hpcalc.org - HP Prime Archive

HP Prime Math Applications

The first size listed is the downloaded file size and the second size listed is the size on the calculator.

There are 253 files totaling 23,898 KB in this category.

1D Kinematics Solver 1.00   (details) Prime ENG   385 KB / 64 KB
ScreenshotEducational App allowing one dimensional kinematics problems to be entered, solved using the standard kinematics formulae, and visualized as vertical or horizontal motion problems via a simple graphical representation. Includes PDF documentation.
By Steve Wright. 2020-09-30

2D Covariance, Ellipse Geodesy   (details) Prime ENG   5 KB / 15 KB
Calculates 2D Covariance matrix and ellipse with all elements.
Author unknown. 2021-12-31

Advanced Boolean Functions   (details) Prime ENG   44 KB / 6 KB
A set of functions for doing advanced Boolean operations, beyond what the calculator has built-in: NAND, NOR, XNOR, and IMPL.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2020-04-12

Airy   (details) Prime ENG   16 KB / 5 KB
ScreenshotCalculates the Airy functions, Ai and Bi.
Author unknown. 2017-06-01

ANOVA   (details) Prime ENG   11 KB / 5-47 KB
ANOVA functions, with separate functions for one-way, two-way, and regression analysis.
By Salvo Micciché (salvomic). 2015-08-20

Area by Quadratic Splines   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
Calculates the area under the curve described by the set of points (x_n, y_n). The points are connected, in groups of three, by quadratic splines. Thus, points (x1, y1), (x2, y2), and (x3, y3) are connected by a quadratic spline, (x3, y3), (x4, y4), (x5, y5) are connected by another quadratic spline, and so on.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-12-17

Area Calc   (details) Prime POR   43 KB / 12 KB
ScreenshotProgram that demonstrates using the MENU touch screen function to calculate the area of various polygons -- square, rectangle, circle, triangle, and diamond.
By João Leonardo Rozsas. 2016-08-03

Assigned Variables and Batch Purge for CAS   (details) Prime ENG   23 KB / 7 KB
ScreenshotThree CAS utility functions. Two of them, varslist1() and varslist2(), identify assigned variables, showing type and value. The third can be used to batch purge single-character lower-case variables.
Author unknown. 2019-10-25

Axis Adjustment 6A   (details) Prime ENG   273 KB / 5 KB
Adjusts the axis so that the cursor step becomes useful in the context of the values of the function being plotted. Includes PDF documentation.
By Bjorn Backengard. 2023-12-09

AXL   (details) Prime ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
An attempt to duplicate the functionality of the AXL command in the 50g.
By Hege Gabert. 2013-10-05

Baillie-PSW Primality Test Variant 1.1   (details) Prime ENG   155 KB / 6 KB
The Baillie-BPSW Primality Test is a probabilistic algorithm to determine the primality of a given integer up to several hundred decimal digits. This implementation is a fast efficient variant of that algorithm that has no known pseudoprimes.
By Jim Cullen. 2021-04-10

Base 10 - Base 12 Conversions   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 4 KB
Converts between Base 10 and Base 12.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-02-11

Base Conversion   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
This program will convert between any base, with the user being prompted for the required output base. Numbers without # are treated as decimal. Numbers with # but without explicit type are treated as per system setting for integers.
By Steve Tuc. 2016-08-06

Base Conversion   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 8 KB
ScreenshotPerforms base conversions, including fractional parts.
By Han Duong (HPSolo). 2017-02-11

BASEDEC/DECBASE   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 6 KB
A pair of programs which convert numbers back and forth between decimal and any arbitrary base up to base 36.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-12-29

Bernoulli Numbers 1.0   (details) Prime ENG   16 KB / 3 KB
Calculates the Bernoulli numbers and the sum of powers polynomial.
By Norberto Presser. 2020-12-29

Bernoulli's Differential Equation 1.4   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotFinds the solution to Bernoulli's Differential Equation given as: y' + g(x)*y =(x)*y^n, calculates the constant of integration C for any initial condition y(x0) = 0, if desired, and depicts the plot of the curve of y(x).
By Claus Martin Dachselt. 2018-09-09

Bessel Function Second Kind   (details) Prime ENG   7 KB / 21 KB
ScreenshotProgram to calculate the second kind Bessel function of integer order N, for any REAL X, using the function BESSY(N,X).
By Tom Lake. 2017-10-31

Bessell   (details) Prime ENG   7 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotCalculates the Bessel function of the first kind. Two different approaches are shown.
By Eddie W. Shore and others. 2016-08-06

Best Regression Fit   (details) Prime ENG   5 KB / 4-5 KB
Compares a set of regressions to determine a best fit, simulating a feature from the 48 and 49/50 series calculators. It compares the correlations of the linear, logarithmic, exponential, and power regression models. Includes a separate version that adds inverse, simple logistic, simple quadratic, and square root.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-11-05

BESTFIT3   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 5 KB
Inspired by Best Regression Fit, this calculates the best fit, returning the best Rsqr value, the power of best Y transformation (0 means ln(y)), the power of best X transformation (0 means ln(x)), the best slope, the best intercept, the minimum X value, the maximum X value, the minimum Y value, and the maximum Y value.
By Namir Shammas. 2017-12-28

Binary Conversions   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 2-5 KB
Two conversion programs, one which takes a real number, x, and decomposes it to the form of x = 2 * (1 + n)^p, and the other which converts any real number in base 10 to base 2, including non-integers and negative numbers, and the result is displayed as a string.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2020-09-30

Bisection 1.0.1   (details) Prime ENG   585 KB / 1 KB
There are numerous algorithms that calculate the roots of single-variable nonlinear functions. The most popular of such algorithms is Newton's method. The slowest and simplest root seeking algorithm is the Bisection method. This method has the user select an interval that contains the sought root. The method iteratively shrinks the root-bracketing interval to zoom in on the sought root.
By Namir Shammas. 2014-01-11

BLAS 0.1   (details) Prime ENG   13 KB / 35 KB
Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms, which implements most of the BLAS Level 1 functions in single precision.
By Stephen Lewkowicz (G1CMZ). 2019-09-11

Bolt Pattern   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 1 KB
Calculates a bolt pattern given X (center, X coordinate), Y (center, Y coordinate), N (number of bolts), and D (diameter of the circle). No angle of rotation is assumed.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2015-08-20

Boolean   (details) Prime   6 KB / 23 KB
ScreenshotBuilds truth tables for Boolean expressions. In Russian.
By Vlad A.B. (Vlad_AB). 2017-02-15

Calculations with 3-Dimensional Vectors   (details) Prime ENG   6 KB / 2-12 KB
A series of programs for working with three dimensional vectors, including RECT2SPH (rectangular to Spherical Coordinates), SPH2RECT (spherical Coordinates to Rectangular Coordinates), LIN3DIST (linear distance between coordinates), SPH3DIST (spherical distance between coordinates), VANGLE (angle between two coordinates), and ROT3X, ROT3Y, and ROT3Z (which rotate the three-dimensional vector [x, y, z] with respect to the x-axis (ax), respect to the y-axis (ay), and respect to the z-axis (az), respectively).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-02-11

Cálculo de Área, Volumen, Inercia, Centroides 1.0   (details) Prime ESP   5 KB / 62 KB
ScreenshotCalculates the area, volume, moment of inertia, and centroid, with a list of figures to choose from.
By Arnoldo José París Monagas. 2017-12-28

Carmichael Numbers   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 1-2 KB
Tests whether an integer n qualifies as a Carmichael number based on the Korselt’s Criterion: 1. n is a positive, composite integer. That is, n can be factored into a multiplication of prime numbers. 2. n is square-free. 3. For each prime factor p dividing n (not 1 or n), the following is true: (p-1) divides (n-1) evenly (without fraction).
By Eddie W. Shore and others. 2020-05-03

Casio-Style ENG Button   (details) Prime ENG   6 KB / 5-8 KB
Simulates the ENG button from Casio calculators, which displays numbers in engineering format and converts the exponent (for example, xxxE3 to xxxE6, xxxE6 to xxxE9, or reverse).
Unknown original author and Salvo Micciché (salvomic). 2017-12-17

CC3D   (details) Prime ENG   57 KB / 18 KB
Six short programs to convert coordinates in three dimensions, among the three coordinate systems: rectangular, cylindrical and spherical.
Author unknown. 2017-02-11

Chebyshev Approximations of an Analytic Function   (details) Prime ENG   6 KB / 17 KB
Demonstrates the procedures for calling several Chebyshev subroutines. These subroutines can be used to approximate the integral, derivative, and function value of a user-defined analytic function.
By C. Deagle, Jr.. 2023-05-28

Chi Square   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 6 KB
Calculates the chi2 test having only the variance s^2 and σ^2.
By Salvo Micciché (salvomic). 2015-08-20

Circle Arc Parameters   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 15 KB
ScreenshotGive any two of the seven parameters associated with circles and chords, the other five parameters are calculated. Column A gives the seven variables definitions. Columns B thru H hole one of the variables each. As with all of the author's spreadsheets, the blue text cells are the data input cells and the red text cells are the calculated output cells.
By Jim B. Williams. 2020-01-16

Circle, Secant, Tangent   (details) Prime ENG   95 KB / 8 KB
ScreenshotBeing given a circle C described by its center (xM,yM) and radius r in combination with a point P0(x0,y0) outside, Pc(xc,yc) inside or a secant defined by f(x), this CAS-program finds characteristic items like tangents T1,T2, tangential points P1, P2, chord between P1 and P2 and some more quantities.
By Claus Martin Dachselt. 2019-02-11

CLPX   (details) Prime FRA   1 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotDoes complex number calculations.
By Mickaël Nicotera. 2017-04-27

Cluster Analysis   (details) Prime ENG   6 KB / 10 KB
Uses K-Means-method to generate clusters for cluster analysis. Uses Euclidian distances and centroid method. Input is a data matrix in matrix M3, whereas the rows are the elements and the columns are the variables. If you have the data matrix on your computer (e.g. in Excel) you can copy it to the spreadsheet application in the Prime and from there to the matrix using the connectivity software.
By Raimund Wildner. 2019-12-29

Complex CAS   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 1 KB
An initial version of a library of complex functions, including the argument of a complex number given in Cartesian form (x,y) and conversion from polar to Cartesian form.
By Jaime Fernando Meza Meza (CompSystems). 2015-08-20

Complex Number Arithmetic and Lambert Function   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3-6 KB
Two sample Python programs, one which performs the four arithmetic functions on two complex numbers, and the other which approximates the Lambert W function, estimating w given complex number z using Newtons Method.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2021-07-30

Complex Prime Number Test   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Tests whether a complex number is a prime number. Of course, every number on the HP Prime is prime!
By Eddie W. Shore. 2015-08-20

Condition Number of a Function   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
Returns the Condition number for a function f(x), defined as: Cond = abs( x * d/dx f(x) / f(x) ).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2020-04-12

Cone Properties   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 6 KB
ScreenshotGiven cone diameter and cone height, the other eight properties are calculated. As with all of my spreadsheets, the blue text cells are the data input cells and the red text cells are the calculated output cells.
By Jim B. Williams. 2020-01-16

Congruence Equations   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
Solves congruence equations.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2014-10-22

Conic Section   (details) Prime ENG   7 KB / 17 KB
Calculates something with the conic section.
Author unknown. 2018-05-01

Conic Sections - Equation of 2nd Order 1.03   (details) Prime ENG   23 KB / 12 KB
ScreenshotFinds the type and characteristic items of conic sections, if the general equation of 2nd order is given in the form: a0*x² + b0*x*y + c0*y² + d0*x + e0*y + f0 = and draws the plot after calculation.
By Claus Martin Dachselt. 2019-04-02

Control Systems Stability   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotFor control systems stability, this will give you the Routh-Hurwitz Matrix = M25, though it will not tell you how many poles lie in the left/right planes.
Author unknown. 2016-08-04

Coordinate Conversion   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
Performs coordinate conversions between rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2016-08-03

Coordinate Converter 1.2   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 15 KB
Converts coordinates between different systems. For example, it will convert between X=8 Y=6 Z=4 in rectangular and 10 36.87 4 in cylindrical and 10.77 36.87 68.20 in spherical.
By Bernard Michaud. 2016-08-06

Coordinate Converter Ultimate   (details) Prime ENG   5 KB / 9 KB
ScreenshotYet another converter which when one system is entered(Cart., Cyl. or Sph), the other two system are simultaneously converted and all three system are displayed along with the graph showing the position of each variables on the graph.
By Bernard Michaud. 2017-02-11

Coordinates Converter 1.0   (details) Prime ENG   169 KB / 18 KB
ScreenshotConverts between rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates. This program has a restriction where one needs a unique set of coordinates for each point. Restricting the radius to be non-negative (ρ ≥ 0), the azimuth 'θ' to lie in a specific interval spanning 360° or 2π, such as (-180°,+180°] or (-π,+π] and inclination 'φ' to specific a interval spanning 180° or π, such as [0°,180°] or [0,π].
By Gustavo Madureira. 2016-08-02

Cosine Regression   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 3 KB
Attempts to fit data to the curve Y = A*cos(C*(X-D))+B. The user will provide the x-data, y-data, and the period of the data. Radians mode will be used.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-07-28

Costs, Return, Profit 1.01   (details) Prime ENG   415 KB / 12 KB
ScreenshotFrom defined preconditions the program finds the function of return R(x) (linear or quadratic function), the function of costs C(x) =*x^3 + b*x^2 +c*x + d and calculates characteristic properties of both of them and the profit function P(x) =(x)-C(x).
By Claus Martin Dachselt. 2021-04-10

Cubic Spline "Fit" and Interpolation of Tabular Data   (details) Prime ENG   33 KB / 24 KB
Demonstrates how to interact with cubic spline subroutines which "fit" and interpolate two-dimensional tabular data of the form y = f(x).
By C. Deagle, Jr.. 2023-05-14

Curvature   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 4 KB
Calculates the curvature of functions, y(x), polar functions, r(t) (t: Θ), and parametric functions, x(t), y(t).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2023-05-14

Curve Calculator   (details) Prime ENG   9 KB / 30 KB
ScreenshotHorizontal and vertical curve calculator where you enter the curve data you have and let it calculate the rest. If one of your inputs is degree curve it will prompt for chord or arc definition. After it calculates the curve data you press OK or "Enter" to bring up the next screen with the areas.
By C.D. Dodds. 2017-02-11

Dec2Frac   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 1 KB
Converts decimals to fractions.
By Namir Shammas. 2014-10-22

Decimal Period of 1/X in Base Y   (details) 49/50 Prime ENG   4 KB / 1-2 KB
A set of programs to calculate the Decimal Period of 1/X in Base Y or the Multiplicative Order of Y (mod X). Includes a version for the Prime as well as both a User RPL and System RPL version for the 49/50 series.
By Joseph K. Horn, Gerald Hillier, and Thomas Ritschel. 2018-01-24

Decimal to Any Base   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 4 KB
Two programs that allow conversion of integers from decimal to any designated base. Integers used in base other than 10 are presented in list format. Each digit is separate and listed in order of descending place value.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-02-11

Dedekind Sums   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
Calculates Dedekind Sums, which are defined as S = Σ( ((I ÷ Q)) × ((P × I ÷ Q)), for I=1 to Q), where P and Q be relatively prime integers and the double parenthesis around the terms I ÷ Q and P × I ÷ Q signify a custom function.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2024-06-08

Degree of a Polynomial   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
A more complete version of the degree command. The degree command tests a single variable, defaulted to x if no variable is specified. This CAS program calculates the degree of a polynomial, considering four variables: x, y, z, and t. Combinations of these four variables, such as x*y, x*y*z, and t*z are also considered.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2016-08-06

Degrees/Radians/Gradians   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 4 KB
Handy converter between Degrees, Radians and Gradians.
By Bernard Michaud. 2018-03-11

Delta trinôme   (details) Prime FRA   2 KB / 4 KB
ScreenshotTable of changes and delta trinomial program.
By Mickaël Nicotera. 2013-10-05

Differential Equation of 4th and 3rd Order, Part 1 1.03   (details) Prime ENG   1,153 KB / 15 KB
ScreenshotFinds the solution y(x) = y_hom + y_part to the differential equation (D.E.) of 4th order a*y^(4) + b*y''' + c*y'' + d*y' + e*y = g(x) or of 3rd order b*y''' + c*y'' + d*y' + e*y = g(x), where a = 0.
By Claus Martin Dachselt. 2020-12-30

Differential Equation of 4th and 3rd Order, Part 2 1.02   (details) Prime ENG   1,125 KB / 10 KB
ScreenshotFinds the solution y(x) = y_hom + y_part to the differential equation (D.E.) of 4th order a*y^(4) + b*y''' + c*y'' + d*y' + e*y = g(x) or of 3rd order (a = 0) b*y''' + c*y'' + d*y' + e*y = g(x), where g(x) = e^(alpha*x) * [c1*SIN(beta*x) + c2*COS(beta*x)].
By Claus Martin Dachselt. 2020-12-30

Digamma Function   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
Calculates the digamma function for any positive integers and multiples of 1/2 (such as 3/2, 5/2, 7/2, etc) using the formulas: ψ(1/2) = -γ – ln 4 = -1.963510026, ψ(1) = -γ = -0.5772156649, ψ(n) = Σ(1/x, x, 1, n-1) - γ for n is an integer, and ψ(n) = Σ(2/(2*x+1), x, 0, n-3/2) - γ – ln 4 for n a multiple of 1/2 for the form p/2, p is odd, where γ = 0.577215664901533 (Euler-Mascheroni constant)
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-12-28

Direct Sum and Tensor Product   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
Calculates the direct sum and tensor product (outer product). The direct sum, of two tensors symbolized by ⊕, stacks column vectors on top of each other. The tensor product, also known as the outer product, multiplies the numbers from V1 to each element V2 in order.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2023-05-14

Directional Derivative   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
CAS function to calculate the directional derivative.
By Salvo Micciché (salvomic). 2015-08-20

Distance, Speed, Time Calculator Using Units   (details) Prime ENG   35 KB / 11 KB
ScreenshotA distance, speed and time calculator that uses the Units, MKSA, and CONVERT functions. Enter any two variables and solve for the third. When solving for the unknown variable, you need to specify the units of the unknown variable. When using h°m′s'' units for time, you need to enter the degrees, minute, and seconds symbols. One hour, 30 minutes and 45 seconds is entered as 1°30′45"
By Gene Shiomoto. 2019-08-29

Double Integral by Monte Carlo Method   (details) Prime ENG   52 KB / 3 KB
Calculates the double integral ∫ ∫ f(x,y) dx dy over a circular area with center (X, Y) and radius R using the Monte Carlo method.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-12-21

Easy Matrix   (details) Prime ENG   373 KB / 85 KB
This program is not designed to solve intricate matrix problems, but to facilitate the entry of data in matrices and perform many operations as described in the User Manual chapter 26.
By Bernard Michaud. 2016-08-04

Ellipse 2.0   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 10 KB
Using the solver app, for an ellipse, solves for area, circumference, ellipticity, and eccentricity. Length of radius 1 and 2 are calculated using the two angles you enter. For an elliptical sector, solves for area, radius 1, and radius 2. For an elliptical arc, solves for radius 1, radius 2, chord, sector area, and arc area.
By Bernard Michaud. 2019-02-11

Ellipse Coordinate Converter   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 6 KB
Converts Degrees, Radian, Gradian, and (X,Y) Coordinates. I can't get it to work, however.
By Bernard Michaud. 2018-03-14

Ellipse, Secant, Tangents 1.02   (details) Prime ENG   99 KB / 9 KB
ScreenshotBeing given an ellipse E described by its center (xM,yM), semi-major axis a and semi-minor axis b in combination with a point P0(x0,y0) outside, Pc(xc,yc) inside or a secant defined by f(x), this CAS-program finds characteristic items like tangents T1, T2, tangential points P1, P2, chord between P1 and P2 and some more quantities and draws the plot.
By Claus Martin Dachselt. 2019-02-23

Elliptic Integrals   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
Handles elliptic integrals of the first, second, and third kind.
By Salvo Micciché (salvomic). 2017-10-30

EngSci   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 5 KB
Handles Engineering or Scientific adjustment using the number on the Stack and increases or decreases the exponent EEX simulating <-ENG ENG-> keys. This program is not meant to compete with the more advanced program Casio-Style ENG Button but simply uses a different approach and graphical interface.
By Bernard Michaud. 2018-01-07

Enhanced Random Search Optimization 2.0   (details) Prime ENG   8 KB / 6-12 KB
Two variations of a routine for random search optimizations, with lower and upper bounds specified for each variable. When each improved optimum point is found, the program performs a secondary (a.k.a. 'local') random search in the region around the improved optimum point. After half of the number of iterations are performed, the program narrows the search region around the current best point. The second variation makes sure that the reduced bounds do not cross the original bounds. Use this new version if crossing the initial bounds is prohibited by the nature of the problem you are dealing with. Otherwise, you can use either version of the program.
By Namir Shammas. 2024-06-08

Expression Trees   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 4 KB
Recursive CAS programs for building an expression tree from an expression (build_tree), and building an expression from an expression tree (build_expr).
By Nikolaus Henderson (ftneek). 2024-08-31

Extended Precision Library   (details) Prime ENG FRA   346 KB / 33 KB
A library of functions to allow unlimited floating point precision for all arithmetic and most transcendental functions on the Prime. Includes comprehensive PDF documentation.
By G. E.. 2019-05-27

F Variance Test   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 4 KB
Calculates the F Test for variances of two populations.
By Salvo Micciché (salvomic). 2015-08-20

Factor Analysis   (details) Prime ENG   16 KB / 9 KB
Performs a factor analysis including estimation of commonalities according to the iterative principal factor analysis and a varimax factor rotation. Factor analysis is a multivariate statistical method to find hidden variables behind a set of variables.
By Raimund Wildner. 2019-12-31

Factores para Ingeniería Económica   (details) Prime ESP   2 KB / 14 KB
ScreenshotUseful program that contains all the factors for calculations involving Economic Engineering.
By Arnoldo José París Monagas. 2017-12-17

Farey Series   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
Rounds a decimal value to fraction using the Farey series.
By Patrice Torchet. 2014-10-19

Fiber Optics Equation Library   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
Using the half-increment solution by Robert M. Eisberg, solves the numerical differential equation d^2y/dt^2 = f(dy/dt, y, t) given the initial conditions y(t0) = y0 and dy/dt (t0) = dy0.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-02-11

Fibonacci Triangle Matrices   (details) Prime ENG   357 KB / 2-5 KB
ScreenshotHas the program FIBMAT to generate the Fibonacci Triangle in matrix form, and the program FIBTRI to visualize the Fibonacci Triangle.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-12-27

Fluctuation   (details) Prime ENG   7 KB / 26 KB
ScreenshotStatistics program, plotting fluctuations.
By Mickaël Nicotera. 2017-04-27

Forward Intersection   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
Calculates the third point on a triangle where the coordinates of points A (xa, xb) and B (xb, yb) are known. Also, a line towards P point is aimed from point A at angle α° and from point B at angle β°.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-02-11

Fraction Between Two Numbers   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 1 KB
Calculates the fraction with the minimum denominator between two given real numbers.
By Albert Chan. 2023-09-30

Fresnel Integrals   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 3 KB
Handles Fresnel integrals with the functions for S(x) and C(x).
By Salvo Micciché (salvomic). 2017-10-30

Fun with Primes   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2-4 KB
Small programs to calculate the sum of the first n prime numbers, the sum of the first n prime reciprocals, and the product of the first n prime reciprocals.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-02-11

Function Defined by Preset Conditions 1.3   (details) Prime ENG   20 KB / 7 KB
ScreenshotFinds for a function f(x) of n-th degree ( n= 3 or 4 ) given as f(x) =*x^n + b*x^(n-1) + c*x^(n-2) + … the numerical values of the unknown coefficients a, b, c, … owing to preset conditions. These conditions may be: a given point P(x|y) as part of the graph of the function f(x), extremum or tangent in x for f´(x), point of inflexion in x as f´´(x)=- ( f´´(x)<>0 also possible ) - or the integral I (x) =nInt( f(x), x_lower, x_upper) between two points. After calculation, the graph F1(X) of the function is plotted.
By Claus Martin Dachselt. 2018-08-18

Gauss Jordan Utilities   (details) Prime ENG   7 KB / 8 KB
Performs operations with Gaussian reduction (elimination), extending the tools that the Prime has already (LU, pivot, ref, RREF, etc.). Contains the following tools: Pivots (an algorithm to calculate pivots that does a "partial pivoting", returning a matrix with pivots in diagonal and upper matrix), LU_ext (an extension of the lu() command, to treat also a non square matrix and echelon forms), LDLt (performs a transposition of a symmetric and square matrix into lower, diagonal and upper), LDU (a factorization of lower, diagonal, and upper for a square matrix), echelon (returns both ref(m) and RREF(m), echelon forms), and permMatrix (given a list {} or a matrix [] with the number of rows to permute, it gives the matrix of permutation).
By Salvo Micciché (salvomic). 2015-08-20

Gauss-Jordan   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
Uses the Gauss-Jordan Elimination Method in a step-by-step fashion to reduce a matrix.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2016-08-03

Gauss-Kronrod Quadrature   (details) Prime ENG   5 KB / 10 KB
Integrates a user-defined function of the form y = f(x) using a 15-point Gauss-Kronrod method.
By C. Deagle, Jr.. 2023-05-28

GeomCalc   (details) Prime ENG   383 KB / 6 KB
ScreenshotThis app is part of a tutorial of making custom user apps for the HP Prime. Notes of how the app is made, as well as an app itself, are included in the zip file. GeomCalc has ten geometric calculations: five areas and five volumes. Requires at least firmware 13333.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-02-18

Gompertz Model   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
Fits the data {y_1, y_2, y_3, … , y_m } to the curve y = a*b^c^x, where x = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, … , m-1}. The program works best if the dimension (size) of the data set is divisible by 3. GOMPERTZ sorts the values into ascending order before calculation. The results returned is a 3 x 1 matrix of the parameters: a, b, and c. GOMPERTZ estimates a, b, and c and runs through one iteration to retrieve a better estimate, and may be modified by include additional iterations should the user desire.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2016-08-06

Gradian Toolbox   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
Provides conversion from radians or degrees to gradians and vice versa. There are also the three basic trigonometric functions and their inverse functions that work directly in gradians.
Author unknown. 2016-08-04

H2OWAVES   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
Calculates wave speed, impedance, and wave flux for shallow ocean waves.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-04-27

Hermite Interpolation   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
This performs Hermite Interpolation for the 2-known points case, when we have points (x0, y0, y’0) and (x1, y1, y’1) and we want to determine y for a given value of x. The approximation of y is determined by divided differences.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2016-08-04

HP-Prime CAS+ 0.0.6c   (details) Prime ENG ESP   215 KB / 10 KB
ScreenshotLibrary functions for the symbolic mode (CAS) of the Prime.
By Jaime Fernando Meza Meza (CompSystems). 2014-10-18

Hyperbolic CAS Transformations   (details) Prime ENG   6 KB / 14 KB
CAS transformations with expressions involving hyperbolic functions, mainly sinh (hyperbolic sine) and cosh (hyperbolic cosine).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-12-31

Imaginary Error Function   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Shows how to implement the imaginary error function, erfi() and a function called "erfw", or w(z) that handles every complex number, similar to the built-in error function, erf() and the complementary error function, erfc().
By Salvo Micciché (salvomic). 2017-11-02

Implicit Trapezoidal Integration Method for ODE   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 4 KB
Solves ordinary differential equations using the Implicit Trapezoidal Integration method.
By Namir Shammas. 2024-06-08

inMeter 2.0   (details) Prime ENG   6 KB / 26 KB
ScreenshotType in a numerical value and change the area units with various conversions with units that end with "meter". Inspired by Bernard Michaud's "Power of Ten Graphical".
By Roman Grasmik. 2020-06-06

Integer Ratios and Integer Density   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 4 KB
Calculates the ratio of integers to a range of integer that fit a criteria. The seven ratios that the program offers are the number of odd integers over the range of integers, the number of even integers over the range of integers, the number of integers equally divisible by N over the range of integers, the number of perfect squares over the range of integers, the number of integers that begin with digit N over the range of integers, the number of integers that are triangular numbers over the range of integers, and the number of integers that are relatively prime to N over the range of integers.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2023-05-14

Interpolacion 1.0   (details) Prime ESP   2 KB / 5 KB
ScreenshotDoes single and double interpolation.
By Alvaro De León Glz. 2017-02-10

Interpolator 1.0   (details) Prime ENG   360 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotHelps you interpolate or extrapolate values using the the equation of the line passing through two different points.
By Marco Antonio Rivera Villacorta. 2017-02-10

Interval Arithmetic   (details) Prime ENG   5 KB / 8 KB
Performs interval arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) with two intervals.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2023-05-14

Irregular Areas   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 30 KB
ScreenshotGiven X and Y coordinate points of a closed area, the irregular polygon Area and C.G. are calculated. As with all of the author's spreadsheets, the blue text cells are the data input cells and the red text cells are the calculated output cells.
By Jim B. Williams. 2020-01-16

Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel 1.2   (details) Prime ENG   243 KB / 5 KB
ScreenshotSolves linear systems using the Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel Iterative Techniques. It also calculates the spectral radius of the iteration matrix.
By Jhonatan Peretz. 2019-02-27

Jacobi Elliptic Function   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
Given Jacobi_fn(φ, m), where φ is the amplitude (φ=ASIN(x), where x is upper bound of Elliptic integral 1st kind expressed in other canonical form; the complete form has 0<=x<=1 or 0<=φ<=π/2); m=k^2 is the square of the eccentricity (0<=k<=1), this program returns a matrix where the first row present u (elliptic integral 1st kind in the sine integral –with φ– form), φ, m and the second row sn (amplitude sine), cn (amplitude cosine) and dn (delta amplitude).
By Salvo Micciché (salvomic). 2017-11-02

Jacobi Elliptic Functions   (details) Prime ENG   87 KB / 2 KB
Jacobian Elliptic Functions are a set of twelve functions denoted by XY(U, K) where X and Y stands of letters c, s, n, and d. This program works with three common Jacobi Elliptic Functions: Sine Amplitude: sn(u,k), Cosine Amplitude: cn(u,k), Delta Amplitude: dn(u,k).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2020-04-11

Jacobian   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotCAS program that calculates the Jacobian of a matrix. Also can evaluate it at a certain point.
By Salvo Micciché (salvomic) and Arno Kizina. 2018-04-09

Kinematics Functions for Robotics   (details) Prime ENG   5 KB / 8 KB
Some functions that can be pretty useful for someone studying Robotics, particularly Robot kinematics. Includes a tan inverse function that takes into account the quadrant, a function to return a 4x4 translation matrix x units in the x direction, y units in the y direction, and z units in the z direction, and a function to return a 4x4 rotation matrix for a body rotated by an angle "ang" about the axis "ax".
By Hamorabi. 2019-12-29

Lagrange Interpolation 1.1   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotReturns the interpolating Lagrange polynomial of minimum degree k for a set of points {x0, x1, …, xn}, {y0, y1, …, yn}, where 1 <= n-1 and n = 2, and depicts the plot of the function.
By Claus Martin Dachselt. 2018-05-22

Lambert W Function   (details) Prime ENG   17 KB / 2 KB
CAS program which uses fsolve to calculate the Lambert function.
By Steve Tuc. 2020-06-06

LambertW   (details) Prime ENG   5 KB / 3 KB
Approximates the Lambert W function, for all branches, using CAS code.
By Albert Chan. 2024-06-08

Last Digit Composite   (details) 38 Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Inserts symbolics in the Sequence App to produce the sequence of numbers having right-most digit composite. This is A262389.
By Gerald Hillier and Didier Lachieze. 2017-09-20

LCalculus 0.2   (details) Prime ENG   83 KB / 14 KB
Lambda Calculus expression evaluator based on the Spreadsheet app. Use the spreadsheet as a dictionary of lambda expressions, each named with an ID. Perform evaluations by specifying 2 or 3 IDs to be applied to each other. This version uses De Brujin indices instead of normal notation. The next version will use De Brujin indices behind-the-scenes. Various expressions are included. Church Numerals are recognized automatically. This version is also limited to performing applications with 2 or 3 terms; a future version will support free-form entry of terms (using ID, not lambda expressions) for evaluation.
By Brian L. O'Dell. 2014-10-18

Least Squares Regression 1.0   (details) Prime ENG   200 KB / 5 KB
ScreenshotAllows you to perform Polynomial Regression and Multiple Linear Regression using the Least Squares technique.
By Jhonatan Peretz. 2019-01-17

Line Integral and Curvilinear Integral   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 1 KB
Two little CAS programs to calculate line integral (vector functions) and curvilinear integral (scalar function). These programs work with 2 or 3 components (parametric expression: [r(t), r(t), r(t)] or [r(t), r(t)]).
By Salvo Micciché (salvomic). 2015-08-20

Linear Exponential Combination Fit   (details) Prime ENG   100 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotAttempts to fit bivariate data to the curve y = a + b * x + c * e^x. The LSQ (least square) function is used. The output is a list of three matrices.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2020-12-30

Linear Solver+   (details) Prime ENG   134 KB / 3 KB
Uses RREF to solve linear equations, supporting both real and complex numbers. It can also solve larger than 4x4, but the interface is less friendly for this since larger systems are used less frequently in electronics circuits, which this program was designed for.
By Bernard Michaud. 2016-08-04

Linear Solver+ App   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 13 KB
ScreenshotLinear solver app similar to the LSX program, in that it can also solve Complex Linear Equations in 2x2 and 3x3. Useful for those in the Electrical/Electronics field.
By Bernard Michaud. 2016-08-06

Lines and Circles Geometry   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 28 KB
ScreenshotIntersection and tangent points are determined for lines and circles. Also, circle center and radius are determined for three points. The row number for each type of problem is shown at the top of the spreadsheet. As with all of the author's spreadsheets, the blue text cells are the data input cells and the red text cells are the calculated output cells.
By Jim B. Williams. 2020-01-16

Locus Curve 1.1   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
Calculates from given set of functions the curve (s) through max and min points or through turning points.
By Arno Kizina. 2018-02-27

LSX Linear Solver   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 10 KB
Mimics the Linear Solver APP, however it can also solve Complex Linear Equations in 2x2 and 3x3. Useful for those in the Electrical/Electronics field.
By Bernard Michaud. 2016-08-06

Machine de Galton   (details) Prime ENG   1 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotA bean machine to demonstrate the central limit theorem.
By Mickaël Nicotera. 2013-12-22

Machine Epsilon   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
Calculates the machine epsilon, an upper bound on the relative approximation error due to rounding in floating point arithmetic.
By C. Deagle, Jr.. 2023-05-14

Magic Squares   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
Generates random 3 x 3 non-normal magic squares. The sum of each row, column, and diagonal are given. A magic square is a square of integers where each row, column, and diagonal have the same sum.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-10-22

MAT 1105 FNI 1.0   (details) Prime ESP   16 KB / 238 KB
ScreenshotNumeric math application with functions for bisection, fixed point, Newton-Raphson, and more.
By Rocha Caceres Santiago. 2016-08-02

Matrices Built from Shifted Elements   (details) Prime ENG   64 KB / 4 KB
ScreenshotPrograms to create an n by n matrix based on the elements of a given list. Each row has each of the elements rotated one element, either left (LSM) or right (RSM).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-03-11

Matrices: Adjoint and Cofactors   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
A little program to get the adjoint matrix and cofactor matrix of a given matrix.
By Salvo Micciché (salvomic). 2015-08-20

Maximum Probability - Incomplete Gamma Law   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotCalculates four calculation points and three parameters of A, γ, and β of the Incomplete Gamma Law: g(x) = 1 / (β^γ * gamma(γ)) * x^(γ - 1) * e^(x/β).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-08-29

Means API   (details) Prime ENG   9 KB / 22 KB
A collection of common means and other numerical list routines.
By Stephen Lewkowicz (G1CMZ). 2018-01-07

Means: Geometric, Weighted, Harmonic   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
A simple program to calculate some means, given lists of values. Calculates the geometric mean of {list1} (where all numbers in the list must be > 0), the weighted mean of {list1} with weights {wlist}, and the harmonic mean of {list1} (where all numbers must be > 0).
By Salvo Micciché (salvomic). 2017-12-28

Mersenne Twister   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 6 KB
An implementation of the Mersenne Twister, for random number generation.
By Keith Barkley. 2017-02-11

Métodos Numéricos H&WLabs 1.1   (details) Prime ESP   8 KB / 50 KB
ScreenshotSolves numeric methods. Uses the Newton-Raphson method, the fixed point method, the Newton bisection method, the secant method, and the false position method. Shows the intermediate steps and the final result.
By Hebert Poma Vidal. 2016-09-11

Minima and Maxima with Lagrange Multipliers   (details) Prime ENG   75 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotCalculates the minima and maxima of a function using Lagrange Multipliers.
By Hamorabi. 2019-12-31

Modified Bessel Functions of the 1st and 2nd Kind 1.0   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 4 KB
Implements two functions, I and K, for calculating the Modified Bessel Function of the First and Second Kind, respectively. These functions are useful in various areas of physics and engineering, particularly in the study of wave phenomena and heat transfer. The code uses a series expansion to approximate the functions with a given accuracy, controlled by the parameter "totalTerms".
Author unknown. 2023-05-07

Modified Newton's Method 1.1   (details) Prime ENG   245 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotCAS program that solves an equation using the Modified Newton-Raphson Iterative Technique.
By Jhonatan Peretz. 2019-04-22

Monty Hall Problem   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 4 KB
ScreenshotSimulates the famous Monty Hall program. You get to choose how many times the problem should run, the number of doors and if you want to change doors or not. It only shows the results (statistics) and you won't actually choose doors, or win a car or goats.
By Artur Donda. 2017-10-23

MPINVERT   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Also known as a pseudoinverse, calculates the Moore-Penrose inverse of a matrix, denoted by A^+ (capital A with a supersubscript of a plus sign), is an inverse of matrix. Different from the "true" matrix inverse, the Moore-Penrose inverse allows for non-square matrices. Primarily, the Moore-Penrose inverses are calculated is assist in solving linear least-square equations.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2015-08-20

Multi Command App   (details) Prime ENG   45 KB / 45 KB
ScreenshotDisplays all functions in the CAS/Rewrite menu with their results in a popup menu on the CAS main screen. Additionally, it displays expand, proot (in second menu only), collect, and lncollect functions and their results.
By V Volkan. 2018-10-13

Multinomial Coefficient   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 1 KB
Two versions of a program to calculate multinomial coefficients. The program accepts an integer for "n" (total of k) and a list with brackets {} for the list of the k (like {1,4,4,2}) and gives an integer that represents permutations in a multi set.
By Salvo Micciché (salvomic). 2015-08-20

Nelder Mead Optimization   (details) Prime ENG   5 KB / 8 KB
Uses the Nelder Mead method to optimize functions with the number of dimensions only limited by memory. Nelder Mead optimization is a type of simplex routine that uses only values of the function. It is very robust and no derivates are needed.
By Raimund Wildner. 2021-04-10

Newton Method for Nonlinear Systems 1.1   (details) Prime ENG   232 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotCAS program which solves nonlinear systems using the Newton Method. It also calculates the Jacobian matrix of the system of equations.
By Jhonatan Peretz. 2019-01-17

Newton Raphson 2.0   (details) Prime ESP   3 KB / 3-9 KB
ScreenshotNumeric methods by the Newton-Raphson method. Three version, for a direct result, a step-by-step result, and a version in a table similar to Excel.
By Florencio Quelca. 2018-04-09

Newton's Method   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 1 KB
Uses Newton's Method to compute the root of a function f(x) using linear approximations of f(x) via tangent lines.
By Han Duong (HPSolo). 2014-10-22

Newton's Method with Strings   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 2 KB
A version of Newton's method where you specify a string representing f(x), along with the initial guess for the root, and the tolerance value. Thus you can solve for different functions without having to hard code these functions in the PPL code. Also includes an enhanced version.
By Namir Shammas. 2018-01-07

Nice Integer Eigenvectors   (details) Prime ENG   6 KB / 10 KB
Gives you nice integer eigenvectors for 2x2 and 3x3 matrices rather than the normalized ones given by the EIGENVV program.
Author unknown. 2015-08-20

Nombres Premiers 1.1   (details) Prime FRA   29 KB / 12 KB
ScreenshotDetermines whether a number between 0 and 10E9 is prime. Gives the prime numbers before and after that number.
By Pierre Berly. 2019-03-11

Normal Law   (details) Prime FRA   1 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotStatistics program, where you enter the standard deviation and a guess.
By Mickaël Nicotera. 2017-04-27

Nullspace   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 4 KB
Calculates the nullspace of a matrix. The left nullspace can be calculated by taking the transpose of the matrix first.
By Hamorabi. 2019-12-29

Numeric Integration   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 6 KB
Uses a hybrid of CAS and Home-program to compute the integral of an input entered function, the borders and intervals to compute diverse numeric integrals. It can easily be extended to other formulas; the included ones are those the author sometimes needs to check hand-calculations made by his pupils.
By Arno Kizina. 2017-12-28

Numerical Integration 1.1   (details) Prime ENG   300 KB / 8 KB
ScreenshotApproximates the definite integral for a given function using the Newton-Cotes Formulas (Trapezoidal Rule, Simpson 1/3 Rule and Simpson 3/8 Rule) and Gauss-Legendre Quadrature.
By Jhonatan Peretz. 2019-04-09

Numerical Methods (Equations in One Variable) 1.0   (details) Prime ENG   426 KB / 10 KB
ScreenshotUses numeric methods to solve an equation in the form f(x) =. The iteration table is also shown. You can choose between five different numerical methods: Fixed-Point Method, Newton-Raphson Method, Secant Method, False-Position Method and Bisection Method.
By Jhonatan Peretz. 2019-08-23

OEIS A111138   (details) 49/50 38 Prime ENG   5 KB / 1 KB
Returns the Nth element of the series OEIS A111138.
By Gerald Hillier and John Keith. 2019-07-20

Orthogonal Matrix Test   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
Tests whether a square matrix is orthogonal, using the formula M * M^T = M^T * M = I.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-02-11

Parabolic Coordinates   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
Converts between parabolic coordinates (μ, v, ϕ) and rectangular coordinates (x, y, z).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-03-05

Parabolic Cylindrical Coordinates   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
Converts between parabolic cylindrical coordinates (μ, v, ϕ) and rectangular coordinates (x, y, z).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-03-05

Parabolic Interpolation Using 3 Points   (details) Prime ENG   568 KB / 10 KB
Quadratic interpolation program. When given three points, calculates x or y.
By Gene Shiomoto. 2023-05-14

PDQ Algorithm   (details) Prime ENG   8 KB / 2-5 KB
PDQ finds best rational approximations, with infinite precision. This means it finds the two smallest integers whose ratio is equal to some target real number plus or minus some desired tolerance. In other words, it finds the simplest fraction in any given interval. Unlike other methods, it always finds the unique best answer, and uses the infinite precision of CAS long integers.
By Joseph K. Horn. 2018-03-18

Perigee and Apogee of a Conic Section   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotDetermines three characteristics of a conic section: the eccentricity, perigee, and apogee, given the lengths of the semi-major axis (A) and the semi-minor axis (P).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-12-17

Perimeter of an Ellipse   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 1-2 KB
Uses a converging iteration technique ported from a QBASIC program by Gérard P. Michon to calculate the perimeter of an ellipse. Also includes a version using integration that is slightly more accurate.
By Joseph K. Horn and Wes Loewer. 2016-08-06

Permanent of Square Matrix   (details) Prime ENG   10 KB / 2-4 KB
Computes the permanent of a square matrix using CAS code. Includes two different variations.
By Albert Chan. 2024-06-08

PGCD étendu   (details) Prime FRA   1 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotExtended Euclidean algorithm program.
By Mickaël Nicotera. 2013-10-05

Pitch vs Angle   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotCalculates the pitch and angle of various roof heights. The pitch of a roof is the number of inches of vertical rise per 12 inches. For example: a roof of 3/12 is pitch is a roof that rises 3 inches for every 12 horizontal inches. This program demonstrates the angle computer given different roof pitches. You control the rise, anywhere for 0.5 ft to 12 ft. Use the up and down arrow keys to control the rise.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-02-11

Pixel Plot   (details) Prime ENG   107 KB / 4 KB
Program for changing Cartesian coordinates to pixels. When running programs on the HP Prime, the screen has a pixel coordinate system of 320 x 220 (to allow room for soft menu keys). There are two ways to calculate to translate Cartesian coordinates to pixel coordinates on the HP Prime. The easy way is to use the C→PX command. However, if you are working in custom made apps, C→PX may not work because the command requires that app has the Plot variables Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, and Ymax. This will require a conversion formula, provided by this program.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-02-18

Planes 1.2   (details) Prime ENG   57 KB / 14 KB
ScreenshotFrom the field of Vector Algebra, finds for two planes, plane and straight line or plane and point typical properties like distance, point or line of intersection, angle between two planes.
By Claus Martin Dachselt. 2018-05-22

Platonic Solids   (details) Prime ENG   5 KB / 3 KB
A set of routines to calculate the volume and surface area of the following solids: tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-02-11

Point, Curve, Tangent 1.2   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotGiven a point (xP|yP) outside a curve described by f(x), this CAS program finds one or more tangent(s) Ti(x) through (xP|yP) to the curve, the accompanying tangential point(s) (xT|yT) on f(x) and the normal line(s) Ni(x) in (xT|yT).
By Claus Martin Dachselt. 2018-04-09

Polynomial Homogeneous Test   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
A polynomial is homogeneous if all of the nonzero terms has the same degree. This CAS program tests a polynomial of four variables x, y, z, and t and their combinations (x*y, x*z, x*y*z, etc). If the polynomial in question is homogeneous, the program returns a 1 (for true), otherwise 0 is returned (for false).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2016-08-06

Polynomial Interpolation   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
A one-line program, to find an interpolated value using a polynomial interpolation function to a set of data points.
Author unknown. 2017-02-11

PolySolver   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 5 KB
ScreenshotSolves polynomials.
By Mickaël Nicotera. 2017-04-27

Power of Ten   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotVery simple program to convert Power of Ten units.
By Bernard Michaud. 2017-02-11

Power of Ten Graphical   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotModified version of Power of Ten, a simple program to convert Power of Ten units, but with a graphical interface after your data is entered.
By Bernard Michaud. 2017-12-17

Prime and Xcas Examples of Solver   (details) Prime ENG   187 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotExamples of the solver commands from Xcas for the Prime
By Jaime Fernando Meza Meza (CompSystems). 2017-07-24

Primitive Roots   (details) Prime ENG   7 KB / 6 KB
A set of three tools for dealing with primitive roots. One returns the smallest primitive root, one returns a list of all primitive roots, and one returns the next primitive root that is larger than the given value.
Author unknown. 2015-09-07

Program to Count Bits   (details) Prime ESP   3 KB / 3 KB
Counts bits in a binary word.
By DrEureka. 2023-05-14

PSSQ Algorithm   (details) Prime ENG   86 KB / 2 KB
The PSSQ Algorithm accepts a prime p congruent to 1 mod 4 and returns the pair [x,y] such that the equality p=2+y^2 is satisfied. There can only be one such pair and this algorithm finds it very quickly, processing a 45-digit prime in less than half a second. Based on the algorithm devised by Stan Wagon with improvements by John Brillhart.
By Jim Cullen. 2021-04-10

Py-41Get It   (details) Prime ENG   73 KB / 140 KB
ScreenshotEmulates the HP-41CX, with 320 memory registers, full XMEM (except with ED), Helios printer support, and partial timer support. Written in Python, requiring a recent firmware update.
By Olivier De Smet. 2021-05-23

Pythagorean Triangle Search   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotA Pythagorean triple is a trio of positive integers a, b, and c, that describe the lengths of a right triangle, where a and b are the lengths of the sides while c is the length of the hypotenuse. This program asks you for m and n and generates a Pythagorean triple. Make sure that m > n.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2020-09-30

Pythagorean Triples   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
Calculates a Pythagorean triple. A Pythagorean triple is a set of three positive integers A, B, and C that represent the lengths of a right triangle, with C being the hypotenuse. Hence, A^2 + B^2 = C^2.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-02-11

QPI 4.3   (details) Prime ENG   19 KB / 10 KB
HP Prime port of QPI 4.3 (originally for the HP 48 series). Approximates any floating point numbers by a rational number, square root, multiple of PI, exponential or a logarithm depending on which approximation seems best.
By Han Duong (HPSolo) and Mika Heiskanen. 2013-12-22

QTM   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Tools for working with quaternions in 2x2 matrix form.
By Eddie W. Shore and Salvo Micciché (salvomic). 2016-08-03

Quiz Multiplication 1.0   (details) Prime ENG   1 KB / 3 KB
Practice multiplication tables.
By Tomasz Stochmal. 2022-07-31

Rabbits vs Foxes   (details) Prime ENG   20 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotDetermines the population of rabbits and foxes over time as modeled by the differential equations dr/dt = 2 * r - α * r * f and df/dt = -f + α * r * f. Includes two versions, one which gives numerical results and one which plots the results.
By Eddie W. Shore and Mark Power. 2020-04-11

RandList_4in1 1.3   (details) Prime ENG   36 KB / 6 KB
ScreenshotGenerates a list of the requested number of random numbers with the numbers in the specified range. Has functions to also exclude specific numbers, include specific numbers, or generate only numbers from a given list.
By Xinyang He. 2024-06-02

Rational Binomial Coefficients   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
Calculates the rational binomial coefficient.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-01-17

Rational functions Polynomial expansion   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 5 KB
Does polynomial expansion of rational functions with partfrac and cpartfrac.
Author unknown. 2015-10-24

Repeating Decimals / Recurring Decimals 0.9   (details) Prime ENG   13 KB / 29 KB
Given an integer reciprocal, analyzes the decimal representation to identify the transient and repeating/recurring parts of the decimal.
By Stephen Lewkowicz (G1CMZ). 2018-02-18

RKPrime 1.0   (details) Prime ESP   1,072 KB / 100 KB
Solves a differential equation system (up to five dependent variables) using the 1st to 4th order Runge-Kutta methods. It´s perfect for the Chemical Reaction Engineering course and some Electrical Engineering applications.
By Yesid Eduardo Puerto. 2019-12-29

Roman   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Converts an integer to Roman number
By Lars Fredriksson. 2014-10-22

Rounding to the Nearest Reciprocal   (details) Prime ENG   14 KB / 2 KB
Rounds a number to the nearest 1/n. This function can come in handy in several applications, for example, when working with construction or measuring, when have to round results to the nearest eighth (1/8), inch (1/12) or sixteenth (1/16).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-12-06

RPN Keystroke Simulator 1.0   (details) Prime ENG   602 KB / 28 KB
ScreenshotOffers 47 equations for HP Prime's Solver App. Just run the eqlib program, select the category that you are interested in, and select the equation within that category and you are off and running. Categories include: Geometry (areas, volumes, surface areas), Finance (monthly loans, sales tax, break-even), Temperature Conversion (Fahrenheit to and from Celsius), Physics: Problems of Motion (linear distance, circular motion, pendulums, terminal & escape velocity), Sound (speed of sound, Doppler effect, loudness), Optics (Lens and Snell equations, spherical refraction), Electronics (2 resistors series and parallel, thermal noise, Ohm's Law), Astronomy (parallax, luminosity, Kepler's 3rd Law, time dilation), Great Circle Calculations, Angle of Incidence Calculations, Gases (Ideal and Boyle's Gas Laws, heat capacity, air density, isothermal expansion), and Fluids (depth pressure, fluid flow, Bernoulli's Equation).
By Eddie W. Shore. 2015-10-24

Runge Kutta 4th Order Method   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 1 KB
Two functions for solving differential equations using the Runge Kutta 4th Order, one that takes all five arguments as parameters and the other that uses an input box.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2015-08-23

Runge-Kutta 1.1   (details) Prime ESP   349 KB / 9 KB
ScreenshotFour CAS functions that solve ordinary differential (system of) equations using the following methods: Euler method, Heun Method (also known as Modified Euler method), third-order Runge-Kutta method and fourth-order Runge-Kutta method.
By Jhonatan Peretz. 2021-04-10

Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg RKF for One Equation   (details) Prime ENG   226 KB / 9 KB
Program written in Python (without using NumPy) for doing Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg RKF for one equation.
By Ioncubekh. 2023-05-14

Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg RKF for System of ODEs   (details) Prime ENG   227 KB / 14 KB
Program written in Python (without using NumPy) for doing Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg RKF for systems of ODEs.
By Ioncubekh. 2023-05-14

SAMPLE   (details) Prime ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
Generate a list of random integers from 1 to N using sample without replacement.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2013-10-05

Section 2.0   (details) Prime ENG   51 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotCalculates some geometric properties for figures made from rectangles, like W section or so.
By Rafael H. Padilla V.. 2014-10-19

Shammas Polynomial Curve Fitting   (details) Prime ENG   22 KB / 7-34 KB
A set of four programs for working with four classes of quasi-polynomials dubbed Shammas Polynomials, used for regression. They are the Shammas Polynomial, in the form Pn(x) = a0 + a1*x^p(1) + a2*x^p(2) + ... + an*x^p(n), the Quantum Shammas Polynomial, in the form of Qn(x) = c0 + c1*x^a(1) + c2*x^a(2) + ... + cn*x^a(n), the Symmetric Shammas Polynomial (which is an even-ordered polyterm), in the general form Pn(x) = bn/x^p(n) + ... + b1/x^p(1) + a0 + ... + + a2*x^p(1) + an*x^p(n), and the Symmetric Quantum Shammas Polynomial (which is an even-ordered polyterm), in the general form Pn(x) = cn/x^a(1) + ... + c1/a^a(n/2) + d0 + ... + + d1*x^a(n/2+1) + dn*x^a(n).
By Namir Shammas. 2024-06-08

Shewhart X-Bar Chart   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 3 KB
Given a matrix, XCHART generates five variables that describe the parameters of a Shewhart X-bar chart for quality control purposes. Two limits, upper and lower, are determined, set 3 deviations from the mean, set the boundaries in which a process can vary and still allow the process to be in control.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-08-26

Sieve of Eratosthenes   (details) Prime ENG   23 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotShows a miniature version of the famous Sieve of Eratosthenes. The Sieve of Eratosthenes is a Greek algorithm that determines prime numbers from 2 to N through eliminating multiplies.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-12-21

Simple Logistic Regression   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
Attempts to fit two lists of data (X, Y) to the equation y=1/(A+B*e^(-x)) by using the translation: X’ = e^-X and Y’ = 1/Y and performing linear regression analysis on X’ and Y’. This is good for all data except when y = 0.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-04-22

Simplex 1.0   (details) Prime ENG   692 KB / 15 KB
ScreenshotLinear programming by the Simplex 2 phase method.
Author unknown. 2017-02-16

Simplex 20.13   (details) Prime ENG   663 KB / 88 KB
ScreenshotSolves linear programs using the simplex method, providing a pure integer solution, or a mixed integer, continuous and binary solution. Lets you save and reload data, set target Z value, import data from spreadsheet, and use user definable variable names.
Author unknown. 2017-02-11

Simplex Algorithm   (details) Prime ENG   14 KB / 60 KB
An implementation of the simplex algorithm as developed in An Introduction to Linear Programming and Game Theory.
By Nikolaus Henderson (ftneek). 2024-06-08

Simplified Modulo Expressions   (details) Prime ENG   47 KB / 2 KB
Finds equivalent congruence for A ≡ B mod M. The user inputs B and M, A and equivalent congruence will be calculated.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-12-29

SIMPRULE   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotUsing Simpson's Rule, approximates the integral of f(X): ∫f(X)dX=h/2*(f(a)+2*Σf(x_E)+4*∑f(x_O)+f(b)) where a is the lower limit, b is the upper limit, n is the number of intervals and is even, h is (b–a)/n, x_E is a+h*I where I is from 1 to n-1 and I is even, and x_O is a+h*I where I is from 1 to n-1 and I is odd.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2016-08-06

Simulateur Probas   (details) Prime ENG FRA   158 KB / 5 KB
ScreenshotProbability simulator, letting you flip coins, roll a 6-sided die, spin a 4-numbered/colored spinner, take a colored ball out of an urn, deal 5 cards, or get random numbers.
By Mickaël Nicotera. 2018-02-25

Simultaneous Linear Equation Solver 1.0   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 14 KB
ScreenshotSimultaneous linear equation solver which solves 2x2 and 3x3 equations in Real and Complex mode. Mimics HP Linear Solve App, with Inputs and Outputs on the same screen. To return to Menu: Check Menu[] box and [Ok].
By Bernard Michaud. 2019-02-11

Singular Value Decomposition 14-FEB-2017   (details) Prime ENG   16 KB / 42 KB
Computes the singular value decomposition of a matrix. It additionally provides the commands diag2 (diagonal), pinv (pseudo-inverse), qrp (permutation/unitary/upper triangular), and lqp (permutation/unitary/lower triangular).
By Han Duong (HPSolo). 2020-04-11

Skeptic   (details) Prime ENG   15 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotA method for combining experimental results. The idea is this: if we "trust" the values and error bars reported by the various experimenters, the usual recipe for computing a weighted average and overall error bar is fine. But if the error bars are inflated or deflated (intentional or unintentional), the Bayesian approach allows for some "slop" in the error bars and finds optimal agreement between the experiments. For instance, if one experiment reports a value with small error bars that is quite different from other experiments, the usual weighted average calculation will be dominated by that "rogue" experiment. This does not happen with the Bayesian (SKEPTIC) recipe.
Author unknown. 2020-04-11

SLK (Straight Line Kit) 4.1b   (details) Prime ENG ESP   1,050 KB / 280 KB
ScreenshotHelps you to find the distance, the slope and the equation between two points, the perpendicular distance between a point and a straight line, collinearity of three points (the middle-point and the end-point coordinates), the equation of a straight line that goes through a point with a slope, transforms linear equations back and forth between standard and slope-intercept forms, generates the coordinate representation of a straight line, determines whether two straight lines are parallel or perpendicular, finds the (x) & (y) intercepts of a straight line, finds the intersection point of 2 straight lines, transforms a non-standard form equation into a standardized form of it, divide a segment into points or sub-segments, performs linear interpolation/extrapolation. Requires firmware 10077 or higher.
By Dante Camargo. 2018-09-09

Smith Chart Conversions   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
Calculates one of two sets of conversions: Return Loss (RL) to Standing Wave Ratio (SWR, in decibels): RL to ρ (reflection coefficient) to σ (voltage standing ratio) to SWR, and Standing Wave Ratio to Return Loss: SWR to σ to ρ to RL.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-12-28

Smith Chart with Gradients   (details) Prime ENG   10 KB / 27 KB
Modified version of Smith Chart that adds the ability to paint up to 3 parameters (any three) in RGB. Works, but very slow - 6-8 minutes to paint.
By Keith Barkley and others. 2017-12-28

Solve Systems of Non-Linear Equations   (details) Prime ENG   5 KB / 7 KB
ScreenshotSolves systems of non-linear equations. Equations are used in a form where the result should be zero. Nelder Mead Optimization is used to find a minimum of the sum of squared results. If the minimum is zero, the solution is found.
By Raimund Wildner. 2024-06-08

SolveSys 1.000Get It   (details) Prime ENG   537 KB / 252-301 KB
ScreenshotIntended to replicate and combine programs from the HP 48 series of calculators for organizing equations and launching an equation solver. This app attempts to allow users to build their own equations library. The user can then also launch a numerical solver. This app implements the Newton-Raphson algorithm for solving a system of equations. In order to handle ill-conditioned, over-determined, under-determined, rank-deficient (etc.) Jacobian matrices, the SVD is used to determine the pseudo-inverse of the Jacobian (the pseudo-inverse coincides with the regular inverse of a matrix for non-singular matrices). Includes a copy of the equation library from the HP 48/49 series to get you started, including all the graphics. Also includes a more accurate version that requires Singular Value Decomposition.
By Han Duong (HPSolo). 2017-04-15

Solving Integral Equations   (details) Prime ENG   50 KB / 2 KB
Solves the equation ∫( f(t) dt, 0, x) = a and ∫( f(t) dt, 0, x) - a = 0.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-08-29

Solving Quadratic Equations Step-By-Step   (details) Prime ESP   114 KB / 73 KB
ScreenshotSolves quadratic equations in a step-by-step fashion. Requires QPI.
By Jaime Fernando Meza Meza (CompSystems). 2017-02-11

Solving Systems of First-Order Differential Equations   (details) Prime ENG   11 KB / 32 KB
Demonstrates how to interact with an rkf78 subroutine which solves first-order systems of ordinary differential equations. This is an HPPL implementation of the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method of order 7 with an 8th order error estimate. This estimate is used to determine the variable step size required to satisfy a user-defined "convergence" criterion.
By C. Deagle, Jr.. 2023-05-14

Special Products   (details) Prime ENG   459 KB / 3 KB
A short program that uses the <Solve App> to Numerically solve Special Product equations. Includes comprehensive PDF documentation.
By Bernard Michaud. 2016-08-06

Spect 001   (details) Prime ENG   566 KB / 17 KB
ScreenshotPerforms symbolic time to frequency and frequency to time calculations: calculates for a given symbolic f(t) Fourier, Laplace and Z-transformation in symbolic form, draws the complex Laplace function together with the Fourier transformation slice as a 3D plot, and calculates for a given frequency transfer function the unity pulse, dirac pulse response and bode magnitude and phase in symbolic form. Includes PDF documentation.
By Frank P. 2019-07-20

Square Root Linear Regression   (details) Prime   2 KB / 2 KB
Attempts to fit data to the curve Y = √(A + B*X) using the linear transformation y^2 = a + b*x.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-07-17

Statistic Distributions   (details) Prime ENG   9 KB / 1-20 KB
Adds more statistic distributions, including logistic distribution, lognormal, exponential, geometric, hypergeometric and negative hypergeometric, negative binomial, Gompertz, Weibull and translated Weibull, Cauchy, beta, gamma, zeta, Laplace, uniform, multinomial, n-Erlang, Rayleigh, Pareto, Maxwell-Boltzmann, Gumbel, standard Gumbel, and Fréchet.
By Salvo Micciché (salvomic). 2016-08-03

Straight Lines 1.2   (details) Prime ENG   52 KB / 10 KB
ScreenshotFrom the field of Vector Algebra, finds for two straight lines L1 and L2 the distance between the lines, the points P1 and P2 of minimal distance on both lines, the intersection angle and checks, whether the lines are parallel, skew or have a common point of intersection. If the direction vector of L2 is entered as [0], the problem is handled as straight line L1 and point P. In this case the program finds the distance, the base point of perpendicular Pn, perpendicular vector P_ and the reflected point P0'.
By Claus Martin Dachselt. 2018-05-22

Suites   (details) Prime FRA   1 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotDoes calculations related to summations and series.
By Mickaël Nicotera. 2017-04-27

Sum of Two Squares   (details) Prime ENG   33 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotGiven a positive integer n, it can be possible to find two non-negative integers x and y such that n = x^2 + y^2. This program uses iterations to find all possible pairs which fit n = x^2 + y^2. Some integers do not have representations, others have more than one. The program will show all possible combinations.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-08-29

Surface and Flux Integrals   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 3 KB
Implementation of surface and flux integrals, returning the surface of the paraboloid.
By Arno Kizina. 2017-11-05

System of Two Linear Differential Equations 1.01   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 4 KB
ScreenshotFinds the solution to a system of two dífferential equations given as d(y1)/dx =*y1 + b*y2 + f(x) and d(y2)/dx =*y1 + d*y2 +g(x). For initial values x0, y1(x0), y2(x0) the constants of integration are calculated. A graph of both functions y1, y2 is provided.
By Claus Martin Dachselt. 2018-12-09

Tangent and Normal Line to a Curve Defined by f(x) 1.2   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotThis CAS program finds the normal (or perpendicular) line N(x) through a given point (xN,yN) to the curve of a given function f(x) and additionally computes the tangent in the common intersection point (xT,yT) of curve and N(x).
By Claus Martin Dachselt. 2018-04-09

Taylor Expansion with 2 Variables   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 3 KB
Function that returns the Taylor expansion of functions of two variables, because the Taylor function included in the Prime only works for single variable functions.
By Hamorabi. 2019-12-31

The Dormand–Prince Method for ODEs 2.0   (details) Prime ENG   8 KB / 5-10 KB
Two variations of an implementation of the Dormand–Prince method for ODEs. The Dormand–Prince method is more accurate than the Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg method and it is used by the MATLAB ode45 solver. The second version will alter the integration steps between a user-specified range of steps, given a range of min/max tolerance error values for y.
By Namir Shammas. 2024-06-08

The Two Train Problem   (details) Prime ENG   36 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotTwo trains are heading towards each other, on their own separate train track. Each train has going at their own speed (velocity). The trains start out a distance apart. This program calculates when and where the trains will cross over the same spot.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2018-03-01

Tora 1.3   (details) Prime ENG ESP   4,643 KB / 239 KB
ScreenshotSolves Linear Programming exercises with the simplex method (variants of Constraints ≤, Gran M, Two Phases, Dual Simplex) and the Graphic method.
By Carlos Navarro Cera. 2023-10-29

Trapezoid Midsegment, Height, Area   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotCalculates the midsegment, height, and area of a trapezoid.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-06-24

Trapezoid Rule Using Distinct Points   (details) Prime ENG   33 KB / 2 KB
Uses the Trapezoid Rule to estimate the area of any surface, given a list of measurements and the increment between the measurements.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2019-06-17

TRAPRULE   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotUsing the Trapezoidal Rule, approximates the integral of f(X): ∫f(X)dX=h/2*(f(a)+2*Σf(x_I)+f(b)), where a is the lower limit, b is the upper limit, n is the number of intervals, h is (b–a)/n, and x_I is a+h*I where I is from 1 to n-1.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2016-08-06

Triangle   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 21 KB
ScreenshotA simple spreadsheet to solve for three unknowns given three known. (3 Sides and 3 Angles) As with all of the author's spreadsheets, the blue text cells are the data input cells and the red text cells are the calculated output cells.
By Jim B. Williams. 2020-01-16

Triangle Solver   (details) Prime ENG   1,184 KB / 29 KB
ScreenshotTriangle solver that allows you to set the accuracy of the result, solve right triangles, solve any other triangles, calculate the length of a line using two coordinate points, and calculate the centroid of a triangle plus the three line lengths. Includes PDF documentation.
By Bernard Michaud. 2022-08-07

ULAM   (details) Prime ENG   1 KB / 1 KB
Uses Ulam's Conjecture to determine the number of steps it takes to reduce an integer N to 1.
By Eddie W. Shore. 2013-10-05

Unit Circle   (details) Prime ENG   1 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotDiagram of the unit circle for trigonometric math.
By Mickaël Nicotera. 2013-10-05

Vector Calculus Functions   (details) Prime ENG   5 KB / 8 KB
ScreenshotA collection of some of the most common Vector Calculus functions for rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates. Includes curl, div, Jacobian, Laplacian, unit normal, and more.
By Hamorabi. 2019-12-29

Vectors   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 5 KB
Performs vector calculations, adding and subtracting polar and Carstesian vectors (on 2 axis). Also has a graph preview.
By Raphaël Chatelain. 2021-01-17

Vertical Curve 1.01   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 6 KB
ScreenshotCreates a list with station and elevation information in L0. If a value between the VPC and VPT is entered in "Special Station", it returns data for that station only, if left at 0 the entire curve will be returned at the interval specified.
By C.D. Dodds. 2014-10-18

Very Simple Neural Network   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 4 KB
A very simple neural network. It is surprisingly slow (about 20s), even on a G2 Prime.
By Mark Power. 2019-12-29

Vunit 1.0   (details) Prime   1 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotProgram to get a unit vector from a vector with N elements.
By David González Gamboa. 2017-02-10

Wallis-Wasicki Pi Formula   (details) Prime ENG   5 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotUses the Wallis-Wasicki formula to calculate pi.
By Pinkman and Gerson Washiski Barbosa. 2020-07-05

Wilson Score   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotCalculates the Wilson Score interval, a good way for ranking things like popularity and skill of video game players, given the total number of trials and the number of "likes".
By Eddie W. Shore. 2017-08-25

Winsorising   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Winsorising or Winsorisation is the transformation of statistics by limiting extreme values in the statistical data to reduce the effect of possibly spurious outliers. This program Winsorises the data. Values must be already in Statistic 1var (D1 matrix). The program puts the resulting items in D2.
By Salvo Micciché (salvomic). 2016-08-04

Wronskian   (details) Prime ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Calculates the Wronskian of a matrix, producing the determinant or the Wronskian matrix.
By Salvo Micciché (salvomic). 2015-08-23

Z Std Maths 0.001   (details) Prime ENG   6 KB / 10 KB
Some standard mathematics routines, including base conversion, precision, and more.
By Stephen Lewkowicz (G1CMZ). 2017-02-11

Part of the HP Calculator Archive,
Copyright 1997-2024 Eric Rechlin.