
What's New on hpcalc.org in 1999

See Newer Updates

December 31st, 1999 Updated Serial Port Bug on Docs/Misc 49/50
Updated Font Structure on Docs/Programming 49/50
Updated RPN2LISP to 1.5 on Programming/Misc 49/50
Updated Fast Six Level Stack on Utils/Stack 48
Added Boot Version to Utils/Misc 49/50
Added LSort to Utils/Misc 49/50 48
December 30th, 1999 Updated Roldx to 1.3 on Apps/PIMs 49/50
Added Cutting the Screen Cover to Docs/Misc 49/50
December 29th, 1999 Updated TETRI on Games/Arcade 48
Updated HP 49 Emulator to ROM 1.17-4 on PC/Emulators 49/50
Updated Unsupported Beta ROM to 1.17-4 on PC/ROM 49/50
Added BAW to Math/Statistic 49/50
Added Windows Startup and Shutdown Screens to PC/Misc 48
Added RplExt to Programming/Misc 49/50
December 28th, 1999 Updated HPost-it to 2.1 on Apps/PIMs 48
Updated HPost-it to 2.2 on Apps/PIMs 49/50
Updated Roldx on Apps/PIMs 49/50
Updated Psychro on Science/Physics 49/50
Updated Psychro to 1.3 on Science/Physics 48
Updated ConfigSaver to 1.1 on Utils/Interface 49/50
Added HPMoney to Apps/Misc 49/50
December 27th, 1999 Updated Roldx to 1.2 on Apps/PIMs 49/50
Updated HPTalx to 1.0 on PC/Link 48
Added HPost-it to Apps/PIMs 49/50
Added HPost-it to Apps/PIMs 48
December 26th, 1999 Updated ObjTools to 0.401 on Utils/Memory 49/50
Added Organic Chaos to Graphics/Animations 49/50
December 25th, 1999 Updated EqLib to 0.2 Beta on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated HPTalx to 0.2 on PC/Link 48
Updated Labo to 0.6 on Science/Chemistry 49/50
Updated ConfigSaver to 1.0 on Utils/Interface 49/50
Updated ObjTools on Utils/Memory 49/50
Updated Portuguese 49 to 0.2 on Utils/Misc 49/50
Added Serial Port Bug to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added Babal to Games/Arcade 49/50
Added Psychro to Science/Physics 49/50
Added Psychro to Science/Physics 48
Added Utilitários to Utils/Interface 49/50
December 23rd, 1999 Updated WinHP 98 to 5.2 on Apps/Misc 48
Added Bode Plot to Math/Misc 48
December 21st, 1999 Updated HP-41E for the HP 48 to 1.13 on Apps/Misc 48
Updated HP-41E for the HP 49G to 1.13 on Apps/Misc 49/50
Updated eql49 on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated HP-41C/CV/CX MicroCode Emulator on PC Other
Updated Unsupported Beta ROM to 1.17-2 on PC/ROM 49/50
Updated Fast ESF Sort to 0.70 Beta on Utils/Misc 49/50
Added multiFIT to Math/Statistic 48
Added HP Art to PC/Pictures 49/50
Added ConfigSaver to Utils/Interface 49/50
December 19th, 1999 Updated INTSIM to 1.1 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Estructuras 49 on Science/Physics 49/50
Added eql49 to Math/Misc 49/50
December 17th, 1999 Updated HPTalx to 0.1.1 on PC/Link 48
Updated Upgrade to 0.2.3 on PC/ROM 49/50
Updated ObjTools to 0.3 on Utils/Memory 49/50
Updated OT4 on Utils/Misc 48
Updated The Terminaltor to 0.45 Beta on Utils/Terminal 49/50
Updated ACC on Utils/Time 48
Added Doom Preview II to Games/Arcade 49/50
Added EqLib to Math/Misc 49/50
Added SATCO to Science/Astronomy 49/50 48
December 16th, 1999 Added Background to Utils/Misc 49/50
December 15th, 1999 Updated RAS to 3.0 on Math/Statistic 48
Added Real Calcs KML Scripts for Emu48 to PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Added HPTalx to PC/Link 48
December 14th, 1999 Updated Emu48 to 1.15 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated Emu48 Executables to 15 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated KML 2.0 Docs to Release 5 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38 28
Updated EPHE to 1.21 on Science/Astronomy 49/50 48
Updated The Terminaltor on Utils/Terminal 49/50
Added Jornal do HP Club do Brasil 9 to Docs/Misc 49/50 48
Added HP 38 KML Scripts to PC/Emulators 48
Added NeXTStep EM48 Source Code to PC/Emulators 48
Added Programs for Civil Engineers to Science/Civil 48
Added Eisarg Tools to Utils/Interface 49/50
Added Portuguese 49 to Utils/Misc 49/50
December 13th, 1999 Updated Roldx to 1.1 on Apps/PIMs 49/50
Updated Table 53 on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated Mohr 48 on Science/Physics 48
Updated Mohr 49 on Science/Physics 49/50
Added Root Finder to Math/Misc 48
Added Estructuras 49 to Science/Physics 49/50
Added IDGAS to Science/Physics 49/50
Added Fast ESF Sort to Utils/Misc 49/50
Added UTL49 to Utils/Misc 49/50
December 11th, 1999 Updated HP49G Advanced User's Guide to 1.2 on Docs/Misc 49/50
Updated Columns on Games/Arcade 49/50
Added AGROB for MK to Apps/MK 48
Added Table 53 to Math/Misc 49/50
December 10th, 1999 Updated DOB to 3.0 on Apps/MK 48
Updated ZeldaHP 48 on Games/Adventure 48
Updated ZeldaHP 49 on Games/Adventure 49/50
Updated SADHP to 1.08 on PC/Programming 49/50
Updated Upgrade to 0.2.2 on PC/ROM 49/50
Updated Bascules to 2.5 on Science/Electricity 49/50
Updated CSim 1.0 to Beta 2 on Science/Electricity 49/50
Updated Mohr 48 on Science/Physics 48
Added Keyboard Map Bits to Docs/Programming 49/50
Added MSOLVR Program Maker to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Stack Solver to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Units to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Studio49 to Programming/Misc 49/50
Added Mohr 49 to Science/Physics 49/50
Added Live Julian Date to Utils/Time 49/50
December 8th, 1999 Updated HP 49G User's Guide to 1.1 on Docs/Misc 49/50
Updated DINT to 2.1 on Math/Numeric 48
Updated Compose on Utils/Sound 48
Added Roldx to Apps/PIMs 49/50
Added SADHP to PC/Programming 49/50
Added VMASD to Programming/Misc 49/50
Added Port 2 Backup to Utils/Memory 49/50
December 6th, 1999 Updated Editor to 9.0 on Apps/Editors 48
Updated ZeldaHP 49 on Games/Adventure 49/50
Updated HP 49 Emulator to ROM 1.16 on PC/Emulators 49/50
Added ROM to PC/ROM 49/50
December 5th, 1999 Updated Logos48 to 1.2 on Math/Misc 48
Updated Bessel to 1.2 on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated Labo to 0.501 on Science/Chemistry 49/50
Updated DOS-HP on Utils/Memory 48
Added ZeldaHP 49 to Games/Adventure 49/50
Added Homer DH to Graphics/Grobs 48
Added TAR to Math/Misc 48
Added KMLs for 640x480 to PC/Emulators 49/50 48
Added Plog to Science/Electricity 49/50
Added Lsons to Science/Physics 49/50
Added Julian Date to Utils/Time 49/50
December 3rd, 1999 Updated DINT to 2.0 on Math/Numeric 48
Updated L1791 on Utils/Interface 49/50
Added Seches PH-CH to Science/Chemistry 48
Added Calculos del Diagrama de Moody to Science/Civil 49/50
December 2nd, 1999 Updated Bascules to 2.0 on Science/Electricity 49/50
Added RPar to Science/Electricity 49/50
Added Tablo to Science/Electricity 49/50
December 1st, 1999 Updated HP 49 Emulator to ROM 1.14-7 on PC/Emulators 49/50
Updated Unsupported Beta ROM to 1.14-7 on PC/ROM 49/50
Updated Upgrade to 0.2.1 on PC/ROM 49/50
November 30th, 1999 Updated Editor to 8.0 on Apps/Editors 48
Updated MK Addon to 1.5 on Apps/MK 48
Updated BigBigTimer on Utils/Time 48
Updated BigBigTimer on Utils/Time 49/50
Added Roman to Math/Misc 48
Added Roman to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Opened 48GX and 48G to PC/Pictures 48
Added Delta to Wye Conversion to Science/Electricity 48
November 29th, 1999 Updated Browse on Apps/PIMs 48
Updated Yatzee to 2.49 on Games/Misc 49/50
Updated SVOD on Science/Civil 48
Updated XRCL on Utils/Memory 49/50
Added Organizer (French) to Apps/PIMs 48
Added Point Carre #7 to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added Amiga Connectivity Kit Preview to PC/Link 49/50
November 28th, 1999 Updated Upgrade to 0.2 on PC/ROM 49/50
Updated Labo to 0.5 on Science/Chemistry 49/50
Updated Compose on Utils/Sound 48
Added Petri48 to Apps/Misc 48
Added GMENU to Programming/Misc 49/50
Added Bascules to Science/Electricity 49/50
Added Resis to Science/Electricity 49/50
Added BigBigTimer to Utils/Time 48
Added Real Time Cost Display to Utils/Time 48
November 26th, 1999 Updated Emu48 for Windows CE on PC/Emulators 48
Added Trimix to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Globe to Graphics/Animations 49/50
Added SVOD to Science/Civil 48
Added TagMemo to Utils/Memory 48
Added XRCL to Utils/Memory 49/50
November 25th, 1999 Updated Bessel to 1.1 on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated KML Contrast to Service Pack 7 on PC/Emulators 48
Updated CachedCAT to 2.0 on Utils/Interface 49/50
Added UPD49ROM to PC/Emulators 49/50
Added FONTX to Utils/Fonts 49/50
Added JKH Fonts to Utils/Fonts 49/50
Added BigBigTimer to Utils/Time 49/50
November 24th, 1999 Updated Editor Plus on Apps/Editors 48
Updated Help to 1.1 on Utils/Misc 49/50
Updated The Terminaltor to 0.44 on Utils/Terminal 49/50
Added The Diamond Mine to Games/Arcade 49/50
Added Chess Clock to Utils/Time 49/50
November 23rd, 1999 Updated Table to 5.1b on Math/Misc 48
Updated HP 49 Emulator to ROM 1.14-5 on PC/Emulators 49/50
Updated Unsupported Beta ROM to 1.14-5 on PC/ROM 49/50
Updated Labo to 0.3.1 on Science/Chemistry 49/50
Added HP-Conta to Apps/Misc 48
Added SIunit to Math/Misc 49/50 48
Added INTSIM to Math/Symbolic 48
Added FDP to PC/ROM 49/50
Added Upgrade to PC/ROM 49/50
November 21st, 1999 Updated SolveSys 49 to Beta 0.26 on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated Labo to 0.3 Beta on Science/Chemistry 49/50
Added Prontuario to Science/Civil 48
Added Secciones to Science/Civil 48
November 19th, 1999 Updated Vapor to 2.0 on Science/Physics 48
Updated The Terminaltor to 0.36 on Utils/Terminal 49/50
Updated ACS on Utils/Time 48
Added Tuberías to Science/Chemistry 49/50
Added Help to Utils/Misc 49/50
Added ACC to Utils/Time 48
November 17th, 1999 Updated Poly SR to 2.0 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated RSA on Utils/Security 49/50
Added See to Graphics/Misc 48
Added Bessel to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added The Terminaltor to Utils/Terminal 49/50
November 16th, 1999 Updated TNT-Packer to 1.11 on Utils/Compress 49/50
Added dxEDIT to PC/Misc 48
Added CachVar to Utils/Memory 49/50
November 15th, 1999 Updated Editor to 6.0 on Apps/Editors 48
Updated Calculator Comparison to 2 on Docs/Misc 49/50 48 28
Added Editor Plus to Apps/Editors 48
Added Jornal do HP Club do Brasil 8 to Docs/Misc 49/50 48
Added Ice-Cube to Games/Arcade 49/50
Added Lemmings to Games/Arcade 49/50
Added Lemmings (English) to Games/Arcade 48
Added 4 Color Grobs to Graphics/Grayscale 49/50
Added Scroll 4 Colors to Graphics/Grayscale 49/50
Added Bse.Cnv to Math/Misc 48
Added Table to Math/Misc 48
Added CompSqr to Math/Symbolic 48
Added LPasm to Math/Symbolic 48
Added UC to Math/Symbolic 48
Added VPfull to Math/Symbolic 48
Added VPhalf 1.0 to Math/Symbolic 48
Added Progression Bar to Programming/Misc 49/50
Added Circuit to Science/Electricity 48
Added TNT-Packer to Utils/Compress 49/50
November 11th, 1999 Updated L1791 on Utils/Interface 49/50
Added Editor to Apps/Editors 48
Added ObjTools to Utils/Memory 49/50
November 10th, 1999 Added Agenda RCR to Apps/PIMs 48
Added Heli48 to Games/Arcade 48
Added Lab3D to Games/Arcade 48
Added Mine Hunt 3D to Games/Misc 48
Added Yatzee to Games/Misc 49/50
Added Math Library 789 to Math/Symbolic 49/50
Added Leaked Batteries to PC/Pictures 48
Added Contrast to Utils/Misc 49/50
Added RSA to Utils/Security 49/50
November 9th, 1999 Updated HP49G Advanced User's Guide on Docs/Misc 49/50
Updated Unsupported Beta ROM to 1.14-3 on PC/ROM 49/50
Updated Heat Equations on Science/Physics 48
Updated GarMon to 2.07d on Utils/Comms 48
November 8th, 1999 Updated Amoeba49 on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated Entry Point Table on Programming/Entries 49/50
Updated L1791 on Utils/Interface 49/50
Updated DOS-HP to 4.4b on Utils/Memory 48
Updated MemView 49G to 0.2 Beta on Utils/Memory 49/50
November 4th, 1999 Updated SolveSys 49 to 0.22 Beta on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated hpconv to 1.4.0 on PC/Programming 48
Updated hpconv Source Code to 1.4.0 on PC/Programming 48
Updated Mouse Simulator on Programming/Misc 49/50
Updated ACS on Utils/Time 48
Updated Noon on Utils/Time 48
Added MES and User Equation Library to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Labo to Science/Chemistry 49/50
November 3rd, 1999 Updated Table to 1.5 on Math/Misc 48
Added DOB to Apps/MK 48
Added Amoeba49 to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added MiniFont 01 to Utils/Fonts 49/50
Added CachedCAT to Utils/Interface 49/50
Added MemView 49G to Utils/Memory 49/50
November 1st, 1999 Updated MK Addon to 1.4 on Apps/MK 48
Updated ACS on Utils/Time 48
Updated Noon on Utils/Time 48
Added DB49 to Apps/Database 49/50
Added Numeration to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Suites to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Temperature Lab to Science/Physics 48
Added Auto Attach 256/257 to Utils/Misc 49/50
Added MkLbl to Utils/Stack 49/50
October 29th, 1999 Updated Debug2 Source Code to 1.5.128 on PC/Programming 49/50
Updated Debug2: HP49 Software Development Kit to 1.5.128 on PC/Programming 49/50
October 28th, 1999 Added Lupa to Apps/Editors 49/50
Added Calculator Comparison to Docs/Misc 49/50 48 28
October 27th, 1999 Added MK Addon to Apps/MK 48
Added MCAL/MKAL to Apps/PIMs 49/50
Added SolveSys 49 to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added RPNStat to Math/Statistic 49/50
Added CFR to Math/Symbolic 49/50
October 25th, 1999 Updated PowerPlot Light to 1.01 on Graphics/Plotting 48
Added Browse to Apps/PIMs 48
Added Metallurgic Animator to Graphics/Animations 49/50
Added Poly SR to Math/Symbolic 48
October 24th, 1999 Updated HP-41E for the HP 48 to 1.10 on Apps/Misc 48
Updated Keyboard Map on Docs/Programming 49/50
Updated Noon on Utils/Time 48
Added HP-41E for the HP 49G to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Mandelbrot Fractal Generator to Graphics/Misc 48
Added Linear Interpolation Utilities to Math/Numeric 49/50 48
Added Splitdir to PC/Misc 49/50 48
Added Hydraulics Library to Science/Civil 49/50
Added MView Font to Utils/Fonts 49/50
Added RTools to Utils/Misc 48
Added ACS to Utils/Time 48
October 23rd, 1999 Updated PFIT on Math/Statistic 49/50
Updated Emu48 Executables to 14 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated HP 49 Emulator to ROM 1.14 on PC/Emulators 49/50
Updated KML 2.0 Docs to Release 4 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38 28
Updated Unsupported Beta ROM to 1.14-2 on PC/ROM 49/50
Updated L1791 on Utils/Interface 49/50
Added MASD Documentation to Docs/Programming 49/50
Added HP 49 KML Scripts to PC/Emulators 48
Added Entry Point Table to Programming/Entries 49/50
October 22nd, 1999 Added PFIT to Math/Statistic 49/50
October 20th, 1999 Added Interpolación to Math/Misc 48
Added SENL99 to Math/Numeric 48
Added RPLPad to PC/Programming 48
Added Giros con Cuaternios to Science/Physics 48
October 17th, 1999 Updated ZeldaHP Demo to 0.50 on Games/Adventure 48
Updated TETRI on Games/Arcade 48
Updated DOS-HP to 4.4 on Utils/Memory 48
October 16th, 1999 Updated HPComm on PC/Link 49/50 48
Updated HP 48 Winamp Skin on PC/Misc 48
Updated Compose on Utils/Sound 48
Added pOFF and qOFF to Apps/MK 48
Added Iterative Functions II to Docs/Misc 48
Added Key Force to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added Android to Games/Arcade 49/50
Added Forms to Math/Misc 48
Added RPN2LISP to Programming/Misc 49/50
Added IR Chronograph to Utils/Time 48
October 11th, 1999 Updated HP-41E for the HP 48 to 1.05 on Apps/Misc 48
Updated Métodos Numérico to 3.0 on Math/Numeric 48
Added HP 49G Advanced User's Guide Errata to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added Pie Chart Plotter to Graphics/Plotting 48
Added HP Print to PC/Link 48
October 10th, 1999 Updated OpenClose to 3.5S on Programming/Hacker 48
Updated Hide on Utils/Memory 48
Updated Compose on Utils/Sound 48
Added TennisHP to Games/Arcade 49/50
Added Tetris to Games/Arcade 49/50 48 39/40 38
Added HP49 Outline to PC/Pictures 49/50
Added Alarma to Utils/Time 48
October 7th, 1999 Updated hpc Vol. 5 Num. 3 on Docs/Misc 49/50 48 38
Added INTRP to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added 49G to PC/Pictures 49/50
October 6th, 1999 Added HP-41E for the HP 48 to Apps/Misc 48
Added HP-41C/CV/CX MicroCode Emulator to PC Other
Added V41 to PC Other
Added Inside the HP 49G to PC/Pictures 49/50
October 5th, 1999 Updated HP49G Advanced User's Guide on Docs/Misc 49/50
Updated Paint on Graphics/Editors 48
Updated FEM48/49 to 3.1 on Science/Civil 49/50 48
Updated Hide on Utils/Memory 48
Added Babal 2.0 Source Code to Games/Misc 48
Added Math Utilities to Math/Misc 49/50
October 4th, 1999 Updated INT48 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated HP 49 Emulator to ROM 1.13 on PC/Emulators 49/50
Updated hpconv to 1.3.0 on PC/Programming 48
Updated hpconv Source Code to 1.3.0 on PC/Programming 48
Added Unsupported Beta ROM to PC/ROM 49/50
October 2nd, 1999 Updated Font Structure on Docs/Programming 49/50
Updated Browse to 2.6 on Programming/Misc 48
Updated StarMaHP to 2.05 on Science/Astronomy 48
Updated Font89 on Utils/Fonts 49/50
Added Building the HP49G Serial PC-Link Cable to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added LB to Utils/Misc 49/50
October 1st, 1999 Updated BACO on Math/Misc 48
Updated Font89 on Utils/Fonts 49/50
Updated Hide on Utils/Memory 48
Added Font Structure to Docs/Programming 49/50
Added Paint to Graphics/Editors 48
Added D2L for Jazz to Programming/Libs 48
September 30th, 1999 Updated Debug2 Help on PC/Programming 49/50
Updated Debug2 Help Source on PC/Programming 49/50
Updated Debug2 Source Code to 1.5.127 on PC/Programming 49/50
Updated Debug2: HP49 Software Development Kit to 1.5.127 on PC/Programming 49/50
Added Font Renaming to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added hpc Vol. 5 Num. 3 to Docs/Misc 49/50 48 38
Added Keyboard Map to Docs/Programming 49/50
Added Columns to Games/Arcade 49/50
Added Equation Library to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Adapter to PC/Pictures 49/50
Added VanNess to Science/Chemistry 49/50
Added BROW to Utils/Time 48
September 29th, 1999 Updated HP 49 Emulator to ROM 1.10 on PC/Emulators 49/50
Added ZeldaHP 48 to Games/Adventure 48
Added RainEQ HTML Documentation to Math/Symbolic 48
Added HP 49 Packaging to PC/Pictures 49/50
Added HP 49 Prototypes to PC/Pictures 49/50
Added Font89 to Utils/Fonts 49/50
Added Toggle to Utils/Fonts 49/50
Added GOKEY to Utils/Interface 49/50
September 27th, 1999 Updated Raymond's FONT7 on Utils/Fonts 49/50
Added Infra to Utils/Comms 48
September 26th, 1999 Updated SysNibble to 1.0 on Games/Arcade 49/50
Updated Emu48 Executables to 13 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated KML 2.0 Docs to Release 3 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38 28
Updated KML Contrast to Service Pack 3 on PC/Emulators 48
Updated hpconv to 1.2.0 on PC/Programming 48
Updated hpconv Source Code to 1.2.0 on PC/Programming 48
Added KEYTIME to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added Removing the Screen Cover to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added Screen Cover Pictures to PC/Pictures 49/50
Added Air Attack to Utils/Sound 48
Added Submarine Attack to Utils/Sound 48
September 25th, 1999 Updated SuperMarioHP on Games/Arcade 48
Updated SuperMarioHP on Games/Arcade 49/50
Updated HP 48/49 Supported Entry Points Cross Reference to 1.12 on Programming/Entries 49/50
Added Ibeam 49 to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Quarantanove to PC/Emulators 49/50
September 24th, 1999 Updated SysTron on Games/Arcade 49/50
Added SysNibble to Games/Arcade 49/50
Added STI ELEC to Science/Electricity 48
September 23rd, 1999 Updated L1791 on Utils/Interface 49/50
Added DINT to Math/Numeric 48
Added Big HP48 to PC/Emulators 48
September 22nd, 1999 Updated Debug2 Source Code to 1.5.126 on PC/Programming 49/50
Updated Debug2: HP49 Software Development Kit to 1.5.126 on PC/Programming 49/50
Added UnderWolf to Games/Arcade 48
Added ClkMenu to Utils/Time 49/50
Added ClkMenu to Utils/Time 48
September 21st, 1999 Updated Debug2: HP49 Software Development Kit to 1.5.123 on PC/Programming 49/50
Updated Supported Entry Points on Programming/Entries 49/50
Added BCOMB to Math/Symbolic 49/50
Added Debug2 Help to PC/Programming 49/50
Added Debug2 Help Source to PC/Programming 49/50
Added Debug2 Source Code to PC/Programming 49/50
Added Debug2: HP49 Software Development Kit to PC/Programming 49/50
Added EXT to Programming/Misc 49/50
Added VVLFS48 to Science/Civil 48
Added Stroboscope to Utils/Comms 48
Added L1791 to Utils/Interface 49/50
September 20th, 1999 Updated HPComm on PC/Link 49/50 48
Added HPComm Source Code to PC/Link 48
September 19th, 1999 Added SuperMarioHP to Games/Arcade 49/50
September 18th, 1999 Added Ze Demineur to Games/Misc 49/50
Added 3D Ratée to Graphics/Misc 48
Added Area to Science/Civil 48
September 17th, 1999 Updated PowerPlot Light to 1.0 on Graphics/Plotting 48
Updated Supported Entry Points to 1.12 on Programming/Entries 49/50
Added Eden Spanish Docs to Apps/Editors 48
Added Hapaman to Games/Arcade 49/50
Added Phoenix to Games/Arcade 49/50
Added Othello (French) to Games/Board 48
Added Solitaire to Games/Board 49/50
Added CleanSolver to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added ShrinkV to Programming/Misc 49/50
September 16th, 1999 Updated HP 49 Emulator to ROM 1.10 on PC/Emulators 49/50
September 15th, 1999 Added Removing Screen Scratches to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added SuperCar to Games/Arcade 49/50
Added Opera to Math/Misc 48
Added QCS 48/49 to Math/Numeric 48
Added DIVIS Replacement to Math/Symbolic 49/50
Added HP 48/49 Supported Entry Points Cross Reference to Programming/Entries 49/50
Added HPTabs 49 to Programming/Entries 49/50 48
Added LibMaker to Programming/Misc 49/50
September 14th, 1999 Added TIR to Apps/Misc 48
Added Jornal do HP Club do Brasil 7 to Docs/Misc 49/50 48
Added Raymond's FONT7 to Utils/Fonts 49/50
September 13th, 1999 Updated OT4 on Utils/Misc 48
Added HP48 Adapter Cable to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added Using an HP48 Cable with the 49 to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added LIBMAN to Programming/Libs 48
September 12th, 1999 Added Beaubourg 49 to Games/Arcade 49/50
Added SysTron to Games/Arcade 49/50
Added Furax Box to Games/Misc 49/50
Added Signed Binary Integers to Math/Misc 48
Added DiffNum to Math/Numeric 48
Added APBALLE to Programming/Misc 48
Added CSett to Science/Electricity 48
Added EEng to Science/Electricity 48
Added PSGyrat to Science/Electricity 48
September 11th, 1999 Updated HP 49G Pocket Guide Errata on Docs/Misc 49/50
Updated HP 49G User's Guide Errata on Docs/Misc 49/50
Updated HP49G Menus and Libraries to 1.05 PDF on Docs/Misc 49/50
Updated hpconv to 1.1.0 on PC/Programming 48
Updated hpconv Source Code to 1.1.0 on PC/Programming 48
Added HP 49 Emulator to PC/Emulators 49/50
Added CSim 1.0 to Science/Electricity 49/50
September 10th, 1999 Added How to Use $EXTPRG to Docs/Programming 49/50
Added Diamonds to Games/Arcade 49/50
Added HP 49 Demo Library to Graphics/Animations 49/50
Added Supported Entry Points to Programming/Entries 49/50
September 9th, 1999 Updated HP 48 FAQ HTML Edition to 4.61 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ PDF Edition to 4.61 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ PostScript Edition to 4.61 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ SGML Source to 4.61 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ Text Edition to 4.61 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated Métodos Numérico to 2.1 on Math/Numeric 48
Updated X48 Source Code to 0.4.1e on PC/Emulators 48
Added HP49G Advanced User's Guide to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added Whirl to Graphics/Animations 49/50
Added HPComm to PC/Link 49/50 48
Added ROM to PC/ROM 49/50
September 8th, 1999 Added Morph to Graphics/Animations 49/50
Added PolyFitter to Math/Statistic 48
Added Mouse Simulator to Programming/Misc 49/50
Added dittoBEAM to Science/Civil 48
Added Frasa48 to Science/Civil 48
September 6th, 1999 Updated MEMMON on Utils/Memory 49/50
Added How to Use CRLIB to Docs/Programming 49/50
September 5th, 1999 Updated Compose on Utils/Sound 48
Added Trans to Utils/Comms 48
Added MEMMON to Utils/Memory 49/50
September 4th, 1999 Updated ThermoPro FIXV on Science/Physics 48
Added User Friendly Cartoons to Docs/Humor 48
Added Bombermania to Games/Arcade 48
Added HP 49G Demo to PC/Pictures 49/50
Added Code to Programming/Misc 49/50
September 3rd, 1999 Updated 3D Tic-Tac-Toe on Games/Misc 49/50
Added hpconv to PC/Programming 48
Added hpconv Source Code to PC/Programming 48
Added Test Intervals to Utils/Sound 48
September 2nd, 1999 Added HP 49G Features in Spanish to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added HP 49G Pocket Guide Errata to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added One-Minute Marvels to Docs/Programming 48
Added Métodos Numérico to Math/Numeric 48
Added Métodos Numérico to Math/Numeric 48
September 1st, 1999 Updated Sokoban on Games/Misc 49/50
Added 3D Tic-Tac-Toe to Games/Misc 49/50
Added PREGR to Math/Statistic 49/50
Added GNU HP Tools Bug to PC/Programming 48
Added Barra48 to Science/Civil 48
Added Lajes48 to Science/Civil 48
August 31st, 1999 Updated SuperMarioHP to 2.5 on Games/Arcade 48
Updated Tableau de Valeurs to 4.0 on Math/Misc 48
Updated SolveSys to 4.03 on Math/Numeric 48
Updated ReadSerial on Programming/Misc 49/50
Added SolveSys HTML Documentation to Math/Numeric 48
Added IPOW to Math/Symbolic 49/50
Added DIRAL to Utils/Misc 48
August 29th, 1999 Added Sokoban to Games/Misc 49/50
August 28th, 1999 Updated Stat48 on Math/Statistic 48
Updated CD to 2.0 on Utils/Memory 48
Added Menu 256 Information to Docs/Programming 49/50
Added Stat48 Light to Math/Statistic 48
Added Stat49 to Math/Statistic 49/50
Added ReadSerial to Programming/Misc 49/50
Added OBJFIX to Utils/Comms 49/50
August 27th, 1999 Updated HP 48 Fonts on PC/Misc 48
Added HP Handheld User's Conference 1999 to Docs/MC 48
Added HP 49G Memory Map to Docs/Programming 49/50
August 26th, 1999 Added HP 49G User's Guide Errata to Docs/Misc 49/50
August 25th, 1999 Updated HP 49G Fonts on PC/Misc 49/50
Added Simplex to Math/Misc 48
Added Topography to Science/Civil 48
August 24th, 1999 Updated SuperMarioHP to Beta 2 on Games/Arcade 48
Updated OpenClose to 3.4S on Programming/Hacker 48
Added Binomial Probabilities to Math 38
August 23rd, 1999 Added Barcode Generator to Apps/Misc 48
Added Ojos to Graphics/Animations 48
Added HP 49G Fonts to PC/Misc 49/50
Added StarMaHP to Science/Astronomy 48
August 22nd, 1999 Added DIRVARS to Utils/Memory 48
August 20th, 1999 Added HP49G System Flags to Docs/Misc 49/50
August 19th, 1999 Added HP49G Commands and Menu Paths to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added HP49G Menus and Libraries to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added Egyptian Fractions to Math/Symbolic 49/50
August 18th, 1999 Added Thousand Separators to Utils/Misc 49/50
August 17th, 1999 Added HP 48 Winamp Skin to PC/Misc 48
Added Heat Equations to Science/Physics 48
August 14th, 1999 Added DMS Conversion to Utils/Misc 48
August 13th, 1999 Added Actuarial Math to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Bond Pricing Application to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Compass to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Compound Interest to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added DNA to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Econ to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added FINAN to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Finance to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Gas to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added GoferLists to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added HP 16C Simulator to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added KJA to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Logger to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Missile to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Morse Code to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Morse Code Practice Program to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Navigation to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Oligo to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Syllog to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Travel to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added FIT48 to Apps/PIMs 49/50
Added Fone to Apps/PIMs 49/50
Added Phone to Apps/PIMs 49/50
Added Phonebook to Apps/PIMs 49/50
Added PhoneDirectory to Apps/PIMs 49/50
Added Scheduler to Apps/PIMs 49/50
Added Telefones to Apps/PIMs 49/50
Added Jornal do HP Club do Brasil 6 to Docs/Misc 49/50 48
Added QTS to Math/Misc 49/50
Added ROM to PC/ROM 49/50
Added Meta Kernel Fonts to Utils/Fonts 49/50
Added Cleanup to Utils/Memory 49/50
Added Drop Save to Utils/Memory 49/50
Added EDir to Utils/Memory 49/50
Added MEMGRAPH to Utils/Memory 49/50
Added Print Directory Tree to Utils/Memory 49/50
Added UserRPL Port Tools to Utils/Memory 49/50
August 10th, 1999 Updated Introduction to Saturn Assembly Language (HTML) to Second Edition on Docs/Programming 48
Updated Introduction to Saturn Assembly Language (PDF) to Second Edition on Docs/Programming 49/50 48
Updated Introduction to Saturn Assembly Language (Word) to Second Edition on Docs/Programming 49/50 48
August 9th, 1999 Updated PowerPlot Light to Beta 2.1 on Graphics/Plotting 48
August 8th, 1999 Added Helical Gears to Science/Physics 48
Added Binary Integers with Vectored Enter to Utils/Misc 48
August 5th, 1999 Updated X48 Source Code to 0.4.1d on PC/Emulators 48
Added Look to Apps/Editors 48
August 2nd, 1999 Added HP 49G KML to PC/Emulators 48
July 31st, 1999 Updated MLChess to 1.10 on Games/Board 49/50 48
Updated MLChess to 1.10/Source on Games/Board 49/50 48
Added PDL Spec Sheet to Docs/Misc 48
Added RPN Calc to PC Other
Added ChatHP IR to Utils/Comms 48
Added ChatHP Radio to Utils/Comms 48
Added MES Tools to Utils/Misc 48
July 27th, 1999 Added Jay's GX KML Script to PC/Emulators 48
Added Visual RPL to PC/Programming 48
July 23rd, 1999 Added Magic Square to Games/Misc 49/50
July 21st, 1999 Added EField to Science/Electricity 48
Added MeMan to Utils/Memory 48
July 20th, 1999 Added Logos48 to Math/Misc 48
Added HP 48 LaTeX Fonts to PC/Misc 48
Added Refrigerant Library to Science/Physics 48
July 16th, 1999 Updated HP 49G vs. HP 48G Series Comparison on Docs/Misc 49/50
Added HP 49G vs. Casio and Sharp Comparison to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added HP 49G vs. TI-89 Comparison to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added Hidráulica to Science/Civil 48
Added Pandeo to Science/Civil 48
July 15th, 1999 Updated VPG (Visor de Propósito General) to 1.1 on Apps/Editors 48
Updated HyperTools to 1.1 on Apps/Misc 48
Updated Menú Fácil to 4.1 on Utils/Interface 48
Updated CD to 1.01 on Utils/Memory 48
Added Agenda to Apps/PIMs 48
Added HP 49 Linking to PC/Pictures 49/50
Added Asistente para Menú Fácil to Utils/Interface 48
July 14th, 1999 Updated X&Y Modem to 2.2 on Utils/Comms 48
Added Logger to Apps/Misc 48
Added X48 Source Code to PC/Emulators 48
Added USAG in Portuguese to Programming/Misc 48
Added Ferrocarriles to Science/Civil 48
Added Mecanica Medios Continuos to Science/Civil 48
Added UP 2 to Utils/Interface 48
Added CD to Utils/Memory 48
July 13th, 1999 Added Brazil Software Disk 3 to Compilations/Misc 48
Added Jornal do HP Club do Brasil 5 to Docs/Misc 49/50 48
Added Mi KML to PC/Emulators 48
July 12th, 1999 Added EduCALC to Docs/Columns 48
Added Programming in User RPL in PDF to Docs/Programming 48
Added Programming in User RPL in PS to Docs/Programming 48
Added SuperMarioHP to Games/Arcade 48
Added HP 49 LCD Screen to PC/Pictures 49/50
Added HP 49G Big to PC/Pictures 49/50
Added HP 49G Box to PC/Pictures 49/50
Added HP 49G Face to PC/Pictures 49/50
July 11th, 1999 Updated VigaG to 2.0 on Science/Civil 48
Added Math 99 to Math/Misc 48
Added Static to Science/Physics 48
Added UEB to Utils/Misc 48
July 10th, 1999 Added Pictures to Graphics/Grayscale 48
Added Angles to Math/Misc 48
Added EQFCT to Math/Misc 48
Added VECT to Math/Misc 48
Added RainEQ 49 to Math/Symbolic 48
Added Tools BD to Utils/Misc 48
July 9th, 1999 Updated Português to 1.2 on Utils/Misc 48
Added Agenda de Telefones to Apps/PIMs 48
Added Biorritm to Games/Misc 48
Added HChino to Games/Misc 48
Added I Ching Oracle to Games/Misc 48
Added Grobs to Graphics/Misc 48
Added AreaGraf to Graphics/Plotting 48
Added ScatrPlot2 to Graphics/Plotting 48
Added FCNGEN to Math/Misc 48
Added FPARCIAL to Math/Misc 48
Added INTERP3 to Math/Misc 48
Added Canaliza to Science/Electricity 48
Added Choppers Design to Science/Electricity 48
Added CIREQLT to Science/Electricity 48
Added CMAG to Science/Electricity 48
Added Ensayvac to Science/Electricity 48
Added FSIMET to Science/Electricity 48
Added LTRANSM to Science/Electricity 48
Added SYMCOMP to Science/Electricity 48
Added Hider to Utils/Memory 48
Added Alarm Clock to Utils/Time 48
July 7th, 1999 Updated Emu48 Unofficial Service Pack for Alpha to 12 on PC/Emulators 48
Added AC/DC Adapter to Docs/Misc 48
July 6th, 1999 Updated Emu48 Executables to 12 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated Critical Path Analysis on Science/Civil 48
Added Vertical Alignment Analysis to Science/Civil 48
July 5th, 1999 Added Java Menu Patch to Utils/Stack 48
July 2nd, 1999 Updated ROMDump Wizard to 1.1 on PC/Emulators 48
Added EXT48 to Programming/ASM 48
Added EXT to Programming/Misc 48
Added EQBIL to Science/Chemistry 48
Added Critical Path Analysis to Science/Civil 48
Added OpenObj to Utils/Comms 48
Added STRG to Utils/Misc 48
July 1st, 1999 Updated Table to 1.4 on Math/Misc 48
June 30th, 1999 Added How's and Why's to the HP 48 Lobotomization to Docs/Misc 48
Added HP 49G Data to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added HP 49G Features to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added HP 49G User's Guide to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added HP 49G vs. HP 48G Series Comparison to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added hpc Vol. 5 Num. 1 to Docs/Misc 48 38
Added hpc Vol. 5 Num. 2 to Docs/Misc 48 38
Added Unix File Transfer Script to PC/Link 48
Added SplitDir to PC/Misc 48
Added Air Property to Science/Physics 48
June 27th, 1999 Updated Maths on Math/Misc 48
June 26th, 1999 Updated Emu48 Unofficial Service Pack for Alpha to 11 on PC/Emulators 48
Updated KML Contrast to Service Pack 2 on PC/Emulators 48
Added INTPD to Math/Misc 48
June 24th, 1999 Added ShellOS Documentation (English) to Apps/ShellOS 48
Added ShellOS Documentation (French) to Apps/ShellOS 48
June 22nd, 1999 Updated PowerPlot Light to Beta 2.0 on Graphics/Plotting 48
Updated R&C to 1.2 on Science/Electricity 48
Added Vapor to Science/Physics 48
June 20th, 1999 Updated HP 48 FAQ Text Edition to 4.60 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated BCS to 0.3 on Science/Electricity 48
Added Modeling of Data to Math/Statistic 49/50
June 19th, 1999 Updated HP 48 FAQ HTML Edition to 4.60 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ PDF Edition to 4.60 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ PostScript Edition to 4.60 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ SGML Source to 4.60 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated BCS on Science/Electricity 48
Added HP49keys to PC/Misc 49/50
June 18th, 1999 Added BCS to Science/Electricity 48
June 16th, 1999 Added Port 0 Fix to Utils/Memory 48
June 15th, 1999 Added Daylight Savings Time Library to Utils/Time 48
June 12th, 1999 Updated Maths on Math/Misc 48
Added Jornal do HP Club do Brasil 4 to Docs/Misc 49/50 48
Added DlgCalc to PC Other
June 11th, 1999 Updated Corso to 1.10 on Docs/Programming 48
Added RTS 99 to Graphics/Animations 48
June 10th, 1999 Updated Stat48 on Math/Statistic 48
June 8th, 1999 Updated FitFn to 1.2 on Math/Numeric 48
Updated Stat48 to 2.0 on Math/Statistic 48
Updated GarMon to 2.07c on Utils/Comms 48
June 7th, 1999 Updated FitFn to 1.1 on Math/Numeric 48
Updated Stat48 to 2.0 on Math/Statistic 48
Added TNT-Packer to Utils/Compress 48
June 6th, 1999 Updated Stat48 to 2.0 on Math/Statistic 48
Updated hp48 Explorer to 1.2.3 on PC/Link 48
Updated HP Calculator Icons on PC/Misc 48
Added Vertical Curve Program to Science/Civil 48
June 5th, 1999 Updated HP 48 Schematics to 1.5 on Docs/Misc 48
Updated Ze Demineur to 2.0 on Games/Misc 48
Added Maths to Math/Misc 48
Added HP Calculator Icons to PC/Misc 48
June 4th, 1999 Updated RPL Editor on PC/Programming 48
Added Laby to Games/Misc 48
Added HP 48 Screen Saver to PC/Misc 48
June 3rd, 1999 Updated User RPL Tutorial in HTML on Docs/Programming 48
June 2nd, 1999 Updated WinHP 98 on Apps/Misc 48
June 1st, 1999 Updated Urania/48 Libre on Science/Astronomy 48
Added FitFn to Math/Numeric 48
Added Map2/48 to Science/Astronomy 48
May 31st, 1999 Updated Mafaukl and Mafaukl II on PC/Emulators 48
Updated FEM48/49 to 2.1 on Science/Civil 49/50 48
Added Strx to Math/Misc 48
Added HP Password to Utils/Security 48
May 30th, 1999 Updated Browse to 2.5 on Programming/Misc 48
Updated GarMon to 2.07a on Utils/Comms 48
Added Tron 48 to Games/Arcade 48
Added CPR Animator to Graphics/Animations 48
May 28th, 1999 Updated WinHP 98 to 5.1 on Apps/Misc 48
Updated Dr. Barjo to 2.1 on Games/Arcade 49/50 48 39/40
May 27th, 1999 Updated INT48 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Browse to 2.4 on Programming/Misc 48
Added A Little Bit of HP History to Docs/Columns 48
Added String to Programming/Misc 48
May 26th, 1999 Added HP 49G to PC/Pictures 49/50
May 25th, 1999 Updated ZeldaHP Demo to 0.48 on Games/Adventure 48
Updated Code des Couleurs to 2.1c on Science/Electricity 48
Added Aces of the Gulf to Games/Board 48
May 24th, 1999 Added HP 49G Case to PC/Pictures 49/50
May 23rd, 1999 Updated Tradutor to 2.0 on Apps/Misc 48
Updated ZeldaHP Demo to 0.47 on Games/Adventure 48
Added Primes to Math/Misc 48
May 22nd, 1999 Added Compound Interest to Apps/Misc 48
Added HP 48 Bottom to PC/Pictures 48
Added HP 48 Top to PC/Pictures 48
May 19th, 1999 Updated ZeldaHP Demo to 0.46 on Games/Adventure 48
Updated BGShell to 2.30 on Utils/Stack 48
Added WordEdit to Apps/Editors 48
Added ASM LE to Docs/Programming 48
Added Dungeon Master 48 to Games/Adventure 48
Added Evolve This! to Graphics/Misc 48
Added ChemProg to Science 38
Added Flash to Utils/Compress 48
Added Hide to Utils/Memory 48
Added HPUtil to Utils/Misc 48
May 17th, 1999 Updated Calc to III on Apps/Misc 48
Updated Pac Man on Games/Arcade 48
Updated RPL Editor to 2.0 on PC/Programming 48
Updated Thermodynamic Steam Tables on Science/Physics 48
May 16th, 1999 Updated HP 48 FAQ HTML Edition to 4.59/May 16 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ PDF Edition to 4.59/May 16 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ PostScript Edition to 4.59/May 16 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ SGML Source to 4.59/May 16 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ Text Edition to 4.59/May 16 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated ZeldaHP Demo to 0.45 on Games/Adventure 48
Added Xnview to PC/Misc 48
May 15th, 1999 Updated GEOM to 2.2 on Math/Misc 48
Updated Browse to 2.3a on Programming/Misc 48
Updated StarMaHP to 1.22 on Science/Astronomy 48
Updated SBOUNCE on Utils/Stack 48
Added Topcon Communication Library to Utils/Comms 48
May 14th, 1999 Added SBOUNCE to Utils/Stack 48
May 13th, 1999 Updated ZeldaHP Demo to 0.43 on Games/Adventure 48
Updated Table to 1.3 on Math/Misc 48
Updated TLines to 2.1 on Science/Electricity 48
Added Jornal do HP Club do Brasil 3 to Docs/Misc 48
Added Ze Demineur to Games/Misc 48
Added Interpolación Lineal to Math/Misc 48
Added VigaG to Science/Civil 48
Added Z-Fourier to Science/Electricity 48
Added PGLib to Utils/Memory 48
May 12th, 1999 Updated SmartKeys on Utils/Interface 48
Added Do It Yourself RAM Card to Docs/Misc 48
May 11th, 1999 Updated HP 48 Schematics on Docs/Misc 48
Updated ZeldaHP Demo to 0.42 on Games/Adventure 48
Updated ROMDump Wizard to 1.0 on PC/Emulators 48
Updated HP38G Aplet Template to 1.4 on Programming 38
Updated GHamn to XX on Utils/Memory 48
Added Aha to Programming/Misc 48
May 10th, 1999 Added Titan to Apps/Misc 48
Added INT48 to Math/Symbolic 48
May 9th, 1999 Updated ZeldaHP Demo to 0.41 on Games/Adventure 48
May 8th, 1999 Updated MLChess to 1.09 on Games/Board 49/50 48
Updated MLChess to 1.09/Source on Games/Board 49/50 48
Updated Table to 1.2 on Math/Misc 48
Updated EPHE to 1.20 on Science/Astronomy 49/50 48
Added VAN and TIR to Apps/Misc 48
May 6th, 1999 Updated GarMon on Utils/Comms 48
Added ZeldaHP Demo to Games/Adventure 48
Added XMENU to Utils/Interface 48
May 5th, 1999 Updated NATO on Games/Arcade 48
Updated Truth Tables to 2.0 on Math/Misc 48
May 4th, 1999 Updated Iterative Functions and the HP48 on Docs/Misc 48
Added GarMon to Utils/Comms 48
May 3rd, 1999 Updated AstroLib on Science/Astronomy 48
Updated Diode to 1.40 on Science/Electricity 48
May 1st, 1999 Updated PowerPlot Light to 1.1c on Graphics/Plotting 48
Updated StarMaHP to 1.21 on Science/Astronomy 48
April 30th, 1999 Updated FEM48/49 to 2.0 on Science/Civil 49/50 48
Added WinHP 98 to Apps/Misc 48
April 29th, 1999 Updated Table to 1.1 on Math/Misc 48
Updated Table to 1.1 on Math/Misc 48
Added MView to Apps/Editors 48
Added HP 48 Theme 1 to PC/Misc 48
April 27th, 1999 Added Iterative Functions and the HP48 to Docs/Misc 48
Added Check Port to Utils/Memory 48
April 26th, 1999 Updated StarMaHP to 1.2 on Science/Astronomy 48
Added Manual Surdo Mudo to Apps/Misc 48
Added Tradutor to Apps/Misc 48
Added PowerPaint Light to Graphics/Editors 48
Added LRAM HPKit 98 to Programming/Misc 48
Added CDMS to Utils/Misc 48
April 22nd, 1999 Updated Megadeth to 2.0 on Graphics/Grayscale 48
Updated The Simpsons to 2.0 on Graphics/Grayscale 48
Updated RAS to 2.1 on Math/Statistic 48
Added Jornal do HP Club do Brasil 2 to Docs/Misc 48
Added NATO to Games/Arcade 48
Added Golf to Games/Misc 48
Added Black Sabbath to Graphics/Grayscale 48
Added Iconos to Graphics/Grayscale 48
Added Iron Maiden to Graphics/Grayscale 48
Added HP Club Icons to PC/Misc 48
Added HP Wallpaper 1 to PC/Misc 48
April 21st, 1999 Added Table to Math/Misc 48
April 20th, 1999 Updated Emu48 Executables to 11 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated ROMDump Wizard to 0.6 on PC/Emulators 48
Added Tableau de Valeurs to Math/Misc 48
Added HPBINASC to PC/Emulators 48
Added Code des Couleurs to Science/Electricity 48
April 19th, 1999 Updated RAS to 2.0 on Math/Statistic 48
Added Morse to Apps/Misc 48
Added Hunt the Wumpus/MB to Games/Adventure 48
Added Simon to Games/Arcade 48
Added BASIC Routines to Science/Civil 48
April 15th, 1999 Added PowerPlot Light to Graphics/Plotting 48
April 14th, 1999 Updated HP 48 Schematics on Docs/Misc 48
Updated TETRI on Games/Arcade 48
Updated KEYMAN on Utils/Interface 48
Updated OT4 on Utils/Misc 48
Added ExAL/MK to Apps/Matrix 48
Added Poli to Graphics/Grobs 48
Added Ronny to Graphics/Grobs 48
Added Emu48 in Portuguese to PC/Emulators 48
Added hp48 Explorer in Portuguese to PC/Link 48
Added ESD to Utils/Misc 48
Added JSBACH to Utils/Sound 48
April 10th, 1999 Updated ANI48 on Graphics/Animations 48
April 9th, 1999 Updated PEPdir on Science/Chemistry 48
Added Cp to Science/Chemistry 48
April 8th, 1999 Added Bryant's Junk to Utils/Misc 48
April 7th, 1999 Updated MSOLVR Program Maker to 1.4 on Math/Misc 48
Updated Mafaukl and Mafaukl II on PC/Emulators 48
Updated Hack Library to 9.4 on Programming/Hacker 48
Updated Circuit Simulator 3.01 to 3.01 on Science/Electricity 48
Added HP 48 Schematics to Docs/Misc 48
Added Magnetic Circuits to Science/Electricity 48
Added GMENU to Utils/Interface 48
April 4th, 1999 Added Footing (Sapatas Quadradas) to Science/Civil 48
April 3rd, 1999 Added INP to Science/Chemistry 48
April 2nd, 1999 Added Car Symbols to Graphics/Animations 48
March 31st, 1999 Updated Emu48 to 1.10 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated ROM Upload to 1.1 on PC/Emulators 48
Updated StarMaHP to 1.1 on Science/Astronomy 48
March 28th, 1999 Updated Diode to 1.31 on Science/Electricity 48
Added Tetriste to Games/Arcade 48
Added glFalldown to Games/GL 48
Added Winamp Remote Controller to PC/Link 48
March 26th, 1999 Updated Library Controller to 2.0 on Utils/Memory 48
Added Compatibilidad to Games/Misc 48
Added PEPdir to Science/Chemistry 48
Added Diode to Science/Electricity 48
Added ANSI to Utils/Terminal 48
March 24th, 1999 Added Cholesky Decomposition to Math/Misc 48
Added HP48 Skin to PC/Emulators 48
Added Worf's 48SX to PC/Emulators 48
March 23rd, 1999 Added StarMaHP to Science/Astronomy 48
March 22nd, 1999 Added Triang to Science/Civil 48
March 21st, 1999 Updated FEM48/49 to 1.2std on Science/Civil 49/50 48
Added VPG (Visor de Propósito General) to Apps/Editors 48
Added HyperTools to Apps/Misc 48
Added Tetris to Games/Arcade 48
Added Wasted to Games/Arcade 48
Added Excalibur to PC Other
Added GX Workstation to PC/Emulators 48
Added GX Workstation (Smaller) to PC/Emulators 48
Added Benton48 Suite to Science/Physics 48
Added Menú Fácil to Utils/Interface 48
March 19th, 1999 Updated Helmert Transformation to 1.1 on Science/Civil 49/50 48
March 18th, 1999 Updated Msub to 1.2 on Math/Misc 48
Updated PINCH48 to 1.1 on Science/Chemistry 48
Updated Z-based AC Circuit Simulator to 1.4 on Science/Electricity 48
March 17th, 1999 Updated Calc on Apps/Misc 48
Updated MSOLVR Program Maker to 1.2 on Math/Misc 48
Updated Sectn48/49 to 1.1 on Science/Civil 49/50 48
Updated Z-based AC Circuit Simulator to 1.2 on Science/Electricity 48
Added Circuit Simulator 3.01 to Science/Electricity 48
Added Transfer Function Analysis to Science/Electricity 48
Added Transformador Ideal to Science/Electricity 48
Added EQSTK to Utils/Stack 48
March 15th, 1999 Updated Complex Roots on Math 38
Added Games to Games 38
Added Coin Toss to Math 38
Added Collisions to Math 38
Added Dandelions to Math 38
Added Function 3D to Math 38
Added Inequations to Math 38
Added Key Finder to Math 38
Added Piecewise Functions to Math 38
Added Probability Distributions to Math 38
Added RCIS to Math 38
Added Vector Derivatives to Math 38
Added Year 12 Applicable Mathematics to Math 38
Added Year 12 Calculus to Math 38
Added Chemistry to Science 38
Added Physics to Science 38
Added DelApt to Utils 38
Added Memory to Utils 38
March 14th, 1999 Updated HP Printer to 1.1 on PC/Link 48
Updated TORScalc to 1.1 on Science/Physics 48
March 13th, 1999 Updated FEM48/49 to 1.1std on Science/Civil 49/50 48
Updated Incidence Matrix Tools to 1.1 on Science/Electricity 48
Updated Z-based AC Circuit Simulator to 1.1 on Science/Electricity 48
Added Jornal do HP Club do Brasil 1 to Docs/Misc 48
Added Autocompactador to Utils/Compress 48
March 12th, 1999 Updated OT4 on Utils/Misc 48
Updated Noon on Utils/Time 48
Added KEYMAN to Utils/Interface 48
March 11th, 1999 Updated Emu48 Executables to 10 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated KML 2.0 Docs to Release 2 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38 28
March 10th, 1999 Updated R&C to 1.1 on Science/Electricity 48
Added COMRAC to Math/Symbolic 48
Added Symbolic Matrix Utilities/RPF to Math/Symbolic 48
Added NOTI to Science/Civil 48
Added Incidence Matrix Tools to Science/Electricity 48
March 8th, 1999 Updated Dr. Barjo to 1.1 on Games/Arcade 49/50 48 39/40
Updated System RPL Online Reference to 1.01 on Programming/Misc 48
Added MSOLVR Program Maker to Math/Misc 48
Added Y2K to Utils/Time 48
March 7th, 1999 Added SR48 to Utils/Comms 48
March 6th, 1999 Added Bart to Graphics/Grobs 48
Added Homer to Graphics/Grobs 48
Added RatPower to Math/Numeric 48
March 5th, 1999 Added Assistant II to Science/Electricity 48
March 4th, 1999 Updated HP 48 FAQ HTML Edition to 4.58/Feb. 15 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ PDF Edition to 4.58/Feb. 15 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ PostScript Edition to 4.58/Feb. 15 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ SGML Source to 4.58/Feb. 15 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ Text Edition to 4.58/Feb. 15 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated MIO to 4.2 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated User RPL Online Reference for Eden/ED/TED/VV to 1.1 on Programming/Misc 48
Updated FEM48/49 to 1.0std on Science/Civil 49/50 48
March 3rd, 1999 Updated Symbolic Voltage Finder to 1.2 on Science/Electricity 48
Added Symbolic Current Finder to Science/Electricity 48
March 2nd, 1999 Added Babes to Graphics/Grayscale 48
Added Z-based AC Circuit Simulator to Science/Electricity 48
March 1st, 1999 Updated Null Basis on Math/Misc 48
Added Symbolic Voltage Finder to Science/Electricity 48
February 28th, 1999 Updated HP38G Aplet Template to 1.3 on Programming 38
Added BeamFE to Science/Civil 48
February 27th, 1999 Updated The Journeys of the Ant on Graphics/Misc 48
February 26th, 1999 Updated HPfall to 1.2 on Games/Arcade 48
Added Dr. Barjo to Games/Arcade 49/50 48 39/40
Added Grayscale 5-in-a-row to Games/Board 48
Added KML Contrast to PC/Emulators 48
Added PC Digit Converter to PC/Misc 48
Added DIGITCONV and DIGITPLAY to Utils/Sound 48
February 25th, 1999 Updated L&F to 1.0 on Math/Misc 48
Updated OT4 on Utils/Misc 48
February 24th, 1999 Added BeatTime to Utils/Time 48
February 22nd, 1999 Updated Loopz 48 to 1.2 on Games/Arcade 48
February 19th, 1999 Updated Curvas de Nivel to 2.0 on Math/Misc 48
February 18th, 1999 Added Loopz 48 to Games/Arcade 48
Added DBZ 48 to Graphics/Grayscale 48
Added LINALG 48 to Math/Misc 48
Added Raton to Utils/Comms 48
February 15th, 1999 Added Anim3D to Graphics/Animations 48
Added Integral Solver to Math/Numeric 48
February 14th, 1999 Updated DOS-HP to 4.02 on Utils/Memory 48
February 13th, 1999 Added Analisis to Science/Civil 48
Added Perdidas en Tuberias to Science/Civil 48
Added Pothenoth to Science/Civil 48
Added Suelos to Science/Civil 48
February 12th, 1999 Added Amoeba to Math/Numeric 48
February 11th, 1999 Added Missile to Apps/Misc 48
February 10th, 1999 Added Taylor to Math/Misc 48
Added Search & Replace to Utils/Misc 48
February 9th, 1999 Added Curvas de Nivel to Math/Misc 48
February 8th, 1999 Updated Programming in Extended User RPL on Programming/Misc 48
Added Corso to Docs/Programming 48
Added LREXT to Programming/Misc 48
Added FEM48/49 to Science/Civil 49/50 48
February 7th, 1999 Updated Erable with Absolute Addresses to 3.201 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Guess to Games/Misc 48
February 5th, 1999 Updated HPComm (big version) to 2.4 on PC/Link 48
Updated HPComm (small version) to 2.4 on PC/Link 48
February 4th, 1999 Added SID to Programming/ASM 48
Added Library Controller to Utils/Memory 48
February 3rd, 1999 Added ZeldaHP Source to Games/Adventure 48
February 2nd, 1999 Added RPL Editor to PC/Programming 48
February 1st, 1999 Added Bible to Apps/Misc 48
Added Economia to Apps/Misc 48
Added Read Bible to Apps/Misc 48
Added Base to Math/Misc 48
Added Interpolation to Math/Misc 48
Added Exercises to Programming/Misc 48
Added Survey to Programming/Misc 48
January 31st, 1999 Added Ytrick to Apps/MK 48
Added LiteStep Icons 2 to PC/Misc 48
January 29th, 1999 Updated Emu48 Executables to 9 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Added Introduction to Saturn Assembly Language (HTML) to Docs/Programming 48
Added Introduction to Saturn Assembly Language (PDF) to Docs/Programming 49/50 48
Added Introduction to Saturn Assembly Language (Text) to Docs/Programming 48
Added Introduction to Saturn Assembly Language (Word) to Docs/Programming 49/50 48
Added Marable to Math/Symbolic 48
Added Emu48 Unofficial Service Pack for Alpha to PC/Emulators 48
January 28th, 1999 Added MicroMem to Utils/Memory 48
January 25th, 1999 Added X48 Beta Source Code to PC/Emulators 48
January 23rd, 1999 Updated AstroLib to 4.0 on Science/Astronomy 48
Added Freecell to Games/Card 48
Added HP 48 Screenshots to PC/Misc 48
Added LiteStep Icons to PC/Misc 48
Added Live Load Distribution to Science/Civil 48
Added ThermoPro FIXV to Science/Physics 48
Added Feet Inches and Sixteenths Conversion to Utils/Misc 48
January 19th, 1999 Added EVALM to Math/Misc 48
January 18th, 1999 Updated Auto Installer to 2.0 on Utils/Comms 48
January 16th, 1999 Added KJA to Apps/Misc 48
Added ASM Flash to Programming/ASM 48
Added Inertia to Science/Physics 48
January 14th, 1999 Updated Bean Counter to 3.55 on Apps/PIMs 48
Added Brazil Software Disk 2 to Compilations/Misc 48
Added MIO to Math/Symbolic 48
January 13th, 1999 Updated Zelda on Games/Adventure 48
Added User RPL Online Reference for Eden/ED/TED/VV to Programming/Misc 48
January 12th, 1999 Updated QTS SSA on Math/Misc 48
Updated Soluz to 7.1 on Math/Misc 48
Added Status Line Animations to Graphics/Animations 48
Added Soluz (Italian) to Math/Misc 48
Added System RPL Online Reference to Programming/Misc 48
January 11th, 1999 Updated RPL48 to 3.0 on Programming/ASM 48
Updated MGRID on Programming/Misc 48
Updated Beam to 1.2 on Science/Physics 48
Added HP38G Aplet Template to Programming 38
January 10th, 1999 Added Base Number Conversion to Math/Misc 48
January 8th, 1999 Updated Jazz to 6.7 on Programming/ASM 48
Updated Jazz Light to 6.7 on Programming/ASM 48
Updated Jazz PostScript Docs to 6.7 on Programming/ASM 48
Updated Jazz Source Code to 6.7 on Programming/ASM 48
Added Config 1.2 to Programming/Hacker 48
Added External to Programming/Misc 48
Added Liaisons to Science/Physics 48
Added HP MSIK to Utils/Sound 48
January 7th, 1999 Added Hexagone to Games/Board 48
January 6th, 1999 Added IR Dust to Docs/Humor 48
Added Middle Battery to Docs/Humor 48
Added Spoof to Docs/Humor 48
Added Broken Reset Button to Docs/Misc 48
Added Card Pins to Docs/Misc 48
Added Clock Jitter to Docs/Misc 48
Added Dave's ROM Dump Copying Comments to Docs/Misc 48
Added Random Numbers to Docs/Misc 48
Added Assembly Timings to Docs/Programming 48
Added Programs That Don't Run in High Ports to Docs/Programming 48
Added Using Null Tags to Docs/Programming 48
Added Random Screen and Noise to Graphics/Animations 48
Added TV to Graphics/Animations 48
Added P&G to Math/Symbolic 48
Added PSLQ to Math/Symbolic 48
Added JSC to Programming/ASM 48
Added Code to Programming/Misc 48
Added Programming Examples to Programming/Misc 48
Added MENUADJ to Utils/Memory 48
Added DMS to Utils/Misc 48
Added FIF to Utils/Misc 48
Added Translator to Utils/Misc 48
January 5th, 1999 Updated HPComm (big version) to 2.3 on PC/Link 48
Updated HPComm (small version) to 2.3 on PC/Link 48
Updated Java to 3.7 Beta 4 on Utils/Stack 48
Added AgendaFone to Apps/PIMs 48
Added Movies (optimized) to Graphics/Animations 48
Added Tela to Graphics/Misc 48
Added OpenClose to Programming/Hacker 48
Added Equil to Science/Chemistry 48
Added TORScalc to Science/Physics 48
Added Garbage to Utils/Memory 48
January 3rd, 1999 Added L&F to Math/Misc 48
January 2nd, 1999 Added Super Mario Editor to Games/Arcade 48
Added CSim Descriptor to Science/Electricity 48
January 1st, 1999 Updated HP 48 FAQ HTML Edition to 4.57 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ PostScript Edition to 4.57 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ SGML Source to 4.57 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ Text Edition to 4.57 on Docs/FAQ 48
Added Agenda 48 to Apps/PIMs 48
Added HP 48 FAQ PDF Edition to Docs/FAQ 48
Added Resuelve Stack to Math/Misc 48
Added Stack Solver to Math/Misc 48
Added Porta to Science/Electricity 48
Added Porto to Science/Electricity 48
Added Potencia to Science/Electricity 48
Added Maximum Displacement in Beams to Science/Physics 48
Added Auto Installer to Utils/Comms 48
Added HP-Encrypt to Utils/Security 48

See Older Updates

Part of the HP Calculator Archive,
Copyright 1997-2024 Eric Rechlin.