
What's New on hpcalc.org in 1998

See Newer Updates

December 30th, 1998 Updated BAW to 3.0 on Math/Statistic 48
Updated HPComm (big version) to 2.2 on PC/Link 48
Updated HPComm (small version) to 2.2 on PC/Link 48
December 29th, 1998 Updated HP Printer to 1.0 on PC/Link 48
December 28th, 1998 Updated HPComm (big version) to 2.1 on PC/Link 48
Updated HPComm (small version) to 2.1 on PC/Link 48
December 26th, 1998 Updated Invaders on Games/Arcade 48
Updated Perros on Graphics/Animations 48
Added Link48 for the Mac to PC/Link 48
December 25th, 1998 Updated Truss48/49 to 4.2 on Science/Civil 49/50 48
Added Aardvark to Games/Arcade 48
Added Sectn48/49 to Science/Civil 49/50 48
December 20th, 1998 Added Xennon to Games/Arcade 48
Added HP Limpiar to Utils/Memory 48
Added Cryptage to Utils/Security 48
December 19th, 1998 Updated HP Dev to 1.3 on PC/Programming 48
Added Flag to Utils/Misc 48
December 18th, 1998 Added kbrowse to Utils/Comms 48
December 17th, 1998 Updated Emu48 for Windows CE on PC/Emulators 48
Updated HP Dev to 1.2 on PC/Programming 48
Updated BC (Big Clock) on Utils/Time 48
December 16th, 1998 Updated Section on Science/Physics 48
Added Meta Kernel PDF Docs to Apps/MK 48
Added Meta Kernel Review to Apps/MK 48
Added Perros to Graphics/Animations 48
December 15th, 1998 Updated Hack Library to 9.3 on Programming/Hacker 48
Added BC (Big Clock) to Utils/Time 48
December 14th, 1998 Updated HPShell to 3.12 on PC/Programming 48
Updated HPShell Plus Package to 3.12 on PC/Programming 48
Updated BGShell to 2.00B on Utils/Stack 48
Added PowerZip to PC/Misc 48
Added GX Library to Utils/Misc 48
December 13th, 1998 Updated HPComm (big version) to 2.1 on PC/Link 48
Updated HPComm (small version) to 2.1 on PC/Link 48
Updated WinHP on PC/Misc 48
Added Meta Kernel Demo to Apps/MK 48
Added MUS to Games/Card 48
Added HPPad 95 to PC/Misc 48
Added WinHP Examples to PC/Misc 48
Added WinHP in French to PC/Misc 48
Added WinHP in Italian to PC/Misc 48
Added WinHP in Spanish to PC/Misc 48
December 12th, 1998 Updated MKView to 2.9 on Apps/Editors 48
Updated Java to 3.6a on Utils/Stack 48
Updated Java to 3.7 Beta 1 on Utils/Stack 48
Updated Java Source Code to 3.6a on Utils/Stack 48
December 11th, 1998 Added Calcul de tableaux d'amortissements to Apps/Misc 48
Added Puissance 4/CL to Games/Misc 48
Added E12 to Science/Electricity 48
December 10th, 1998 Added Memory Management to Docs/Programming 48
Added CompSqr to Math/Symbolic 48
Added Emul48 to PC/Emulators 48
Added Keep to Utils/Memory 48
Added PMem to Utils/Memory 48
December 9th, 1998 Updated HP Money 98 on Apps/Misc 48
Added Memory Reservation to Docs/Programming 48
Added Emul48 to PC/Emulators 48
Added D->LIB 1.0 to Programming/Libs 48
Added apndvarlst Replacement to Programming/Misc 48
Added MGRID to Programming/Misc 48
Added BZ Series to Utils/Compress 48
December 8th, 1998 Updated TETRI on Games/Arcade 48
Updated RPN on Programming/Misc 48
Updated OT4 on Utils/Misc 48
Added Uplifter to PC/Emulators 48
Added HPComm (small version) to PC/Link 48
Added Programming in Extended User RPL to Programming/Misc 48
Added Copy to Utils/Memory 48
December 7th, 1998 Added HP Money 98 to Apps/Misc 48
Added Section to Science/Physics 48
December 6th, 1998 Updated Emu48 Executables to 8 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
December 5th, 1998 Updated BAW to 2.1 on Math/Statistic 48
Updated Stat48 to 1.3 on Math/Statistic 48
Updated Exhackt to 1.9c on Math/Symbolic 48
December 4th, 1998 Updated ZeldaHP Demo to 0.32 on Games/Adventure 48
December 3rd, 1998 Updated Java to 3.6 on Utils/Stack 48
Updated Java Source Code to 3.6 on Utils/Stack 48
December 2nd, 1998 Updated Double Tetris on Games/Arcade 48
Updated TopoGX to 9.2 on Science/Civil 49/50 48
Added RAND Tricks to Programming/Misc 48
December 1st, 1998 Updated Evalu to 3.0 on Math/Misc 48
Updated BAW to 2.0 on Math/Statistic 48
Updated Java to 3.5 Beta 17 on Utils/Stack 48
November 30th, 1998 Updated ZeldaHP Demo to 0.31 on Games/Adventure 48
Added SnowFlakerizer to Graphics/Misc 48
November 29th, 1998 Updated Eden English Docs on Apps/Editors 48
Updated Java to 3.5 Beta 16 on Utils/Stack 48
Added QPI to Math/Symbolic 48
Added Gris to Programming/Misc 48
November 28th, 1998 Updated SU(N) on Science/Physics 48
Added Pacheco to Compilations/Misc 48
Added Structural Engineering to Science/Civil 48
November 27th, 1998 Updated Java to 3.5 Beta 15 on Utils/Stack 48
Added Calc to Apps/Misc 48
Added HP Euro 98 to Apps/Misc 48
Added Ing to Math/Misc 48
Added Crono to Utils/Time 48
November 26th, 1998 Added Yahtzee Score to Games/Misc 48
Added Hellraiser Box to Graphics/Grobs 48
November 25th, 1998 Updated Sokoban to 2.0 on Games/Misc 48
Updated HP Dev to 1.1.5 on PC/Programming 48
Added Sokoban to Games 38
November 22nd, 1998 Added Address Book to Apps/PIMs 48
Added Machine Code Graphics Library to Programming/Misc 48
November 21st, 1998 Updated Exhackt to 1.9b on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Java to 3.5 Beta 14 on Utils/Stack 48
Added Kathi to Math/Misc 48
Added Integ to Math/Numeric 48
November 20th, 1998 Updated DrugWars on Games/Misc 48
Updated Sectn to 1.1 on Math/Misc 49/50 48
Updated HP Dev to 1.1b on PC/Programming 48
Added Gravity 2 to Games/Arcade 48
Added Star Wars to Games/Arcade 48
November 19th, 1998 Added Line Drawing ASM Code/CW to Programming/Misc 48
Added Line Drawing ASM Code/DM to Programming/Misc 48
November 18th, 1998 Updated Go48 on Games/Board 48
Updated HPComm (big version) to 1.5 on PC/Link 48
Added Base Conversion to Math/Misc 48
Added Cabbage Shui Method to Math/Misc 48
Added Line Drawing ASM Code/MM to Programming/Misc 48
Added Line Drawing ASM Code/WH to Programming/Misc 48
November 17th, 1998 Updated Bode-Routh to 7.0 on Math/Misc 48
Updated Exhackt to 1.9a on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Neopolys to 6.5 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Java to 3.5 Beta 13 on Utils/Stack 48
Added Zelda to Games/Adventure 48
Added Scrabble/JV to Games/Board 48
Added Graph4G to Graphics/Plotting 48
Added SR TB GS to Programming/ASM 48
Added Spain to Utils/Sound 48
Added VT100 to Utils/Terminal 48
November 15th, 1998 Added Introduction to the HP48 in Spanish to Docs/Misc 48
Added Curso de Programação HP 48G/GX to Docs/Programming 48
Added RealBio to Games/Misc 48
November 14th, 1998 Updated Exhackt to 1.9 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Comunica to Utils/Comms 48
Added GHamn to Utils/Memory 48
Added SCI in Level 1 to Utils/Misc 48
November 13th, 1998 Added Caller ID to Programming/Misc 48
Added XXsecolo to Utils/Time 48
November 11th, 1998 Updated HPComm (big version) to 1.0 on PC/Link 48
Added Ra to Games/Misc 48
November 10th, 1998 Updated Clean Solver on Math/Misc 48
Added HP BMP to PC/Misc 48
Added rplcompile to PC/Programming 48
Added To2k to Utils/Time 48
November 9th, 1998 Added Lode Tabs to Games/Adventure 48
Added Bagdad to Games/Arcade 48
Added Batty to Games/Arcade 48
Added Car Game to Games/Arcade 48
Added Soultris to Games/Arcade 48
Added Starzone to Games/Arcade 48
Added V1 to Games/Arcade 48
Added Another World to Games/Misc 48
Added DsTaR to Games/Misc 48
Added Quarto to Games/Misc 48
Added The Revenge of the Aliens to Games/Misc 48
Added Clean Solver to Math/Misc 48
November 8th, 1998 Added BKJK to Games/Card 48
November 7th, 1998 Updated TxtView on Apps/Editors 48
Updated Java to 3.5 Beta 12 on Utils/Stack 48
Added DrugWars to Games/Misc 48
Added Dragon to Graphics/Plotting 48
Added IEEE Single Precision FP Number Conversion to Math/Misc 48
Added Fast Library Menu to Utils/Interface 48
Added LockHP to Utils/Security 48
Added Noon to Utils/Time 48
November 6th, 1998 Updated Java to 3.5 Beta 11 on Utils/Stack 48
November 5th, 1998 Updated Erable with Absolute Addresses to 3.2/Nov. 3 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Pac Man to Games/Arcade 48
November 4th, 1998 Updated Java to 3.5 Beta 9 on Utils/Stack 48
Added Two Point Geometry to Math/Misc 48
Added Two Point Geometry/DA to Math/Misc 48
Added S/KEY to Utils/Security 48
November 3rd, 1998 Added Sectn to Math/Misc 49/50 48
Added HP Dev to PC/Programming 48
November 2nd, 1998 Added Delete to Utils/Memory 48
November 1st, 1998 Updated Diamonds on Games/Arcade 48
Updated Vaders to 2.1 on Games/Arcade 48
Updated Erable with Absolute Addresses to 3.2 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated TopoGX to 9.1 on Science/Civil 49/50 48
Added Lupa to Apps/Editors 48
Added Tetris to Games/Arcade 48
Added Factor4 to Math/Symbolic 48
Added El Piano to Utils/Sound 48
October 31st, 1998 Updated HP 48 FAQ Text Edition to 4.56 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated Curve Area on Math 38
Updated TopoGX to 9.0 on Science/Civil 49/50 48
Added Elasticity to Apps 38
Added Music to Apps 38
Added Screen Saver to Apps 38
Added Template to Apps 38
Added Factoring to Math 38
Added Function Plus to Math 38
Added Riemann/JC to Math/Misc 48
Added RSum to Math/Misc 48
Added RSum to Math 38
Added Slope Fields to Math 38
Added Bubonic Plague to Science 38
Added Gravity to Science 38
October 30th, 1998 Updated Root Locus Plotter to 1.03 on Graphics/Plotting 49/50 48
Added Iki's Prince of Persia to Games/Adventure 48
Added Othello to Games/Board 49/50 48 39/40
Added Partial Fractions to Math/Symbolic 48
October 29th, 1998 Updated HP 48 FAQ HTML Edition to 4.56 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ PostScript Edition to 4.56 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ SGML Source to 4.56 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated 48G RAM Upgrades on Docs/Misc 48
Updated HPComm (big version) to 1.0 Beta 2 on PC/Link 48
Updated FPX to 2.4 on Utils/Memory 48
October 28th, 1998 Updated Ze Big Bug on Graphics/Grayscale 48
Added Bouboule to Graphics/Animations 48
Added Braid to Graphics/Animations 48
Added Graphics Demos to Graphics/Animations 48
Added Hot Demo to Graphics/Animations 48
Added Knot to Graphics/Animations 48
Added MorfDemo to Graphics/Animations 48
Added PICTURE3 to Graphics/Editors 48
Added Polygons to Graphics/Plotting 48
Added Monte-Carlo to Math 38
Added HPComm (big version) to PC/Link 48
Added MASTRO to Science/Astronomy 48
Added Mud to Science/Civil 48
Added IRAPPLI to Utils/Comms 48
October 27th, 1998 Updated SunHP HP48 Games Compilation on Compilations/Misc 48
Updated ZeldaHP Demo to 0.24 on Games/Adventure 48
Updated GrobFlip to 2.0 on Graphics/Misc 49/50 48
October 26th, 1998 Updated MKView to 2.81 on Apps/Editors 48
October 25th, 1998 Updated CalClk on Utils/Time 48
Added Cyclo to Games/Arcade 48
Added Doom Preview II to Games/Arcade 48
Added OffCode to Utils/Security 48
Added Blind to Utils/Stack 48
October 24th, 1998 Added Surf to Graphics/Plotting 48
October 23rd, 1998 Updated Neopolys to 6.2 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated WinZip for Win95/98/NT to 7.0 on PC/Misc 48
Updated MultiStack to 1.07 on Utils/Stack 48
Added Boom to Graphics/Animations 48
Added Chem to Graphics/Animations 48
Added Wave to Graphics/Animations 48
Added CalClk to Utils/Time 48
October 22nd, 1998 Updated Boomball on Games/Misc 48
Updated Erable with Absolute Addresses on Math/Symbolic 48
Added French Poker to Games/Card 48
Added Alkohol to Games/Misc 48
Added Babal Levels to Games/Misc 48
Added Game of Life to Games/Misc 48
Added Pions 2 to Games/Misc 48
Added TouchéCoulé to Games/Misc 48
Added AM Tools to Math/Misc 48
Added MDSV to Science/Electricity 48
October 21st, 1998 Updated MKView to 2.8 on Apps/Editors 48
Updated Erable with Absolute Addresses to 3.124 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated HP Printer to Beta 2 on PC/Link 48
Updated Boyer-Moore Find on Utils/Memory 48
Added Huge HP 48GX to PC/Pictures 48
Added PINCH48 to Science/Chemistry 48
Added MKF to Utils/Misc 48
October 20th, 1998 Updated Diamonds 38 on Games 38
Updated Hapaman to 1.1 on Games 38
Updated Phoenix 38 to 1.1 on Games 38
Updated Sokoban to 2.0 (initial) on Games/Misc 48
Updated Math Notes on Math/Misc 48
Added Namerizer to Apps/Misc 48
Added DER1 to Math/Misc 48
Added Boyer-Moore Find to Utils/Memory 48
Added MAWK to Utils/Misc 48
October 19th, 1998 Updated Erable with Absolute Addresses on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated hp48 Explorer to 1.2.2 on PC/Link 48
Added Recursive Kermit to Utils/Comms 48
October 17th, 1998 Updated Exhackt to 1.8 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Mafaukl and Mafaukl II on PC/Emulators 48
Added Info on UBASE Bug to Docs/Misc 48
Added IR Transfers in Assembly Language to Docs/Programming 48
Added Erable to Math/Symbolic 48
Added Erable with Absolute Addresses to Math/Symbolic 48
Added SU(N) to Science/Physics 48
Added Custom Unit Conversion Menu to Utils/Misc 48
Added Java to Utils/Stack 48
October 15th, 1998 Updated Units on Utils/Misc 48
Updated Countdown Clock on Utils/Time 48
Added String to Real with a Brain to Docs/MC 48
Added Using Subroutines in System RPL to Docs/Programming 48
Added Overhead Display LCD to PC/Pictures 48
October 14th, 1998 Updated Polynomial <-> Coefficients on Math/Misc 48
Added Truss48/49 to Science/Civil 49/50 48
Added LM to Utils/Interface 48
October 13th, 1998 Added BAW to Math/Statistic 48
Added BGShell to Utils/Stack 48
Added Countdown Clock to Utils/Time 48
October 10th, 1998 Added hpc Vol. 4 Num. 1 to Docs/Misc 48 38
Added hpc Vol. 4 Num. 2 to Docs/Misc 48 38
Added Quadratic Explorer to Math 38
Added Table to Math/Misc 48
Added Trig Explorer to Math 38
Added DISPF to Programming/Misc 48
Added EPHE to Science/Astronomy 49/50 48
October 9th, 1998 Added X48 x86 Binaries to PC/Emulators 48
October 8th, 1998 Updated SunHP HP48 Games Compilation on Compilations/Misc 48
Updated WarioLandHP to 3.1 SE on Games/Arcade 48
October 7th, 1998 Updated BlkJk on Games/Card 48
Updated HPMaelstrom to 2.1.2 on Games/Misc 48
Updated MegaZapp to 3.3 on Utils/Comms 48
October 6th, 1998 Updated HP 48 FAQ HTML Edition to 4.55 (September 19) on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ PostScript Edition to 4.55 (September 19) on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ SGML Source to 4.55 (September 19) on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ Text Edition to 4.55 (September 19) on Docs/FAQ 48
Added DWG to Games/Arcade 48
October 5th, 1998 Updated Emu48 Executables to 7 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
October 3rd, 1998 Added BlkJk to Games/Card 48
October 1st, 1998 Updated Bank to 1.2 on Apps/Database 48
Updated ZeldaHP Demo to 0.2 on Games/Adventure 48
Updated ChemLab to 2.7 on Science/Chemistry 48
Added Animation Demo to Graphics/Animations 48
September 30th, 1998 Updated ASCII to Binary Converter to 1.3 on Utils/Misc 49/50 48
Added eXternal Keyboard 48 to PC/Link 48
Added Millennium to Utils/Time 48
September 28th, 1998 Added Power Consumption to Docs/Misc 48
Added Brazo in English to Docs/Programming 48
Added HP 48 Workshop to Docs/Programming 48
Added Programming Tutorials to Docs/Programming 48
Added User RPL Online Reference for Scribe to Docs/Programming 48
Added Jason's Low-Budget Survey Programs to Science/Civil 48
Added Survey to Science/Civil 48
Added BZ to Utils/Compress 48
September 27th, 1998 Updated ADS to 6.1 on Programming/ASM 48
Updated Compose on Utils/Sound 48
Added ZeldaHP Demo to Games/Adventure 48
Added TETRI to Games/Arcade 48
Added Ricochet to Games/Misc 48
Added BACO to Math/Misc 48
Added Linear Regression to Math/Statistic 48
Added Limit to Math/Symbolic 48
Added AMIGHP to PC/Programming 48
Added RPN to Programming/Misc 48
Added Cours to Utils/Misc 48
Added Loubet Tools to Utils/Misc 48
Added OT4 to Utils/Misc 48
Added UCO to Utils/Misc 48
September 26th, 1998 Updated ANI48 on Graphics/Animations 48
Added HP 48 TrueType Font to PC/Misc 48
Added Search and Replace to Programming/Misc 48
September 25th, 1998 Updated Notepad to 1.1 on Apps/Editors 48
Added Shak to Apps/Editors 48
Added STOPurge to Utils/Memory 48
Added Português to Utils/Misc 48
Added Calendar to Utils/Time 48
September 24th, 1998 Updated FPX to 2.4 on Utils/Memory 48
Added Zelda Editor to Games/Adventure 48
Added HP Printer to PC/Link 48
Added Uncoder to Programming/Disasm 48
September 23rd, 1998 Added Marrio Brousse to Games/Arcade 48
September 22nd, 1998 Added Units to Utils/Misc 48
September 21st, 1998 Added MKView to Apps/Editors 48
September 20th, 1998 Updated Algebraic Calculator to 1.5 on Apps/Misc 48
Updated Exhackt to 1.7 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Notepad to Apps/Editors 48
September 19th, 1998 Updated ADS to 6.0 on Programming/ASM 48
Added ADS Docs in French to Programming/ASM 48
Added Hot Hoops '98 Source to Programming/Misc 48
September 18th, 1998 Updated Mafaukl and Mafaukl II on PC/Emulators 48
September 17th, 1998 Added Mafaukl and Mafaukl II to PC/Emulators 48
Added Hidroparalelo to Science/Civil 48
September 16th, 1998 Updated Algebraic Calculator to 1.4 on Apps/Misc 48
Updated Bode-Routh to 6.5 on Math/Misc 48
Updated Neopolys to 5.9 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added COV2 to Math/Statistic 48
September 15th, 1998 Updated Algebraic Calculator to 1.3 on Apps/Misc 48
Added Yabadabadoo to Utils/Sound 48
September 14th, 1998 Updated Algebraic Calculator to 1.2 on Apps/Misc 48
September 13th, 1998 Updated ShellOS on Apps/ShellOS 48
Added Algebraic Calculator to Apps/Misc 48
Added Boxxle to Apps/ShellOS 48
Added Debug to Apps/ShellOS 48
Added Diamonds to Apps/ShellOS 48
Added Fonts to Apps/ShellOS 48
Added MemView to Apps/ShellOS 48
Added Scan to Apps/ShellOS 48
Added Snap to Apps/ShellOS 48
Added Tetris to Apps/ShellOS 48
Added What Kind of Programmer Are You? to Docs/Columns 48
Added Concreto to Science/Civil 48
Added Factor to Science/Civil 48
Added Hidrotools to Science/Civil 48
Added Lineasinf to Science/Civil 48
Added Moody to Science/Civil 48
Added Sísmico to Science/Civil 48
September 12th, 1998 Added Bomb Track to Apps 38
Added For How Long? to Apps 38
Added Merry X-Mas to Apps 38
Added Popcorn to Apps 38
Added Star Wars to Apps 38
Added X-Files to Apps 38
Added 1998 HP Handheld Conference Report to Docs/Columns 48
Added HP Calculator Manuals to Docs/Humor 48
Added Bandit to Games 38
Added Speed to Games 38
September 10th, 1998 Added FormMaster to Programming/Misc 48
Added GUI to Programming/Misc 48
Added Cercha to Science/Civil 48
Added Cross 2 to Science/Civil 48
Added Empotramiento to Science/Civil 48
Added Esfuerzos to Science/Civil 48
Added Fase to Science/Civil 48
Added Fotogrametría to Science/Civil 48
Added Pórtico to Science/Civil 48
Added Topografía to Science/Civil 48
Added USC2 to Science/Civil 48
September 9th, 1998 Added Roo-Man and Joey, #10 to Docs/Humor 48
September 8th, 1998 Added Roo-Man and Joey, #9 to Docs/Humor 48
Added Pinky and the Brain to Graphics/Animations 48
Added ITable to Math/Misc 48
September 7th, 1998 Added It All Adds Up to Docs/Columns 48
Added Roo-Man and Joey, #8 to Docs/Humor 48
September 6th, 1998 Added Roo-Man and Joey, #7 to Docs/Humor 48
Added Cosine to Math 38
Added Long&Lat to Math 38
Added Main to Math 38
Added Set Theory to Math/Misc 48
Added Sine to Math 38
September 5th, 1998 Updated Number Formatting on Utils/Misc 48
Added Roo-Man and Joey, #6 to Docs/Humor 48
Added Pong to Games/Arcade 48
Added Pong II to Games/Arcade 48
September 4th, 1998 Added Roo-Man and Joey, #5 to Docs/Humor 48
Added Guess to Games/Misc 48
September 3rd, 1998 Added Roo-Man and Joey, #4 to Docs/Humor 48
Added TABLE to Math/Misc 48
September 2nd, 1998 Updated Convolve on Math/Statistic 48
Added Roo-Man and Joey to Docs/Humor 48
Added Roo-Man and Joey, #2 to Docs/Humor 48
Added Roo-Man and Joey, #3 to Docs/Humor 48
September 1st, 1998 Added Set Operations to Math/Misc 48
Added Convolve to Math/Statistic 48
Added RPL Labels (RPLLAB) to PC/Programming 48
August 30th, 1998 Updated Fast Six Level Stack to 1.1 on Utils/Stack 48
Added Crash to Graphics/Animations 48
Added Flip to Graphics/Animations 48
Added Convolution to Math/Statistic 48
Added Psion48 to PC/Emulators 48
August 29th, 1998 Added Compiling a String to Docs/Misc 48
Added Rename to Utils/Memory 48
August 28th, 1998 Updated ASCII to Binary Converter to 1.2 on Utils/Misc 49/50 48
Added WarioLandHP Source to Games/Arcade 48
Added Get Equation Library Grobs to Utils/Misc 48
August 27th, 1998 Updated ShellOS to 3.0 Beta 2.3 on Apps/ShellOS 48
Updated Browse to 2.3 on Programming/Misc 48
Added HP-01 to Docs/Columns 48
Added Lib-Kit to Programming/Libs 48
Added AstroLib to Science/Astronomy 48
Added El Vuelo del Abejorro to Utils/Sound 48
Added DateLib to Utils/Time 48
August 26th, 1998 Updated Simon to 1.1 on Games/Misc 48
Updated Emu48 Executables to 6 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated HPF-PROT to 3.2 on Utils/Misc 48
Added Bilou GSM Service to Apps 38
Added Build Dir to Apps 38
Added Convert to Apps 38
Added Doom III to Apps 38
Added Effet Moire to Apps 38
Added Horloge to Apps 38
Added HP Logo to Apps 38
Added HP OS1 Warn to Apps 38
Added HP OS2 Ultima to Apps 38
Added Indef to Apps 38
Added Librería de fundamentos de Economía to Apps/Misc 48
Added Obesity to Apps 38
Added PC to Apps 38
Added Portable Telephone to Apps 38
Added Megadeth to Graphics/Grayscale 48
Added Sofía Vergara to Graphics/Grayscale 48
Added The Simpsons to Graphics/Grayscale 48
Added Morphing to Graphics/Misc 48
Added 3D-Graph to Math 38
Added Camember to Math 38
Added Drives to Math 38
Added Engraisn to Math 38
Added Equation to Math 38
Added Factor 3rd Degree to Math 38
Added Fonction to Math 38
Added Intensity to Math 38
Added Line to Math 38
Added Measurement to Math 38
Added Metodo Simplex to Math/Misc 48
Added Polynome to Math 38
Added Prime Numbers to Math 38
Added Rect to Math 38
Added Slope to Math 38
Added Vecteur to Math 38
Added Bgchoose and Markchooser to Programming/Misc 48
Added Librería de Ecuaciones de Física Clásica to Science/Physics 48
Added Librería de Ecuaciones de Mecánica de Materiales to Science/Physics 48
Added File Transfers to Utils 38
Added Negate Numbers to Utils/Misc 48
Added Number Formatting to Utils/Misc 48
Added WSLOG to Utils/Misc 48
August 25th, 1998 Added Allumet to Games 38
Added Broken Brain to Games 38
Added Combat de touches to Games 38
Added Deduction to Games 38
Added Demineur I to Games 38
Added Demineur II to Games 38
Added Jackpot to Games 38
Added Mastermind to Games 38
Added Morpion to Games 38
Added Solitary to Games 38
Added Taquin to Games 38
August 24th, 1998 Updated ASCII to Binary Converter to 1.1 on Utils/Misc 49/50 48
Added Library Data to Apps/Editors 48
Added 1941 RPN Computer? to Docs/Columns 48
Added R&C to Science/Electricity 48
Added Tensiones to Science/Physics 48
Added Piano/MD to Utils/Sound 48
August 23rd, 1998 Updated Isola to 1.3 on Games/Board 48
Updated Skwik on Games/Misc 48
Updated SolveSys to 4.02 on Math/Numeric 48
Updated MegaZapp to 3.2 on Utils/Comms 48
Updated EZ-Char to 1.2a on Utils/Fonts 48
Added The HP 48 Handbook to Docs/Books 48
Added Authors to Docs/Misc 48
Added User Tools to Docs/Programming 48
Added Diamonds Editor to Games/Arcade 48
Added SuperChip Library to Games/Chip 48
Added Demineur to Games/Misc 48
Added HP Tic-Tac-Toe to Games/Misc 48
Added Memory to Games/Misc 48
Added Gray to Graphics/Grayscale 48
Added Viewers to Graphics/Grayscale 48
Added HP Zoom to Graphics/Misc 48
Added ConfAbrt to Programming/Hacker 48
Added Protect to Programming/Hacker 48
Added Lib Crack to Programming/Libs 48
Added Banner to Programming/Misc 48
Added BBT to Utils/Comms 48
Added Anti8 to Utils/Memory 48
Added MiniScan to Utils/Memory 48
Added Port View to Utils/Memory 48
Added Recover/DW to Utils/Memory 48
Added MusicSoft to Utils/Sound 48
Added Piano/DW to Utils/Sound 48
Added Sequencer to Utils/Sound 48
Added Tada to Utils/Sound 48
August 22nd, 1998 Added HP 48 Graphics to Docs/Books 48
Added SETS to Math/Misc 48
August 19th, 1998 Updated Exhackt to 1.6 on Math/Symbolic 48
August 18th, 1998 Updated Exhackt to 1.5a on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Fast Six Level Stack to 1.1 on Utils/Stack 48
Added Aphorisms for Programmers to Docs/Columns 48
Added Army to Docs/Columns 48
Added Cybersnobs to Docs/Columns 48
Added Dueling Lawyers to Docs/Columns 48
Added Frequency to Docs/Columns 48
Added HP-25 Printer to Docs/Columns 48
Added HP-65 in Space to Docs/Columns 48
Added Jim Davidson to Docs/Columns 48
Added PH or HP to Docs/Columns 48
Added The EduCALC to Docs/Columns 48
Added The Perfect Programmer to Docs/Columns 48
Added The Pitkin Tap to Docs/Columns 48
August 17th, 1998 Updated RainEQ on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Alphabetize a String to Docs/MC 48
Added Closest Integer in a List to Docs/MC 48
Added Pyramid Solitaire to Games/Card 48
Added ARGU to Programming/Misc 48
Added ML Code for Drawing a Box to Programming/Misc 48
Added Constant Factor to Utils/Misc 48
August 16th, 1998 Updated Emu48 Executables to 5a on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated GV to 0.02a on PC/Misc 48
Added Graphic Viewer to PC/Misc 48
August 14th, 1998 Added Decode to PC/Programming 48
Added HP-48.EXE to PC/Programming 48
Added Capacitor to Science/Electricity 48
August 12th, 1998 Updated Exhackt to 1.5 on Math/Symbolic 48
August 10th, 1998 Updated Bean Counter to 3.54 on Apps/PIMs 48
Added Exal Financial Spreadsheets to Apps/PIMs 48
Added Shop to Apps/PIMs 48
Added CL2 to Programming/Misc 48
August 9th, 1998 Updated GxPS to 2.0 on Utils/Comms 48
Added MKInfo to Apps/PIMs 48
Added Cynox 128KB Card to PC/Pictures 48
Added Cynox 1MB Card to PC/Pictures 48
Added Klotz and Krolop 128 KB Card to PC/Pictures 48
Added Klotz and Krolop 2 MB Card to PC/Pictures 48
Added Stolte-EDV 128KB RAM Card to PC/Pictures 48
Added Stolte-EDV 2MB RAM Card to PC/Pictures 48
Added GNU HP Tools for DOS to PC/Programming 48
Added .a Entry Points to Programming/Entries 48
Added Compact Arrays to Programming/Misc 48
Added Aceros to Science/Civil 48
Added Acue to Science/Civil 48
Added Amarres to Science/Civil 48
Added Axial1 to Science/Civil 48
Added Calcy to Science/Civil 48
Added CCom to Science/Civil 48
Added CDMB 97 to Science/Civil 48
Added Cerchas to Science/Civil 48
Added Coor to Science/Civil 48
Added Coordinate Transformation Program to Science/Civil 48
Added Cos to Science/Civil 48
Added Cross to Science/Civil 48
Added Curvas to Science/Civil 48
Added Diagrama to Science/Civil 48
Added Formulas to Science/Civil 48
Added Gowens to Science/Civil 48
Added Hydr to Science/Civil 48
Added Inte2 to Science/Civil 48
Added Kani to Science/Civil 48
Added PasoD to Science/Civil 48
Added PasoE to Science/Civil 48
Added Peralte to Science/Civil 48
Added Perdidas to Science/Civil 48
Added Planimet to Science/Civil 48
Added Pórticos to Science/Civil 48
Added Reinforced Concrete Beam Capacity Program to Science/Civil 48
Added Salg to Science/Civil 48
Added Seccion to Science/Civil 48
Added Sen to Science/Civil 48
Added Taqui to Science/Civil 48
Added Variada to Science/Civil 48
Added Vertical Curve Programs to Science/Civil 48
Added Section Properties Program to Science/Physics 48
August 6th, 1998 Updated Erable to 3.024/August 6 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated GxPS to 2.0 on Utils/Comms 48
Added NMEA48 to Utils/Comms 48
August 5th, 1998 Added MM to Science/Chemistry 48
August 4th, 1998 Updated ShellOS to 3.0 Beta 2.2 on Apps/ShellOS 48
Updated Diamonds 38 to 1.3 on Games 38
Updated Hapaman to 1.0 on Games 38
Updated FlyMat to 1.081 on Utils/Memory 48
Added AEMP to Apps/Misc 48
Added Casio Emulator to Apps/Misc 48
Added Phoenix 38 to Games 38
August 3rd, 1998 Added Steel Detailing to Apps/Misc 48
Added Rotate 90 Degrees to Programming/Misc 48
Added French Aplets to Science 38
August 2nd, 1998 Added Erable HTML Docs to Math/Symbolic 48
August 1st, 1998 Added Using a Modem to Docs/Misc 48
Added Save Unlimited Last Commands to Utils/Misc 48
July 31st, 1998 Updated AS-Apps on Compilations/AS 48
Updated AS-Comm on Compilations/AS 48
Updated AS-Docs on Compilations/AS 48
Updated AS-Games on Compilations/AS 48
Updated AS-Hack on Compilations/AS 48
Updated AS-Hack on Compilations/AS 48
Updated AS-Math on Compilations/AS 48
Updated AS-Pict on Compilations/AS 48
Updated AS-Prog on Compilations/AS 48
Updated AS-Secure on Compilations/AS 48
Updated AS-Sound on Compilations/AS 48
Updated AS-Utils on Compilations/AS 48
Updated FontWriter on Utils/Fonts 48
Added Airfoil Plotter to Apps 28
Added Aviation Computer and Flight Planner to Apps 28
Added Car Trip Computer to Apps 28
Added Diary to Apps 28
Added HP Read to Apps 28
Added HPPhone to Apps 28
Added Properties of Sections to Apps 28
Added Rolodex to Apps 28
Added Tape Counter to Apps 28
Added The 411 System to Apps 28
Added Customize Your HP-28 Information to Docs 28
Added Graphics for the HP 28S to Docs 28
Added HP 28 Power Consumption Statistics to Docs 28
Added HP 28 Setup to Docs 28
Added HP 28S Proprietary Opcodes to Docs 28
Added HP 28S vs. HP 41 to Docs 28
Added HP-28COM Review to Docs 28
Added IR Data to Docs 28
Added IR28 to Docs 28
Added BlackJack to Games 28
Added Blob to Games 28
Added BlokDrop to Games 28
Added Chess to Games 28
Added Golf to Games 28
Added INCO to Games 28
Added Le Pendu to Games 28
Added Magic Square to Games 28
Added Mastermind to Games 28
Added Memory Game to Games 28
Added Moon Lander to Games 28
Added Pacman to Games 28
Added Poker to Games 28
Added Reversi to Games 28
Added Shadow Castle to Games 28
Added Simon to Games 28
Added SUBS to Games 28
Added Tank Battle to Games 28
Added Tetris to Games 28
Added Towers of Hanoii to Games 28
Added Fractal to Graphics 28
Added Graphics Compressor to Graphics 28
Added Mandelbrot to Graphics 28
Added Pixel to Graphics 28
Added RLE Decoding/Encoding to Graphics 28
Added Screen Compression to Graphics 28
Added Sketch to Graphics 28
Added Basic Probability to Math 28
Added Bessel to Math 28
Added Bisect to Math 28
Added Bode Plotter to Math 28
Added Curve Fitting to Math 28
Added Eigenvalues to Math 28
Added Electrical Engineering Programs to Math 28
Added Engineering Economy Programs to Math 28
Added Fast Fourier to Math 28
Added FBode to Math 28
Added Fermat's Algorithm to Math 28
Added Fixed Point Algorithm to Math 28
Added Fraction Calculations to Math 28
Added Fraction Calculator to Math 28
Added Fractional Arithmetic to Math 28
Added Graphit to Math 28
Added IEEE 754 Conversions to Math 28
Added Linear Algebra to Math 28
Added Pi Generator to Math 28
Added Plotter Replacement to Math 28
Added Polar Plot to Math 28
Added Polynomial Arithmetic to Math 28
Added Polynomial Division Program to Math 28
Added PRIMEQ to Math 28
Added Root Locus Routines to Math/Misc 48
Added Row Reduction to Math 28
Added Stats to Math 28
Added Symbolic Matrices to Math 28
Added Symbolic Matrices 2 to Math 28
Added Emu48 for Windows CE to PC/Emulators 48
Added Argument Checking to Programming 28
Added Crwth-Lisp to Programming 28
Added Disassembling to Programming 28
Added Expandable Menu to Programming/Misc 48
Added Hexify to Programming 28
Added Highlight to Programming 28
Added HPTrans to Programming 28
Added Off and Restart SYSEVALs to Programming 28
Added Poke and Peek to Programming 28
Added Poke Rewritten to Programming 28
Added Scroller to Programming 28
Added SYSEVALs to Programming 28
Added System Objects to Programming 28
Added Wait for Key to Programming 28
Added FlyMat to Utils/Memory 48
Added ARC to Utils 28
Added Beep to Utils 28
Added Calendar to Utils 28
Added Checksum to Utils 28
Added CHK to Utils 28
Added Clock to Utils 28
Added Clock to Utils 28
Added Clock/Calendar to Utils 28
Added Composer to Utils 28
Added Crypt to Utils 28
Added Directory Alphabetizer to Utils 28
Added Fast to Utils 28
Added Fast 2 to Utils 28
Added FastOff to Utils/Misc 48
Added Flag Pack to Utils 28
Added Framstags' Utilities to Utils 28
Added Fuel Gauge to Utils 28
Added HP Toolkit to Utils 28
Added Input to Utils 28
Added List to Utils 28
Added Off with ID to Utils 28
Added Pack/Unpack to Utils 28
Added Recalling Directories to Utils 28
Added Service Call to Utils 28
Added Speed to Utils 28
Added Using the HP28S as a Remote Control to Utils 28
July 28th, 1998 Updated HP-98 MPR to 1.2 on Apps/Misc 48
Added ROM Upload to PC/Emulators 48
Added VarMat to Utils/Memory 48
July 27th, 1998 Added Guide to the HP48GX Hardware to Docs/Misc 48
Added CRC Computation to PC/Programming 48
Added Beam to Science/Physics 48
July 26th, 1998 Updated HP 48 FAQ HTML Edition to 4.54 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ PostScript Edition to 4.54 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ Text Edition to 4.54 on Docs/FAQ 48
Added HP 48 FAQ SGML Source to Docs/FAQ 48
July 25th, 1998 Added Vectored Enter Example to Utils/Misc 48
July 24th, 1998 Added All New HP48 FAQ! to Docs/Humor 48
Added Potential 512k Chip Problem to Docs/Misc 48
Added SMI RAM Cards to Docs/Misc 48
Added Opening from Front to Docs/Opening 48
Added LINB to Math/Misc 48
Added Hidden Directory Tools to Utils/Memory 48
Added MakeBKeys to Utils/Memory 48
Added Change Object Type to Utils/Misc 48
July 23rd, 1998 Updated HPShell to 3.11 on PC/Programming 48
Updated HPShell Plus Package to 3.11 on PC/Programming 48
Added Compile Batch File to PC/Programming 48
Added Break Write Protection to Utils/Memory 48
Added Copy Port to Utils/Memory 48
July 22nd, 1998 Updated Fast Integer Square Root on Math/Misc 48
Updated Nemohp's Math Notes on Math/Misc 48
Updated TRI1 Triangle Solver on Math/Misc 48
Updated Nemohp's Chemistry Notes on Science/Chemistry 48
Updated Nemohp's Physics Notes on Science/Physics 48
Added Tiny String Viewer to Apps/Editors 48
Added %TILE Replacement to Math/Misc 48
Added Conversion Toolbox to Math/Misc 48
Added Eq Solver Tools to Math/Misc 48
Added Fibonacci Sequence to Math/Misc 48
Added INTG2 to Math/Misc 48
Added IPOL to Math/Misc 48
Added Slow Integer Square Root to Math/Misc 48
Added SOLVE to Math/Misc 48
Added Square Root Algorithms to Math/Misc 48
Added Table of Values to Math/Misc 48
Added EXCO to Math/Symbolic 48
Added ->BIN to Utils/Memory 48
Added Sort Directories to Utils/Memory 48
Added DOLST and DOSBS to Utils/Misc 48
Added Fast OFF to Utils/Misc 48
Added FIXN to Utils/Misc 48
Added Hide Object in Library Data to Utils/Misc 48
Added OBJN to Utils/Misc 48
Added Seeing Garbage Collections to Utils/Misc 48
Added SPDG to Utils/Misc 48
Added Eight Line Stack to Utils/Stack 48
Added Ten Line Stack to Utils/Stack 48
Added Unlimited Level Stack to Utils/Stack 48
Added Alarm Viewer to Utils/Time 48
Added Another Chess Clock to Utils/Time 48
Added Day of Week to Utils/Time 48
July 21st, 1998 Updated ShellOS to 3.0 Beta 2.1 on Apps/ShellOS 48
Updated Exhackt to 1.4 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added DE to Apps/Editors 48
Added Factor Small Numbers to Math/Misc 48
Added Polynomial <-> Coefficients to Math/Misc 48
Added Numeric Integration Helper to Math/Numeric 48
Added WEIGHT3 to Math/Statistic 48
Added Casio-like Fraction Calculator to Math/Symbolic 48
Added Library install/uninstall/backup to Utils/Memory 48
Added ROM Card Copier to Utils/Memory 48
Added Checksum Collision to Utils/Misc 48
Added Insertion Sort to Utils/Misc 48
Added Chess Clock to Utils/Time 48
July 20th, 1998 Updated Emu48 Executables to 5 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated GxPS to 1.2.1 Source on Utils/Comms 48
Updated GxPS to 1.2.1 on Utils/Comms 48
Added ROMDump Wizard to PC/Emulators 48
July 19th, 1998 Updated Bank to 1.1 on Apps/Database 48
Updated Ellipserizer on Graphics/Misc 48
Updated RainEQ on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Tiny Spreadsheet to Apps/Matrix 48
Added I Ching Hexagrams to Graphics/Misc 48
Added APLY Replacement to Math/Misc 48
Added Feet/Inches/Sixteenths Calculator to Math/Misc 48
Added Function Table to Math/Misc 48
Added Unit Scaling to Math/Misc 48
Added Assembly Language Wave Routine to Programming/Misc 48
Added BZM in User RPL to Utils/Compress 48
Added Library CST Menu to Utils/Interface 48
Added Purge and Store Prevention to Utils/Memory 48
Added Fast Vars to Utils/Misc 48
Added Order with and without Hack to Utils/Misc 48
Added Stopwatch in RPL to Utils/Time 48
Added SW-A and SW-B to Utils/Time 48
July 18th, 1998 Updated Erable to 3.0/July 8th on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable French PDF Docs on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable PDF Docs on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Text Docs on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated RainEQ on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Java to 3.4a on Utils/Stack 48
Updated Java Source Code to 3.4a on Utils/Stack 48
Added Brazil Software Disk 1 to Compilations/Misc 48
Added Programming in System RPL (PDF) to Docs/Programming 48
Added Programming in System RPL (Programs) to Docs/Programming 48
Added Programming in System RPL (PS) to Docs/Programming 48
Added Therm to Utils/Comms 48
July 17th, 1998 Updated Exhackt to 1.3 on Math/Symbolic 48
July 16th, 1998 Updated Exhackt to 1.2 on Math/Symbolic 48
July 15th, 1998 Added DODIS to Programming/Disasm 48
July 13th, 1998 Added QTS to Math/Misc 48
July 10th, 1998 Added Extended BASE to Math/Misc 48
July 9th, 1998 Updated HPView to 2.3 on PC/Misc 48
Added DoInputForm Tutorial to Docs/Programming 48
July 8th, 1998 Updated TopoGX to 8.1 on Science/Civil 49/50 48
July 7th, 1998 Updated Exhackt to 1.1 on Math/Symbolic 48
July 3rd, 1998 Added FatDB to Apps/Database 48
Added The Cabbage Codes to Apps/Misc 48
Added PICT Segmentizer to Graphics/Misc 48
Added Exhackt to Math/Symbolic 48
Added UserKey Examiner to Utils/Interface 48
Added STO with AI to Utils/Memory 48
Added Flag Catalog to Utils/Misc 48
July 2nd, 1998 Added Ellipserizer to Graphics/Misc 48
Added HideVars to Utils/Memory 48
Added Encryption to Utils/Security 48
July 1st, 1998 Updated RainEQ on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Java to 3.4 on Utils/Stack 48
Added The Wanda Font to Apps/Misc 49/50 48
Added HP 48 FAQ 4.46 em Português to Docs/FAQ 48
Added Filled Polygons to Graphics/Misc 48
Added Super Magick Shift Keys to Utils/Interface 48
Added Print Directory Tree to Utils/Memory 48
Added Java Source Code to Utils/Stack 48
June 29th, 1998 Updated Fast Six Level Stack on Utils/Stack 48
Added DB2 to Apps/Database 48
Added Animation Browser to Graphics/Animations 48
Added CHU and MBOX to Programming/Misc 48
Added Message Browser to Programming/Misc 48
Added SpeedBrowser to Programming/Misc 48
June 28th, 1998 Updated ScribePro to 1.0 on PC/Misc 48
Added HPfall to Games/Arcade 48
Added Msub to Math/Misc 48
Added Yes/No Confirmation to Programming/Misc 48
June 26th, 1998 Updated Keno's GrobView to 1.2 on PC/Misc 48
June 25th, 1998 Updated XCELL 48 to 2.0 on Apps/Matrix 48
Updated BZDIR to 3.2 on Utils/Compress 48
Updated SX List Tools on Utils/Misc 48
Added The Journeys of the Ant to Graphics/Misc 48
Added All Roots to Math/Misc 48
June 24th, 1998 Updated TRI1 Triangle Solver to 4.1d on Math/Misc 48
Updated Browse to 2.1 on Programming/Misc 48
Added SASM Docs in HTML to Docs/Programming 48
Added Externals List to Programming/Entries 48
Added ASCII to Binary Converter to Utils/Misc 49/50 48
June 23rd, 1998 Updated Confirm to 2.0 on Programming/Misc 48
Updated DOS-HP to 3.90 on Utils/Memory 48
Added HP 48G AUR Command Reference to Docs/Programming 48
Added Keno's GrobView to PC/Misc 48
Added Hydraulics and Hydrology Programs to Science/Civil 48
June 22nd, 1998 Updated SunHP HP48 Games Compilation on Compilations/Misc 48
Updated Easy Triangle Solver to 1.1 on Math/Misc 48
Updated TRI1 Triangle Solver to 4.1c on Math/Misc 48
Added 1-Var Inequalities to Math 38
Added 2x2 Systems to Math 38
Added Active Grapher to Math 38
Added Amplitude / Period to Math 38
Added Angles to Math 38
Added Archimedes to Math 38
Added Area Model to Math 38
Added Basic Functions to Math 38
Added Cars 1993 to Math 38
Added Conic Plotter to Math 38
Added Conics - Polar Form to Math 38
Added Coordinate Geometry to Math 38
Added Decimals to Math 38
Added Dot to Dot to Math 38
Added Drill Core to Math 38
Added Effects on f(x) to Math 38
Added Factoring to Math 38
Added Fibonacci to Math 38
Added Guess Rational to Math 38
Added Guess the Line to Math 38
Added Inequalities to Math 38
Added Inverses to Math 38
Added Law of Sines to Math 38
Added Linear to Math 38
Added Linear Inequality to Math 38
Added Map the Wrap to Math 38
Added Matrix RREF to Math 38
Added Order of Operations to Math 38
Added Parallel / Perpendicular to Math 38
Added Percent to Math 38
Added Periodic to Math 38
Added Phase Shift to Math 38
Added Point Guess to Math 38
Added Polar Equation Plot to Math 38
Added Polar Point Plot to Math 38
Added QuadForm to Math 38
Added Quadratic to Math 38
Added Rational to Math 38
Added Reflection to Math 38
Added Residual to Math 38
Added Right Triangles to Math 38
Added Substitution to Math 38
Added Surface Waves to Math 38
Added VOL/SA1 to Math 38
Added VOL/SA2 to Math 38
Added CASM Simulator to PC Other
Added HP-25 Simulator to PC Other
Added HP-67 Simulator to PC Other
Added NSIM to PC Other
Added Sim41 to PC Other
Added HP 41 Assembler and Bar Code Generator to PC/Programming 48
Added Aplet Development Kit to Programming 38
June 21st, 1998 Updated Calculus Library to 1.0 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added SunHP HP48 Games Compilation to Compilations/Misc 48
June 20th, 1998 Updated HPPaint on Graphics/Editors 48
Updated TRI1 Triangle Solver on Math/Misc 48
Updated Browse to 2.0 on Programming/Misc 48
Updated TopoGX to 8.0 on Science/Civil 49/50 48
June 19th, 1998 Updated Advanced User RPL Guide to 0.12 on Docs/Programming 48
Updated Browse to 1.2 on Programming/Misc 48
Updated Mig to 3.2 on Utils/Sound 48
Added TRI1 Triangle Solver to Math/Misc 48
Added XVEdit to PC/Misc 48
Added Smashed Screen to PC/Pictures 48
Added Confirm to Programming/Misc 48
Added Zone to Utils/Time 48
June 18th, 1998 Updated GxPS to 1.1 on Utils/Comms 48
Added User RPL Tutorial in HTML to Docs/Programming 48
Added QTS SSA to Math/Misc 48
June 17th, 1998 Added Object Oriented Manifesto to Docs/Misc 48
Added Simon to Games/Misc 48
Added Library Commander to Programming/Hacker 48
Added SunHP Ball Demo to Programming/Misc 48
Added Catalan Language Custom Messages to Utils/Misc 48
June 16th, 1998 Updated PLTRIangle to 2.5 on Math/Misc 48
June 15th, 1998 Updated GxPS to Source on Utils/Comms 48
Updated MultiStack to 1.06 on Utils/Stack 48
Added Dina to Games/Misc 48
Added XACT Calculators to PC Other
Added XChoose to Programming/Misc 48
Added GxPS to Utils/Comms 48
June 14th, 1998 Updated TED to 3.2 on Apps/Editors 48
Updated Emu48 Executables to 4 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated GNU HP Tools to 2.1.9 on PC/Programming 48
Updated Jazz to 6.6 on Programming/ASM 48
Updated Jazz Light to 6.6 on Programming/ASM 48
Updated Jazz Source Code to 6.6 on Programming/ASM 48
Added Burro to Games/Misc 48
Added Luana to Graphics/Grayscale 48
Added Nemohp's Math Notes to Math/Misc 48
Added GNU HP Tools for Linux to PC/Programming 48
Added GNU HP Tools for Win32 to PC/Programming 48
Added Browse to Programming/Misc 48
Added Nemohp's Chemistry Notes to Science/Chemistry 48
Added Nemohp's Physics Notes to Science/Physics 48
Added Classical Music to Utils/Sound 48
June 13th, 1998 Added Cal Girl to Apps/PIMs 48
Added A Demo Called Magic to Graphics/Animations 48
Added ETI to Graphics/Animations 48
Added HPGod to Graphics/Animations 48
Added LibF to Programming/Libs 48
Added Alimentation to Science/Electricity 48
Added XMP to Utils/Comms 48
Added HTrim to Utils/Misc 48
June 12th, 1998 Updated HP 48 FAQ HTML Edition to 4.53/June 12th on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ PostScript Edition to 4.53/June 12th on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ Text Edition to 4.53/June 12th on Docs/FAQ 48
Added Buzz to Docs/Humor 48
Added ALG48 Tools to Math/Symbolic 48
Added Pompes Manager to Math/Symbolic 48
June 11th, 1998 Updated PLTRIangle to 2.4 on Math/Misc 48
Updated Erable to 3.0/June 11 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 3.0/June 11 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Treize (13) to Games/Adventure 48
Added PVER to Graphics/Misc 48
Added CNTR to Programming/Misc 48
Added Great Circle Distance to Science/Geography 48
Added Prot to Utils/Memory 48
Added PUSHD and POPD to Utils/Memory 48
Added ANGD to Utils/Misc 48
Added Contrast to Utils/Misc 48
Added FlagTool to Utils/Misc 48
Added Grob Rotation for Printing to Utils/Misc 48
Added Radix-50 to Utils/Misc 48
Added SAVF to Utils/Misc 48
Added Cryptor to Utils/Security 48
Added Login to Utils/Security 48
Added Impromptu Speech Timer to Utils/Time 48
June 10th, 1998 Updated ADISP Viewer on Apps/Editors 48
Updated Erable PDF Docs to 3.0/May 19 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added HP 16C Simulator to Apps/Misc 48
Added Navigation to Apps/Misc 48
Added Binary Display to Math/Misc 48
Added Calculus Library to Math/Symbolic 48
Added RAM Card Creator to PC/Emulators 48
Added Pause to Programming/Misc 48
Added Test Menu to Programming/Misc 48
Added UPDIR for Menus to Utils/Interface 48
Added Archer to Utils/Memory 48
Added Bye to Utils/Memory 48
Added Auto Alpha Lock to Utils/Misc 48
Added SRCHREPL to Utils/Misc 48
Added UBASE Replacement to Utils/Misc 48
Added Unit Reducer to Utils/Misc 48
June 9th, 1998 Updated EDir to 1.01 on Utils/Memory 48
Added CRC Information to Docs/Misc 48
Added ShowGrob to Graphics/Misc 48
Added Circles to Programming/Misc 48
Added Psychrometric to Science/Physics 48
Added Mode Browser to Utils/Interface 48
Added Soft Keys to Utils/Interface 48
Added Tom's Tools to Utils/Interface 48
Added Trees to Utils/Memory 48
Added Bits and Bytes to Utils/Misc 48
Added Control Program to Utils/Misc 48
Added List Processing and Set Operations to Utils/Misc 48
Added Traverse to Utils/Misc 48
Added Unit Lists to Utils/Misc 48
Added Watch-Dog to Utils/Security 48
June 8th, 1998 Updated Library ID Numbers on Docs/Misc 48
Updated PLTRIangle to 2.2 on Math/Misc 48
Updated ALG48 to 4.2 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Text View to Apps/Editors 48
Added Airfoil Plotter to Apps/Misc 48
Added IFF-SND to PC/Misc 48
Added Browser Routine to Programming/Misc 48
Added CutRPL and StripRPL to Programming/Misc 48
Added FSMenu to Utils/Interface 48
Added Exec (original) to Utils/Memory 48
Added BV/BR Routines to Utils/Misc 48
Added LBrowse to Utils/Misc 48
Added LJ New Messages to Utils/Misc 48
Added Multi-level User Equation Library to Utils/Misc 48
Added Object Position to Utils/Misc 48
Added Organizer for Donnelly's Tool Library to Utils/Misc 48
Added Owner's Manual Examples to Utils/Misc 48
Added QuickSort to Utils/Misc 48
Added String Catalog to Utils/Misc 48
Added String Hash to Utils/Misc 48
Added Toolbox to Utils/Misc 48
Added Utils Library to Utils/Misc 48
Added XUNIT to Utils/Misc 48
Added Coder to Utils/Security 48
Added Cryptoge to Utils/Security 48
June 7th, 1998 Updated Smart Purge to 2.0 on Utils/Memory 48
Added View to Apps/Editors 48
Added Darts to Apps/Misc 48
Added Econ to Apps/Misc 48
Added Indice to Apps/Misc 48
Added Adventures of Calculator Man to Docs/Humor 48
Added DNF Games to Games/Misc 48
Added Falldown to Games/Misc 48
Added Golf to Games/Misc 48
Added Nibble to Games/Misc 48
Added Race to Games/Misc 48
Added Taquin to Games/Misc 48
Added Tunnel to Games/Misc 48
Added Mandelbrot Set Explorer to Graphics/Misc 48
Added Polynomial Functions to Math/Symbolic 48
Added HP-IDE Extras to PC/Programming 48
Added Perfiles to Science/Physics 48
Added Defrag to Utils/Memory 48
Added HPmemTools to Utils/Memory 48
Added Memoria to Utils/Memory 48
Added Codes to Utils/Security 48
June 6th, 1998 Updated Emu48 Executables to 3 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated HP-IDE to 1.22 on PC/Programming 48
Updated Dinamica to 2.0 on Science/Physics 48
Updated DOS-HP to 3.76 on Utils/Memory 48
Added DNF View to Apps/Misc 48
Added Easy Triangle Solver to Math/Misc 48
Added PLTRIangle to Math/Misc 48
Added Trig R US to Math/Misc 48
Added Topo to Science/Civil 48
Added TLines to Science/Electricity 48
May 25th, 1998 Updated Erable to 3.0/May 25 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 3.0/May 25 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Linear Programming to Math/Misc 48
Added Linear Programming to Math 38
Added Grob Viewer to PC/Misc 48
Added LibExplorer to Programming/Libs 48
May 24th, 1998 Updated XView to 1.5 and 2.0 on Apps/Editors 48
Updated Emu38 to 1.01 on PC 38
Updated WinHP to Beta 3 on PC/Misc 48
Updated Mig Contributions Database to 1.01 on Utils/Sound 48
Added Arknoiid to Games 38
Added Diamonds 38 to Games 38
Added Hapaman to Games 38
Added High-Low to Games 38
Added Lander to Games 38
Added Micro Games to Games 38
Added Sliding Block Game to Games 38
Added Xennon to Games 38
Added Bivariate Oddities to Math 38
Added Chain Rule to Math 38
Added Chords to Math 38
Added Christmas Trees to Math 38
Added Complex Roots to Math 38
Added Curve Area to Math 38
Added Euclidean Division to Math 38
Added GCD to Math 38
Added GP Solver to Math 38
Added HP 38G Curves Collection to Math 38
Added Laws of Exponents to Math 38
Added LCM to Math 38
Added Linear Fit to Math 38
Added Newton-Raphson Iteration to Math 38
Added Row Operations to Math 38
Added Simulations to Math 38
Added Sine Define to Math 38
Added Square Root's Partial Quotients to Math 38
Added Sweets Box to Math 38
Added Tangent Lines to Math 38
Added Time Series to Math 38
Added CST+ to PC/Misc 48
Added PCX2GROB to PC/Misc 48
Added HPUtils to PC/Programming 48
Added Empty Aplet to Programming 38
Added How To Create An HP 38G Aplet to Programming 38
Added HP 38G Entries in PDF Format to Programming 38
Added HP 38G Entries in Text Format to Programming 38
Added HP38 to Programming 38
Added Calibrating PLDL100 to Science 38
Added Food Energy to Science 38
Added Freezing Point of Water to Science 38
Added Gas Laws 1 to Science 38
Added Gas Laws 2 to Science 38
Added PLDL100 Link Software to Science 38
Added ROM Upload to Utils 38
Added XModem to Utils 38
May 23rd, 1998 Updated Bean Counter to 3.51 on Apps/PIMs 48
Added Tele1 to Apps/PIMs 48
Added FIR to Science/Electricity 48
May 22nd, 1998 Updated ALG48 to 4.2 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated ALG48 HTML documentation to 4.2 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added MineHunt Cheater to Games/Misc 48
Added Tools to Utils/Misc 48
May 21st, 1998 Updated ADISP Viewer on Apps/Editors 48
Updated Bean Counter to 3.5 on Apps/PIMs 48
Updated Alpha-IR to 1.1 on Utils/Comms 48
Added Roldx to Apps/PIMs 48
Added DOS-HP to Utils/Memory 48
Added NCAT to Utils/Misc 48
Added Clk to Utils/Time 48
May 20th, 1998 Updated Mig to 3.1 on Utils/Sound 48
Added Cleanup to Utils/Memory 48
Added Find File to Utils/Memory 48
Added Hidden to Utils/Memory 48
Added Hide to Utils/Memory 48
Added Memo to Utils/Memory 48
Added Port Recall to Utils/Memory 48
Added Ports to Utils/Memory 48
Added Security to Utils/Security 48
Added TermHP to Utils/Terminal 48
May 19th, 1998 Updated HP-IDE to 1.2 on PC/Programming 48
Added BTYPE to Utils/Memory 48
Added Find to Utils/Memory 48
Added PRG to Utils/Memory 48
Added Scheduled Backup to Utils/Memory 48
May 18th, 1998 Updated FPX to 2.3 on Utils/Memory 48
Added HPIR to PC/Link 48
Added UP to Utils/Interface 48
Added Fast PGDIR to Utils/Memory 48
May 17th, 1998 Updated MultiStack to 1.05 on Utils/Stack 48
Added Pack to Programming/Misc 48
Added Port Viewer to Utils/Memory 48
May 16th, 1998 Updated RAS to 1.6 on Math/Statistic 48
Updated Erable to 3.0/May 16 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 3.0/May 16 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Math Notes to Math/Misc 48
Added Notes for a Math Class to Math/Misc 48
Added Notes for a Chemistry Class to Science/Chemistry 48
Added Notes for a Electrical Engineering Class to Science/Electricity 48
Added Notes for a Physics Class to Science/Physics 48
Added Lib to Utils/Interface 48
Added xPURGE Recycle Bin to Utils/Memory 48
May 15th, 1998 Added Almanac to Science/Astronomy 48
Added Just Another Stack View to Utils/Stack 48
Added MStack to Utils/Stack 48
Added Stack View to Utils/Stack 48
Added CALN to Utils/Time 48
May 14th, 1998 Updated Eden English Docs to 2.0 on Apps/Editors 48
Updated Emu48 Executables to 2 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Added Emu38 to PC 38
Added hp48 Explorer HTML Tutorial to PC/Link 48
Added GNU HP Tools to PC/Programming 48
Added PC Tools to Utils/Memory 48
Added Recover/SX to Utils/Memory 48
May 13th, 1998 Updated WarioLandHP to 3.1 on Games/Arcade 48
Added Super FP to Math/Misc 48
Added Vias to Math/Misc 48
Added Inferencia Estadistica to Science/Civil 48
Added Investigacion Operativa to Science/Civil 48
Added Selev to Science/Civil 48
Added Topocalc to Science/Civil 48
Added XCOGO to Science/Civil 48
Added Dinamica to Science/Physics 48
Added Esfuerzos to Science/Physics 48
Added Hormi to Science/Physics 48
Added Termodinamica to Science/Physics 48
Added Tube to Science/Physics 48
Added Vigas to Science/Physics 48
Added Vigas2 to Science/Physics 48
May 12th, 1998 Added Avo to Apps/Editors 48
Added Jai Alai to Games/Misc 48
Added Motos to Graphics/Animations 48
Added Evalu to Math/Misc 48
Added Horner to Math/Symbolic 48
Added ML Code for Moving a GROB to Programming/Misc 48
Added ChmTbl to Science/Chemistry 48
Added Gran to Science/Civil 48
Added Topo to Science/Civil 48
Added Replace to Utils/Misc 48
Added Music to Utils/Sound 48
Added MZIK to Utils/Sound 48
Added Piano to Utils/Sound 48
May 11th, 1998 Updated Neopolys to 5.7 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Dimpl to Math/Misc 48
Added Distrib to Math/Misc 48
Added Evolvent to Math/Misc 48
Added Factorize to Math/Misc 48
Added Gaussian-Jordan to Math/Misc 48
Added GRoot to Math/Misc 48
Added Hiperplanos to Math/Misc 48
Added Interpolate to Math/Misc 48
Added Lira to Math/Misc 48
Added Montante to Math/Misc 48
Added Routh-Hurwitz to Math/Misc 48
Added Sn to Math/Misc 48
Added Vibeigen to Math/Misc 48
Added Menus to Utils/Interface 48
Added Utilidades1 to Utils/Misc 48
Added Clave to Utils/Security 48
Added Musica to Utils/Sound 48
May 10th, 1998 Updated Mig to 3.0 on Utils/Sound 48
Updated MultiStack to 1.04 on Utils/Stack 48
Added Coeffft to Math/Misc 48
Added Conv to Math/Misc 48
Added Grubler to Science/Physics 48
Added Kinemat to Science/Physics 48
Added Levas to Science/Physics 48
Added Mig Contributions Database to Utils/Sound 48
May 9th, 1998 Updated Masters of the Grass on Games/Misc 48
Updated MultiStack to 1.02 on Utils/Stack 48
Added Beaubourg to Games/Arcade 48
Added Explosion to Graphics/Animations 48
Added Foam to Graphics/Animations 48
Added Morph to Graphics/Animations 48
Added Tondeuse to Graphics/Animations 48
Added V3D to Graphics/Animations 48
Added ZECT to Science/Civil 48
Added Inercia to Science/Physics 48
Added Inercias to Science/Physics 48
Added Miron to Science/Physics 48
Added Tenadef to Science/Physics 48
Added Tension to Science/Physics 48
Added HPBoard to Utils/Interface 48
Added HPBoard to Utils/Misc 48
Added BRSAL to Utils/Time 48
May 8th, 1998 Added Eden English Docs to Apps/Editors 48
Added Eden Review to Apps/Editors 48
Added Marrio Brousse Review to Games/Arcade 48
Added Dune Docs to Games/Misc 48
Added Moon Calendar to Science/Astronomy 48
Added Illuminated Earth to Science/Geography 48
May 7th, 1998 Added SX RAM Upgrade to Docs/Misc 48
Added Stok to Math/Statistic 48
May 6th, 1998 Updated RAS to 1.5 on Math/Statistic 48
Added QC to Math/Symbolic 48
Added MultiStack to Utils/Stack 48
Added Clock in Header to Utils/Time 48
Added DST Adjuster to Utils/Time 48
Added How Long to Utils/Time 48
Added Time EVAL to Utils/Time 48
May 5th, 1998 Updated Neopolys to 5.7 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Editor to Apps/Editors 48
Added Text and Graphics to Apps/Editors 48
Added Estytria to Science/Electricity 48
Added Rosen to Science/Electricity 48
May 4th, 1998 Updated Bode-Routh to 6.3 on Math/Misc 48
Updated Neopolys to 5.6 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated MemKey to 2.0 on Utils/Interface 48
Added Making a PC to HP Link Cable to Docs/Misc 48
Added Digital Filter Demo to Science/Electricity 48
May 3rd, 1998 Updated Calendar to 2.01 on Utils/Time 48
Added HP Utils to Utils/Misc 48
Added TimeKeeper to Utils/Time 48
May 2nd, 1998 Added MAKEROM Docs in Spanish to Docs/Programming 48
Added J-ASM Tutorial to Programming/ASM 48
Added Cross to Science/Physics 48
May 1st, 1998 Updated Erable to 3.0/April 30 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Ze Big Bug to Graphics/Grayscale 48
Added RN to Math/Misc 48
Added HP Viewer to Utils/Memory 48
April 30th, 1998 Updated hp48 Explorer to 1.2.1 on PC/Link 48
Added Roman Numerals to Math/Misc 48
Added MicroKernel and Kernel to Utils/Stack 48
April 29th, 1998 Added RAS to Math/Statistic 48
Added Fade to Programming/Misc 48
Added Copy.Move to Utils/Memory 48
April 28th, 1998 Updated Photo to 2.1 on Science/Civil 48
Added HP-98 MPR to Apps/Misc 48
Added String to Code to Programming/ASM 48
April 27th, 1998 Added NoteBook to Apps/PIMs 48
Added TSQ to Utils/Fonts 48
April 25th, 1998 Updated Explorer on Utils/Memory 48
Added ttCalc to PC Other
Added WRPN 16-bit to PC Other
Added HP 48GX Large to PC/Pictures 48
Added HP 48SX Large to PC/Pictures 48
Added Italian Language Library to Utils/Misc 48
Added Spanish Language Library to Utils/Misc 48
April 24th, 1998 Updated RainEQ on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Dr. Mario to Games/Arcade 48
Added Israel to Utils/Sound 48
Added Poland to Utils/Sound 48
April 23rd, 1998 Added Emu48 Executables to PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Added Ham Radio to Utils/Misc 48
April 22nd, 1998 Updated Bean Counter on Apps/PIMs 48
Updated ADS to 5.4 on Programming/ASM 48
Updated Geo to 2.1 on Science/Civil 48
Updated TopoGX to 7.1 on Science/Civil 49/50 48
Added <-LIB-> to Programming/Libs 48
Added CALDR to Utils/Time 48
April 21st, 1998 Added Spaghetti to Utils/Misc 48
Added UUdecoder to Utils/Misc 48
April 20th, 1998 Updated hp48 Explorer to 1.2 on PC/Link 48
Added Hardware Key Assignments to Programming/Misc 48
Added BCLK to Utils/Time 48
April 19th, 1998 Added Aviation Computer and Flight Planner to Apps/Misc 49/50 48
Added SmartROM Documentation to Docs/Misc 48
Added Utils Directory to Utils/Misc 48
April 18th, 1998 Added HP Calc Command Comparison to Docs/Misc 48 28
Added Mohr 48 to Science/Physics 48
April 17th, 1998 Updated ADISP Viewer on Apps/Editors 48
Added Milo's Gx/92 KML Script to PC/Emulators 48
Added Gas to Science/Physics 48
April 16th, 1998 Added Brazo (Arm) to Docs/Programming 48
Added Dancing Baby to Graphics/Animations 48
April 15th, 1998 Updated HP 48 FAQ en Español to 4.47 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HPView to 2.2 on PC/Misc 48
Updated EZ-Char to 1.2 on Utils/Fonts 48
Updated USA on Utils/Sound 48
Added Chile to Utils/Sound 48
Added Mexico to Utils/Sound 48
Added US Virgin Islands to Utils/Sound 48
April 14th, 1998 Updated Erable Source Code to 3.0/April 9 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added RLView to Apps/Editors 48
Added Medium GX KML Script to PC/Emulators 48
Added WormStack to Utils/Stack 48
April 13th, 1998 Added Bank Access to Apps/Database 48
Added Recursive Programming to Docs/Programming 48
Added SysRPL Programming Tutorial to Docs/Programming 48
Added SysRPL Programming Tutorial to Docs/Programming 48
Added Digital Setting Circles to Science/Astronomy 48
April 12th, 1998 Updated ChemLab to 2.6 on Science/Chemistry 48
Added Bank to Apps/Database 48
Added Cheap Fractal to Graphics/Misc 49/50 48
Added Mandelbrot Generator to Graphics/Misc 48
Added DataPlot to Graphics/Plotting 48
Added Physical Constants to Science/Physics 48
Added Quantum Mechanics to Science/Physics 48
Added Unit Converter for High-Energy Physics to Science/Physics 48
April 11th, 1998 Updated HP 48 FAQ HTML Edition to 4.52 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ PostScript Edition to 4.52 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ Text Edition to 4.52 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated Erable to 3.0/April 5 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Tron II+ to Games/Misc 48
Added Explanation of Bode Plotters to Math/Misc 48
Added Music48 to Utils/Sound 48
April 10th, 1998 Added Musiques to Utils/Sound 48
Added Voix to Utils/Sound 48
April 9th, 1998 Added Australia to Utils/Sound 48
Added Belgium to Utils/Sound 48
Added Brazil to Utils/Sound 48
Added Canada to Utils/Sound 48
Added Denmark to Utils/Sound 48
Added Germany to Utils/Sound 48
Added Italy to Utils/Sound 48
Added Portugal to Utils/Sound 48
Added Sweden to Utils/Sound 48
Added Venezuela to Utils/Sound 48
April 8th, 1998 Added Mobility to Science/Electricity 48
Added Andorra to Utils/Sound 48
Added Costa Rica to Utils/Sound 48
Added Finland to Utils/Sound 48
Added France to Utils/Sound 48
Added Netherlands to Utils/Sound 48
Added New Zealand to Utils/Sound 48
Added United Kingdom to Utils/Sound 48
April 7th, 1998 Added XLIB Information to Docs/Programming 48
Added Enduro to Games/Misc 48
Added Notator to Utils/Sound 48
April 6th, 1998 Added HP 48SX Notes to Docs/Programming 48
Added INPUT Function Info to Docs/Programming 48
April 5th, 1998 Updated TennisHP on Games/Misc 48
Added PowerPaint to Graphics/Editors 48
Added ADS Docs to Programming/ASM 48
April 4th, 1998 Updated Eden on Apps/Editors 48
Added HPFight to Games/Arcade 48
Added Debug to Programming/ASM 48
April 3rd, 1998 Added Permutation Library to Math/Misc 48
Added Enhanced48 to PC/Emulators 48
April 2nd, 1998 Updated Urania/48 Libre to 2.00.01 on Science/Astronomy 48
Added 48S Memory Scanner Information to Docs/Programming 48
Added HP 42S Memory Scanner to Docs/Programming 48
April 1st, 1998 Added Constants to Docs/Programming 48
Added Polling Keybuffer in ML to Docs/Programming 48
March 31st, 1998 Added Asterix to Games/Adventure 48
Added PacManB to Games/Arcade 48
March 30th, 1998 Updated Erable to 3.0/March 30 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 3.0/March 30 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added VAL to Science/Civil 48
Added Coucou to Utils/Sound 48
March 29th, 1998 Updated Mig to 2.4 on Utils/Sound 48
Added WarioLandHP to Games/Arcade 48
March 28th, 1998 Added Nyquist Plotter to Graphics/Plotting 48
March 27th, 1998 Added Helm to Science/Civil 48
Added INVD to Science/Civil 48
Added Trisec to Science/Civil 48
Added EZ-Char to Utils/Fonts 48
March 26th, 1998 Added GEOM to Math/Misc 48
Added G48 to PC/Programming 48
Added PNTOUT to Science/Civil 48
March 25th, 1998 Updated Erable to 3.0/March 25 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 3.0/March 25 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added NASIR to Science/Astronomy 48
Added File Manager to Utils/Memory 48
Added Swing to Utils/Memory 48
March 24th, 1998 Updated Erable to 3.0/March 24 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 3.0/March 24 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added DR-ST-DR to Science/Electricity 48
Added Fast Six Level Stack to Utils/Stack 48
March 23rd, 1998 Added Parallel Resistor Calculator to Science/Electricity 48
March 22nd, 1998 Added Marienbad to Games/Misc 48
Added SpeedGraph to Graphics/Plotting 48
Added HP 48 Icons to PC/Misc 48
March 21st, 1998 Added Fractal Tree to Graphics/Misc 48
Added Spain to Science/Geography 48
March 20th, 1998 Updated Erable to 3.0/March 20 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 3.0/March 20 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Travel to Apps/Misc 48
Added Hexatom to Games/Misc 48
Added USUM to Math/Misc 48
Added LongReal to Math/Numeric 48
Added Suites for Erable to Math/Symbolic 48
Added Sprite Drawer to Programming/Misc 48
March 19th, 1998 Updated Erable to 3.0/March 19 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 3.0/March 19 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added StatsPack to Math/Statistic 49/50 48
March 18th, 1998 Added Screen Dissolver to Graphics/Misc 48
Added Learning Remote Control to Utils/Comms 48
March 17th, 1998 Updated HP Programmer's to 1.51 on PC/Programming 48
Added Swedish to Utils/Misc 48
March 16th, 1998 Updated METLAB to 1.0 on Math/Numeric 48
March 15th, 1998 Added HP Journal article on the HP 38G (PDF) to Docs 38
Added HP Journal article on the HP 48GX (PDF) to Docs/Misc 48
Added HP Journal article on the HP 48GX (PS) to Docs/Misc 48
Added 48SX Internals to Docs/Programming 48
Added 48SX Keyboard Input to Docs/Programming 48
Added Entering Machine Code to Docs/Programming 48
Added Making Custom Messages to Docs/Programming 48
Added Unit Objects to Docs/Programming 48
Added Speaker Design Equations to Science/Physics 48
Added Back Up Port to Utils/Memory 48
Added Copy-ROM to Utils/Memory 48
March 14th, 1998 Added RLE Viewer to Graphics/Misc 48
March 13th, 1998 Updated QAG48 to 1.0.1 on Math/Numeric 48
Updated Erable to 3.0/March 13 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 3.0/March 13 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added CalcWriter to PC/Misc 48
Added PerioTable to Science/Chemistry 48
March 12th, 1998 Updated Prince of Persia to 1.1 on Games/Adventure 48
Updated Tamagotchi to 0.13 on Games/Misc 48
Updated Grob Viewer to 0.02a on PC/Misc 48
Updated PTOE on Science/Chemistry 48
March 11th, 1998 Updated Raemen 97 to 2.2 on Utils/Memory 48
March 10th, 1998 Updated Erable to 3.0/March 10 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 3.0/March 10 on Math/Symbolic 48
March 9th, 1998 Added UART Information to Docs/Programming 48
March 8th, 1998 Updated Arkalite to 1.2 on Games/Arcade 48
Updated Erable to 3.0/March 8 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 3.0/March 8 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added GrobView to PC/Misc 48
Added J-ASM to Programming/ASM 48
March 7th, 1998 Added HP 48 FAQ en Español to Docs/FAQ 48
Added INTRP to Math/Misc 48
Added Line Equation to Math/Misc 48
Added Linear System Solver to Math/Misc 48
Added VECTR to Math/Numeric 48
Added ScribePro to PC/Misc 48
Added SF&BM to Science/Physics 48
March 6th, 1998 Updated METLAB to 1.0 on Math/Numeric 48
Updated Erable to 3.0/March 6 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable PDF Docs to 3.0/March 6 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 3.0/March 6 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated RainEQ on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Library File Format to Docs/Programming 48
Added ALG48 HTML documentation to Math/Symbolic 48
March 5th, 1998 Updated Bode-Routh to 6.1 on Math/Misc 48
Updated Erable to 3.0/March 5 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable PDF Docs to 3.0/March 5 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 3.0/March 5 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Neopolys to 5.3 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Emu48 for Windows CE to PC/Emulators 48
March 4th, 1998 Updated HPView to 2.0 on PC/Misc 48
Added METLAB to Math/Numeric 48
March 3rd, 1998 Updated ShellOS on Apps/ShellOS 48
March 2nd, 1998 Updated Erable to 3.0/March 1 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 3.0/March 1 on Math/Symbolic 48
March 1st, 1998 Added Tetris to Games/Arcade 48
Added Tetris.III to Games/Arcade 48
Added Quest Cup to Games/Misc 48
Added True Color to Graphics/Editors 48
Added Complex to Math/Misc 48
Added Limits to Math/Misc 48
Added Limits to Math/Misc 48
Added Klotz and Krolop 1 MB Card to PC/Pictures 48
Added INPRT to Utils/Comms 48
Added Zu's Soundtracks #1 to Utils/Sound 48
Added Kernoyea to Utils/Stack 48
February 28th, 1998 Updated ADS to 5.2 on Programming/ASM 48
Added Eden to Apps/Editors 48
Added Cable Connector Info to Docs/Misc 48
Added Modifying Epson RAM cards to Docs/Misc 48
Added Serial Connector to Docs/Misc 48
Added Graphics Demos to Graphics/Animations 48
February 27th, 1998 Updated ADISP Viewer to 2.0k on Apps/Editors 48
Updated Erable to 3.0/Feb. 27 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable PDF Docs to 3.0/Feb. 27 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 3.0/Feb. 27 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Finance to Apps/Misc 48
Added Suite to Math/Misc 48
Added Best Fit to Math/Statistic 49/50 48
Added MDisp to Programming/Misc 48
Added Astronomy to Science/Astronomy 48
Added Moon Phase to Science/Astronomy 48
Added Tyko to Science/Astronomy 48
Added Huckel to Science/Chemistry 48
Added Slater to Science/Chemistry 48
Added Epson Printer Driver to Utils/Misc 48
Added Blather to Utils/Sound 48
Added Vangelis: Chariots of Fire to Utils/Sound 48
Added Stack 2002 to Utils/Stack 48
February 26th, 1998 Updated Celestial Navigation to 4.2 on Science/Astronomy 48
Added APPT and APDIR (improved) to Apps/PIMs 48
Added Cash to Apps/PIMs 48
Added Fone to Apps/PIMs 48
Added Phonebook to Apps/PIMs 48
Added Dungeon Master to Games/Adventure 48
Added Nortquest Series to Games/Adventure 48
Added Chip Interpreter/GX to Games/Chip 48
Added Chip Interpreter/SX to Games/Chip 48
Added H. Piper! to Games/Chip 48
Added Arkanoid to Games/Lehm 48
Added Bagdad to Games/Lehm 48
Added Cercle to Games/Lehm 48
Added Dumpy to Games/Lehm 48
Added Jeux Library to Games/Lehm 48
Added Sinlin to Games/Lehm 48
Added Tetris to Games/Lehm 48
Added DECMP to Programming/Disasm 48
Added 48SX Entry Points to Programming/Entries 48
Added Survey48 to Science/Civil 48
Added CoolZIP to Utils/Compress 48
February 25th, 1998 Updated Lemmings on Games/Arcade 48
Updated hp48 Explorer to 1.1.1 on PC/Link 48
Updated Phase Shift Oscillator Program to 2.0 on Science/Electricity 48
Added External Power Jack (HTML) to Docs/Misc 48
Added Final Legend VIII to Games/Adventure 48
February 24th, 1998 Updated Erable to 3.0/Feb. 24 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 3.0/Feb. 24 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Oil to Games/Misc 48
Added BreakLib to Programming/Libs 48
Added Spain to Utils/Misc 48
February 23rd, 1998 Updated Erable to 3.0/Feb. 23 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable PDF Docs to 3.0/Feb. 23 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 3.0/Feb. 23 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Text Docs to 3.0/Feb. 23 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated ADS to 5.1 on Programming/ASM 48
February 22nd, 1998 Updated Saturn Processor Reference on Docs/Programming 48
Updated ADS to 5.1 on Programming/ASM 48
Updated Jazz Source Code to 6.5 on Programming/ASM 48
Added Cycles to Docs/Programming 48
Added Data Entry Information in Spanish to Docs/Programming 48
Added SysRPL Timings to Docs/Programming 48
Added Jazz PostScript Docs to Programming/ASM 48
Added Jazz Spanish Docs to Programming/ASM 48
Added Metodos to Science/Geography 48
Added Topo to Science/Geography 48
Added Estructura to Science/Physics 48
February 21st, 1998 Updated Lemmings on Games/Arcade 48
Updated Supercar on Games/Arcade 48
Updated Library Maker to 5.11 on Programming/Libs 48
Added Arkanoid (earlier version) to Games/Arcade 48
Added Columns+ to Games/Arcade 49/50 48 39/40
Added Ikinoid to Games/Arcade 49/50 48 39/40
Added Deminer to Games/Misc 48
Added Puzznic to Games/Misc 49/50 48
Added ASM Tools to Programming/ASM 48
Added DESAS to Programming/Disasm 48
Added PAPY Utilities to Programming/Misc 48
February 20th, 1998 Updated Erable to 2.999/Feb. 20 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable PDF Docs to 2.999/Feb. 20 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 2.999/Feb. 20 on Math/Symbolic 48
February 19th, 1998 Updated Erable to 2.999/Feb. 19 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable PDF Docs to 2.999/Feb. 19 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 2.999/Feb. 19 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Programming Questions in Spanish to Docs/Programming 48
Added RPLComp Docs to Docs/Programming 48
Added RPLComp Docs in Spanish to Docs/Programming 48
Added RPLMan in Spanish to Docs/Programming 48
Added SASM Docs in Spanish to Docs/Programming 48
Added SLoad Docs to Docs/Programming 48
Added SLoad Docs in Spanish to Docs/Programming 48
Added User RPL Tutorial in Spanish to Docs/Programming 48
Added UsrLib Docs to Docs/Programming 48
Added UsrLib Docs in Spanish to Docs/Programming 48
Added Prime Factor to Math/Misc 48
Added HPNew to PC/Misc 48
February 18th, 1998 Updated HP 48 FAQ HTML Edition to 4.51 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ PostScript Edition to 4.51 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ Text Edition to 4.51 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated Neopolys to 5.1 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Seth's SysRPL Starter Doc to Docs/Programming 48
Added Algebra Pack to Math/Misc 48
Added Geometry Pack to Math/Misc 48
Added Moment of Inertia Pack to Science/Physics 48
February 17th, 1998 Updated Saturn Architecture to 1.0 on Docs/Programming 48
February 16th, 1998 Updated MegaBlaster to 2.0 on Games/Arcade 48
Updated Erable to 2.999/Feb. 16 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 2.999/Feb. 16 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added HP48-Graphic to PC/Misc 48
Added 1MB RAM Card to PC/Pictures 48
Added MV to Utils/Memory 48
February 15th, 1998 Updated HP-98 to 2.2 on Apps/Misc 48
Added GUI48 to Apps/Misc 48
Added Bart's Wisdom to Games/Misc 48
Added Animations48 to Graphics/Animations 48
Added Factory Animation to Graphics/Animations 48
Added Sierpinski's Triangle to Graphics/Misc 48
Added MList to Math/Misc 48
Added DEQ to Math/Numeric 48
Added Factor to Math/Numeric 48
Added Simplify to Math/Symbolic 48
Added Static Equations for xMRGLIB to Math/Symbolic 48
Added Closeup of an HP48G to PC/Pictures 48
Added HP 48G to PC/Pictures 48
Added Inside the HP48 to PC/Pictures 48
Added Upgraded HP48 to PC/Pictures 48
Added Define Function to Programming/Misc 48
Added XLIB? to Programming/Misc 48
Added VAPR to Science/Chemistry 48
Added RBAR to Science/Physics 48
Added Backup to Utils/Memory 48
Added Lock to Utils/Security 48
Added StatStak to Utils/Stack 48
Added Tic to Utils/Time 48
February 14th, 1998 Updated Soluz to 5.1 on Math/Misc 48
Added KML 2.0 Docs to PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38 28
Added KML Scancodes Script to PC/Emulators 48
February 12th, 1998 Updated Erable to 2.999/Feb. 12 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 2.999/Feb. 12 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Saturn Processor Reference to Docs/Programming 48
Added HP-Spice to Science/Electricity 48
February 11th, 1998 Updated Erable to 2.999/Feb. 11 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 2.999/Feb. 11 on Math/Symbolic 48
February 10th, 1998 Updated Notepad 48 to 1.2b on Apps/Editors 48
Updated Erable to 2.999/Feb. 10 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 2.999/Feb. 10 on Math/Symbolic 48
February 9th, 1998 Updated Bean Counter to 3.4 on Apps/PIMs 48
Updated Bode-Routh to 6.0 on Math/Misc 48
Updated Erable to 2.999/Feb. 9 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 2.999/Feb. 9 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Neopolys to 5.0 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Mortal Kombat 4 to Games/Arcade 48
Added Mortal Kombat Trilogy to Games/Arcade 48
Added Mystery Science Theater 3000 to Games/Misc 48
Added SRIDE to PC/Programming 48
February 8th, 1998 Added Pinball HP to Games/Arcade 48
Added Phase Shift Oscillator Program to Science/Electricity 48
February 7th, 1998 Added StrView to Apps/Misc 48
Added Craps '98 to Games/Misc 48
Added Mandelbrot to Graphics/Misc 48
Added Pi Library to Math/Misc 48
February 6th, 1998 Updated Erable to 2.999/Feb. 6 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 2.999/Feb. 6 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added GCD2 to Math/Numeric 48
February 5th, 1998 Added NavStar to Apps/PIMs 48
Added HPS to PC/Link 48
Added HP Grob to PC/Misc 48
February 4th, 1998 Updated Erable to 2.999/Feb. 4 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 2.999/Feb. 4 on Math/Symbolic 48
February 3rd, 1998 Updated Erable to 2.999/Feb. 3 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable PDF Docs to 2.999/Feb. 3 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 2.999/Feb. 3 on Math/Symbolic 48
January 31st, 1998 Added Iceberg to Graphics/Grayscale 48
Added Whales to Graphics/Grayscale 48
January 30th, 1998 Updated Erable to 2.999/Jan. 30 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 2.999/Jan. 30 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Go48 to Games/Board 48
January 29th, 1998 Updated Erable to 2.999/Jan. 29 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable PDF Docs to 2.999/Jan. 29 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 2.999/Jan. 29 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Benchmark to Utils/Misc 48
Added Encoder/Decoder to Utils/Security 48
January 28th, 1998 Updated Erable to 2.999/Jan. 28 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable PDF Docs to 2.999/Jan. 28 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 2.999/Jan. 28 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Erable French PS Docs to Math/Symbolic 48
January 26th, 1998 Updated Android to 2.01 on Games/Arcade 48
Updated Surf to 3.0 on Graphics/Plotting 48
Updated Erable to 2.999/Jan. 26 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable PDF Docs to 2.999/Jan. 26 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 2.999/Jan. 26 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated HPShell to 3.10 on PC/Programming 48
Added Soluz to Math/Misc 48
Added HPShell Plus Package to PC/Programming 48
Added Astro to Science/Civil 48
Added Comp to Science/Civil 48
Added Geo to Science/Civil 48
Added Photo to Science/Civil 48
Added TopoGX to Science/Civil 49/50 48
January 25th, 1998 Updated DBase to 3.1 on Apps/Database 48
Updated MarioLandHP to 3.0 on Games/Arcade 48
Updated Erable to 2.999/Jan. 25 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable PDF Docs to 2.999/Jan. 25 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 2.999/Jan. 25 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added WinHP to PC/Misc 48
January 24th, 1998 Updated SIMN to 5.0 on Math/Misc 48
Added Librería de Probabilidad y Estadística to Math/Statistic 48
Added Librería de Ecuaciones de Física Eléctrica to Science/Physics 48
Added Librería de Ecuaciones de Física Moderna to Science/Physics 48
Added HPF-PROT to Utils/Misc 48
January 23rd, 1998 Added 48SX Owner's Manuals Index to Docs/Misc 48
Added Softkey Index to Docs/Misc 48
Added Tilez to Graphics/Misc 49/50 48
Added Fast Integer Square Root to Math/Misc 48
Added Scientific Notation Display to Math/Misc 48
Added Erable French PDF Docs to Math/Symbolic 48
January 22nd, 1998 Updated Erable to 2.999 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable PDF Docs to 2.999 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 2.999 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added Using GOTO in UserRPL to Docs/Programming 48
Added A<-->L to Math/Misc 48
Added PFCTR to Math/Symbolic 48
Added HP48XGCC 1.0.1 for Unix to PC/Programming 48
Added RPL++ to PC/Programming 48
Added Backup to Utils/Memory 48
Added UserRPL Port Tools to Utils/Memory 48
Added SX List Tools to Utils/Misc 48
January 21st, 1998 Added EDT to Apps/Editors 48
Added tpM48 to PC/Emulators 48
Added MView/MenuMaker to Utils/Interface 48
January 20th, 1998 Added RAMGX to Docs/Programming 48
Added HP Lab 3D to Games/Misc 48
Added Mode to Graphics/Misc 48
Added Fit to Math/Misc 48
Added Mathezla to Math/Misc 48
Added Killer's Commander to Utils/Memory 48
Added PurgeLib to Utils/Memory 48
Added OffLib to Utils/Misc 48
January 19th, 1998 Updated WarioLandHP to 2.0 on Games/Arcade 48
Added Fantasy to Games/Adventure 48
Added Legends Demo to Games/Adventure 48
Added Burger Time to Games/Arcade 48
Added Defusing to Games/Arcade 48
Added Mission: Impossible to Games/Arcade 48
Added Puyo to Games/Arcade 48
Added Furax Box to Games/Misc 48
Added HPMaelstrom to Games/Misc 48
Added Labyholo to Games/Misc 48
Added Lupo Alberto's Garfuncheltest to Games/Misc 48
Added Masters of the Grass to Games/Misc 48
Added Senso to Games/Misc 48
Added Speed1 to Games/Misc 48
Added Demogray to Graphics/Grayscale 48
Added CALC to PC/Pictures 48
Added Ellipsoidische Geodaesie to Science/Civil 48
Added Helmert Transformation to Science/Civil 49/50 48
Added MegaZapp to Utils/Comms 48
Added Streak to Utils/Comms 48
Added TLCMIR to Utils/Comms 48
Added WTricorder to Utils/Comms 48
Added Zap to Utils/Comms 48
January 18th, 1998 Updated Erable on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code on Math/Symbolic 48
Added RepTel to Apps/PIMs 48
Added BZPlus to Utils/Compress 48
Added MegaLM to Utils/Misc 48
Added MD5 Encryption to Utils/Security 48
January 17th, 1998 Added GDRL to Apps/Misc 48
Added BGG to Graphics/Grayscale 48
Added EdHexa Library to Programming/Hacker 48
Added Mouse Simulator to Programming/Misc 48
Added SSS HTML Docs to Programming/Misc 48
Added Formula Quimica to Science/Chemistry 48
Added IMND to Science/Physics 48
January 16th, 1998 Updated ADS to 4.1 on Programming/ASM 48
Added WP to Apps/Editors 48
Added Structure13 to Science/Physics 48
Added Font Cutter to Utils/Fonts 48
Added Dai to Utils/Sound 48
January 15th, 1998 Updated Bode-Routh to 5.9 on Math/Misc 48
Updated Erable to 2.998 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Erable Source Code to 2.998 on Math/Symbolic 48
Updated Neopolys to 4.5 on Math/Symbolic 48
Added RPLMan in PDF format to Docs/Programming 48
Added SASM Docs to Docs/Programming 48
Added SASM Docs in PDF Format to Docs/Programming 48
Added Reed-Solomon Decoder to Math/Symbolic 48
Added HP-IDE to PC/Programming 48
Added Supersonic Nozzles to Science/Physics 48
Added Dodad to Utils/Interface 48
January 13th, 1998 Added Boing to Graphics/Animations 48
Added Jane to Graphics/Grayscale 48
Added Ren and Stimpy to Graphics/Grayscale 48
Added TB to Programming/Misc 48
January 12th, 1998 Added comp.sources.hp48 Posting Information to Docs/Misc 48
Added EduCALC Product List to Docs/Misc 48
Added Memory Scanner to Docs/Misc 48
January 11th, 1998 Updated Token Ring Network on Docs/Misc 48
Updated SolveSys to 4.01 on Math/Numeric 48
Added Old HP48 FAQs to Docs/FAQ 48
Added Library ID Numbers to Docs/Misc 48
Added The Matrix to Docs/Misc 48
Added Dev to Programming/Hacker 48
Added Shower to Utils/Stack 48
Added Term48 to Utils/Terminal 48
January 10th, 1998 Added Programmreferat 03 A: Math and Physics to Compilations/Misc 48
Added Programmreferat 03 B: Electronics/Tech to Compilations/Misc 48
Added Programmreferat 03 C: Games to Compilations/Misc 48
Added Programmreferat 03 E: Hacker Programs 1 to Compilations/Misc 48
Added Programmreferat 03 F: Hacker Programs 2 to Compilations/Misc 48
Added Battery Drain Information to Docs/Misc 48
Added Bestfit Bug to Docs/Misc 48
Added General Info about Learning Remotes to Docs/Misc 48
Added HP48GX Battery Usage to Docs/Misc 48
Added Elle McPherson to Graphics/Grayscale 48
Added Fast Library to Utils/Interface 48
Added PCT Custom Library to Utils/Memory 48
January 9th, 1998 Added StenoPad to Apps/Editors 48
Added Metro to Apps/Misc 48
Added Agenda to Apps/PIMs 48
Added Agenda1 to Apps/PIMs 48
Added Budget to Apps/PIMs 48
Added Jupiter to Graphics/Animations 48
Added KML Scancodes (HTML) to PC/Emulators 48
Added NAV48 Tricks to Science/Astronomy 48
Added Salsa to Utils/Misc 48
January 8th, 1998 Added Algebraic Visualization Library to Utils/Stack 48
January 7th, 1998 Added RAM Upgrade Directions to Docs/Opening 48
January 6th, 1998 Added Yam to Games/Misc 48
Added Doors: Light my Fire to Utils/Sound 48
Added Ring to Utils/Sound 48
January 5th, 1998 Updated Surf to 2.0 on Graphics/Plotting 48
January 3rd, 1998 Updated HP 48 FAQ PostScript Edition to 4.50 on Docs/FAQ 48
Updated HP 48 FAQ Text Edition to 4.50 on Docs/FAQ 48
Added HP 48 FAQ HTML Edition to Docs/FAQ 48
Added General Memory Info to Docs/Misc 48
Added LIBEVAL list to Docs/Misc 48
Added Orca to Graphics/Grobs 48
Added Alcuin to PC/Emulators 48
Added pH Meter to Science/Chemistry 48

See Older Updates

Part of the HP Calculator Archive,
Copyright 1997-2024 Eric Rechlin.