The user's current formulas are kept safe, and are restored after the contours are drawn. I had hoped to incorporate this into the Graph3D app, but the current implementation of startview() and how apps handle built-in applications are currently preventing this from happening.
By Han Duong (HPSolo). 2014-10-19

Conway's Game of Life   (details) Prime ENG   7 KB / 5-6 KB
ScreenshotShows Conway's Game of Life with a random set of initial cells.
By max1138 and Piotr Kowalewski (komame). 2023-09-24

Cube   (details) Prime   3 KB / 13 KB
ScreenshotA cube that can be rotated.
By Bing Guo. 2018-12-09

Dessiner   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotDraw pictures with 10 colors and 3 brush widths with your fingers.
By Mickaël Nicotera. 2013-12-22

Draw 0.0   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 4 KB
ScreenshotThis is a very simple drawing program for drawing white pixels on a black canvas, with a nice red cursor. It is good for pixelart but the creations can NOT be saved, but if you are bored it maybe has some value.
By Simon Bryntse. 2020-09-30

Drawing 3D Lines and Boxes   (details) Prime ENG   117 KB / 10 KB
ScreenshotExplains the 3D features of the LINE and TRIANGLE commands, with sample code to draw 3D lines and boxes.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-04-29

DwPrime 1.1   (details) Prime ENG   74 KB / 176 KB
ScreenshotBitmap editing and drawing software designed in a mix of Python and PPL. G2 recommended.
By albud44. 2024-12-29

Fractal Plots   (details) Prime ENG   46 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotPlots a fractal to simulate a Julia Set. The program will ask for a sample graphing space with a border B. It will also ask for the number of points (G), which will determine the number of points plotted in the graph. The higher G is, the more detailed the fractal is; however, the plot will take longer to complete.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-05-27

Gallery 2.4   (details) Prime ENG   739 KB / 800 KB
ScreenshotProvides the ability to view PNG and JPG files natively and directly on the calculator. Supports zooming and panning, including using the touchscreen. For firmware 10077 or higher. Source code available separately.
By Manuel Andrés Vélez. 2023-09-17

Goldbach's Conjecture   (details) Prime ENG   6 KB / 3-10 KB
ScreenshotA pair of programs. The first one displays both the number of Goldbach partitions, and a list containing them. The second one is an attempt to plot the Goldbach "Comet", which is a plot of the number of twin prime summands, for each positive even integer, (up to a users specified number, and within calculator limitations). The plotted cometary tail gets more interesting for large numbers, (like 500), taking a correspondingly longer time to present, naturally.
Author unknown. 2017-06-24

Gompertz Curve   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 1 KB
Gets the Gompertz Curve, which is a type of mathematical model for a time series, where growth is slowest at the start and end of a time period.
By Salvo Micciché (salvomic). 2015-08-20

Graph3D 2.425   (details) Prime ENG   170 KB / 79 KB
ScreenshotPowerful 3D graphing application. Includes rotation and tracing, with touchscreen gestures for rotation, zooming, and panning.
By Han Duong (HPSolo). 2017-02-20

Happy Easter   (details) Prime ENG   211 KB / 214 KB
ScreenshotFind the bee among the flowers.
By Mickaël Nicotera. 2018-04-03

Hat   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotQuickly draws a green hat in Python.
By Tom Lake. 2020-10-06

Hat   (details) Prime ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotPlots a hat.
Author unknown. 2013-12-22

HexColor 1.01   (details) Prime ENG   16 KB / 87 KB
ScreenshotA small utility that gets a color in Hex, RGB(0-255), HSB or RGB(0.0-1.0) and converts it to the other formats, including HSL. It has a graphical interface that supports touch input for tweaking the color in HSB, as well as tools for getting the complementary color and darker or lighter shades of the original. It also features a favorites palette, where you can store up to five colors for later use. The program has a dedicated Help section which covers the basics.
By Luis Glez. 2020-09-30

HSV   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
Translates HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color space to RGB.
By Insoft. 2024-06-08

IFS Prime 0.2   (details) Prime ENG   142 KB / 47 KB
ScreenshotCreates Iterated Function System (IFS) Fractals with touch zoom in/out. There are 16 built-in definitions, plus users can store custom definitions in L0 to generate their own images.
By Wes Loewer. 2013-12-22

Joe's Prime Pix   (details) Prime ENG   14,286 KB / 117+ KB
ScreenshotA collection of 144 colorful pictures to load onto your Prime to show off its power to your friends!
By Joseph K. Horn. 2014-01-11

Julia 1.0   (details) Prime   3 KB / 5 KB
ScreenshotInspired by the Mandelbrot generator, this has been modified to display the Julia set.
By Wolfgang Weber. 2014-10-18

Lindenmayer Fractals   (details) Prime ENG   23 KB / 41 KB
ScreenshotCreates Lindenmayer fractals. Many options of fractal types including Harter-Heighway, Hilbert, Koch, Lévy, Minkowski, and more, and once drawn allows you to add iterations and rotate the direction. Written in Python.
By Günter Schink. 2023-09-24

Lindenmayer Fractals 2.0   (details) Prime ENG   8 KB / 25 KB
ScreenshotUses the Lindenmayer System to build fractals on screen, with 28 Lindenmayer fractals. May only work with older ROM versions.
By Patrice Torchet. 2013-12-28

Magnifying Glass 0.3   (details) Prime ENG   44 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotShows a magnifying glass which help you to see individual pixels better. You can start it using Shift-USER M in every program. Contains full source code with detailed comments, which demonstrates mask operations with GROBs (DIMGROB_P, GROBW_P, GROB_H, BLIT_P, loading of PNGs to G1-G9).
Author unknown. 2015-10-24

Mandelbrot   (details) Prime ENG   47 KB / 5 KB
ScreenshotThis is a very basic and straight forward approach to programming the Mandelbrot set on the Prime. It just shows how programming and using complex numbers/variables in a program work on the Prime. It is in no way optimized for speed, neither mathematically nor in terms of implementation. Also, it's not a Prime App (thus not using the Symb/Plot/Num and their Setup keys) and has no interactivity (like zooming) at all. The area of the Mandelbrot set is defined by setting the corresponding variables in the source code. Take it as a starting point for your further explorations, be it in Prime programming or in math. And feel free to expand it and maybe make an App out of it with interactivity.
By Stefan Wolfrum. 2013-12-22

Mandelbrot 1.3   (details) Prime ENG   132 KB / 15 KB
ScreenshotA program built to draw the Mandelbrot fractal. The user can either interactively or in-source change what part of the fractal is rendered and in which detail. The program also includes two sets of example coordinates. Rendering a picture can take a few minutes, but the result will often be worth the wait.
By Simon Bryntse. 2024-12-29

Mandelbrot Explorer 0.9   (details) Prime ENG   34 KB / 39 KB
ScreenshotFast explorer of the Mandelbrot fractal written in Python. Lets you change color scheme and zoom in.
By Günter Schink. 2022-02-27

Mathematical Pixel Art   (details) Prime ENG   31 KB / 2-13 KB
ScreenshotGenerates some images mathematically, including Blue Diamond, Lake, Tree Trunk, and Yin Yang on the Prime, as well as Cat, Dog, Pisces, and Question Block on the 42S.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-02-27

MIRERVB   (details) Prime FRA   2 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotShows RGB gradients to test the screen's abilities.
By Xavier Andréani. 2018-10-14

MyTetrahedron   (details) Prime ENG   23 KB / 17 KB
ScreenshotExpands the build-in Demo_Tetrahedron by named axis, surrounding box, angle value and rotation vector display. You can rotate the Z axis with left/right, rotate horizontal/vertically by screen swipe, and quit with ESC.
By Frank P. 2019-06-17

Plotting a Parametric Line of Motion   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
Draws a 2D motion plot from an initial starting point (x, y) given initial velocity and acceleration. The rate and direction of both velocity and acceleration are assumed to be constant.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2024-07-29

PrimeCaster 3D 1.1   (details) Prime ENG   7 KB / 16 KB
ScreenshotExtended raycasting engine.
By Xavier Andréani. 2018-10-14

PrimeFX   (details) Prime ENG   11 KB / 47 KB
ScreenshotA versatile paint app with many functions like a large canvas, different brushes, geometric shapes, text, filling and much more.
By David Traum. 2017-08-16

PrimePaint 1.0   (details) Prime   1,474 KB / 86 KB
ScreenshotA drawing program with a friendly GUI.
By Eula Zhang. 2023-05-07

Shuttle 1.0   (details) Prime ENG   52 KB / 168 KB
ScreenshotDraws a space shuttle. Vector data was converted from an old AutoCAD DWG file.
By Jurgen Keller. 2014-10-18

Sierpinski   (details) Prime ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotSierpinski's triangle generator.
By Mickaël Nicotera. 2013-10-05

Slopefield   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
Graphs the slopefield of a differential equation in the form dy/dx = f(x,y). This program is adopted from Alan Ziv’s SLPFIELD program, which Ziv programmed for the Casio fx-9850G.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2016-08-03

Taylorani   (details) Prime ENG   20 KB / 8 KB
Displays a (hopefully) animated Taylor approximation of a function that can be entered via View: Input Data. There is sine without using input and cosine preselected in input.
By Arno Kizina. 2017-11-12

Ulam Spiral   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 1-2 KB
ScreenshotSeveral programs to graph different Ulam spirals.
Author unknown. 2014-02-01

Von Koch Fractals   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotGenerates Von Koch snowflake fractals.
By Damien Unknown. 2013-12-28

Walrus Animation   (details) Prime ENG   20 KB / 36 KB
ScreenshotA wave, sky, and flying walrus animation that could be used in a future game and runs at about 40 frames per second.
By Kévin Ouellet (DJ Omnimaga). 2017-02-16

Waterfall Animation   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotBackground boxes with falling water. There is random mist coming from the water.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2014-02-01

Windows 7 Screensaver   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 23 KB
ScreenshotA replica of the default Windows 7 screensaver, displaying the Windows 7 logo at random locations on the screen.
By Mickaël Nicotera. 2017-04-27

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.